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THE BIRMAN–MURAKAMI–WENZL ALGEBRAS OF TYPE E n ARJEHM.COHEN&DAVIDB.WALES 1 1 0 Abstract. TheBirman–Murakami–Wenzl algebras(BMWalgebras) oftype 2 Enforn=6,7,8areshowntobesemisimpleandfreeovertheintegraldomain n Z[δ±1,l±1,m]/(m(1−δ)−(l−l−1)) of ranks 1,440,585; 139,613,625; and a 53,328,069,225. We also show they are cellular over suitable rings. The J BraueralgebraoftypeEnisahomomorphicringimageandisalsosemisimple andfreeofthesamerankasanalgebraovertheringZ[δ±1]. Arewritesystem 8 for the Brauer algebra is used in bounding the rank of the BMW algebra 1 above. ThegeneralizedTemperley–LiebalgebraoftypeEn turnsout tobea subalgebra of the BMW algebra of the same type. So, the BMW algebras of ] A typeEn sharemanystructuralpropertieswiththeclassicalones(oftypeAn) andthoseoftypeDn. R . h t a keywords: associative algebra, Birman–Murakami–Wenzl algebra, BMW alge- m bra, Brauer algebra, cellular algebra, Coxeter group, generalized Temperley–Lieb [ algebra,root system, semisimple algebra, word problem in semigroups 1 AMS 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 16K20, 17Bxx, 20F05, v 20F36, 20M05 4 4 1. Introduction 5 3 In the paper [6] joint with Gijsbers, we introduced Birman–Murakami–Wenzl al- . 1 gebras (BMW algebras, for short) of simply laced type, interpreting the classical 0 BMW algebras (introduced in [1, 18]) as those of type A . Because of the subse- n 1 quentpaper[5],jointwithFrenk,andcomputationsin[6,Section7]itwasexpected 1 thatthese algebrasarefree ofthe samerankasthe correspondingBraueralgebras. : v This is known for the classical case; see [17]. In [8], it was derived for type D . In n i X thispaper,weproveitfortypesE ,E ,E ,sothatitisestablishedforallspherical 6 7 8 r simply laced types. It is also shown that the algebras are cellular except possibly a for bad primes which are: none for A , 2 for each remaining type, 3 for types E n n (n=6,7,8), and 5 for E . 8 The classical BMW algebras have a topological interpretation as tangle algebras; see [17]. In [9], a similar interpretation was given to BMW algebras of type D . n Although, in this paper, we provide bases of the BMW algebras of type E (n = n 6,7,8) that are built up from ingredients of the corresponding root systems in the same way as the other types, an interpretation in terms of tangles is still open. We use the coefficient ring R=Z[δ,δ−1,l,l−1,m]/ m(1−δ)−(l−l−1) (cid:0) (cid:1) andrecallthat,foranysimplylacedCoxeterdiagramM,theBMWalgebraB(M)of typeM isthealgebraoverRgivenbygeneratorsg ,...,g ,e ,...,e andrelations 1 n 1 n Date:January19,2011. 1 2 ARJEHM.COHEN&DAVIDB.WALES as indicated in Table 1. Here, the indices i, j, k are nodes of the diagram M. By i ∼ j we mean that i and j are adjacent in M, and by i 6∼ j that they are non- adjacent (including the possibility that they are equal). for i (RSrr) g2 =1−m(g −l−1e ) i i i (RSer) e g =l−1e i i i (RSre) g e =l−1e i i i (HSee) e2 =δe i i for i6∼j (HCrr) g g =g g i j j i (HCer) e g =g e i j j i (HCee) e e =e e i j j i for i∼j (HNrrr) g g g =g g g i j i j i j (HNrer) g e g =g e g +m(e g −e g +g e −g e )+m2(e −e ) j i j i j i j i i j i j j i j i (RNrre) g g e =e e j i j i j (RNerr) e g g =e e i j i i j (HNree) g e e =g e +m(e −e e ) j i j i j j i j (RNere) e g e =le i j i i (HNeer) e e g =e g +m(e −e e ) j i j j i j j i (HNeee) e e e =e i j i i Table 1. BMW Relations Table, with i and j nodes of M Theorem 1.1. Let M be a simply laced spherical Coxeter diagram. (i) The BMW algebra B(M) is free of the same rank as the Brauer algebra of type M. (ii) When tensored with Q(l,δ), this algebra is semisimple. (iii) When tensored with an integral domain containing inverses of all