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THE BRIGHTESRI DE OFH UMANNA TURE AltruainsEdmm p athy inEv re yadyL fi e ALFI KEOHN BasiBcoo ks/,11 cPu.b,l ishm NEW YORK M H M W W W Q W :nniW m r fi M" mm "HP M w !”IIWW m “mm" mflwfiW wwwwhmJ-IfmwaJMM fifimfiflmwmmu-dmmmfiWmm myfmwfwwwfimmmwa'qm'jW‘# ”WE‘MWWW flmfmum mm -3m HW mlfi mm{ Cuntents Acknuwledgmenu I HATUl-IAL ASSWHQNS 1 DH the Exislcncc uf a “Human Haunt" fln‘um In flu Hum-t Ly" Nmrflm "Jm? Hmwfl, 5n" Brflnd flu w cramp: Tiling Lihrflfl with lining 11mm in m FM! 51:: I! Twin: 2 D11 the Naturc uf “Human Haunt" Wt?! My Hm m H: am :5!" Epith- II REEFGNDING TI} UTE-{Ens 6] 5 Prom-chi Practices: Prediction and Promutiun W H W my mums mm Iii-i W 1|I 111:: Self and [he Ether The am” an SEEM Fmpflflm an flap-attain Em. 3 m a nd 1h: 11m Sal-pink Phil: If Ht! Fifi-in; hum Thai] and Emmi EH Em} Imagining ”MIMI Fuiflg Fulfill; minim! Imagining 136 5 The Self with th: flan-1'- Th Hui-Inuit] qf Hm Fran Muir Mr 329' WTMhIflMWn-H =6 The ABCs uf Caring: A Gas:- Study 164 Mug Writing flair Talk; Th CHE W W III FflflM ME TD YUU Tfl U5 ['19 '3' Altruism Lust 13.1 Waikiki!” mmawqrzgm fl Almlism Regaincd Eflfi fl: Mug-Jr cf Egm'm WE: Film 11mm ‘1 Fit Why Utility Dam? P M The hum of H M 31d Swarm m m fl flhmup ynnufnu EEE ni :n ni mrwrM 5 1 W smum fiflW vdd-aupgx :.ll am a slammam un A W HDIHI 3L5 'i'iL lltpun EEL Acknnwledgments Aflbuuh.uenfllmwilhmnm¢nnflwmvfl.mmup¢rfliflpmj- It“. hay-run:- 'II'I'IIJ mile: Ifliauully mun tame: u:- I'filifl thu “than upturn their ilIdEh-IEdII-fll no: because mm: fleck-r31 law rtqu'trc: it but hug-taunt they u-uly an: indchtfll. This haul-1, Fur mmplc. lit—HI”? Humid nut nil: withuu: mhrr pimple“: lab-cur. fipflifitfllf [hm at" lhr renal-dun Influx-km mmflin drbiflingnfiay': liturwm hundrtdcnr- "its. fltwuhhtlumnslleamedafewjremaguinlutdwbmmfm rascal-chilly subject is In publish a hunt an il. Remit“ an: uni]! run In”)? In paint nut in run 11:: mums you :huuld haw induflud but mun-haw nfimd. I haw no dnuhu that this will happen again. and perhaps I flmuld fip-rfla myapprctimiun minim In Muhawmsmdcimflnmmm: Ind cumplain aha-m my nwraighti. 1n Ihr: mnnth‘nt. them an.- 91m uf penple when: shady haw.- cun- tfihulefl In Ill: haul. and. in my Ihinking an III! luhjcfll it cm”, I had m::I'Iarul:rrl:ill.iu~m+ in mm: can: ltngIhy 3111:! Imfltipk', with a Hummer If talented peuplt. Th: willingntsi nt' Dan Barium Enrin Snub. Nancy Eintnh-trg, and Hmjn Hnflimn [a share their insights and admlarship IIJflE'lll a delightful lil hE'lW-EEI'I pmltlsinna] him! and Ptrltlflfl] dur- aner. I'm happy It} l'lE'Ffll'l [hill Ihcre i: 1111 tfidtnct cur: trade-9E barium nudging m a y a nd living it. Pam ul' IJ'IE bank at: alm ridu-r [m- the lath I'l'll.‘ hid 1with Dick wnnlin and lawn Elwin. Ann Higgins and En]: Batman final Gilligan and Hanna Minnw. Dennis Krebs. Paul Edit-NHL Georg: and Barbara Margin. Larry film. and S W G nrdnm Far :11 authm nun-thing Epilnmizu whit mural phflomphcn H.“ In- PuftmgalifflI—ifld 1hr.