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References References for Sacred Cacti & Cactus Alkaloids Echinocereus coccineus (Val Verde Co., Texas) 251 The Cactus Alkaloids Aztekium ritteri (HBG) 252 References References for Sacred Cacti Fourth Edition 154. “Production of cross-tolerance to psychosis-producing doses of lysergic acid diethylamide and psilocybin.” (H.A. Part A: The mescaline containing species Abramson, A. Rolo, B. Sklarofsky & J. Stache) Part B: San Pedro & related Trichocereus species Abramson, Harold A. (1960) Journal of Psychology, 49: 57–65, Part C: Cactus Chemistry “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25): XXX. The Question- Section 1: Cactus Alkaloids aire Technique with Notes on its Use.” Achari et al. (1980) Planta Med. Suppl. 5–7 Section 2: Cactus Chemistry: By Species Achiwa (1977) Heterocycles, 8: 247 Ackermann, D. et al. 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Revised and expanded by the staff of the L.H. Myron Kimnach in a 1957 review. “The work will probably Bailey Hortorium, Cornell University. Macmillan Publishing always be regarded as a curiosity of botanical literature, for Co, 1976. 1290 pages. here the customary low quality of Backeberg’s work sinks to a Bain (1955) is unpublished laboratory results; cited in Bain grotesque level. Indeed, it could well be used as a classroom 1957. example of what the conscientious taxonomist should avoid in Bain, James A. (1957) Annals of the New York Academy of Sci- his own work.” Among Kimnach’s criticisms was questioning ence, 66 (3): 459–467. “A Review of the Biochemical Effects its ethics of being released as a means of enabling Rauh to In Vitro of Certain Psychotomimetic Agents.” scoop Johnson, Ritter & Aker’s newly discovered species Baird-Lambert & Cohen (1975) J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 27: that Backeberg knew were in the process of being prepared 958–961. “Effects of several catecholamine-derived tetra- for publication, accompanied by shoddy and inadequate hydroisoquinolines on the hypogastric nerve-vas deferens descriptions including many minor variants being described preparation of the rat.” as new species. Backberg’s sputtering defense, in a letter to Balabanova, S. et al. (1992) Naturwissenschaften, 79: 358. Cyril Parr, included the wonderful comment “I must require “First Identification of Drugs in Egyptian Mummies.” (S. that my special and unusual method is consented”.] Balabanova, F. Parsche & W. Pirsig) Backeberg, Curt (1957) Monatsschrift der Deutschen Ka- Balen, B. et al. 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Fungal en- Block, Wolfram (1953a) Hoppe-Seyler’s Zeitschrift für physiol- dophytes from cactus Cereus jamacaru in Brazilian tropical ogische Chemie, 294: 1–12. “In-vitro-Versuche zum Einbau dry forest: a first study.” (Jadson D. P. Bezerra, Marília G. von 14C-Mescalin und 14C-β-phenyl-äthylamin in Proteine. I. S. Santos, Renan N. Barbosa, Virgínia M. Svedese, Débora Mitteilung. Der enzymatische Vorgang.” M. M. Lima, Maria José S. Fernandes, Bruno S. Gomes, Block, Wolfram (1953b) Hoppe-Seyler’s Zeitschrift für physiol- Laura M. Paiva, Jarcilene S. Almeida-Cortez & Cristina M. ogische Chemie, 294: 49–56. “In-vitro-Versuche zum Einbau Souza-Motta) von 14C-Mescalin und 14C-β-phenyl-äthylamin in Proteine. II. Bianchi, Antonio (1991) Annali dei Musei Civici-Rovereto, 6: Mitteilung. Einflüss der Aminooxydase.” 