bad primes, B(M) is cellular. Here,theBraueralgebraoftypeM,denotedBr(M),isasin[5]. Thismeansitisthe free algebra over Z[δ±1] generated by r ,...,r ,e ,...,e , with defining relations 1 n 1 n as givenin Table 2 (with the same conventionsfor ∼ and 6∼). The classicalBrauer algebraonBrauerdiagramshaving 2(n+1)nodes andn+1 strands introducedin [3] coincides with Br(A ). In [5] it is shown that Br(M) is a free Z[δ±1]-module. n Br(M) is the image of the ring homomorphism µ : B(M) → Br(M) sending e to i e , and g to r , whilst specializing l to 1 and m to 0. i i i The ranks rk(Br(M)) are given in [5, Table 2]; these are 1,440,585 for M = E , 6 139,613,625 for M = E , and 53,328,069,225 for M = E , respectively. Particu- 7 8 larly nice bases are provided, which are parameterized by triples (B,h,B′) where B and B′ are in the same orbit Y of special (the technical word being admissible) sets of mutually orthogonal roots under the Coxeter group W(M) of type M and h belongs to the Coxeter group W(M ) whose type M depends only on Y. In Y Y the familiar case M =A , the usual basis consists of Brauer diagrams having n n−1 strands; the sets B and B′ determine the top and bottom of the Brauer diagram THE BIRMAN–MURAKAMI–WENZL ALGEBRAS OF TYPE En 3 on n strands, where top and bottom mean the collections of horizontal strands be- tweennodesatthetopandbottom,respectively,andhdeterminesthepermutation correspondingto the verticalstrands on the remaining part of the Brauer diagram (elements of the Coxeter group of type M =A ). Y n−2|B|−1 The generators e ,...,e , together with the identity, of the BMW algebra B(M) 1 n satisfy the relations of the Temperley–Lieb algebra of type M as introduced in Graham’sPhDthesis[13]. Thesearejusttherelations(HSee),(HCee),and(HNeee) ofTable1. Thereforee ,...,e togetherwiththe identitygenerateasubalgebraof 1 n B(M)that is a homomorphic image ofthe Temperley–LiebalgebraoverR. In fact it is the Temperley–Lieb algebra: Proposition 1.2. Let M be a simply laced spherical Coxeter diagram. The sub- algebra of B(M) generated by e ,...,e together with the identity is isomorphic to 1 n the Temperley–Lieb algebra of type M over R. In particular, the restriction of the ring homomorphism µ to the subalgebra of B(M) generated by e ,...,e preserves ranks and maps a copy of the Temperley– 1 n Lieb algebra over R to a copy over Z[δ±1]. As mentioned for Theorem 1.1, this theorem and Proposition 1.2 are known for M =A (see [17]) and for M =D (see [8]). The results follow immediately from n n the results for connected diagrams M so here only M = E (n = 6,7,8) need be n considered. The proof of Proposition 1.2 for M = E is given in 3.8. It rests on n the irreducible representations of the Temperley–Lieb algebras determined by Fan in [10]. Our proof of Theorem 1.1(i) for M = E uses Proposition 1.2 as a base n case. It also uses the special case of [8, Proposition 4.3] formulated in Proposition 2.2 below and the rewriting result stated in Theorem 2.7 further below. It makes use of some computations in GAP [11] for verifications that all possible rewrites have been covered. The outline of the paper is as follows. All notions needed for the main results as well as the main technical results needed for their proofs, are given in Section 2. Section 4 analyses centralizersof idempotents occurringin Braueralgebrasof type M = E (n = 6,7,8). Sections 5 and 6 together form the major part of our proof n of Theorem 1.1(i). It runs by induction on objects from the root system of type M, whereas the base case, related to Temperley–Lieb algebras, is treated in 3.8 of Section 3. The completion of the proof of Theorem 1.1 as well as a concluding remark is given in Section 7. 