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Formerly THE BRITISH JOURNAL OF DELINQUENCY Founder Editors: Edward Glover, Hermann Mannheim, Emmanuel Miller The British Journal of Criminology Volume 33 Editor: Joanna Shapland Associate Editors: Geoffrey Pearson, John Baldwin Editorial Board: Keith Bottomley, Pat Carlen, David Farrington, David Garland, John Gunn, Roy King, Michael McConville, Pat Mayhew, Rod Morgan, Ken Pease, Gerry Rose, Andrew Rutherford, Carole Willis Review Editor: Robert Reiner References Section Editor: Dave Edwards Publishing Editor: Juliet Sydenham Published on behalf of The Institute for the Study and Treatment of Delinquency by Oxford University Press The British Journal of Criminology International Advisory Board Professor John Braithwaite (Canberra) Professor Gunther Kaiser (Freiberg) Professor Duncan Chappell (Canberra) Professor Massimo Pavarini (Bologna) Professor Nils Christie (Oslo) Dr Monica Platek (Warsaw) Professor R. V. G. Clarke (Rutgers) Professor AlbertJ . ReissJ, r (Yale) Professor Stanley Cohen (Jerusalem) Dr Philippe Robert (Paris) Professor Jan van Dijk (The Hague) Professor Thorsten Sellin (Philadelphia) Professor Richard Ericson (British Columbia) Professor Jerome Skolnick (Berkeley) Dr Matti Joutsen (Helsinki) Professor Dirk Van Zyl Smit (Cape Town) Professor Heike Jung (Saarbriicken) Professor Franklin Zimring (Berkeley) Editorial Communications Joanna Shapland, The British Journal of Criminology Faculty of Law, University of Sheffield, Crookesmoor Building, Conduit Road, Sheffield S10 1FL Review Editor Robert Reiner Dept. of Law, London School of Economics and Political Science, London WC2A 2AE Subscriptions and Orders Published quarterly at an annual subscription in 1993 of £55 in the UK and Europe, US$110 elsewhere, or for members of the ISTD or BSC, £33 or US$66; single issues £16 in the UK and Europe or US$31 elsewhere. Prices includes postage by surface mail or, for subscribers in the USA and Canada by Airfreight or in Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and India by Air Speeded Post. Back issues are sold at the current single issue rate multiplied by the number of issues in the volume. Payment is required with all orders and subscriptions are accepted and entered by the volume(s). Payment may be made by cheque (made payable to Oxford University Press), National Girobank (Account 500 1056), Credit Card (Access, Visa, American Express, Diners Club), or UNESCO Coupons. Bankers: Barclays Bank Plc, PO Box 333, Oxford, UK, Code 20-65-18, Account 00715654. Orders and requests for sample copies should be sent to Journals Subscriptions, Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP. lhe British Journal of Criminology is published quarterly by Oxford University Press. Subscription is $110 per year. Second Class pending at Newark, New Jersey. ISSN 0007-0955. POSTMASTER: send address corrections to The British Journal of Criminology, c/o Virgin Mailing and Distribution, Building 150, Newark International Airport, Newark, New Jersey 07114, USA. Advertising \dvertisements are welcomed and rates will be quoted on request. Advertisers should address their enquiries to PRC Associates, The Annexe, Fitznells Manor, Chessington Road, Ewell Village, Surrey KT17 1TF. © The Institute for the Study and Treatment of Delinquency 1994. All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without either the prior written permission of the Publishers, or a licence permitting restricted copying issued in