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Preview The C4 Newsletter, Winter 2005, vol. 13, no. 4

THE C4 NEWSLETTER Colontal Cotn Collectors Club Is Dublin Burning? ‘Winter 2005 ‘Volume 13, Number 4 cams ca Since 1935, the name Stack’ hasbeen linked to building grese collections of ‘oil cons Todays collectors take pie in owning colonials pdigiced co such great collections as Oschaner, Heaberg, Groves, Pa, Rison, Elasbeng, Spiro, an Picker, ro name jst afew. We helped build each one of ‘hem Stack’ can help you bul your own cllection of ealonias, be they ‘eins oe medal ‘We maintain a compechensive stock of clonal coin and medals. Nec « ‘ype, ora paricular varity? Call our ret ses department, Stack ca help you find what yo'e looking for. We ean help you upgrade, wel even take our dopiare in rade rowards the price of your new purchaee. “Thinking of sling your cons? We're always interested in buying clonal “Thinking sbou an action for your coins Stac’s has conde more ate tion of colonials than allo compos, combined, ever hav un ive us 3 ‘all well be glad ro elp with your plans Stacks has the especie in colonials. Sack’ esearch ibeary ithe bese in the coin business, Seach’ chencle isthe ins inthe hobby. Were hee ro help. Jose pot co che ee @ Sica The C4 Newsletter Votume 13 Number 4 A quarterly publiculion uf The Colonial Coin Collectors Club, Inc, ‘Webralines N PS Presiden Ray Willams ‘ip pmegiagtonlinen Wieeptes. vid sn bed Paste Uso Sere emershan mete, bios choad stadt he se ta Meer “Mowe ar teases fan tive, Dues are S20rogular incang Patt ‘ag ef Neer), S71 fo jer members “ao 7. SH fir Le uti tar our pups 81 Winter, 2005 C4 Reyional Vice Presiden Region 1 New land coc. Camu Martine) Tha Shale Reon (NV. PA, MD, DR. DC} Dr. David Mince Region 3 (Va, WW, NC, SC, GA, FL, AL, SMS, LA EN. AR, PY Sis Sop splsisdtivsn ol Region 4 (CHT.TS. TE, MI, WE RY, TAN. SD, MN. MU RE Ona nie Region 5 (OK. TX. NM. AZ. [D, WY. CO, MT,UIT. SV. Meno) Region AACA, ID Tw ads eyo 7 (OR AEA. BE, AK) Bel eh 4 Newstester Shas F- Mavi, Tesinieal Edita: nw nas@evencast Stiuewe Sher: Roge Sool: maseieateu an ete atm be mem ene to Sit nase, Roger mets the ters: tenn af mart 4 Libeavian Ten Shane, Leo, j shaneithounail.com PER OHONOSIF OARS ATS ED OH OHOHD HEED TABLE OF CONTENTS Tite Page Prosieurs Messi iy Wiis) 4 Theat letlngs Roger Sib ‘ Higleys Suck io Couoeccut “Te Anat of Goin Caleta Par t= Reems Yn errs Vis Fo Collecone 8 CH Lil's Nowe Hae Stans Libvaian) 2 (4 Comvetion of 2009 b Trice Reid. 4 Auctiva hawt sas s Winter, 2008 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Ray Williams, Presidents Happy New Yeu! Although thisis the oficial “WINTER, 205" saul of the CA Newesenter, i ie etunlly gong ta print ia Fsmuary "06, As gooil xg 2005 was nurnismatially, Texpect 2016 to be even better! The Ford Sales are soctinuing, these will be & strong colenin! presence at the RAC Conentina in several months, Tuaderstand tnat e ANS inia the planning process lor a COAC. this year, C4 elections ane here again, the C4 Comvention aad C4 ‘Auction, ast co name afew. Lat me elahcrate a Title, Only those new ta the hobby sre unaware of the omoing Ford Sales hy Stack’s nu NY. Not only are these uuctizns wwondesfil opportuaties to obtain some of the finest kaos, ‘olonial eons, bul dhe catalogs ave packed with information that ‘wil remaia the most current ceference for decades! {F you don't havea complete se, start looking for eupies nos. Michael Hodder hias den the cataloging for these sales, sud I dew believe anyone else in his protession could have come close to is performance, ‘The EAC. Conveetion is being old in West Palm Beach thi yar Maye -7. VIG will he hnicling their fab anetion, 6 ceonsider consigning thowe Large Cems, turing ther ino working capital for more colonials! There will be # Colonial Happening on ‘Thursiay nigh om Talucational Forum am Pricay aight anu he FAC Auction on Saturday night. Other events arc interspersed