2. Detailed statements In this section, we describe in detail the statements of the previous section, the rewrite strategy for their proofs, and the structure of the Brauer monoid. Throughout this paper, F is the direct product of the free monoid on r ,...,r ,e ,...,e 1 n 1 n and the free group on δ. Furthermore, π : F → Br(M) is the homomorphism of monoids sending each element of the subset {r ,...,r ,e ,...,e ,δ,δ−1} of F 1 n 1 n to the element with the same name in Br(M). Similarly, ρ : F → B(M) is the homomorphism of monoids sending each element of the subset e ,...,e ,δ,δ−1 1 n (cid:8) (cid:9) of F to the element with the same name in B(M) and each r to g (i=1,...,n). i i It follows from these definitions that π =µ◦ρ. 4 ARJEHM.COHEN&DAVIDB.WALES Definitions 2.1. Elements of F are called words. A word a ∈ F is said to be of height t if the number of r occurring in it is equal to t; we denote this number i t by ht(a). We say that a is reducible to another word b, that a can be reduced to b, or that b is a reduction of a, if b can be obtained by a sequence of specified rewrites,listedinTable2,startingfroma, thatdonotincreasethe height. We call a word in F reduced if it cannot be further reduced to a word of smaller height. Following [8], we have labelled the relations in Table 2 with R or H according to whether the rewrite from left to right strictly lowers the height or not (observe that the height of the right hand side is always less than or equal to the height of the left hand side). If the number stays the same, we call it H for homogeneous. Our rewrite system will be the set of all rewrites in Table 2 from left to right and vice versa in the homogeneous case and from left to right in case an R occurs in its label. We write a b if a can be reduced to b; for example (RNere) gives e e r e e e if 2 ∼ 3. If the height does not decrease during a reduction, we 1 2 3 2 1 2 also use the term homogeneous reduction and write a ! b; for example, (HNeee) gives e r !e e e r if 2∼3. 2 1 2 3 2 1 label relation label relation (Hδ) δ is central (Hδ−1) δδ−1 =1 for i (RSrr) r2 =1 (RSer) e r =e i i i i (RSre) r e =e (HSee) e2 =δe i i i i i for i6∼j (HCrr) r r =r r (HCer) e r =r e i j j i i j j i (HCee) e e =e e i j j i for i∼j (HNrrr) r r r =r r r (HNrer) r e r =r e r i j i j i j j i j i j i (RNrre) r r e =e e (RNerr) e r r =e e j i j i j i j i i j (HNree) r e e =r e (RNere) e r e =e j i j i j i j i i (HNeer) e e r =e r (HNeee) e e e =e j i j j i i j i i for i∼j ∼k (HTeere) e e r e =e r e e (RTerre) e r r e =e e e e j i k j j i k j j i k j j i k j Table 2. Brauer Relations Table, with i, j, and k nodes of M Proposition 2.2. Let M be of type E for n ∈ {6,7,8}. Let T be a set of words n in F whose image under π is a basis of Br(M). If each word in F can be reduced to a product of an element of T by a power of δ, then ρ(T) is a basis of B(M). Thispropositionisaspecialcaseof[8,Proposition4.3]. Inviewofthisresult,Theo- rem1.1(i)followsfromTheorem2.3below,whichisarewritingresultontheBrauer monoid BrM(M) in which computations are much easier than in the correspond- ing BMW algebra. Here, we recall from [5], the Brauer monoid BrM(M) is the submonoid generated by δ,δ−1,r ,...,r ,e ,...,e of the multiplicative monoid 1 n 1 n underlying the Brauer algebra Br(M). Homogeneous reduction, !, is an equivalence relation, and even a congruence, on F, to which we will refer as homogeneous equivalence. We denote the set of THE BIRMAN–MURAKAMI–WENZL ALGEBRAS OF TYPE En 5 its equivalence classes by F. Note that concatenation on F induces a well-defined monoid structure on F andethat reduction on F carries over to reduction on F. e e Theorem 2.3. For M of type E for n∈{6,7,8}, each element