the UK by. the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London WIP 9HE, or in the USA by the Copyright Clearance Center, 27 Congress Street, Salem, Mass 01970. Phototypeset by Cotswold Typesetting Ltd, Gloucester VOLUME 33 CONTENTS ARTICLES Ba.pwin, J., Police Interview Techniques: Establishing Truth or Proof? Bow no, B., Racial Harassment and the Process of Victimization: Conceptual and Methodological Implications For the Local Crime Survey BRAITHWAITEJ,. , Shame and Modernity Brown eE, I. D., and Joangs, D., Intensive Probation for Young Adult Offenders: Evaluating the Impact of a Non-Custodial Sentence Crark, D. A., Fisher, M. J., and McDouca.t, C., A New Methodology For Assessing the Level of Risk in Incarcerated Offenders Co.utson, M., Punishing Drugs: Criminal Justice and Drug Use DeosaRaN, R., The Social Psychology of Selecting Jury Forepersons Durr, P., The Prosecutor Fine and Social Control: The Introduction of the Fiscal Fine to Scotland ENGLAND, R. W., Who Wrote John Howard’s Text? The State of the Prisons as a Dissenting Enterprise FarRRINGTON, D. P., and Burrows,J . N., Did Shoplifting Really Decrease? ForsyTHE, B., Women Prisoners and Women Penal Officials 1840—1921 JEFFERSON, T., Pondering Paramilitarism: A Question of Standpoints? JEFFERSON, T., and WALKER, M. A., Attitudes to the Police of Ethnic Minorities in a Provincial City Jones, C., Auditing Criminal Justice Juncer, M., and Potper, W., Religiosity, Religious Climate, and Delinquency Among Ethnic Groups in the Netherlands Lévy, R., Police and the Judiciary in France since the Nineteenth Century: The Decline of the Examining Magistrate Mar, K. J., The Nature of the Act: A Neglected Dimension in the Classification of Sex Offenders MEEHAN, A. J., Internal Police Records and the Control of Juveniles: Politics and Policing in a Suburban Town NerGArD, T. B., Solving Conflicts Outside the Court System: Experiences with the Conflict Resolution Boards in Norway SCHLESINGER, P., and TumBeR, H. Fighting the War Against Crime: Television, Police, and Audience Stanko, E. A., and Hospett, K., Assault on Men: Masculinity and Male Victimization Vaco, J., Context and Linkage: Reflections on Comparative Research and ‘Internationalism’ in Criminology WaopoincTon, P. A. J., The Case Against Paramilitary Policing Considered Wiu1aMs, P., and DickinsonJ,. , Fear of Crime: Read All About It? The Relationship between Newspaper Crime Reporting and Fear of Crime VOLUME 33 CONTENTS NOTES Corpess, C., and Turcan, M., Art Vandalism Narr, G., Ditton, J., and Pxiiurps, S., Environmental Improvements and the Fear of Crime: The Sad Case of the ‘Pond’ Area in Glasgow SPIERENBURG, P., Comments on Herman Franke’s Article: “The Rise and Decline of Solitary Confinement: Socio-Historical Explanations of Long-term Penal Changes’ CORRESPONDENCE MatrTHews, R., Against Street Prostitution BOOK REVIEWS Autre, P., [mperial Policing: The Emergence and Role of the Police in Colonial Nigeria, 1860-1960 (Mike Brogden) AMES, J., Just Deserts or Just Growing Up? Community Initiatives With Young People in Trouble (George Mair) Anverson, D. M., and Kituincray, D. (eds.), Policing the Empire: Government, Authority and Control, 1830-1940 (Mike Brogden) ArmstroneG, T. L., Intensive Interventions With High-Risk Youths: Promising Approaches in Juvenile Probation and Parole (Mike Stephens) AsHwortH, A., Sentencing and Criminal Justice (Eryl Hall Williams) Arkins, S., Husain, S., and Storey, A., The Influence of Street Lighting on Crime and