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The building blocks of dynamical heterogeneities in dense granular media R. Candelier,1 O. Dauchot,1 and G. Biroli2 1SPEC, CEA-Saclay, 91 191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France 2Institut de Physique Th´eorique, CEA, IPhT, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France and CNRS, URA 2306 We investigate experimentally the connection between short time dynamics and long time dy- namicalheterogeneitieswithinadensegranularmediaundercyclicshear. Weshowthatdynamical heterogeneitiesresultfromatwotimescalesprocess. Shorttimebutalreadycollectiveeventsconsist- ing in clustered cage jumps concentrate most of thenon affine displacements. On larger timescales suchclustersappearaggregated bothtemporallyandspatially inavalancheswhicheventuallybuild 9 thelargescales dynamicalheterogeneities. Ourresultsindicatethatfacilitation playsanimportant 0 role in the relaxation process although it does not appear to be conserved as proposed in many 0 models studied in theliterature. 2 PACSnumbers: n a J Mechanically driven grains exhibit a dramatic slow- andspatiallyinavalanchesandultimatelybuildthelarge 2 ing down of their dynamics when their volume fraction scales dynamical heterogeneities. We find that dynamic 2 is increased above a certain value. This phenomenon, facilitation [11, 18] clearly plays a major role in the de- generically called jamming transition, shares a lot of ex- velopment of the avalanche process although it seems to ] t perimentalfeatureswiththeglasstransitionand,indeed, beirrelevantintriggeringit. Adetaileddiscussionofour f o ithasbeensuggestedthattheyarebothgovernedbysim- findings on the basis of the current theoretical literature s ilar underlying physical mechanisms [1]. Whether such is presented in the conclusion. . t mechanismsoriginatefromanidealtransitionofanykind The experimental setup, the same as in [6, 7] con- a m remains however a matter of debate [2, 3, 4]. One of sistsinanhorizontalmonolayerofabout8300bi-disperse the major recent advances in these fields has been the steel cylinders of diameter 5 and 6 mm in equal propor- - d discovery of dynamic heterogeneity (DH). Experimental tions quasi-statically sheared at constant volume frac- n and numerical works have shown that the dynamics be- tion φ = 0.84. The shear is periodic, with an amplitude o come increasingly correlated in space approaching the θ =±5◦. Ahighresolutioncameratakesimageseach c max [ glass and the jamming transitions (see [5] for a recent time the system is back to its initial position θ = 0◦. review, and [6, 7, 8, 9, 10] more specifically for granu- Both the camera resolution and a better control of the 2 lar media). This clearly shows that the slowing down of lighteninguniformitynowallowthetrackingofN =4055 v 1 the dynamics is relatedto a collectivephenomenon, pos- grains in the center of the device, without any loss. A 0 sibly to a true phase transition. Different theories have typical experiment lasts 10 000 cycles. We choose the 2 been developed in order to explain quantitatively this time unit to be one back and forth cycle, and the length 0 phenomenon. The crucial last missing piece consists in unit to be the diameter of small particles. Redoing the . 1 understanding what is the underlying mechanism lead- sameanalysisasinpreviousstudies[6,7]weobservethat: 1 ing to dynamic heterogeneity and, hence, responsible for (i) the dynamics is isotropic, subdiffusive at short times 8 the slow relaxation. Many different possible origins have and diffusive at long times; subdiffusion stems from the 0 been highlighted in the literature: dynamic facilitation trapping of the particles within cages of size σ = 0.1, a : c v [11], soft modes [12, 13], proximity to a mode coupling value slightly smaller than in [6, 7] presumably because i X transition[14,15],growingamorphousorder[16,17],etc. of small changes in packing fraction and/orshear ampli- At this stage, it is therefore crucial to perform detailed tude; (ii) introducing r a studies aimed at unveiling what are the building blocks of DH. ||∆~rp(t,t+τ)||2 Q (a,τ)=exp − , (1) p,t (cid:18) 2a2 (cid:19) Theaimofthisletteristoperformsuchtypeofanaly- sis for a granularsystem close to its jamming transition. where ∆~r (t,t + τ) is the displacement of the particle p Our starting point consists in identifying the elementary p between t and t+τ and a is a probing length scale. irreversible relaxation processes, that we shall call cage The computation of the four points correlation function jumps in reference to the well known interpretation of χ (a,τ) = N(< Q (a,τ)2 > − < Q (a,τ) >2), where 4 t t the slowing down of the dynamics in term of caging [5]. Q (a,τ) = 1 Q (a,τ) reveals that the dynamical t N p p,t OuranalysisshowsthatDHistheresultoftwoprocesses correlationlengPthismaximalforτ∗ =720anda∗ =0.15. takingplaceondifferenttimescales. Onshorttimescales, In the present study, we first segment the trajectories clustered cage jumps concentrate most of the non affine in separated cages introducing a novel algorithm. Con- displacements. On larger timescales such clusters, that sider a trajectory S(t)t∈[0,T] on a total time T and split are already collective events, aggregate both temporally it at an arbitrary cut time t into