The (alculus of Variations Bruce van Brunt Universitext Editorial Board lNo4h Americal: S. Axler F.W . Gehring K.A. Ribet S P rin :er Ncw Fork Berlin Heidelberg Hong Kong London Milan Paris Tokyo This page intentionally Jc# blank . Bruce van Brunt T he C alculus of V ariations With 24 Figures . ' S P ri n ger T#4* Bruce van Brunt lnstitute of Fundamental Sciences Palmerston Nort.h Campus Private Bag 11222 Massey University Palmerston Nort.h 5301 New Zealand [email protected] Editorial Board tA%rf/z Americal: S. Axler F.W. Gehring Mathematics Departgnent Mathematics Department San Francisco State University East Hall San Francisco, CA 94132 University of Michigan USA Ann Arbor, M1 48109-1109 axler@ USA [email protected] K.A. Ribet Mathematics Departgnent University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720-3840 USA [email protected] Mathematics Subject Classification (2000)2 34Bxx, 49-0 1, 70Hxx Library of Congress Cataloging-in-publication Data van Brunt, B. (Bmce) The calculus of variations / Bmce van Bmnt. p. cm. - (Universitext) lncludes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-387-40247-0 (m . paper) 1 . Calculus of variations. 1. Title. QA3 15 .V35 2003 5 1 5'.64--(1c2 1 200305066 1 ISBN 0-387-40247-0 Printed on acid-free paper. (C) 2004 Springer-verlag New York lnc. A11 rights resenred. This work may not be tmnslated or copied in whole or in patt without the written permission of the publisher (Springer-verlag New York lnc. 175 Fifth Avenue New York NY 100 10 LJS A) except for b def exceqpts in c o n necdo n with reviews or sc holarly an Zysis. tlse in c o n necd o n with any form of information storage and retrieval electronic adaptation computer software or by sirnilar or dissirnilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden. The use in this publication of trade names trademarks service marks and similar terms even if they are not identified as such is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to pro p dd ary dg hts. P dnted in the tlnited States of Amedc a. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 SPll( 1 0 9 34 54 8 Typesettingz Pages created by the author in I,A7lkx 2e using Springer' s svmono rls macro. www.springer-nyrom Springer-verlag New York Berlin Heidelberg A member of Bertelsnumnvbpringer Science-vBusiness JIJéWD GmbH To xzl'/zsào, Anastasia, and xzl/oztzsàtft:r This page intentionally Jc# blank . Preface The calculus of variations has a long history of interaction with other branches of mathematics such as geometry and differential equations, and with physics, particularly mechanics. More recently, the calculus of variations has found applications in other fields such as economics and electrical engineering. Much of the mathematics underlying control theory, for instance, can be regarded as part of the calculus of variations. This book is an introduction to the calculus of variations for mathemati- cians and scientists. The reader interested primarily in mathematics will find results of interest in geometry and differential equations. 1 have paused at times to develop the proofs of some of these results, and discuss briefly var- ious topics not normally found in an introductory book on this subject such as the existence and uniqueness of solutions to boundary-value problems, the inverse problem, and Morse theory. 1 have made ttpassive use'' of f-unctional analysis (in particular normed vector spaces) to place certain results in con- text and reassure the mathematician that a suitable framework is available for a more rigorous study. For the reader interested mainly in techniques and applications of the calculus of variations, 1 leavened the book with numer- ous examples mostly from physics. ln addition, topics such as Hamilton's Principle, eigenvalue approximations, conservation laws, and nonholonomic constraints in mechanics are discussed. More importantly, the book is written on two levels. The technical details for many of the results can be skipped on the initial reading. The student can thus learn the main results in each chapter and return as needed to the proofs for a deeper understanding. Sev- eral key results in this subject have tractable analogues in finite-dimensional optimization. W here possible, the theory is motivated by first reviewing the theory for finite-dimensional problems. The book can be used for a one-semester course, a shorter course, or in- dependent study. The final chapter on the second variation has been written with these options in mind, so that the student can proceed directly from Chapter 3 to this topic. Throughout the book, asterisks have been used to flag material that is not central to a first course. The target audience for this book is advanced undergraduate beginning graduate students in mathematics, physics, or engineering. The student is as- sumed to have some familiarity with linear ordinary differential equations, multivariable calculus, and elementary real analysis. Some of the more theo- retical material from these topics that is used throughout the book such as the implicit f-unction theorem and Picard's theorem for differential equations has been collected in Appendix A for the convenience of the reader. Like many textbooks in mathematics, this book can trace its origins back to a set of lecture notes. The transformation from lecture notes