Fear of Crime (Kate Painter) BarLey, S. H., Harris, D. J., and Jones, B. L., Civil Liberties: Cases and Materials, 3rd edn (Adam Tomkins) BIRKINSHAW, P., Reforming the Secret State (Laurence Lustgarten) Bock, A. A., Perspectives on Organizing Crime: Essays in Opposition (Vincenzo Ruggiero) BoTToMLey, K., CoLeman, C., Dixon, D., Grtt, M., and Watt, D., The Impact of PACE: Policing in a Northern Force (Carole Helen Adams) BoTToMLey, K., and Hay, W. (eds.), Special Units for Difficult Prisoners (Mick Ryan) Brake, M., and Hats, C., Public Order and Private Lives: The Politics of Law and Order (D. Downes) BREWER, J. D., and Maceg, K., Inside the RUC: Routine Policing in a Divided Society (Steven Greer) Brown, M., Car Parking: The Economics of Policy Enforcement (Claire Corbett) Brown, S., Magistrates at Work (John Baldwin) CasHmorgE, E., and McLaucu.n, E., Out of Order? Policing Black People (Ben Bowling) CuHapPELL, D., Grasosky, P., and Strano, H. (eds.), Australian Violence: Contemporary Perspectives (Gwynn Davis) CiarKE, M., Business Crime (L. H. Leigh) VOLUME 33 CONTENTS CrarKgE, R. V. (ed.), Situational Crime Prevention: Successful Case Studies (Trevor Bennett) Cieaver, H., Vulnerable Children in Schools: A Siudy of Catch Em Young (Denis Jones) Coxvin, M., The Penitentiary in Crisis: From Accommodation To Riot in New Mexico (Mick Ryan) Con.ey, C. A., The Unwritten Law: Criminal Justice in Victorian Kent (Clive Emsley) Con.ey, R. W., Luckasson, R., and BouTHILtet, N. (eds.), The Criminal Justice System and Mental Retardation (John Minkes) Coyte, A., Inside: Rethinking Scotland’s Prisons (Peter Young) Croat, H., White Collar Crime (David Nelken) CromweELL, P., Orson, J., and Avary, D. W., Breaking and Entering: An Ethnographic Analysis of Burglary (Mike Maguire) Currik, E., Dope and Trouble: Portraits of Delinquent Youth (Roger Matthews) Davis, G., MEssEMER, H., UmBrett, M. S., and Coates, R. B., Making Amends: Mediation ard Reparation in Criminal Justice (Andrew Rutherford) Dencu, G., Crime in a Minority Situation (Dave Robins) Denney, D., Racism and Anti-Racism in Probation (Mike Nellis) Ditutio, J. G. (ed.), Courts, Corrections and the Constitution (Mick Ryan) Dosasu, R. E., and Dosasu, R. P., Women, Violence and Social Change (Betsy Stanko) Dorn, N., Muryji, K., and Soutn, N., Traffickers: Drug Markets and Law Enforcement (Geoffrey Pearson) Eccer, S. A. (ed.), Serial Murder: An Elusive Phenomenon (J. W. E. Sheptycki) Ems.ey, C., The English Police: A Political and Social History (Barbara Weinberger) Erickson, R. V., BARANEK, P. M., and Cuan, J. B. L., Representing Order: Crime, Law and Justice in the News Media (Howard Tumber) ERMANN, M. D., and Lunpan, R. J. (eds.), Corporate and Governmental Deviance: Problems of Organizational Behavior in Contemporary Society, 4th edn (Gary Slapper) Fatrau, E. A., Understanding Criminal Victimization: An Introduction to Theoretical Victimology (Lucia Zedner) GELsTHORPE, L., and Morris, A., Feminist Perspectives in Criminology (Penny Green) GottTFrepson, D. M., and Ciarkg, R. V. (eds.), Policy and Theory in Criminal Justice: Contributions in Honour of Leslie T. Wilkins (Derek Cornish) GREEN, P., The Enemy Without: Policing and Class Consciousness in the Miners’ Strike (Claude Journes) Greer, D., Criminal Injuries Compensation (Gerry Maher) Gupjonsson, G. H., The Psychology of Interrogations, Confessions and Testimony (Carole Helen Adams) Guyot, D., Policing As Though People Matter (P. A.J .W addington) Harris, R., Crime, Criminal