of F reduces to a n unique reduced element. e The image of F under the homomorphism π coincides with BrM(M). As π is constantonhomogeneousequivalence classes,there is no harmin interpretingπ as a map F → BrM(M). Let T be the set of reduced words in F. By definition of δ BrM(Me) and Theorem 2.3, the restriction of π to Tδ is a bijecteion onto BrM(M). Thecyclicgroupgeneratedbyδ actsfreelybymultiplicationonT . ChooseT tobe δ asetofrepresentativesinT forthisaction. Asπ isequivariantwithrespecttothis δ actionandBr(M)iscanonicallyisomorphictothefreeZ-algebraoverBrM(M),the restrictionofπ toT isabijectionontoabasisofBr(M)overZ[δ±1]. Consequently, Proposition2.2applies,givingthatρ(T)isabasisofB(M). Thisreducestheproof of Theorem 1.1(i) to a proof of Theorem 2.3. We shall however prove a stronger version of the latter theorem in the guise of Theorem 2.7. WenextdescribethesetT ofreducedwordsinF. Ourstartingpointisafiniteset, δ denoted A and introduced in [7, Section 3], on wehich the Brauer monoid BrM(M) acts fromthe left. Elements ofA are particular,so-calledadmissible, sets ofmutu- ally orthogonalpositive roots fromthe rootsystemΦ of type M (see below for the precise definition). A special element of A will be the empty set ∅. By restriction, the Coxeter group W of type M also acts on A and we will use a special set Y of W-orbit representatives in A, whose members we can associate with subsets Y of the nodes of M on which the empty graphis induced; such sets of nodes are called cocliques of M. The empty coclique of M represents the member of A equal to ∅, which is fixed by W. LetY be a coclique of M. The elemente of F denotes the productoverall i∈Y Y of ei. As no two nodes in Y are adjacent, (eHCee) implies that the ei (i ∈ Y) commute,soitdoesnotmatter inwhichorderthe productis taken. For eachnode i of M, put eˆ =e δ−1 and put eˆ =e δ−|Y| = eˆ. These are idempotents. i i Y Y Qi∈Y i Correspondingto Y, there is a unique smallest admissible element of A containing {α |i∈Y}, denoted B . With considerable effort, we are able to define, for each i Y B in the W-orbitWB of B , anelement a of F that is uniquely determinedup Y Y B to powers of δ by π(aB)∅=π(aB)BY =B and ceretain minimality conditions. The precise statements appear in Theorem 2.11 below. Also, we will identify a subset T of F of elements commuting with e in F and in bijective correspondencewith Y Y a Coxeeter group of type MY; see Propositione 2.12 and Table 3. Now (1) T = δia eˆ haop Y ∈Y; B,B′ ∈WB ; h∈T ,i∈Z . δ n B Y B′(cid:12) Y Y o (cid:12) (cid:12) Here the map a 7→ aop on F is obtained (as in [8, Notation 3.1]) by replacing an expression for a as a product of its generators by its reverse. This induces an antiautomorphism on F and on BrM(M). Equality (1) illustrates how the triples (B,h,B′) alluded toebefore parameterize the elements of T. The detailed description of T reveals a combinatorial structure that will be used to prove the semisimplicity and cellularity parts of Theorem 1.1 (see Section 7). 6 ARJEHM.COHEN&DAVIDB.WALES We now give precise definitions of the symbols introduced for the description of T. Throughoutthis section, we let M be a connected simply laced spherical diagram. Instead of W(M) we also write W for the Coxeter group of type M. The combinatorial properties of the root system Φ of type M that we will discuss here are crucial. We first recallthe definition of admissible. A set X of orthogonal positive roots is called admissible if, for any positive root β of Φ that has inner product ±1 with three roots, say β , β , β , of X, the sum 2β − 3 (β,β )β 1 2 3 Pi=1 i i is also in X. In [5] and [7] it is shown that any set X of orthogonal positive rootsis containedina unique