to textbook, however, is nontrivial, and one is faced with myriad choices that, in part, re- flect one's own interests and experiences teaching the subject. While writing this book 1 kept in mind three quotes spanning a few generations of mathe- maticians. The first is from the introduction to a volume of Spivak's multi- volume treatise on differential geometry (641 : 1 feel somewhat like a man who has tried to cleanse the Augean stables with a Johnnplklop. lt is tempting, when writing a textbook, to give some modicum of complete- ness. W hen faced with the enormity of literature on this subject, however, the task proves daunting, and it soon becomes clear that there is just too much material for a single volume. ln the end, 1 could not face picking up the Johnny-lklop, and my solution to this dilemma was to be savage with my choice of topics. Keeping in mind that the goal is to produce a book that should serve as a text for a one-semester introductory course, there were many painful omissions. Firstly, 1 have tried to steer a reasonably consistent path by keeping the focus on the simplest type problems that illustrate a particular aspect of the theory. Secondly, 1 have opted in most cases for the ttno frills'' version of results if the ttf-ull feature'' version would take us too far afield, or require a substantially more sophisticated mathematical back- ground. Topics such as piecewise s11100th extremals, fields of extremals, and numerical methods arguably belong in any introductory account. Nonethe- less, 1 have omitted these topics in favour of other topics, such as a solution method for the Hamilton-lacobi equation and Noether's theorem, that are accessible to the general mathematically literate undergraduate student but often postponed to a second course in the subject. The second quote comes from the introduction to Titchmarsh's book on eigenf-unction expansions (701 : 1 believe in the future of tmathematics for physicists', but it seems desirable that a writer on this subject should understand 130th physics as well as mathematics. The words of Titchmarsh remind me that, although 1 am a mathematician interested in the applications of mathematics, 1 am not a physicist, and it is best to leave detailed accounts of physical models in the hands of experts. This is not to say that the material presented here lies in some vacuum of pure mathematics, where we merely acknowledge that the material has found some applications. lndeed, the book is written with a definite slant towards ttapplied mathematics,'' but it focuses on no particular field of applied mathematics in any depth. Often it is the application not the mathematics that perplexes the student, and a study in depth of any particular field would require either the student to have the necessary prerequisites or the author to develop the subject. The former case restricts the potential audience', the latter case shifts away from the main topic. ln any event, 1 have not tried to write a book on the calculus of variations with a particular emphasis on one of its many fields of applications. There are many splendid books that merge the calculus of variations with particular applications such as classical mechanics or control theory. Such texts can be read with profit in conjunction with this book. The third quote comes from G.H. Hardy, who made the following comment about A.R. Forsyth's 656-page treatise (271 on the calculus of variations :1 ln this enormous volume, the author never succeeds in proving that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Hardy did not mince words when it came to mathematics. The prospective author of any text on the calculus of variations should bear in mind that, although there are many mathematical avenues to explore and endless minu- tia? to discuss, certain basic questions that can be answered by the calculus of variations in an elementary text should be answered. There are certain problems such as geodesics in the plane and the catenary that can be solved within our self-imposed regime of elementary theory. 1 do not hesitate to use these simple problems as examples. At the same time, 1 also hope to give the reader a glimpse of the power and elegance of a subject that has fascinated mathematicians for centuries. 1 wish to acknowlege the help of my former students, whose input shaped the final form of this book. 1 wish also to thank Fiona Davies for helping me with the figures. Finally, 1 would like to acknowledge the help of my colleagues at the lnstitute of Fundamental Sciences, M assey University. The earlier drafts of many chapters were written while travelling on vari- ous mountaineering expeditions throughout the South lsland of New Zealand. The hospitality of Clive Marsh and Heather North is gratef-ully acknowledged along with that of Andy Backhouse and Zoe Hart. 1 should also like to ac- knowledge the New Zealand Alpine Club, in whose huts 1 wrote many early (and later) drafts during periods of bad weather. ln particular, 1 would like to thank Graham and Eileen Jackson of Unwin Hut for providing a second home conducive to writing (and climbing). Fox Glacier, New Zealand Bruce van Brunt February 2003 1 F Smithies reported this comment in an unpublished talk, ttl-lardy as 1 Knew . Him,'' given to the Bvitislt Society Jtpr f/zc Histovy 6,/ Matltematics 19 December 1990.