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the cambridge companion to BERKELEY Each volume in this series of companions to major philoso- phers contains specially commissioned essays by an inter- national team of scholars, together with a substantial bibli- ography,andwillserveasareferenceworkforstudentsand nonspecialists.Oneaimoftheseriesistodispeltheintimi- dationsuchreadersoftenfeelwhenfacedwiththeworkofa difficultandchallengingthinker. George Berkeley is one of the greatest and most influential philosophersoftheearlymodernperiod.Indefendingtheim- materialismforwhichheismostfamous,heredirectedmod- ern thinking about the nature of objectivity and the mind’s capacity to come to terms with it. Along the way, he made strikingandinfluentialproposalsconcerningthepsychology of the senses, the workings of language, the aim of science, andthefoundationsofmathematics.InthisCompanionvol- ume, a team of distinguished authors examines not only Berkeley’s best-known achievements, but his writings on economicsanddevelopment,hisneglectedcontributionsto moral and political philosophy, and his defense of religious commitmentandreligiouslife.ThevolumeplacesBerkeley inthecontextofthemanysocialandintellectualtraditions– philosophical,scientific,ethical,andreligious–towhichhe fashionedadistinctiveresponse. other volumes in the series of cambridge companions: AQUINAS Editedbynorman kretzmannandeleonore stump HANNAH ARENDT Editedbydana villa ARISTOTLE Editedbyjonathan barnes AUGUSTINE Editedbyeleonore stumpand norman kretzmann BACON Editedbymarkku peltonen DESCARTES Editedbyjohn cottingham DUNS SCOTUS Editedbythomas williams EARLY GREEK PHILOSOPHY Editedbya. a. long FEMINISM IN PHILOSOPHY Editedbymiranda frickerand jennifer hornsby FOUCAULT Editedbygary gutting FREUD Editedbyjerome neu GADAMER Editedbyrobert j. dostal GALILEO Editedbypeter machamer GERMAN IDEALISM Editedbykarl ameriks HABERMAS Editedbystephen k. white HEGEL Editedbyfrederick beiser HEIDEGGER Editedbycharles guignon HOBBES Editedbytom sorell HUME Editedbydavid fate norton HUSSERL Editedbybarry smithand david woodruff smith WILLIAM JAMES Editedbyruth anna putnam KANT Editedbypaul guyer KIERKEGAARD Editedbyalastair hannayand gordon marino LEIBNIZ Editedbynicholas jolley LOCKE Editedbyvere chappell MALEBRANCHE Editedbysteven nadler MARX Editedbyterrell carver MILL Editedbyjohn skorupski NEWTON Editedbyi. bernard cohenand george e. smith NIETZSCHE Editedbybernd magnusand kathleen higgins OCKHAM Editedbypaul vincent spade PLATO Editedbyrichard kraut PLOTINUS Editedbylloyd p. gerson ROUSSEAU Editedbypatrick riley SARTRE Editedbychristina howells SCHOPENHAUER Editedbychristopher janaway SPINOZA Editedbydon garrett WITTGENSTEIN Editedbykans slugaand david stern The Cambridge Companion to BERKELEY Editedby Kenneth P. Winkler cambridge university press Cambridge,NewYork,Melbourne,Madrid,CapeTown,Singapore,Sa˜oPaulo CambridgeUniversityPress 40West20thStreet,NewYork,NY10011-4211,USA www.cambridge.org Informationonthistitle:www.cambridge.org/9780521450331 (cid:1)C CambridgeUniversityPress2005 Thispublicationisincopyright.Subjecttostatutoryexception andtotheprovisionsofrelevantcollectivelicensingagreements, noreproductionofanypartmaytakeplacewithout thewrittenpermissionofCambridgeUniversityPress. Firstpublished2005 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica AcatalogrecordforthispublicationisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData TheCambridgecompaniontoBerkeley/[editedby]KennethP.Winkler. p. cm.–(Cambridgecompanionstophilosophy) Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindexes. ISBN-13: 978-0-521-45033-1(hardback) ISBN-10: 0-521-45033-0(hardback) ISBN-13: 978-0-521-45657-9(pbk.) ISBN-10: 0-521-45657-6(pbk.) 1.Berkeley,George,1685–1753. I.Winkler,Kenneth,1950– II.Title. III.Series. B1348.C27 2005 192–dc22 2005012007 ISBN-13 978-0-521-45033-1hardback ISBN-10 0-521-45033-0hardback ISBN-13 978-0-521-45657-9paperback ISBN-10 0-521-45657-6paperback CambridgeUniversityPresshasnoresponsibilityfor thepersistenceoraccuracyofURLsforexternalor third-partyInternetWebsitesreferredtointhispublication anddoesnotguaranteethatanycontentonsuch Websitesis,orwillremain,accurateorappropriate. contents List of figures pagevii Contributors ix Note on references xiii Introduction 1 kenneth p. winkler 1 Berkeley’s life and works 13 david berman 2 Was Berkeley an empiricist or a rationalist? 