smallestadmissible set,whichis calledits admissible closure and denoted Xcl. Now W acts elementwise on admissible sets with the understandingthatnegativerootsarebeingreplacedbytheirnegatives: forw ∈W and B ∈A, we have wB ={±wα| α∈B}∩Φ+. If M =A , all sets of mutually n orthogonalpositive roots are admissible. In [7], a partial ordering < with a single maximal element is defined for each W- orbit in A. An important property of this partial ordering is that, if i is a node of M and B ∈A, then r B <B is equivalent to the existence of a root β of minimal i height in B\r B for which ht(r β) < ht(β); see [7, Section 3]. A useful property i i of this ordering is that, for each i and B, the sets B and r B are comparable. The i definitionofM dependsonthisordering. Theorderingisalsoinvolvedinanotion Y ofheightforelementsofA,denotedht(B)forB ∈A,whichsatisfiesht(B)<ht(C) wheneverB,C ∈AsatisfyB <C. Moreover,ifr B >B,thenht(r B)=ht(B)+1. i i (See Definitions 2.6 below for further details.) Nonempty representatives of W-orbits in A are listed in [7, Table 2] and, for M = E (n = 6,7,8), in Table 3. Each line of Table 3 below the header corresponds to n a single W-orbit in A. Definitions 2.4. By Y we denote the set consisting of the empty set and the cocliques Y of M listed in column 5 of Table 3. Let Y ∈ Y. We recall that B = {α |i∈Y}cl, the admissible closure of the set Y i of simple roots indexed by Y. It is a fixed representative of a W-orbit in A. The Coxeter type M is the diagram induced on the nodes of M whose corresponding Y roots are orthogonal to all members of the single maximal element of WB with Y respect to the partial order < (see [7], where the type is denoted C ). WBY We denote by H the subsemigroup of F generated by the elements of S and eˆ Y Y Y occurring in the sixth column of Table 3e. Finally, we write TY for the subset of F consisting of reduced elements of HY. e We will show that H is a monoid with identity eˆ whose generators S satisfy Y Y Y certain Coxeter relations. Then π maps H onto a quotient of the Coxeter group Y oftype M . In fact, in Proposition2.12the image π(H ) turns outbe isomorphic Y Y to the Coxeter group, and T turns out to be in bijective correspondence with Y W(M ). Y ThefirstcolumnofTable3indicatestowhichtypeM therowbelongs. Bynowthe meaning of the fifth column (the coclique Y of M), the second column (the size of B ), fourth column (the type M ), and the one but last column (a distinguished Y Y subset S of F), should be clear. We describe the other columns of this table. Y The thirdcoluemnlists the Coxetertype ofthe rootsystemonthe rootsorthogonal toB . ThecentralizerC (B )ofB inW isanalyzedin[7]. Itisthesemi-direct Y W Y Y productofthe elementaryabeliangroupoforder2|BY| generatedbythe reflections THE BIRMAN–MURAKAMI–WENZL ALGEBRAS OF TYPE En 7 inW withrootsinB andthe subgroupW(B⊥∩Φ) ofW generatedbyreflections Y Y with roots in B⊥∩Φ. The normalizer, or setwise stabilizer, N (B ) of B in W Y W Y Y can be larger and is described in [7, Table 1]. The last column lists the sizes of the collections, (WB )0, of admissible sets of Y height0 in the W-orbitWB of B . This data willnot be needed until Section 3. Y Y M |B | B⊥ M Y S ={xeˆ |x as below } |(WB )0| Y Y Y Y Y Y E 1 A A 6 e e e e r e e ,r ,r ,r ,r 6 6 5 5 6 5 4 3 2 4 5 1 2 3 4 E 2 A A 4,6 e e r ,r 20 6 3 2 4 3 2 1 E 4 ∅ ∅ 2,3,6 - 15 6 E 1 D D 7 e ···e r e e e ,r ,...,r 7 7 6 6 7 3 2 4 5 6 1 5 E 2 A D A A 5,7 e e e r e ,r 27 7 1 4 1 3 5 4 3 2 4 1 E 3 D A 2,5,7 r ,r 21 7 4 2 1 3 E 4 A3 A 2,3,7 r 35 7 1 1 5 E 7 ∅ ∅ 2,3,5,7 - 15 7 E 1 E E 8 e ···e r e ···e ,r ,...,r 8 8 7 7 8 3 2 4 7 1 6 E 2 D A 6,8 e e e e r e e ,r ,r ,r ,r 35 8 6 5 6 5 4 3 2 4 5 1 2 3 4 E 4 D A 2,3,8 r ,r 84 8 