Justice and the Probation Service (George Mair) HEIsKANEN, M., Aromaa, K., Niemi, H., Ruustnen, A., and Stren, R., Accidents and Violence 1988 (Frances Simon) Home Orrice RESEARCH Stupy No 122, Managing Difficult Prisoners: The Parkhurst Special Unit (Roy D. King) Horner, J., Provocation and Responsibility (Barry Mitchell) IsLAND, D., and LETELLIER, P., Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them: Battered Gay Men and Domestic Violence (Betsy Stanko) Jackson, J., Kirpatrick, R., and Harvey, C., Called to Court (Steven Greer) Vv VOLUME 33 CONTENTS Jounston, L., The Rebirth of Private Policing (Nigel South) Juncer, M., Delinquency and Ethnicity (Dave Robins) Juncer-Tas, J., and SaceL-GranpbE, I. (eds.), Criminology in the 21st Century: A Collection of Essays Presented to Professor Wouter Buikhuizen (Eryl Hall Williams) KE..ey, R. J., and MacNamara, D. E. J. (eds.), Perspectives on Deviance, Dominance, Degradation and Denigration (Kevin Stenson) Kine, M., and Piper, C., How the Law Thinks About Children (M. D. A. Freeman) Lester, D., Understanding and Preventing Suicide (Steve Taylor) Liska, A. E. (ed.), Social Threat and Social Control (P. A.J . Waddington) Mair, G., Part Time Punishment? The Origins and Development of Senior Attendance Centres (Andrew Willis) MarsHALL, T. (ed.), Community Disorders and Poltcing (P. A.J .W addington) McConvittz, M., and SHEPHERD, D., Watching Police, Watching Communities (P. A. J. Waddington) McManuon, M. W., The Persistent Prison? Rethinking Decarceration and Penal Reform (Mick Ryan) MeEsseMER, H., and Orro, H-U. (eds.) Restorative Fustice on Trial, Pitfalls and Potentials of Victim-Offender Mediation: International Perspectives (Andrew Rutherford) Miter, J. G., Last One Over the Wall: The Massachusetts Experiment in Closing Reform Schools (Andrew Rutherford) Muncig, J., and Sparks, R. (eds.), /mprisonment: European Perspectives (Mike Nellis) NeEwsurn, T., Permission and Regulation: Law and Morals in Post-War Britain (Christie Davies) Pepinsky, H. E., The Geometry of Violence and Democracy (Michael Keith) Poyner, B., and Wess, B., Crime Free Housing (Trevor Bennett) RapzInowicz, Sir L., The Roots of the International Association of Criminal Law and their Significance: A Tribute and a Re-Assessment on the Centenary of the IKV (Eryl Hall Williams) Raw.incs, P., Drunks, Whores and Idle Apprentices: Criminal Biographies of the Eighteenth Century (Clive Emsley) REINER, R., Chief Constables (John Alderson) Rosert, P. (ed.), La Création de la Loi et ses Acteurs: L’Exemple du Droit Pénal (Alain Guyomarch) Rosert, P., and Ems.ey, C. (eds.), History and Sociology of Crime (Alain Guyomarch) RoBERTSHAW, P., Rethinking Legal Need: The Case of Criminal Justice (Ed Cape) SAUNDERS, T. J., Plato’s Penal Code: Tradition, Controversy and Reform in Greek Penology (Nigel Walker) ScHEINGOLD, S. A., The Politics of Street Crime: Criminal Process and Cultural Obsession (Michael Keith) SCHLEGEL, K., Just Deserts for Corporate Criminals (Michael Levi) ScraTon, P., Sim, J., and Skipmore, P., Prisons Under Protest (Rod Morgan) Sessar, K., and Kerner, H-J. (eds.), Developments in Crime and Crime Control Research: German Studies on Victims, Offenders and the Public (Eryl Hall Williams) Suaw, R. (ed.), Prisoners’ Children: What Are the Issues? (Roy Light) SHOEMAKER, D. J., Theories of Delinquency (Denis Jones) Situ, K. J. M., A Modern Treatise on the Law of Criminal Complicity (lan Dennis) vi

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