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The Brezis--Nirenberg problem for the Hénon equation: ground state solutions PDF

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The Brezis–Nirenberg problem for the H´enon 2 equation: ground state solutions 1 0 2 Simone Secchi∗ n Dipartimento di Matematica ed Applicazioni a Universita` di Milano–Bicocca J 8 Via R. Cozzi 53, I-20125 Milano (Italy) 1 e-mail: [email protected] ] January 19, 2012 P A . h Abstract t a m This work is devoted to the Dirichlet problem for the equation −∆u = λu+ |x|α|u|2∗−2u in the unit ball of RN. We assume that λ is bigger than the first [ eigenvalues of the laplacian, and we prove that there exists a solution provided 1 α is small enough. This solution has a variational characterization as a ground v state. 6 3 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35J20,35J61,35J91. 7 Keywords. Groundstates,criticalexponent,H´enonequation,Neharimanifold. 3 . 1 1 Introduction 0 2 1 This short note is devoted to the Dirichlet problem : v ∆u=λu+ xα u2∗−2u in Ω i − | | | | (1.1) X (u=0 on ∂Ω r a where Ω is the unit ball of RN, λ is bigger than λ = λ ( ∆), the first Dirichlet 1 1 − eigenvalue of ∆, and α is a positive parameter. The exponent 2∗ is a shorthand − for the Sobolev critical exponent 2N/(N 2). We will assume throughout that − N 3. ≥ ThisproblemisageneralizationofthecelebratedBrezis–Nirenbergproblem,see [5] and [1, 9, 11, 10] for more generaland/orrecent existence results. When α=0, 6 our equation is reminiscent of the H´enon equation ∆u= xα up−2u, − | | | | ∗PartiallysupportedbyPRIN2009“Teoriadeipunticriticiemetodiperturbativiperequazioni differenzialinonlineari”. 1 whichhasbeenstudieddeeplyinrecenttimes. Mostpapersdealwiththesubcritical case p < (N +2)/(N 2), and focus on the behavior of solutions as α + or − → ∞ p (N +2)/(N 2). We refer to [18, 8, 12, 7, 8] for more information. As far as → − we know, the Brezis–Nirenberg problem for the critical H´enon equation has been studied only in [13], where the authors prove that there always exists a solution to problem (1.1), provided N 7 and α is small enough. ≥ In the next sections we will show that solutions exist whenever N 5 and α is ≥ small; in addition, we will find them as ground-state solutions, in a sense that will be made precise in a moment. We can therefore remove the (technical) restriction on the space dimension, and also provide more information about solutions. We will borrow many ideas from the recent papers [15] and [21], although the presence of the increasing weight α has to be dealt with carefully. Our main result is the |·| following theorem. Theorem 1.1. Denote by λ <λ λ ... λ ... the Dirichlet eigenvalues of 1 2 3 m the laplacian, and assume that N ≤5. If λ≤ λ≤< λ for some m N, then, m m+1 ≥ ≤ ∈ for every α > 0 sufficiently small, there exists (at least) a ground-state solution to problem (1.1). For the precise definition of ground-state solutions, we refer to Definition 2.1 below. As a consequence of well-known results in bifurcation theory for potential op- erators (we refer to Theorem 6.1 of [2]), it is rather easy to prove that each eigen- value λ is a bifurcation point for problem (1.1): this is the reason why many m papers focused on the case λ / σ( ∆). We propose a variational approach that ∈ − also covers the case λ=λ σ( ∆). m ∈ − 2 A variational framework for ground-state solu- tions We will work in the Hilbert space H = H1(Ω) endowed with the Dirichlet inner 0 product u,v = u v h i ∇ ·∇ ZΩ and the induced norm . We will assume that, for some m N, k·k ∈ λ λ<λ , m m+1 ≤ as stated in Theorem 1.1. We denote by e the eigenfunctions associated to j j { } λ . By assumption, we are led to the decomposition j j { } H =Z Y, ⊕ where Z is the subspace of H spanned by the first m eigenfunctions e ,...,e and 1 m Y = Z⊥. There is a standard identification of solutions to (1.1) with the critical 2 points of the functional ϕ: H R defined by the formula → ϕ(u)= 1 u2 λu2 1 xα u2∗. (2.1) 2 |∇ | − | | − 2∗ | | | | ZΩ ZΩ (cid:0) (cid:1) Inordertofindgroundstatesolutionsof(1.1),weintroduce(see[15])asub-manifold of H, = u H 0 ϕ(u),u =0, ϕ(u) Y (2.2) N { ∈ \{ }|h∇ i ∇ ∈ } Remark 2.1. The set is the intersection of the standard Nehari manifold N u H ϕ(u),u =0 { ∈ |h∇ i } with the pre-image ( ϕ)−1(Y). Much more general cases of Nehari-like manifolds ∇ and natural constraints are studied in [14]. Proposition 2.1. The set is a C1 submanifold of H, of codimension m+1. N Moreover, is a natural contraint for ϕ: every critical point of the restriction ϕ |N N is a free critical point of ϕ. Proof. We borrow the proof from [21]. Consider the map F: H 0 R Z, \{ } → × defined by the formula F(u)=( ϕ(u),u ,Q ϕ(u)), h∇ i ∇ where Q is the orthogonal projection of H onto Z; then = F−1(0). On the cartesian product R Z Rm+1 we put the inner productN × ≃ (t ,z ) (t ,z )=t t + z ,z . 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 · h i We claim that (DF(u)(tu+z)) (t,z)<0 · for any (t,z) R Z, (t,z) = (0,0). It is elementary to realize that this claim ∈ × 6 completes the proof of the first part of our Proposition. Fix (t,z) = (0,0), and 6 remark that ϕ(u),u = ϕ(u),z =0 h∇ i h∇ i implies (DF(u)(tu+z)) (t,z) · =tD2ϕ(u)(tu+z,u)+t ϕ(u),tu+z +D2ϕ(u)(tu+z,z) h∇ i =D2ϕ(u)(tu+z,tu+z) t ϕ(u),tu+2z − h∇ i = z 2 λz 2dx (2∗ 1)(tu+z)2 tu(tu+2z) u2∗−2 xαdx |∇ | − | | − − − | | | | ZΩ ZΩ (cid:0) (cid:1) = z 2 λz 2dx |∇ | − | | ZΩ (2∗ 2)t2u2+2(2∗ 2)tzu+(2∗ 1)z2 u2∗−2 xαdx. − − − − | | | | ZΩ (cid:0) (cid:1) 3 As a quadratic form in (t,z), the integral (2∗ 2)t2u2+2(2∗ 2)tzu+(2∗ 1)z2 u2∗−2 xαdx − − − | | | | ZΩ (cid:0) (cid:1) is positive definite whenever u(x) = 0. By the assumption λ λ < λ , the m m+1 6 ≤ quadraticform z 2 λz 2 isnegativesemidefinite. If z 2 λz 2 <0,the Ω|∇ | − | | Ω|∇ | − | | claim is proved. If z 2 λz 2 = 0, either λ = λ and z is an eigenfunction, R Ω|∇ | − | | m R or z = 0. By assumption, t = 0 if z = 0; moreover, z = 0 implies z = 0 almost R 6 6 6 everywhere. In both cases, the claim follows easily. Finally, we needtocheckthat u H is a criticalpointofϕif andonlyif u ∈ ∈N and Dϕ(u) vanishes on the tangent space T . The necessary condition is trivial; u N on the contrary, assuming