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!§tolOI§)Olol¢1<>JO(§)cfto10IQJ0('>J® THE BURM& IWQIEH ALSO BY COPELAND MARKS The VariKeidtc heonsfI ndia FalsTeo nguaensSd u ndaByr ead a uatemaG lana nMda yaCno okbook The Indonesian Cookbook (wiMtihn taSrote harjo) COPELAHD MARI� AHD AUHGT HEIH M.E VANS Lanham<> NewY or•kB oul•dTeorr o•nPtloy moUuKt h, LibroafrC yo ngrCeastsa loging-in-DPautbal ication MarkCso,p eland. TheB urmeksiet chen. Bibliogrpa. phy: Incluidnedse x. 1.C ookerByu,rm eseI.. T heiAnu,n g.I IT.i tle. TX724.5.B93M13978 7 641.5959817 -22242 ISBN9 78-0-87173618--1 Distrbiyb uted NATIONABLO OKN ETWORK Copyr©igh t1 98b7y C opelandM arksa nd AungThei n AUr ightrse serNvoepart d .of this boomaky be reproducor etrdansmi tted in anfy orm or bya nym eanwsi ththeou writt tepermisnsion othef publisher. MEvans An imprionftR owman& Littlefield 4501F orbeBso ulevaSrudi,t2 e0 0 LanhamM.a ryla2nd0 706 www.rowman.com DesibgnyL aurDeonng Manufactiunrthe e Udn itSetad teofsA m erica COHTEHTS 7 Introduction 11 GlossoafIr nygr edients . 19 Howto Make. . 29 AppetiaznedFr rist ters 45 ChutnaenydsC ondiments 57 Soups 79 Beeafn dLa mb 97 Pork 119 PoulatnrdEy gg s 152 Fisahnd Seafood 189 Ricaend Pancakes 205 VegetabalnedSs a lads 253 Sweets 261 Menus 265 Bibliography 267 Index / ,... . ,� '-· ..••...'. .,� "t' . ,. i,,.. . . > .--.-. . ..... .,..I \ ( ....... _ .._ ..........._. ..... BAN Gi..Al»!SJI • .-: } ··"° /" I /') i "'\,. l ) . . .. . · . . . . . ... ..i··;....):, · .. ._ �:j. �{ ;j ·. : : ·AN:D.AMAN • ·· ·"!'f ·.:· SBA . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S"ll'IUfl "TheB urmaanres notI ndianno,ra re theCyh inessea,y"Ws . S. Desaiinh ibso oIkndia and Bumia. "Thearey ap eopwliet ahd istinct nationoaflt ihteoyiw rn d,e velopeda h diusrtioonfrog yv eorn et hou­ sanyde arsD.u rnigt hipse ritohdec yr eaatp eodl itaincdsa olc isayls tem oft heoiwrn T.h eicri viliizsadt iisotni n'cBtulrmye swei,t'th h eoiwrn langualgiet,e raartture, ,e vethno ughhi ghilnyfl uenbcyeI dn daian d Chinaan,d m ordee epsloby y t hfoer merI.ti" st hissu ccisntcatt ement thadte finaeu sn iqpueeo plthee,B urmeasned,n owheirste h issh own so welasl int heciuri siTnoed .e finteh eb asicch aracteroifsa t ics little-ckunioswinon neem, u stta koen t hec loaokfa d etectainvde gathcelru eTsh.e arey everywherwea intgit obe documenatnedad re observhaebrlaeesa reflecotfti hoeBn u rmehsies taonrdyr eligasi on welalso ft hegiero graapnhday g riculture. TheB urmensaet iiosnr eputteohd a vset artaebodu t2 ,500y ears agow itah s erioefps o pulamtoivoenm enfrotms ,C entrAasli aan d theC hina-Tibreegtiaonni ,n twoh aitsn owB urma.T hep eoplaensd thel anguathgeeyss po kew ereth e beginniongfst hiusn iqcuuel ture. Locaklnig sa ndk