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Preview The C4 Newsletter, Fall 2004, vol. 12, no. 3

HE C4 NEWSLETTER Colonial Coin Collectors Club NEW JERSEY COPPER: Maris 77-dd DIE STATE WW Fall 2004 Yolume 12, ‘Number 3 ©2004 C4 Since 1985, che name Stacks ha ben ned eo building great cllections of felon coins. Teday' collectors ake pride in owning clonal pedigreed to Sch gret ellis as Oechsner, Hessberg. Groves, Park, Robison, lasberg, Spiro, and Pcker, co name js afew. We helped bud exch one of ‘hem, Stack’ can help you build your owa collection of colonials, be they cine o¢ medal ‘We maintain a comprehensive stock of clonal coins and medal. Need» ‘ype. ora paticular varity? Gal ou reailsales department, Stacks ca help yor find what you looking for. We can help you upgrade, wel even take our dopliace in cade towards the pie of your new purchase “Thinking of sling your coin? We'e always intrested in buying colori “Thinking about am auction for your coine? Shack’ has conducted more auc sions of colonial than all our comps, combine, ever have Jur give ws 8 fall well be glad 0 elp with your plane Stacks has dhe expetite in colonial. Stacks reicatch ibray i the bes in ‘he coin business, Stack’sclientcl ithe ies in the hobby, Weir hereto help. Jose pu othe ee Sender ecole hacket shut our Firm and isin in Amerie mii he C4 Newsletter Volume 12 Number 2 8 qmarerly publivation af The Colonial Coin Collectors Club, Inc. Web address: stirs cuonliedia. ace C4 National Officers: President Ray Williams Viewpues, — Dasid Plane Veasure: Oh, Rowe Mae Scorayy: —Feaak Stcimle Post present Dennis Wier UERZRAS aM cont rb gets nee, st ty stir ator #9 S25” alse eng fa att, S00 Die SMembersin 137 &quaseiy tment S10. al Be ser Rags Fall, 2004 eg.on 1 New: Rglan, Juche: Coan Miss) “nt Skah Cali: Dading Ca. Region (99.NLPA. MD, DE.DC? Dr. Disk Meashed egies 2 (VA, WY NE. SE.GAL TLL AD Mood INGA ERD Si Sie egies HOU IN. FLAY ANI SD AIS RS. AIH Man Regica $ (OK TX. NAL A/ ID. WY, CO, RIE. Ri, Msn Tina Moros x, 261CA, i Gods * Pinel tt C4 Newsletter 4 News 2 Soiney F. Muti leche bar uty ee an cain at ae em St ant CA Librarian: Ceo Shane. FOPLPOP OFERTAS ALPE HEELERS OSH ED TABLE OF CONTENTS vies age Predas Manne 4 A-Prin Carrs Sy Ul 5 1S, Colonial Coin in emi Non Caleta ‘owning fora he lave ogee Sie) y “Teaize Cala: with Ola Avs Vern Pte Cap ‘esta Detinkone trl Ha aap nl ll Mantes Re = WaT George Weshingou. New Tay Copper WAS Rook I Have Coan eter the tne 3 Minutes u he C4 Bests Mee te 4 Conve 2 (C11 They Neos tL Shanes a Ci Aa » Fall 2004 ‘Thank you fur allowing me the privilege of being your President Jor another teem. Wis aa hove € fined difficult describe. Whew Jucialuced is C4 Presidccn, this prise wells up inside, My peers Trave placed rae here and (11 peotise to de ey best may he in the limelight du to my pasion, but Ue successes (C44 are due ta the etfs of many. Our shane ehieenan, Detais Wiecrha, has arranged the ypeamticg convention. Mike Packard Joy organized the educational events, with y Half dyzen merahers, giving presentations, Thuell Ish hs coordinated the Uxhibits, with the esiperarion of the exinbiuams, MeCuwtey and Grell will Hoan the auction, with cataloging by Tom Rinaldo. Along with the tnst of our cousiguots, they trake this the bighlighe ofthe faumismatic year! Voluntcers for lor viewing anxl C table duty axe reatly appreciated ~ we couldn't sun an efficient canveation seithout there, Colunial dealers take the final i able, siving ebllectons aneher astm to ablend, Thaard members, ‘officers, editors. publications and many ethes volunteers make C++ the success its. So enjoy. leao, kave tn, be a part of as much a8 Penile, “This in or 10° C4 Convention anal 10° annual auction, Wdvesn't Tike 10 years since we first met officially ia Pennsasken, RT “Vhe Gaitfee Sale, exkibits, hourse Nairn’ educaticml evens were something PM never loge, Tve heen fini enpugh Us ated all yur the conventions ta dite, with each seeming better Yuu the last. Ter help eins thi soem, Task exes of you lermake use of yume Reyioit VPs, eouuscting them wil yr thoughts and suggestions, shieb T promise wil be disensiec, ‘hope to see new thocs at this convention, ['W be ot tae C4'Tabhe, cor close by. fr mast of it, Please stop and intixines yourscll. enjoy mecting collectors. See you in Boston! Ray Williams C4 Nevwsleter eatasesoneneseteneaeeeeecaeeeeeee FOREN OSTEO T HIE THOREPER ERODES A THIRD EAR MERITS STUDY (Brell Ish A fo yours fick, a remarkable New Jersey copper joined my telleetion, In Mirch of 2000, Tony Terran «fered mea Maris "T7-da TT che variety formerly Kner ay Minis 7B) site tnemenleus pesigree yesng hack to Tr, Maris hime, The pedigree inclules appesmances inthe Baswers und Rudely 10280 sale ‘a the Garrett exfectiin as Tol L485, and then later in the 3:47 sale df the Taylor eollectiom as lot 2287. Wilh this purchase. 