4 2 5 6 E 8 ∅ ∅ 2,3,5,8 - 50 8 Table 3. Nonempty cocliques Y of M and admissible sets B . Y As a result of this description of the reduced element set T in (1), the size of T δ Y coincides with |W(M )| and the rank of Br(M) over Z[δ±1] is Y |T| = |W(M )|·|WB |2. X Y Y Y∈Y SubstitutingthedataofTable3,wefindthevaluesof[5,Table2](andlistedabove Proposition 1.2). This description is a strengthening of [5, Proposition 4.9]. We continue by recalling the action of the monoid Br(M) on A introduced in [5]. Definition 2.5. Let M be a simply laced spherical Coxeter diagram and let A be the union of all W-orbits of admissible sets of orthogonal positive roots (so the empty set is a member of A). The action of W on A is as discussed above. The action of δ is taken to be trivial, that is δ(X) = X for X ∈ A. This action extends to an action of the full Brauer monoid BrM(M) determined as follows on the remaining generators, where i is a node of M and B ∈A. B if α ∈B,  i (2) eiB =(B∪{αi})cl if αi ⊥B, r r B if β ∈B\α⊥.  β i i It is shown in [5, Theorem 3.6] that this is an action. Using the antiautomorphism a 7→ aop we obtain a right action of BrM(M) on A by stipulating Ba=aopB for B ∈A and a∈BrM(M). (We will also write aop for the reverse of a word a in F or of an element a of F.) e Definitions 2.6. As indicated above, by B we denote the admissible closure Y of {α | i ∈ Y}. It is a minimal element of the poset on WB induced by the i Y 8 ARJEHM.COHEN&DAVIDB.WALES partialordering<definedonA. IfdisthedistanceintheHassediagramforWB Y from B to the unique maximal element of WB (whose existence is proved in Y Y [7, Corollary 3.6]), then, for B ∈ WB , the height of B, notation ht(B), is d−ℓ, Y where ℓ is the distance in the Hasse diagram from B to the maximal element. In particular, ht(B )=0 and the maximal element has height d. Y The level ofanadmissiblesetB, notationL(B), is the pair consistingofthe height of B and the multiset {ht(β)|β ∈B}. These are ordered by first height of B and then lexicographically,with the lower heights of roots of B coming first. For any given B ∈A we define Simp(B) to be the set of simple roots in B. Our proof of Theorem 2.3 consists of the following reduction strategy. Let a ∈ F. Then B =π(a)∅ and B′ =∅π(a) belong to the same W-orbit of A. Fix Y ∈Y bee such that B ∈ WB . We will show a δia eˆ haop for some h∈ H and i ∈Z. Y B Y B′ Y ByusingtheMatsumoto–TitsrewriterulesforCoxetergroups,cf.[16,20],wemay even take h∈T (cf. Definitions 2.4). In summary, with T as in (1), the proof of Y δ Theorem 2.3 is a direct consequence of the theorem below. Recall that T is the Y set of reduced element of H . Y Theorem 2.7. Let M be a simply laced spherical Coxeter diagram. Suppose that a isawordinF. LetY ∈Y besuchthatB andB =π(a)∅areinthesameW-orbit. Y Then B′ = ∅π(a) is in the same W-orbit as B and B , and a δia eˆ haop for Y B Y B′ some i ∈ Z and h ∈ T . In particular, each element of F reduces to a unique Y element of Tδ, and each element of Tδ is reduced. e By [5, Proposition 4.9] and the rank computations in [loc. cit.], the monomials π(a eˆ haop) in Br(M) are indeed distinct for distinct triples (B,h,B′), as are B Y B′ theirmultiples bydifferentpowersofδ. Sotheburdenofproofisinthe uniqueness of a and h when given a with B =π(a)∅. The proof of Theorem 2.7 is presented B in 7.1 and is based on the three main results, Theorems 2.11, 2.12, 2.13, which are stated below. Corollary 2.8. Under the hypothesis of Theorem 2.7, if a and a′ are two words of height ht(aB ) with aB =a′B , then a!a′ up to powers of δ. Y Y Y We now introduce an algorithm that will give, for any given B ∈ A, a word a B having the required properties for the definition of T. We also