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The Pennsylvania State College The Graduate School Department of Chemistry The 0-2 and 0-3 Positions of the Hydroxyl Groups in Gitogenin, 9-Dehydromanogenin, and Related Steroidal Sapogenins A Thesis Penn F. Spitzer, Jr. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy September 1950 Approved: hemistry Head of thb Department TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements Introduction . . . ..................................... 1 Historical .............................................. 4 Discussion............................................... 16 Experimental . ...........................................25 Cholestan-2//3-diacid from 4-cholesten-3-one. . 25 Cholestan-2//3-diacid from gitogenin.............27 Chromatographic separation of 9-dehydro- manogenin from manogenin ........... • • • • 3 1 Agavogenin from 9-dehydromanogenin diacetate. . 33 Agavogenin triacetate ......................... . 3 4 Manogenic acid from agavogenin............ . . . 3 4 Dimethyl ester of manogenic acid..................35 Manogenin diacetate from 9-dehydromanogenin diacetate. • • ................ . . . . . . . 3 5 G-itogenin from manogenin...........................36 Agavogenin from 9-dehydromanogenin diacetate. . 36 Summary. ............................................... 38 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . 39 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT S Sincere appreciation and gratitude is extended to Dr. R. B. Y/agner for suggesting the problem and for his valuable assistance and advice throughout the course of the work. The techniques which he taught, his interest, and his enthusiasm have contributed in no small way to the completion of the work. Acknowledgement is extended to Dr. Robert F. Forker for the determination of absorption data and assistance with the structural determination of the new sapogenin. Acknowledgement is extended to Dr. N. B. G-uerrant for his assistance in the determination of the absorption data of certain of the compounds prepared in this work. Acknowledgement is extended to Mr. Donald Shriver for his generosity in supplying the 4-cholesten-3-one and alumina used in this work. INTRODUCTION Though the majority of the known sapogenins have been discovered within the past decade, some of these steroids have been known and studied for approximately fifty years. Earlier work with these materials sought to Identify their structural configurations, while later studies were made to determine methods whereby they could be converted to sex hormones and cortical hormones. The latter work has evoked considerable interest because of the usefulness of certain of these materials in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other ailments. C* 13 V ^ <2 C-C‘V C - c Nc ~ C General Sapogenin Formula I ^2 ^3 ^4 a. Gitogenin OH /?-0H allo-H H b. Sarsasapogenin (inverted side chain) H p -OH copro-H H c. Digitogenin OH P-OH allo-H OH ■d. Tigogenin H p -OH allo-H H e. Diosgenin H /?-OH (5*6-) H Though a great deal of work has been performed In the elucidation of the structure of these sapogenins, some of the finest work has concerned the configuration of the side chain at C-17, The position of the second group in ring A, when that ring is disubstituted, and the point of oxidative ring opening in monohydroxy sapogenins had not been care­ fully or thoroughly investigated. The location of the hydroxyl group at the C-3 position had been characterized, but the second group has been placed, at various times, at either the C-2 or the C-4 position. Similarly, the open­ ing of ring A in monohydroxy sapogenins has been postulated to occur at either the 2,3 carbon bond or the 3,4 linkage, depending on whether the hydrogen atom at position C-5 is of the copro- or alio-configuration or depending on other hypotheses which were not substantiated by suitable exper­ iments with the particular sapogenins in question. Such uncertain concepts of the structural configuration of these materials have resulted in a badly confused literature. Since polyhydroxy sapogenins possessing the allo-con- figuration at the C-5 position have been converted to gitogenin (la) as a reference compound in attempts to clarify their structures, it was felt that the definite determination of the location of the hydroxyl groups in ring A of gitogenin would serve to identify the location of the second hydroxyl group in all of the polyhydroxy sapo­ genins which possess two hydroxyl groups in ring A and which have the allo-configuration at position C-5* Such a study would also serve to elucidate the structures of the dlcar- boxylic acids formed on the oxidative cleavage of ring A in monohydroxy sapogenins which possess the alio-configuration at the C-5 position. The establishment of the positions of the hydroxyl groups in the A ring of dihydroxy sapogenins of allo-con- figuration