Esteemed Australian author Hugh V. Clarke recreates a period in our history between two catastrophic wars as it follows the struggles of one family to emerge from the almost universal poverty which blanketed Australia during the dark days of the Depression. The story moves through Mulgowie, Gatton, Haden to Toowoomba before reaching Brisbane in the Depths of the economic crisis of 1930.
It is enlivened by that peculiarly Australian sense of' humour that has sustained Australians through the hardships of war and the disappointments of peace.
As the story unfolds and people at last begin to emerge from the gloom of the Depression, it portrays in subtle overtones the growing threat beyond our shores which inevitably erupted and lured our society along other roads.
No other Australian city suffered as much from the impact of World War II as did Brisbane. By the time the war ended the distinctive way of' life, portrayed in this book, was gone forever leaving only memories of the Depression days and nostalgia for the many blessings enjoyed by the people of the north.