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Published in 2011 by Britannica Educational Publishing (a trademark of Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.) in association with Rosen Educational Services, LLC 29 East 21st Street, New York, NY 10010. Copyright © 2011 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, and the Thistle logo are registered trademarks of Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. All rights reserved. Rosen Educational Services materials copyright © 2011 Rosen Educational Services, LLC. All rights reserved. Distributed exclusively by Rosen Educational Services. For a listing of additional Britannica Educational Publishing titles, call toll free (800) 237-9932. First Edition Britannica Educational Publishing Michael I. Levy: Executive Editor J.E. Luebering: Senior Manager Marilyn L. Barton: Senior Coordinator, Production Control Steven Bosco: Director, Editorial Technologies Lisa S. Braucher: Senior Producer and Data Editor Yvette Charboneau: Senior Copy Editor Kathy Nakamura: Manager, Media Acquisition Erik Gregersen: Associate Editor, Astronomy and Space Exploration Rosen Educational Services Hope Lourie Killcoyne: Senior Editor and Project Manager Joanne Randolph: Editor Nelson Sá: Art Director Cindy Reiman: Photography Manager Nicole Russo: Design Matthew Cauli: Cover Design Introduction by John Strazzabosco Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The Britannica guide to analysis and calculus / edited by Erik Gregersen. p. cm.—(Math explained) “In association with Britannica Educational Publishing, Rosen Educational Services.” Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-61530-220-8 (eBook) 1. Mathematical analysis. 2. Calculus. I. Gregersen, Erik. QA300.B6955 2011 515—dc22 2010001618 Cover Image Source/Getty Images On page 12: In this engraving from Isaac Newton’s 18th-century manuscript De methodis serierum et fluxionum, a hunter adjusts his aim as a group of ancient Greek mathematicians explain his movements with algebraic formulas. SSPL via Getty Images On page 20: High school calculus teacher Tom Moriarty writes a problem during a multi- variable “post-AP” calculus class. Washington Post/Getty Images On pages 21, 35, 48, 64, 81, 106, 207, 282, 285, 289: Solution of the problem of the brachistochrone, or curve of quickest descent. The problem was first posed by Galileo, re-posed by Swiss mathematician Jakob Bernoulli, and solved here by English mathemati- cian and physicist Isaac Newton. Hulton Archive/Getty Images C ontents Introduction 12 Chapter 1: Measuring Continuous Change 21 Bridging the Gap Between Arithmetic and Geometry 22 Discovery of the Calculus and the Search for Foundations 24 23 Numbers and Functions 25 Number Systems 25 Functions 26 28 The Problem of Continuity 27 Approximations in Geometry 27 Infinite Series 29 The Limit of a Sequence 30 Continuity of Functions 31 Properties of the Real Numbers 32 Chapter 2: Calculus 35 Differentiation 35 Average Rates of Change 36 Instantaneous Rates of Change 36 Formal Definition of the Derivative 38 Graphical Interpretation 40 Higher-Order Derivatives 42 Integration 44 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 44 Antidifferentiation 45 The Riemann Integral 46 Chapter 3: Differential Equations 48 Ordinary Differential Equations 48 Newton and Differential Equations 48 40 Newton’s Laws of Motion 48 Exponential Growth 56 and Decay 50 Dynamical Systems Theory and Chaos 51 Partial Differential Equations 55 Musical Origins 55 Harmony 55 Normal Modes 55 Partial Derivatives 57 D’Alembert’s Wave Equation 58 Trigonometric Series Solutions 59 Fourier Analysis 62 Chapter 4: Other Areas of Analysis 64 82 Complex Analysis 64 Formal Definition of Complex Numbers 65 Extension of Analytic Concepts to Complex Numbers 66 Some Key Ideas of Complex Analysis 68 Measure Theory 70 Functional Analysis 73 Variational Principles and Global Analysis 76 Constructive Analysis 78 Nonstandard Analysis 79 87 Chapter 5: History of Analysis 81 The Greeks Encounter Continuous Magnitudes 81 The Pythagoreans and Irrational Numbers 81 Zeno’s Paradoxes and the Concept of Motion 83 The Method of Exhaustion 84 Models of Motion in Medieval Europe 85 Analytic Geometry 88 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 89 Differentials and Integrals 89 Discovery of the Theorem 91 Calculus Flourishes 94 Elaboration and Generalization 96 Euler and Infinite Series 96 Complex Exponentials 97 Functions 98 Fluid Flow 99 Rebuilding the Foundations 101 93 Arithmetization of Analysis 101 Analysis in Higher Dimensions 103 Chapter 6: Great Figures in the History of Analysis 106 The Ancient and Medieval Period 106 Archimedes 106 Euclid 112 Eudoxus of Cnidus 115 Ibn al-Haytham 118 Nicholas Oresme 119 Pythagoras 122 Zeno of Elea 123 126 The 17th and 18th Centuries 125 Jean Le Rond d’Alembert 125 Isaac Barrow 129 135 Daniel Bernoulli 131 Jakob Bernoulli 133 Johann Bernoulli 134 Bonaventura Cavalieri 136 Leonhard Euler 137 Pierre de Fermat 140 James Gregory 144 Joseph-Louis Lagrange, comte de l’Empire 147 Pierre-Simon, marquis de Laplace 150 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 153 Colin Maclaurin 158 Sir Isaac Newton 159 Gilles Personne de Roberval 167 Brook Taylor 168 Evangelista Torricelli 169 John Wallis 170 The 19th and 20th Centuries 173 Stefan Banach 173 Bernhard Bolzano 175 Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer 176 Augustin-Louis, Baron Cauchy 177 160 Richard Dedekind 179 Joseph, Baron Fourier 182 183 Carl Friedrich Gauss 185 David Hilbert 189 Andrey Kolmogorov 191 Henri-Léon Lebesgue 195 Henri Poincaré 196 Bernhard Riemann 200 Stephen Smale 203 Karl Weierstrass 205 Chapter 7: Concepts in Analysis and Calculus 207 Algebraic Versus Transcendental Objects 207 215 Argand Diagram 209 Bessel Function 209 Boundary Value 211 Calculus of Variations 212 Chaos Theory 214 Continuity 216 Convergence 217 Curvature 218 Derivative 220 Difference Equation 222 Differential 223 Differential Equation 223 Differentiation 226 Direction Field 227 Dirichlet Problem 228 Elliptic Equation 229 Exact Equation 230 Exponential Function 231 Extremum 233 Fluxion 234 Fourier Transform 234 Function 235 228 Harmonic Analysis 238 Harmonic Function 240 Infinite Series 241 Infinitesimals 243 Infinity 245 Integral 249 Integral Equation 250 Integral Transform 250 Integraph 251 Integration 251 Integrator 252 Isoperimetric Problem 253 232 Kernel 255 Lagrangian Function 255 Laplace’s Equation 256 Laplace Transform 257 Lebesgue Integral 258 Limit 259 Line Integral 260 Mean-Value Theorem 261 Measure 261 Minimum 263 Newton and Infinite Series 263 Ordinary Differential Equation 264 Orthogonal Trajectory 265 247 Parabolic Equation 266

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