introduce another wordab,whichmovesBtoB (asdefinedinTheorem2.7). Weneedcertainwords, B Y called Brink–Howlett words, from the subsemigroup of F generated by e ,...,e 1 n thatarespecifiedinDefinition3.3. Theyoriginatefrom[4e]andwerealsodescribed for reflectiongroups in the earlierpaper [15]. The Brauerelements of these Brink– Howlett words have the property that, whenever Y and Y′ are two cocliques of M with |Y| = |Y′| such that BY and BY′ are in the same W-orbit, then they move one to the other in the BrM(M)-action on A. Definition 2.9. For B ∈ WB , we denote by a , respectively ab, a word in F Y B B constructed according to the following rules. e (i) If |Simp(B)| = |Simp(B )|, then a is the Brink–Howlett word that, in the Y B leftaction,takesB toB,followedbyeˆ . Moreover,ab istheBrink–Howlett Y Y B word taking B to B in the right action, followed by eˆ . Y Y (ii) If r B <B for some node k, then a =r a and ab =r ab . k B k rkB B k rkB THE BIRMAN–MURAKAMI–WENZL ALGEBRAS OF TYPE En 9 (iii) Otherwise, there are adjacent nodes j and k of M with α ∈ B such that j ht(e B)=ht(B) and L(e B)<L(B). Then a =e a and ab =e ab . k k B j ekB B k ekB The nodes k described in (iii) are called lowering-e-nodes for B. The nodes k for which r B <B are called lowering nodes for B. k Notice that π(a )∅ = π(a )B = B and Bπ(ab) = B . Rule (i) only deals with B B Y B Y admissible sets of height 0. The equality of heights in (iii) for e B and B is a k consequence of the other properties, as will be clear from Lemma 3.1. The only rule changing the height in the poset A is (ii) and here it is lowered by exactly by 1. This also means a is reduced as each r in (ii) lowers the height of B k a as well as the height of B by 1 so there must be at least ht(B) occurrences of B r ’s in any word a ∈ F with π(a)∅ = B. This gives the very important property, k stated in (i) below, relating the heights of a and of B. B Proposition 2.10. For each B ∈A, the following holds. (i) ht(B)=ht(a ). B (ii) The word a is reduced. B (iii) There exist words a and ab in F constructed as in Definition 2.9. B B e Proof. Assertion (i) is a direct consequence of the construction of a in Definition B 2.9. As any word a ∈ F with π(a)B = B satisfies ht(a) ≥ ht(B), assertion (ii) Y follows from (i). So it remains to establish (iii). To this end, we verify that the conditions of Definition 2.9(iii) are always satisfied so that words a and ab constructed as in Definition 2.9 are guaranteed to exist. B B We know there are no nodes k for which r B < B. If there are fewer than |Y| k simple roots in B, take one of minimal height, say β, in B that is not simple and a node k lowering {β}. As B and r B are comparable, we must have r B >B, and k k sothereisanodej forwhichα ∈B israisedbykandsok ∼j. Nowe B =r r B j k j k has height ht(B). Under the action of e , the simple root α in B is replaced by k j the simple root α in e B, and β is replaced by β −α −α , so L(e B) < L(B) k k k j k unless there is a node i ∼ k with α also in B. In the latter case we use the fact i that B is admissible, which implies β −α −α −2α also belongs to B. As its j i k height is lower than ht(β), it must be simple. So we may assume that B has at least three simple roots. We are done in the case of sets of size at most 4. Admissible sets B of size 7 or 8 in E and E remain. In 7 8 thesecases,takeβ′ inB\Simp(B)cl ofminimalheightandtakeanode k′ lowering β′. Then k′ ∼ l for at most one node l with α ∈ Simp(B). This k′ will be as l required. (cid:3) Theorem 2.11. Let M ∈ {E ,E ,E } and Y ∈ Y. For each B ∈ WB there is, 6 7 8 Y uptohomogeneousequivalenceandpowers ofδ,auniqueworda inFeˆ satisfying B Y Definition 2.9. This word has height ht(B) and moves ∅ to