147–152. “Psicofisiologia dei rituali allucinatori dello scia- Block, Wolfram (1953c) Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 8b: 8 : manesimo nord-peruviano.” Discusses the role of the ritual 440–444. Zur Physiologie des 14C-radioactiven Mescalins in context in producing a religious experience. Tierversuch, IV. Vergleichende Untersuchungen mit 14C-Mes- Bianchi, Antonio & Giorgio Samorini (1993) “Plants in Associ- caline und 14C-β-Phenyl-äthylamine.” ation with Ayahuasca.” pp. 21–42 in Christian Rätsch & John Block, Wolfram (1954a) Hoppe-Seyler’s Zeitschrift für physiol- R. Baker (eds.) Jahrbuch für Ethnomedicine and the Study of ogische Chemie, 296: 1–10. “In-vitro-Versuche zum Einbau Consciousness. Issue 2. [Epiphyllum] von 14C-Mescalin und 14C-β-phenyl-äthylamin in Proteine. Bianchi, Antonio & Mario Polia (1991) Integration: Zeitschrift III. Mitteilung.” fur Geistbewegende Pflanzen und Kultur, 1: 65–70. “Ethno- Block, Wolfram (1954b) Hoppe-Seyler’s Zeitschrift für phys- logical evidence and cultural patterns of use of Trichocereus iologische Chemie, 296: 108–121. “In-vitro-Versuche zum pachanoi Britton & Rose among Peruvian curanderos.” Einbau von 14C-Mescalin und 14C-β-phenyl-äthylamin in Published in Italian (1990) Annali dei Musei Civici-Roverto, Proteine. IV. Mitteilung. Einbau versuche in Zellkerne, Mi- 6: 139–146. “Dati etnofarmacologici e modelli culturali tochondrien, Mikrosomen und Cytoplasma.” dell’uso del Trichocereus pachanoi BrittOn & rOSe tra I Block, Wolfram (1958) “Pharmacological aspects of mesca- curanderos peruviani.” line.” pp. 108–119 in M. Rinkel & H.C.B. Denber (eds.) Biel, J.H. et al. (1954) Journal of the American Chemical Chemical Aspects of Psychosis NewYork: McDowell. Society, 76: 3149–3153. “Bronchodilators, N-substituted Block, Wolfram & Katharina Block (1952)a Angewandte Che- derivatives of 1-(3’,4’-dihydroxyphenyI)- 2-aminoethanol mie 64 (6): 166–167. “Tierversuche mit 14C-radioaktivem (Artenerol).” (J.H. Biel, E.G. Schwarz, E. P. Sprengeler, H.A. Mescaline und sein Einbau in das Eiweiß der Leber.” Leiser & H.L. Friedman) Block, Wolfram & Katharina Block (1952)b Berichte der Bigdeli, M.G. & M.A. Collins (1975) Biochem. Med. 12: 55–65. Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft, 85: 1009–1012. “Syn- “Tissue catecholamines and potential tetrahydroisoquinoline these von 14C-radioaktivem Mescalin.” alkaloid metabolites: A gas chromatographic assay method Block, Wolfram & Katharina Block (1952)c Congrès Interna- with electron capture detection.” tional de Biochimie, Résumés de Communications, 2nd, Paris, Bird, H.L., Jr. (1974) PhD dissertation; University of July 21-27 1952. p. 429. “La distribution de la méscaline Arizona at Tucson. “Sterols and Fatty Acids of Organ Pipe marquée (14C-radioactif) dans l’organisme animal et son Cactus (Lemaireocereus thurberii).” [From GiBSOn & HOraK; association avec les protéines du foie.” [CA (1954) 48: 8966d- also KircHer & Bird 1982] e.] [“The distribution of mescaline (labeled with radioactive Bisset, N.G. (1985) Agricultural University Wageningen Pa- carbon14 ) in the animal organism and its association with the pers, 85 Number 3: 115–122. “Uses of Voacanga species.” proteins of the liver.”] [Should be written 14carbon] [From deSmet 1996] Block, Wolfram et al. (1952)a Hoppe-Seyler’s Zeitschrift für Björnstad, K. et al. (2008) Journal of Analytical Toxicology, physiologische Chemie, 290: 160–168. “Zur physiologie des 32 (4): 227–231. “Development and Clinical Application of 14C-radioaktiven Mescalins im Tierversuche. I. Mitteilung. an LC-MS-MS Method for Mescaline in Urine” (Kristian Fermentsuche und Ausscheidungsproduckte.” (Wolfram 260

Kaktus – A B C. en Haandbog for Fagvolk og Amatoerer. Gyldendalske the Saguaro Cactus (Carnegiea Gigantea (ENGELM.) BRITT. & ROSE).”.
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