two sets of successive c 2 FIG. 1: Left: 3D visualization of the trajectory of a single FIG. 2: Left: Spatio-temporal position of the cage jumps; particle. The color changes every time the algorithm detects only one direction in space is shown (x-axis). Each point a cage jump. Right: Comparison between the relative av- represents a cage jump. The very flat clouds of points are eraged relaxation Qt(a∗,τ∗)/ < Qt >t (in gray/cyan online) clusters of collective and instantaneous cage jumps. Right: and the relative percentage Pt(τ∗)/<Pt >t of particles that Probability distribution of clusters sizes. ∗ ∗ haven’t jumped between t and t+τ (in dark),τ =720. bouring particles – and time – separated by less than the jump resolution, 10 cycles – one can extract two im- points : S1 fort1 ∈[0,tc]andS2 fort2 ∈]tc,T]. Thenwe portant features. The duration of these clusters follows measure how well separated are the two sets of points: an exponential distribution with an average value which remains small, typically of the order of 10 cycles. On p(tc)=ξ(tc). <d1(t2)2 >t2∈S2 .<d2(t1)2 >t1∈S1 1/2 the contrary, cage jumps are not isolated in space: the (cid:0) (cid:1) (2) cluster size distribution has very fat tails. In the regime where d (t ) is the distance between the point at time of sizes experimentally available, it is well described by k i ti and the center of mass of the subset Sk. The av- a power law ρ(Nc) ≃ Nc−α, where Nc is the number of erage <> is computed over the subset S . ξ(t ) = grains within a cluster and α∈[3/2,2] (see fig. 2-right). Sk k c t /T ∗(1−t /T), the standard deviation of the num- Experimentallytheaverageclustersizeequals18andhas c c pberofstepsinagivensetforauniformlydistributedpro- a standard deviation of 34. We now compute the square cessisthenaturalnormalisationthateliminatesthelarge differencebetweentheactuallocaldeformationarounda fluctuations arising when t is too close to the bounds of grain i, and the one it would have if it were in a region c [0,T]. Wedefineacagejumpatt whenp(t )ismaximal. of uniform strain ε: c c The procedureis then repeatediterativelyfor everysub- trajectoryuntilpmax(tc)<σc2. Fig.1-leftillustrateshow, Di2(t,τ)= ~rij(t+τ)−ε.~rij(t) 2, (3) using the above algorithm, we successfully segment the Xj (cid:0) (cid:1) trajectories into cages separated by jumps. Cage jumps are defined within a resolution of 10 cycles. A direct where the index j runs over the neighbouring grains of andimportantobservationis thatthe distributionofthe time spent in each cage is exponential and characterized by an average ”cage time” τ = 1160. For comparison, c Q (a∗,τ = 1000) ≃ 0.5 [7]. This means that in average t a particle jumps only once on the timescale over which Q (a∗,τ)relaxes. Fig.1-rightdisplaystherelativevalues t of Q (a∗,τ∗) together with P (τ∗) the relative percent- t t age of particles that have not jumped during τ∗. The correlation is straightforward: the bursts of cage jumps caught by the algorithm are responsible for the major relaxation events of the system. Anticipating on the fol- lowing, one can also check that the cage jumps detected by the algorithm are also exactly located in the areas FIG. 3: Left: Clusters of cage jumps concentrate the highly where the decorrelation is maximal (compare fig. 4 mid- non-affinedomains: thedistancetoaffinityparameter∆(t,τ) dle and right). (in levels of gray) is compared to the location of clusters of Fig.2-leftrevealsthatcagejumpsoccurintermittently collective cage jumps (with red boundaries) (τ=30). Right: both in space and time. There are very long intervals Zoom on a highly non-affine region (box on the left figure). without a jump in a whole region of space separated by The displacements of the particles, magnified by a factor 2, sudden and collective relaxation events. When cluster- are in light grey (yellow online). For convenience, the main ing the cage jumps which are adjacent in space – neigh- streams creating intense local shears are eye-guided. 3 FIG. 4: Left: Cumulated probability distribution of the duration between spatially adjacent clusters (color online). Experi- mentaldataareinredcircleswhilegreensquaresstandforasetofequalcardinalitygeneratedfromanexponentialdistribution with thesame meanvalue. Theblackcurveistheanalyticalversion ofthissame distribution. Theactualdistributionandthe ∗ ∗ exponential ones cross at the lag time τ =720. Inset: Distribution of the lags below τ (blue triangles) and above (magenta crosses). Middle: Spatiallocation ofsuccessiveclustersofcage jumps. Colorscorrespond tothetimeatwhich clustersoccur. Right: Spatial field of thetwo point correlation function Qp,t(a∗,τ∗). reference grain i and ~r (t) = ~r (t)−~r (t). ∆2(t,τ) = one can see the two lag time distributions corresponding ij j i i Min D2(t,τ) is the local deviation from affine defor- toeventsseparatedbyrespectivelylessandmorethanτ∗; ε i matio(cid:0)n during(cid:1)the time interval τ (see [19] for details). these exponentialdistributions revealstwo verydifferent We observe (fig.3) that the clusters of cage jumps con- typicaldecaytimes (τs =120andτl =1190). This sepa- centrate the highly-non affine deformations and can be rationof times underlines the aggregationofthe clusters identifiedas the elementaryirreversibleevents ofthe dy- of cagejumps into