B in the left action: π(a )∅ = B. Moreover, there is a word ab in F of height ht(B) that satisfies B B Bπ(ab)=B . B Y TheproofofthisresultisdescribedafterTheorem2.13. Contrarytoa ,thewords B ab are not uniquely determined. B If ht(B)=0, then a and ab are Temperley-Lieb words as discussed in Section 3. B B Clearly,then r B ≥B for all nodes k of M. The converseis true for M =A : the k n worda will be a product of an element fromW and a Temperley–Liebword. For B other types M, this is not necessarily the case. An example is the admissible set 10 ARJEHM.COHEN&DAVIDB.WALES B = {α ,α +α +2α +2α +α } for M = E . As r and r leave B invariant 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 4 and r , r , r , and r raise B, there is no lowering node for B; consequently a 2 3 5 6 B cannotbegin with an element from W, but its height equals 2. In fact we can take a = e r r e e e e e eˆ eˆ and π(a )∅ = r r r r r r r r r r r r r r B , with B 4 2 5 3 4 5 1 3 4 6 B 3 4 2 5 1 3 5 4 6 5 3 1 4 3 Y Y = {4,6}. In particular, B is an admissible set as in Case (iii) of Definition 2.9 with ht(B)>0. In accordance with Proposition 2.10 the Temperley–Lieb word e 3 satisfies L(e B)<L(B) and e B has lowering nodes 2 and 5. 3 3 Theorem 2.12. Let M ∈ {E ,E ,E } and Y ∈ Y. The Matsumoto–Tits rewrite 6 7 8 rules of type M are satisfied by S in F with respect to , with identity element Y Y eˆ . Moreover, the set T of reduced words of the submonoid H of F generated by Y Y Y SY are in bijective correspondence with the elements of W(MY). e TherewritingforH ishandledviatheMatsumoto–TitsrewriterulesforW(M ), Y Y the Coxeter group of type M . The proof and a further structure analysis of H Y Y is given in 4.1. The rewriting for a ∈ F is handled via the following behavior of the elements a B under left multiplicationewith generatorsof BrM(M). Observethat aB ends ineˆY. Theorem 2.13. Let M ∈ {E ,E ,E } and Y ∈ Y. For each B ∈ WB the 6 7 8 Y element a of F has height ht(B) and satisfies the following three properties for B each node i of Me. (i) r a a h for some h ∈H . Furthermore, if r B > B, then h =eˆ , the i B riB Y i Y identity in H . Y (ii) If |e B|=|B|, then e a a h for some h∈δZH and ht(e B)≤ht(B). i i B eiB Y i (iii) If |e B| > |B|, then e a reduces to an element of BrM(M)e BrM(M) for i i B U some set of nodes U strictly containing Y. Fix M ∈ {E ,E ,E }. The proofs of Theorems 2.11 and 2.13 are closely related. 6 7 8 Actually, the assertions are proved by induction on the rank of M as well as the level L(B) of the admissible set B involved. In Section 5 we prove the statement of Theorem2.11 for B ∈A assuming the truth of the statements of both theorems for elements in A of level less than L(B). In Section 6 we prove the statement of Theorem2.13for B ∈A assuming the truth of the statements of Theorem2.11for elementsinAofheightlessthanorequaltoL(B)andofTheorem2.13forelements of height strictly less than L(B). The base case for the induction, ht(B) = 0, is covered by Corollary 3.9. As the results are already proved for types A and D , n n see [8, Section 4], we also assume the validity of the theorems for BMW algebras whose types have strictly lower ranks than M. 3. The Temperley–Lieb Algebra The parts of Theorems 2.11 and 2.13 concerned with admissible sets B of height zero are proved in this section. We also provide a proof of Proposition 1.2. There are some natural height preserving actions by e which arise in many of our i calculations. Lemma3.1. LetB ∈B andlet j beanodeof M. Then α ∈e B. Assumefurther j j that i is a node of M with α ∈B and i∼j. Then ht(B)=ht(e B). Furthermore, i j B =e e B and e B =e e (e B). i j j j i j

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