hroughout the convention, Tespect lo see a strong presence nt ‘enlnial collecors there. Mark your ealendlurs wn! “The Coinage of the American Comference, COAG, i an AIS event chat Falsvays Took forseard us. As i ig sil inthe planning stages, Fean’tsay t00 onteh, but it should rake place thi all in Manhattan As scot. as] ave fem information, Ul make supe the.C4 membeship is uote. CA Newsletter tis never too eatly to scut plauaing your cousiguments tor vhs acat C4 Auction, IFyon start assembling your duplicates new, ‘hac will sive you six months to say goodbye wo them, Lkrow L shave accumulated duplicates over the years amd should trim my sellection a litle o kevp it Focus, While the Winter is ll here, Uohy tol lake your eving out the bank and give them a etose Took, What yint've grown tired of can find anew home where it sell he appreciaed, Now, topic of importance to all members. 26 isa election year For Of officers. Elected cffioers wun fora term of two years, ALihis point, Chavea'tenuaoted aay of We oftieers ta sco if they will consider running for another term, Your eajoymex of (CA anu its benefits to you are largely dc to the werk of the cotfivers you cloot. Every ovo yeats. you get an opportunity t© place people im the postion ts mike the hebhy a better place. Ds you know sumeane wha has a pansion for this habhy? Someune {Yow respect that responsible Nominate thers for a C4 Olficer Tesitinn. Send their cmfactinfemmauion inthe C4 Secretary. Frank Steimle. They will he vontavted und inCorrned thut they lave ees ‘omifed to run For alive. Even if they luc own the nomiga- ‘Gon, chey will be Honored tac someone tenght highly caough af (hem tn place reir name in consideration, ‘The person raaking the vuorinatins will be kept confided. That's all these isto it Once. ic: have 9 slate of members nmning fer fice, well have ‘our effichl election end the new olficers will be jasalled a the 21NNG 64 Convearion, Please take this seriously — this is your club make it work Zor yoo" Lastly, plowse consider senting Syd Manin (C4 Pair) tices, “They den"t mee hn be fall lene prajeety.. Srenetimes there bs» need for simmething tha iva paragraph or two kang. simple observation mabe... Acicles af any length are appreciated Have FUN! Ray Willams Winter, 2005 SARA RRA SRARAARAAARARRRRAARARA FOPERON GRIF OSOD IDE EEP ER IPOD DE OE ED INTERNET GLEANINGS {Edited hy Roger Siboni THE ENIGMATICST. PATRICK COINAGE One uf the most interesting sets of chteads I have yet to follow on colonia! cow yahoogremps. com was the discourse dat occurted froma approximately Ostober 1 to November |: 2005 regarding SL. Palrick Hallpenve and Farthings. The discussions were itl ranging and inchadesl several participants, Generally. the threds variously named: SL Puvicks and the Tale of Ma... NOT, Whe is Sharpe, Who is Marke Newbie, 1s Newbie bis Real Nume, St Pavick's leanography, Lord Derkeley, Robert Turner, Anihiny Shape & Mark Newbie, and Dublin ia Fre... addressed the ovigins and iconography ofthe St. Patrick Cofnage aad the man (oxsn} hat brought them to New Jersey lor eventual circulation, Ordinarily. A ty to fallow 2 format chronologically aorrating the various thecads with editorial additions of facts and insights that Aid in the discussion’ flaw. Given the complexity and depth of this scrics of ueads, [felt a ditferent approach was uecessary tor (his “internet gleaning” My approach will be directed wt trying 10 ssusnmarize sume of the key observations and opinions by subjcet and anehor, Iwill als highlight «ew rofercnce somgees that scomed intresting or whiel sere used in developing this sccvion of my column, ‘When Were the St, Patrick Halfpeuce and Farthiugs Produced sand Distrihnted? This subject bus daunted many a nmnismatic scholar over che past cceruury, C-4 Meraber Bris Panto reoontly provided us with 3 6 4 Newstetter scholatly discussion of this subject in his eo pant antisle entitled "St Potticke Coinage” appear in