supports the evidence for the characterization of 9-dehydromanogenln (XII, as diol), a new steroid sapogenin isolated in the course of this work. HISTORICAL The nomenclature of the sapogenins, their uses, general reactions, and discovery will not be presented here, 6 19 30 since excellent reviews are available * * and the material is too involved to warrant presentation at this time. Though the side chain at position C-17 in cholestane (Ilia) and coprostane (Ila) differ from the side chain present in a similar position in sapogenins (I), the latter are often referred to as being of the cholestane or coprost­ ane configuration, depending on whether they possess a hydrogen atom at the C-5 position which is of the allo- or copro-configuration. The latter differentiation will be used in this text. £7 1-c-c-c -c-c c H Coprostanes II a. Coprostane H b. Coprosterol /3 -OH c. Coprostanone =0 5. r-c-C-C-C-^ znr 1 Cholestanes III R1 R2 a. Cholestane H H b. Cholesterol (3 -OH (5,6=) c. Cholestanol f3 -OH H d. 2-Cholestene (2,3=) H e. Cholestanyl chloride Cl H The oxidative rupture of ring A to form dibasic acids from coprosterol (lib) and coprostanone (IIc)^* ^ gitogenin (Ia),^ cholesterol (Illb),-^ and cholestanol (IIIc)^ appeared in the literature during the period 1913 to 1918. No serious attempt was made to determine the structure of these compounds, though they were later referred to as "known" compounds. At that time the structure of the steroid nucleus was thought to possess a four-carbon chain 39 in place of the now-accepted ring B. In 1919, Windaus and Dalmer^ proposed that cholesterol (Illb) possessed a double bond at the 6,7 position in a six- membered ring B and a hydroxyl group at the C-4 position. This molecule, on oxidation, was thought to yield a dibasic acid through the rupture of the 3,4 carbon linkage. These conclusions were based by analogy to the formation of cyclic ketones and anhydrides from piraelic and adipic acids by Blanc.1 In succeeding publications, Wlndaus and co-workers claimed that ring A ruptured, on oxidation, at the 3,4 carbon linkage to form dibasic acids from cholesterol (Illb)^2* coprosterol (Ilb),^^ and gitogenin (Ia)."^ During this time, the concept of the structure of ring B was varied between being of the open chain configuration and the closed ring form. Since only mild oxidation was required to open ring A, the two hydroxyl groups in gitogenin were believed to be adjacent to each other and, from Windaus' work-^ were believed to occupy the 3,4 positions. By 1932, Windaus v had revised his previous conclusions and had assigned the presently accepted six-membered ring structure to ring B, the location of the hydroxyl group of cholesterol (Illb) at C-3, and the oxidative rupture of ring A to occur at the 2,3 positions. He had again used Blanc's work1 in the elucidation of rings A and B. This work was also in substantiation of an earlier paper by Windaus, 70 Staden, and Seng. It was at this time that Rosenheim 22 and King were postulating the use of four six-membered rings in the steroid nucleus. However, they made no mention of the location of the substituent groups. In studies with sarsasapogenin (lb) and gitogenin (la), 9 25 Jacobs and Simpson * referred to the 3,4 carbon linkage as being ruptured on oxidation. This conclusion was reached because of the similarity of their products to the compounds "5b 27 prepared by Windaus. In 1935, Tschesche and Hagedorn 1 converted digitogenin (Ic), gitogenin (la), and tigogenin (Id) to dicarboxylic acids, the latter two acids being identical. They postulated, on the basis of the earlier work of Windaus, that the acids were the result of the rupture of the 3,4- carbon bond, that gitogenin possessed two hydroxyl groups at these positions, and that tigogenin possessed one hydroxyl group located at one of these two positions. No attempt was made to identify the location of this hydroxyl group in the latter except by reference to Windaus' work. Jacobs and Simpson^0 performed some interesting experi­ ments with gitogenic acid (IV) which they had obtained from the oxidation of both tigogenin (Id) and gitogenin (la). They showed that both hydroxyl groups were located in ring A by the formation of an acid anhydride from a dibasic acid which had been obtained from the oxidation of tigogenin; tigogenin being known to possess one hydroxyl group In ring A. They found that saponification of one of the ester linkages of the dimethyl ester of gitogenic acid was easily accomplished in a short time and under mild conditions, while the remaining ester group was retained Intact. This finding was interpreted to mean that the two carboxyl groups were unequally effected by the remainder of the molecule and therefore, that they were attached to the molecule by carbon chains of unequal length. This meant that the acids had

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