34 michael ayers 3 Berkeley’s notebooks 63 robert mckim 4 Berkeley’s theory of vision and its reception 94 margaret atherton 5 Berkeley and the doctrine of signs 125 kenneth p. winkler 6 Berkeley’s argument for immaterialism 166 a. c. grayling 7 Berkeley on minds and agency 190 phillip d. cummins 8 Berkeley’s natural philosophy and philosophy of science 230 lisa downing v vi Contents 9 Berkeley’s philosophy of mathematics 266 douglas m. jesseph 10 Berkeley’s moral and political philosophy 311 stephen darwall 11 Berkeley’s economic writings 339 patrick kelly 12 Berkeley on religion 369 stephen r. l. clark Appendix: Berkeley’s verses on America 405 Bibliography 407 Index of passages discussed or cited 435 Index of names and subjects 446 list of figures Fig.1. Approximatingthecirclewithisoscelestriangles 275 Fig.2. L’Hoˆpital’sdoctrineofdifferences,adaptedfrom Analysedesinfinimentspetits 292 Fig.3. Newton’sdoctrineoffluxions 295 Fig.4. Primeandultimateratios,adaptedfromNewton’s QuadratureofCurves 297 vii contributors margaret atherton isProfessorofPhilosophyattheUniversity ofWisconsin,Milwaukee.SheistheauthorofBerkeley’sRevolution inVision(1990)andeditorofTheEmpiricists(1999),acollectionof recent essays on Locke, Berkeley, and Hume, and Women Philoso- phers of the Early Modern Period (1994), an anthology of primary sources. michael ayers is Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus, at Oxford University and a Fellow of Wadham College. He is the author of Locke: Epistemology and Ontology (two volumes, 1991) and edi- tor,withDanielGarber,ofTheCambridgeHistoryofSeventeenth- CenturyPhilosophy(twovolumes,1998).HiscollectionofBerkeley’s PhilosophicalWorks,includingtheWorksonVision,wasrevisedand updatedin1993.HeisaFellowoftheBritishAcademy. david berman is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Fellow at Trinity College, Dublin. His books include Berkeley: Experimental Philosophy (1997), George Berkeley: Idealism and the Man (1994), andAHistoryofAtheisminBritain(1988). stephen r. l. clark is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Liverpool. Among his many books are Biology and Christian Ethics(2000),God,ReligionandReality(1998),TheMoralStatusof Animals (1977), and Aristotle’s Man: Speculations on Aristotelian Anthropology(1975).Histhree-volumeworkLimitsandRenewals, examiningstates,selves,andtheworldfromatraditionalChristian perspective, includes Civil Peace and Sacred Order (1989), A Parliament of Souls (1990), and God’s World and the Great Awak- ening(1991).HeiscurrentlyworkingonPlotinus. ix x Contributors phillip d. cummins is Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus, at the University of Iowa. His many influential articles include studies of Bayle, Berkeley, Hume, Reid, and Kant. He is editor, with Guenter Zoeller, of Minds, Ideas, and Objects: Essays on the Theory of RepresentationinModernPhilosophy(1992). stephen darwall is John Dewey Collegiate Professor of Philoso- phy at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and a Fellow of the AmericanAcademyofArtsandSciences.HeistheauthorofWelfare and Rational Care (2002), Philosophical Ethics (1998), The British MoralistsandtheInternal‘Ought,’1640–1740(1995),andImpartial Reason(1983). lisa downing is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the Uni- versity of Illinois at Chicago. She has published studies of Boyle, Locke, and Berkeley, and is at work on a book entitled Empiri- cismandNewtonianism:Locke,Berkeley,andtheDeclineofStrict Mechanism. a. c. grayling is Reader in Philosophy at Birkbeck College, Uni- versityofLondon,andSupernumeraryFellowofSt.Anne’sCollege, Oxford. He is the author of Berkeley: The Central Arguments (1986). Among his recent books are The Reason of Things (2002), Wittgenstein:AVeryShortIntroduction(2001),MoralValues(1998), andAnIntroductiontoPhilosophicalLogic(thirdedition,1997).His weeklycolumnsforTheGuardianhavebeencollectedintworecent volumes,Life,Sex,andIdeas:TheGoodLifewithoutGod(2003)and MeditationsfortheHumanist:EthicsforaSeculiarAge(2002). douglas m. jesseph is Professor of Philosophy at North Carolina StateUniversity.HeistheauthorofBerkeley’sPhilosophyofMathe- matics(1993)andeditorofBerkeley’s“DeMotu”and“TheAnalyst”: AModernEdition,withIntroductionandCommentary(1992).His mostrecentbookisSquaringtheCircle:TheWarbetweenHobbes andWallis(2000). patrickkellyrecentlyretiredasSeniorLecturerinModernHistory at Trinity College, Dublin, where he also served as Dean of the FacultyofArts.Hehaspublishedwidelyonthehistoryofeconomics and economic thinking in early modern Ireland. His two-volume Contributors xi edition of Locke’s economic writings, Locke on Money, in the ClarendonEditionoftheWorksofJohnLocke,appearedin1991. robert mckim is Professor of Religious Studies and of Philosophy attheUniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaign.Hehaspublished manyarticlesonBerkeley.HeistheauthorofReligiousAmbiguity andReligiousDiversity(2001)andeditor,withJeffMcMahan,ofThe MoralityofNationalism(1997),acollectionofessays. kenneth p. winkler is Class of 1919 Professor of Philosophy at Wellesley College. His books include Berkeley: An Interpretation (1989) and an abridgment of Locke’s Essay concerning Human Un- derstanding(1996).From2000to2005hewaseditor,withElizabeth Radcliffe,ofthejournalHumeStudies.

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