4 proully semplotec! my 77! 1 Mand TT die state progression series! After purchasing the coin, L stated studying itin gveat deta: unior my slesedeaniecsweope, In jas this tamer, Tend the extra "6° in Ihe plow of the Maris 1B nbverse (C4 Newsletter, Winter 1998, p 5 Suddenly, 1 foesl mynell soving ww Ieeme's eu, just bathe right do the singletree ow the obverse of the exis (Figure 1, As Usted lle eae, Taoticed Iw well it matched the horse's ear abou: an inch Jesely, J was alsn able 1 enahe outa Faint mane idewn aad co the left, i the same relationship x this ‘third ear” a6 on the horse. Also, behind tat] could see a Line in the sarse seladoaship as tbe Tne “lie break” located jnst behind the hhoese ead cn this ate de state “This was exeiing stull! My ania conclusion was thatthe coin veas double samuck. I pulled our anctian catalogs to view plated, cain for comparison. My surprise amtplicd save this “third car” albeit suit! and faint, oa other plated colus of the sme die sate. Whon studying mry coin, | motieed that tis “died eas” did foc have the smiled back into th fic look, wich would be Fall, 2004 gure 1. A horse’s ear discovered near the singletree on a Maris 77-4, state IL (Garrett, B&R 10/80, lot 1485). expected if this were a double struck coin. I tried to think ofall the possibilities. Gradually I came to the realization that there was no jon other than that this “third ear” was inthe die. How did explana it get there? Before I knew it I was launched on a very extensive die state study. js clearly seen in the Garrett and Taylor auction ances of my coin, noted in the first paragraph, with the ‘Taylor image being the better due to enlargement. As to other specimens showing the feature, I suggest the following: Griffee (MG 10195) lot 117, Barnes (M&G 10/96) lot 106, Third C4 (M8&G 11/97) lot 382, OF these, the Bames specimen shows the 6 C4 Newsletter feature best (Figure 2), In general, the C4 catalogs show the feature better than others due toa commitment 10 quality photography and enlarged images. This feature even shows on the VG specimen, lot 441 in their 9° C4 sale (M&G 11/03), which I purchased in order to have a lower grade specimen with an ear t0 ‘study, Some specimens will have this “third ear” even if not apparent in the catalog plate. As have leamed, itis easy to take a photo of a coin with this feature such that it does not show in the photograph, | now wish to detail my conclusion about how this die came to have a “third ear” but this story needs to be told chronologically, {rom the die’s perspective. As the ear shows up in the die’s late Figure 2. “Third Ear” on a different specimen (Barnes, M&G 10/96, lot 106) Fat, 2004 sae. P11 leave that topic at his point. ‘Yhe progression logically starts with che die pair's envliest sate. “The die states vod fins unter anabergsiny ses gavin chaoges. eet she need 1 clarify how T sell reer the die states before proceeding, You may be tempted to skip this sec, but T len udvive i, Vow ec tv wmtertsmal what Tene fy “Five A" and "Fivent BY a Colle the die prengression Twill he presenti ‘Toulitwnally, the ater de states nfthe 77 si wrriage have heen keno 95-97 12-0 and 78-dd. Maris apparently thought the 78 3 slfferent die dae tthe size ofthe plow share. In his 1881, A Tistorie Sketch af the Cains of Neve Jersey he writes, “No. 78-11 all espectsiletical with fhe Last, excepying Ghat in this he share is ‘much smaller. In all that have seea, ie die aust have been used after it had been broken i two places, back of tat laced and across the eck.” Die ping bad decreased the size of the plowsharc, sngL because this Maris incorrectly designated lute le site 37 isa unique die, Mavis 78, Subsoxsently, aa ntenmestinne die sie, which is quite re, wun dintavered. Tews designated Maris 77 Tidal 1 place it hg widhin the sequence Colleetces have Tony huowu these “varieties” were only differen ie sates, but coticed the traditional 77-7? H?2-dd, 78-0 slesignstions. My generation af colonial collectors prefers to sodesignate chose die states. ‘This process wall likely be confusing. ova tine, but shuuld be less confusing i the Tong cu. The nev slesignations aro Maris 77-da |, Maris 77-4 Ll, and Matis 77-d IM, roepectively. Whife itneeds to be understood chat there are mock than 3 states ofthis die pais, Ubey break down wily ilu those thuce ale state groups. For die parpases ofthis paper. die tate “I” will stand for the several die states formerly promped as

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