the December 2002 issue of ene Colonial Newsletter Vol, 42, No. 3, Serial No. (21. pp. 2371 2402, In his «ticle, Bri essentially concluded that the hist circumstantial and iconographieal approaches to dating these ‘eigenatic eons Crkens) Tel Las tx euch tote iain Trxtend be chose ict date and pluce the minting of this euinage hy ovahuating the existing technology that was necessarily emplayed anal available. Without cefushing Brian's exlensive discussion and, analysis (Which is a ast read for angone interested in St. Patek coinage) he conchided that they wele the Work of Peter Blondeau between 1667 and 1669, mined clandestinely somewhere wear Ee ‘Tower Mint sing blank copper planchets imported fram Sweden, ‘This dating, of course fits wicely withthe discovery of a St Patcick Farthing en the Yacht Macy Rose, wich sunk during the ‘early hows of March 24, 1675, New Year's Day’ Well, avedless to say, there were a fot of diffeing opinious ou this, suubjce, Each had its oxen basis in fact nd thenry aH leave ir the Nowslottcr reader to go buck and road the azchives oF those posts and sec which one sways you the Mest Jolin Lupla, who in ewrenlly working on a manuscript regard Si. Patrick Coinage favored 1642 ¢ Vedi ac ehe Tower Mint wades the seign of Chavis #, who had these manufcruel te pay che eis troops fighting aguinst Oliver Cromwell. The nved was thoro, the iconography and legends fit Charles fs Catholic tolerance end his desire to unite Garcal Britain, CUhis Uacory is consistent with that cf Walter Breen anal 18” Conuury Trish Numismiatst Sames Simon, sho points to “The Order of The Genteral Assembly of Kilkenny fon cheis authosization), lok further suggested thar upon the execution of Chailes I, and the general repeession of Catholicism under Cromwell, the coin ‘went aco hiding. The coins esurtaced again some 11 yeats later after the etura to he throne of Charles Ps som, Chalo U. As his Winer, 2005 arguiment proveetled, Ihis esurfuced cache formed the corpus uf the Newby has destined far Now Feiscy. Olver D, Hoover, wh ix use working on am utile thar will Be appearing shorly inthe American Journal of Nussismnatics (6-17 (2404-2005) entitled “A Note on the Lypalugy of the St, Patrick ‘Coinage in its Restoration Context”, sighed in on chis ject Oliver argued thatthe iconography and legeuds of the Partings and Haltence clearly pointed toa dat-ng of around 1660 aad the beginning of te Restoration aud the weg of Charles TT. Wis Inforestag. to note that in the September 1466 issue of the Numnismatic Scrapbook (Vol. XXXM No. 9 Whole No. 3671 tym ‘Glasser m1Vhe Origins ot St, Patnek lrthing and Other American Colonials” illustrated an engerving oF Charles 11 tka closely resembles the mage of David knecting anc! playing the harp on the Sr, Patrick Coinage. essentially Oliver argued that rhe Legenus end deviees, when taken as a whole, represent Cure and Stat (Episcopal Angheanism ‘and the Manarchy) happily seuuiced withthe return of Chanles It after almiost ime decades of war and repression: Stan Stephens, also working on an atributiom guide for St, Purick arthings und Halfpence fered ye: smuther view, ane one certainly not grevinusly considered Ly your Aysociate Editor. Stan posited that this coinage was actually mtanntaeriued in die fate 150s to early 1600s by dhe Vatican’ Mine ata mint associated with the Vatican. Stan fet i highly impeoable chat aay British ‘Manacch of the 1600 (0 £700 efa would coudou, ler lone smanufactute and authorize, coinage fur any portion of the Britis Empire that so overtly promted the cusctence and equally nf the Catholic Chmieh and the King of gland. He further argued that the Vaenn, boing one af ihe more suphintonted Mines i existence ul he fine (Teemard a Vinei invented the cnllar Gor the “Vanicau Mint inthe watly 1500s), had the meuns to munufieture such a sophisticated voinage wich complex devices, splashers and «

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