ingdorosems, lospto wearn,d f eltlh;eP ortuguese emigrafrotme dG oa,th eicro loonnyI ndiwae'sst ecrno astt,ofo rm a settlemaenndfit n;a lldyu,r itngh e1 800sa ndaft ery eaorsf b attling, Englanadn nexBeudr mtaoB ritIinsdhiB aurma . woni tisn dependence 8 THEB URMESEK ITCHEN in1 948( after hbaeveionnc gc upbiyet dh eJ apandeusrei Wnogr ld WarI Ia)n db ecaams eo ciarleipsutbi ln1i 9c7 4. Rangonoonw,t hlea rgceistwtya s, fias hivnigl luangte1i 7l5 3 when itw asm adteh e caMpaintdaall.(a "yw hetrheefl yinfigs hpelsa yi"s) thsee cocnidta yn dw ase stabliins1 h85e9dI. n o umri ndbso,t chi ties arteh eep itoomfre o manacnede xotmiycs tictihsamn,tk ots h wer it­ ingosfs ucahu thaosrRs u dyaKridp lainndgN oeClo warHdo.w ever, witthh ec omionfgB ritriuslhme u,c ho ft her omanflceed l,e aving Briteicsohn otmhyre e arlu ler. Theo lrde ligwiaosbn a seodnt hweo rshoifsp p irciatlslN,ea dt s, eacohn eo fw hicwha rse sponfosria bp laer tiacrueloaafl r i feD.u ring thvee reya rly Byuedadrhsib,se mc awmied esparnedha ades v esri nce exerttheedm osptr ofouinndfl ueonvceear l tlh aitsB urmeTsoed.a y thvea smta joroiftt hype o pulaatriBeou nd dhiLsatrsng.ue m behrasv e joinreedl igoirodueasrn sda rceo nnecttope adg odoarms o nasteries, wherteh emye ditiantp eu rsoufie tn lightenment. wiItnht ertwined theB uddhist irste hloei lgrdie olni goifto hnse p iraintdBs u,d dhists stialclk nowltehdeghieor u sehgooldds . The Buddthshi asvaep rohibaigtaiioknnis ltl ainnyag n imablust nop rohibaigtaisiotenn a timnega ts,ot hedye peonndM usliamn d Chinebsutec heTrhseM. u sliwmisln lo tt oucpho rbku wti lkli alnld eaott hmeera ts.C hTihneea srete h peo r(ka ncdh ickbeunt)c hienr s Burmaan,d a re aklnsowoan s e nthusipaosrtki-ce aterst-hhee nce mandye licainoddu ists inctpiovrreke cipAelst.h oumegahet a tiinsg notg enerfoarlbliyd dtehne,rs ees tricatswi eolanlsst ,h ea vailability offr esfrhu iatnsdv egetaybelaers- rourneds,ui lnat c uisriincewh i th vegetarreicainp es. Burma'bso undatroiuecushp on tohfto sweoc ulingairay:nI tnsdia andC hinTah.e isro utheansetiegrnh bTohra,i laanldse,ox eratns influetnhcaceta nnobte d iscouTnhtees dp.i caensdc ookimnegt hods ofa ltlh raereee v idienntt h erseec ipHeesr.ea ,se leswherree,g ional prefereanncdae vsa ilaobffoi oldisttyu ffs itnhflieun ednicveis dtyulael. Them ountaianroeuafassr fr, o mt hoec eaunt,i lmiezaeat n dp oultry buhta rdalnyyfi she,x cetphtaw th icihsd rieOnd .i twse stebrno rder Burmafa cetsh see aa,n di tisn teirisio rrr igbayat nee dn ormocuhsa in ofr iveprasr,t ictuhleIa rrrlayw aFdrdeys.h wfiasthae nrd s eafooidn alilt rsa mificaitsii nop nlse ntsiufuplpi lnty h easree aTsh.es eaports produtchefre e shefisnte,ps rta wnlso,b staenrdfi, s hw,h icahr teh en cookiendt hes tyolfet her egitohne;ri esa