separatedavalanches. The shorttime namics. scale τs corresponds to the delay between two successive eventswithinagivenavalanche,whereasthelongoneτ is We shall now unveil how the above short term events l the time separatingtwo avalanchesat a similar location. build up large collective relaxation on long time scales. τ nicely corresponds to the typical cage time of individ- The heavy tails in the distribution of the cluster sizes l ualparticlesτ =1160,indicatingthatalmostnoparticle (fig. 2-right) suggests that the collective cage jumps ag- c jumps twice within the same avalanche. Spatially, note gregateintosomekindofavalancheprocess: afirstclus- that the minimal distance between avalanches2 points ter triggers the apparition of successive bursts nearby toward an average distance of 27 and a standard devi- shortly after, which in turn trigger other nearby bursts. ationof14,indicating a clearspatialseparationbetween Such avalanches would provide a natural mechanism for avalanches. Also, the fractal dimension of clusters d theformationofthelongtermdynamicalheterogeneities, F gives a geometrical characterization of the structure of as we shall see now. Fig. 4-left compares the cumula- the dynamically correlated regions. Within the statisti- tivedistribution(cPdf)ofthelagtimesbetweenadjacent cal accuracy,d increases from 1.3 towards 2 during the clusters(redcircles)tothatofindependenteventsfollow- F aggregation process. Thus, as in numerical studies on ing a Poissonian process with the same average lag time glass-forming liquids [20, 21], we find that dynamically (dark line). Both cumulative distributions intersect at a correlated regions becomes thicker on larger timescales. lag time corresponding precisely to the timescale of the Finally, selecting a time interval of length τ∗, initiated dynamical heterogeneities τ∗: compared to the Poisso- at the beginning of a given avalanche, fig. 4 compares nian process, there is an excess of short lag times when the spatial organization of the clusters in the avalanche τ < τ∗ i.e. Prob(lag < τ) = cPdf(τ) is larger than for and the local relaxation of the system as measured by the Poissonianprocess , and an excess of large lag times the field Q (a∗,τ∗). The correspondence is very good: when τ > τ∗ i.e. Prob(lag > τ) = 1−cPdf(τ) is again p,t the aggregationof all the clusters within an avalanche is largerthanforthePoisonianprocess,leadingtoanunder ultimately building a large decorrelation area, also seen representation of intermediate lag times1. In the inset, on the correlation function Q (a∗,τ∗). More interest- p,t 1 NotethatthePoissoniandistibutioncomputedfromarandomly 2 We compute the distance between avalanches as the minimal generateddatasetwiththesamecardinalityandthesameaver- distance between all the couples of clusters separated of a lag age(greensquares)isidenticaltotheanalyticalcurve,excluding anyfinitesizeeffectintheaboveobservation. timelessthan2τs andbelongingtodifferentavalanches. 4 ingly, each cluster in fig. 4-middle is colored according viously,allsuchconjecturescallforfurtherinvestigation. to a colorgradientcorrespondingto the time atwhich it From the experimental point of view, one would like to occurs,therebyunderliningthewayafirstclusterofcage identify the soft modes and check their correlation with jumps has given rise to successive neighbouring clusters. the clusters we identified. Repeating the present study Tosummarize,wehaveidentifiedatwotimescalespro- insimulationsofglass-formingliquidswouldbecertainly cessthatgiverisetodynamicalheterogeneities(DH)and very instructive. One could check whether the building isresponsibleformacroscopicrelaxation. Atshorttimes, blocks of DH are the same ones we identified for granu- the particles collectively jumps within clusters whose lar media. Finally, it would be interesting to know how sizes are very largely distributed. These clustered jumps the processes we identified evolved with density and in trigger other ones nearby within an avalanche process. particular which of DF and soft modes becomes more The lifetime of suchavalanchesis muchsmaller than the important when increasing the density. timescale between two avalanches in a similar location We would like to thank J. P. Bouchaud, P. Harrowell, or, analogously,between succesive cage jumps of a given S.Aumaitre,F.Lechenaultforhelpfuldiscussionsaswell grain. DHarestrongestonatimescalewhichcorresponds as V. Padilla and C. Gasquet for technical assitance on to the crossover between these last two. It is interesting the experiment. to discuss our results within the perspectives provided by current theoretical approaches. Dynamic facilitation (DF) is one mechanism put forward to explain slow and glassy dynamics. Theoretical approaches based on DF usually focus on Kinetically ConstrainedModels (KCM) [1] A. Liu and S.Nagel, Nature 396, 21 (1998). [11, 22, 23]. They are characterizedby a common mech- [2] G. Biroli, Nature Physics p.222 (2007). anismleadingtoslowdynamics: relaxationisduetomo- [3] R. Mari, F. Krzakala, and J. Kurchan,arXiv:0806.3665. [4] L. Berthier and T. Witten, arXiv:0810.4405. bile facilitating regions that are rare and move slowly [5] L. Berthier and G. Biroli, Encyclopedia of Complexity across the system. 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