- reu of us limplr ”fit in it! going beymrd 1h: fl.“ nfdlny—Iih trading and flittingm ain-'1u nfit. I'm Hf}! grim- Iii W W W fill Enrlhtcritiacil mmmenu an filinw chapters that 11?: received final Haunt Einnhtrg. 13.111! Hum. Didi; Ltwuntin. Dafid Adams, Jcflrfi Guldslcin. Mari-n i'armu. Bah Edam-1. Danni:M l.E rin: Schap: In El... Harlin Hnfimm. and Turn Wifldfl'lflll'l. Special mmtinn gnu In Din Eat- mm Ewin Euuh. and Phil Harman, "ha Hm pusflivcty hut-mi: in Ihfl'il' willing-11:5: m revicw ind dissect extensive quantities at" my pm“. And In ml.- span: any :11?c full-1: {mm banning to fly it nut law]: If: Irma—I Ihmfld haw: accepted mart nf flicir suggfltinm. Thtn that is Bill GI'EEIIE. Bin dutin'l said my mun-3pm: HI.- sift: drungh [him]. Iizmr by Hm. idea by lid-n. whiting nut awkward phnaingi. incunsirltenl; menu. lamina] d i m . a nd unnuusmitr pm- vmtivt rhutmin: until I want In uni-155: him with gratitude. He due: this, luminhinghr enuugh. with entry tingle :Iupwr. ”I'd-u WIT“ an apt-ram dtfiniiifln nfallruism? My sharing Bil! with 1:11t authun want-:1 du nicely. ldun'llnuwwhmldid lfldtmtht flmemdmhcinum: inm-f limiting. but I dang-latch hnpe h: duem't call it quill Ifttr mu bank. The Era-thud: cantinufl. It was Gears: Margin whu introduced m: I dnun years agu tu- fl'fl: mitinga {If Harlin Huber Ind whu- fiend]! thal- lrnged m:- m rung-nix: [11¢ limit: uf ill-f warld view premiled m1 lhll: solitary indifidualJun Huttkh’ilih was kind :nnugh ta tip-en his file cabinet: in Int. Jnhn Wart, my alarm. waded his. tail Hi In find i. puhiiahn' Fun-r this prujm hut-cum ht btlifltd in it: walnut. Finally. let men-gr thatjn Ann Miller at Basic fidfly fi r mt he pnu'm Iafinhtd an hfl‘ by flthi'l' null-turn in the? achmwltdgmmt acctinm: this Hallmll Imam what flu in thing, I NATURAL ASSUMPTIONS 1 On the Existence of a “Human Nature” m m fl m fi ’ W W m M irna-i1 inh- mm” thrimhrqdflhfmw that!“ m mm tumult: Mimi-mu qf mam-5f In payfiaflagim mum MudwnrhmfumwAInmm-mmmifly'lwnuflh lupus-111W. WWMHHMItgfim muimwflflfim Mg; Inf“ Hlnheriflnminflm Eunuidu this tun-inn: IH uf [acts nhuut nurmllufl: Sun-nun: whu think: well nf himselfi: said u:- have a lint-alrl'u.r sc-lfmncepl and is enficd. M an: wlm 11$q m-fl at“ hi: tannin-I ia mlicd a palfim and is applauded. But sum-tun;- t Ihinh well ul— hia. species in regarded in IMPEIIEII]! min- and i: dilmisstd. The mumdunal wisdnm I'm il that nu an: muld Incl hard a: 1hr.- Fiftiffllll‘l ul' human hehaviur and but Pltlll'd with what he HEEL 5n den-ply held in: this flit-w that if same extraterrestrial iniefligcnce war: In [all album us 1hr: way w 13]]: about m. then: wnuId lflntiy In: an inltl‘plil'lb tar}! war. Think, fur ample. uf Ihc enpruliun "I'm an]? human." Th: enmhasi: is an the middle ward: i1 is whit we fail m :11: war he that seem: [an us must hum-vanity. Th: phrau "human naturc." mnnwl‘rilc. is 11':- IEn'Ed. an ifby mm: linguiuic mnvenliun. Far whit il nasty and negative in nur repenuire. We inmke ii In explain melfishnem rather than “nine. cmnp-Hilinn rathtr than map-tritium Esq-crummy rather than empaflnr. Du In]: g'iwm day m: may wilnm innumerable suture: ul' filling. rang- ing fmm small act: uf kindness ll} manna-us MEEH. but “Her (h: we shrug and say, "Well. what did run apart? It‘: jun hum nature In 111! gmfluul." II HATUIAL m o m s (If mum. Ihi: is m:- Im-r: quirk uf language. It is Him-E uf a widrspl'ead h-clicf 11ml nurdarkfl aid:- ia mun:- ptrvasive; mun: pmistmt. and mun-hm mun: real Ihln nu: allurr farm. Emit: Ill-l} that the: mall mmmun modifier far Emmi ii Hap-WI. CIT that Why is invariilhh' inltndcd :3 an epidm: H: m that I'J'H': ihlfl‘lflr nl' sutmntmflcd [:0t i: an invilafinn ta murdtmm chm. Eunverutly. mm. is a label reserved for nlmnrdhary, self-nuifidng imam—mm? cunt-Timing uur asmmptiun that thus: wlm pm 111: il‘llfl'flfl ul' amen Era! an: a ran: breed indeed. WE raise uur rhildren. manage mar mmpmhi. and duign our gum trmntnu an the assumptiun that pimple are naturally and prhllfll‘il'f sdfish and wifl act mhcrwiu- «unruly.r if thug.» an: mart-rd In :11: an and EII'IE'I- full}- nmnitured. We assume that genuine genmsity is mud}.r a mini:- :11 an nidlm dram uf “minimal: if we am: lucky. lint Idf-inlmfll will mic-nail? In: {If the “enlightened" Ifll‘h but in will mam fl'll: um: prtfix. My argm'l'lflll in this hunt '1: mm. that aggn-uiun and mmpcljtiun. HlEIhnc-u and egu-cenlricity. {in mm Hill. flhfiumljr 1hr? dill, and the juyful HILIHII :hnut human patmtial an: hears from same {want-rs are all the mar: gnling for t'il‘ failurt m atknuwlcdgt this. But d1: dani- nam sum-ads in this culture art gmmhlu 11F cynicism ahnul human nature than issue frum a fl‘l'flilil'f unfair and dhmntd vine-Hui" uur species. My aim in m pram: a mare balanced pEflpEtlilFE—ifl aflu-malinn ul' what lhfl't in m apprttiiuc aha-u: hmaniind wirhnut Egan-ring 1hr.- realily that pcnplr: sumflimfl act rum-n. Elem-Ir. the unhr Ipu-cifl m invent fur int-[Huds- menls nf gel-Dd and Hi] hag. [rt-11mm mcasiun m use hath. In any :1!!!a m mfiw at halantu. thl: dtciliflfl all-um what fact! to emphasize will depend an the starting paint. flu.- mly uul‘ itlil’fldfl an:- currc-mlr :kwti Thus. in magnum: m :- Ituhbum refusal to mcngnite what. in heartening :1:q titanium, I am chin-fly intmued in shutting that there is mare tn us than the negative qualifies 1m.- him: mm It: idtmifir with human naturt. Mm! nf u: have heard null: half this nary. Human biting: arr Hlfilh and :dfwfirmered. lufikh‘lg for any flppflrllfllilf tn 131E advantage. But human beings are aim dun“. :Ihll!‘ In furl «within-r15+ pain and pupartd In In: In rtlifit it. That is gnarl evidmc: lfl- auppnrt fl}: whim] that it in a: “namral” In htlp a: in! in u:- hfll‘L that tun-mm fur the well-behig af amen nfien finnnt he redured 1n "If-hurrah that Initial “nurture: prcdicalcd on human ulfinhncu haw: nu dajm m Erwi- Iahility—nr Hen prudencc. In :hun. ll'll' cynical c a ma lbum mu- IMF: i: am ufntep Hid] the hard chm.

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