plethoofrr ae cifopre s botfrhe sahn dd rifiesdh i,np articfourdl rairse hdr imwphsi,ca hr e ubiquitaonudis n dispenNsoawbhleeer.le s hea vIeb eesne rvseudc h Introductio9n ane ye,popvpairnigoe ft y incompdairsahobeflss ee afood-incom, parabmloes tbleyc auosfte h es peewdi twhh icthh em aiinn egdrient movefrso mt hefi shermtaotn h tea ble. Ricieps e rhapsn etxmhtoe s itm portsatnatpi ltie se; a teante very mealA.g riculptruordauglcr eo wonn a s oiolfu ndimiisnhfeerdt ility oncmea deBu rmat he wolralrdg'eesxs pto rotfre ir,c a endr iciess till produicneg dr eqauta ntIih tayv.se e eann dt asttehdbe l aacnkd p ink ricoefU ppeBru rmaa sw elalsm any ovtahreire atnidge rsa doefts h is remarkgarbalien . Thait sna'ltl . Nhaatslu arvei sohnet dh e couannut nryl imited varioeftb yo taniecdailb lOne sa.d ritvher outghhec ountryside­ gre,el nusahn,dt raniqlui-tap peaasrt sh ouegvhe rythtihnaggtr ows ise dibAlqeu.a tpilca ngtsr owiinnag n da lotnhgse t reatmrseh,ee sa vy witfruhi ta,n dl onsgt retocfrh iecpsel angtsfii lntlh eey eTh.e Burmese havae n aturlailk ifonrgg reelne avaensdv iniesnt hesiarl aadnsd souptsh;eu yt ileivzeery thing. Spicaensdc ondimeanrtoesf p rimairym portatnothc eec uisine. The indispefinssha bsl(aeu nacmpe y a syheri)pm,ap s (ten gapspoiy) , saucaen,dt het riumvoifrg aatireclg ,i ngaenrdt, u remrirce,v etahle influencoefI ndainadC hinCau.m nseied, corianpdaeprr,(i fokcrao lor), andh otc hilaireuess egde neroaunsdla yli,lsl ubricwaittcehod c onut milk. Bes(ahcni ck,flpoeuari )si ncorpoirnsa atleadSd asl.as docs o mplex wew oulcda ltlh em onem,edailassrh e t heh allmoafrB ku rmese cooking-whiebtte Rh aenrg ooMna,n dalsamya,al glr icutlotwunrsa,l ort het ribraelg ioofnt sh eS hanK,a reann,dK achiTnh.eg loorfy thec uisiistn hee v arioeftt yh eosnee ,dpirsehrp aatioanp sl;a totfe r noodlaensds auce, embellani usmhbeedor fu wniutshug aalrn ishes ands iddei shbeesc,o maep sro ductiAonne .l aborate oeftx haimsp le ist hefa mousMa ndalMaiys he(eese I ndxe),w hicihsc onsidae red noodslael baudt i ncluidnea sd,d ittioon no odlpeosr,frk i ttteorfu, pusff,a ndt hrkeien odfss aucOer.t hDea nB au(kC hickaenndR ic,e seIen desxe)r vweidt ohn iopne,p pearn,dfr esmhi nsta laTde.c h, nicanlolnyoe f t hepsree paraitsdi eomnasn dibnugtt, h edyo r equire an umbeorfs teapnsda v arioefit nyg redtioke enettpsh etrma ditional. Souipsn otas eparcaotuersb eu ti ss ervtehodru ghotuhtme e ailn plaocfet eac,o effe,o ro thebre veragmea.ys eIetcm u ritohuasit n, ah ott roipcacll imaotneei, ss ervesdo masnoyu pBsu.tt heslei ght souppsr,e pawrietdgh r eesnusc ahss orreslp,i naocrah q,u alteiacv es, are seartrv oeodmt emperaturheo-tnl,oi tk e the wionft er soups tempercaltiem ates.

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