that Dϕ(u) = 0 on T and u , we deduce that u Dϕ(u)alsovanishesonRu Z. ButwehavejustpNrovedthat∈RNu Z istransversal ⊕ ⊕ to T , and we conclude. u N Remark 2.2. The previous Proposition states that DF(u) is a surjective map at every u F−1(0) 0 . But the additional information that (DF(u)(tu+z)) (t,z) ∈ \{ } · is negative will be useful later on. Since contains every critical point of ϕ, the following terminology is rather N natural. Definition 2.1. A ground state solution u to (1.1) is any element of such that N Dϕ(u) vanishes on T and ϕ(u)=c, where the level c is defined by u N c=infϕ (2.3) N The arguments of [20], which hold true under general assumptions, guarantee that for every v Y 0 there exists a unique couple (f(v),g(v)) (0,+ ) Z ∈ \{ } ∈ ∞ × such that F(f(v)v+g(v))=0. Moreover f() and g() are continuous maps, and · · ϕ(f(v)v+g(v))=maxϕ(tv+w). t>0 w∈Z It follows easily from the definition of f and g that c= inf ϕ(f(v)v+g(v))= inf maxϕ(tv+w). v∈Y v∈Y t>0 v6=0 v6=0 w∈Z 3 Existence of ground state solutions The existence of a ground state solution to (1.1) will be proved by a compact- ness argument. Since (1.1) contains the critical exponent, it is natural to expect compactness of minimizing sequences (for c) below some energy level related to Sobolev’s best constant S. Recall that u2dx S = inf Ω|∇ | , u∈H R u2∗dx 2/2∗ u6=0 Ω| | (cid:0)R (cid:1) 4 and this numer is actually indipendent of the domain Ω. A simple exercise in sophomore calculus proves the next lemma, stated in [21]. Lemma 3.1. If A>0 and B >0, then N/2 max 1At2 1 Bt2∗ = 1 A . t>0 2 − 2∗ N B2/2∗ (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) We now come to the main compactness result about the variational problem (2.3). Proposition 3.1. Suppose that 1 c< SN/2. (3.1) N Then there exists v Y 0 such that ∈ \{ } maxϕ(tv+w)=ϕ(f(v)v+g(v))=c. t>0 w∈Z Proof. Take any sequence v in Y 0 such that v =1 and n n n { } \{ } k k maxϕ(tv +w) c. (3.2) n t>0 → w∈Z Without loss of generality, we can assume that v v weakly in H, strongly in n → L2(Ω) and point-wise almost everywhere. Writing A= lim (v v)2dx n n→+∞ZΩ|∇ − | B = lim v v 2∗ xαdx α n n→+∞ | − | | | ZΩ and using the Brezis–Nirenberg lemma, we exploit (3.2) to get ϕ(tv+w)+ 1At2 1 B t2∗ c. (3.3) 2 − 2∗ α ≤ We now distinguishseveralpossibilities. If v =0 andB =0, fromthe assumption α v =1 we deduce A=1. Hence t2 2c for every t>0, a contradiction. n k k ≤ Assume now B = 0. From the Sobolev inequality and the trivial remark that α 6 xα <1 in Ω, we get | | 1 SN/2 1 A N2 1 A N2 =max 1At2 1 B t2∗ . (3.4) N ≤ N B02/2∗! ≤ N (cid:18)Bα2/2∗(cid:19) t>0 (cid:18)2 − 2∗ α (cid:19) If v =0, we conclude that 1 1 SN/2 c< SN/2, N ≤ N 5 and thus v = 0. Call h = g(v)/f(v). It follows from the definition of the level c 6 that c ϕ(f(v)(v+h))=maxϕ(t(v+h)) ≤ t>0 1 v 2+ h2 λ(v2+h2)dx = Ω|∇ | |∇ | − . (3.5) N R v+h2∗ xαdx 2/2∗ Ω| | | | From (3.3), (cid:0)R (cid:1) max ϕ(t(v+h))+ 1At2 1 B t2∗ t>0 2 − 2∗ α (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 A+ v 2+ h2 λ(v2+h2)dx = Ω|∇ | |∇ | − c. (3.6) N RBα+ Ω|v+h|2∗|x|αdx 2/2∗ ≤ Putting together (3.1), (3.4), (3.5) an(cid:0)d (3.6)Rwe can write (cid:1) 2/2∗ (Nc)2/N B + v+h2∗ xαdx α | | | | (cid:18) ZΩ (cid:19) 2/2∗ <(Nc)2/N B2/2∗ + v+h2∗ xαdx α (cid:18)ZΩ| | | | (cid:19) ! <A+ v 2+ h2 λ(v2+h2)dx |∇ | |∇ | − ZΩ 2/2∗ (Nc)2/N B + v+h2∗ xαdx , (3.7) α ≤ | | | | (cid:18) ZΩ (cid:19) a contradiction. Therefore B =0 and (3.3) yields α c ϕ(f(v)v+g(v)) c. ≤ ≤ Remark 3.1. It was proved in [13], mimicking the ideas contained in [5], that ϕ satisfies the Palais–Smale condition below the threshold SN/2/N. The same result could also be proved by slightly adapting the arguments of [16]. The subspace Z has a kind of unique continuation property, as proved in [21, Lemma 3.3]. Lemma 3.2. If w Z vanishes on some open subset ω = of Ω, then w = 0 ∈ 6 ∅ everywhere. The next step is to check that the level c defined in (2.3) satisfies inequality (3.1). We proceed in several steps. Consider ℓ 1, a parameter that will tend to zero at a slower rate than ε: ≪ ε/ℓ 0. As ℓ 0, the point → → x =(1 ℓ,0,...,0) ℓ − 6 approaches the boundary of Ω. We pick a test function ξ = ξ C∞(Ω) spiked at ℓ ∈ 0 x : ℓ 1, if x B(x ,ℓ/2) ℓ ξ(x)= ∈ (0, if x / B(xℓ,ℓ), ∈ and such that ξ C/ℓ. It is well known that the instanton U defined by the ℓ ε |∇ | ≤ formula N−2 N−2 ε 2 Uε,ℓ(x)=(N(N −2)) 4 (ε2+ x xℓ 2)N2−2 | − | is the optimal function for the Sobolev inequality in D1,2(RN)= u L2∗(RN) u L2(RN) . ∈ |∇ ∈ n o Call now u (x)=ξ (x)U (x). ε,ℓ ℓ ε,ℓ Up to a constant that we can neglect in the following estimates, we can pretend that N−2 ε 2 u (x)=ξ (x) . ε,ℓ ℓ N−2 (ε2+ x xℓ 2) 2 | − | Reasoning as in [5], we can estimates uε,ℓ 2dx=SN2 +h.o.t., (3.8) |∇ | ZΩ where h.o.t denotes higher order terms like ξ (x)2 εN−2 |∇ ℓ | dx ZB(xℓ,ℓ)\B(xℓ,ℓ/2) (ε2+|x−xℓ|2)N−2 εN−2 dx C ≤ ℓ2 ZB(xℓ,ℓ)\B(xℓ,ℓ/2) (ε2+|x−xℓ|2)N−2 εN−2 dy =C ℓ2 ZB(0,ℓ)\B(0,ℓ/2) (ε2+|y|2)N−2 εN−2 dy C ≤ ℓ2 ZB(0,ℓ)\B(0,ℓ/2) ε2+ 1ℓ26 N−2 εN−2 ℓN ε N−2 (cid:0) (cid:1) =C =C . ℓ2 ℓ2(N−2) ℓ (cid:16) (cid:17) As a consequence, ε N−2 uε,ℓ 2dx=SN2 +O . (3.9) |∇ | ℓ ZΩ (cid:18)(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:19) 7 Similarly, u 2∗ =εN |ξℓ(x)|2∗ ZΩ| ε,ℓ| ZΩ (ε2+|x−xℓ|2)N ξ (x)2∗ 1 dx =εN | ℓ | − dx+εN ZΩ (ε2+|x−xℓ|2)N ZΩ (ε2+|x−xℓ|2)N = U 2∗ +O(εN)+εN |ξℓ(x)|2∗ −1 dx. ZRN | ε,ℓ| ZΩ (ε2+|x−xℓ|2)N But ξ (x)2∗ 1 ξ (x)2∗ 1 εN | ℓ | − dx=εN | ℓ | − dx ZΩ (ε2+|x−xℓ|2)N ZΩ\B(xℓ,ℓ/2) (ε2+|x−xℓ|2)N εN ε N C ℓN =C . ≤ ℓ2N ℓ (cid:16) (cid:17) We conclude that u 2∗ = U 2∗ +O(εN)+O ε N . (3.10) ε,ℓ ε,ℓ ZΩ| | ZRN | | (cid:18)(cid:16)ℓ(cid:17) (cid:19) The L2-norm is slightly more involved: dx u 2 =εN−2 ZΩ| ε,ℓ| ZB(xℓ,ℓ) (ε2+|x−xℓ|2)N−2 ξ (x)2 +εN−2 ℓ . ZB(xℓ,ℓ)\B(xℓ,ℓ/2) (ε2+|x−xℓ|2)N−2 Now, ξ (x)2 ℓ εN−2 ℓ CεN−2 r3−Ndr ZB(xℓ,ℓ)\B(xℓ,ℓ/2) (ε2+|x−xℓ|2)N−2 ≤ Zℓ/2 εN 2 =C − . ℓN−4 On the other hand, dx dx εN−2 CεN−2 + ZB(xℓ,ℓ) (ε2+|x−xℓ|2)N−2 ≥ ZB(xℓ,ε) (2ε2)N−2 dx ℓ CεN−2 =Cε2+CεN−2 r3−N dr (2x x 2)N−2 ZB(xℓ,ℓ)\B(xℓ,ε) | − ℓ| Zε εN−2 =Cε2+O . ℓN−4 (cid:18) (cid:19) 8 We are now ready to estimate Ω|∇uε,ℓ|2−λ|uε,ℓ|2 SN2 +O εℓ N−2 −λ Cε2+O εℓNN−−42 R Ω|x|α|uε,ℓ|2∗ 2/2∗ ≤ (1−(cid:16)2ℓ(cid:0))α(cid:1)22∗ S(cid:17)N2 +O(cid:16)((ε/ℓ)N)(cid:16)2/2∗ (cid:17)(cid:17) (cid:0)R (cid:1) 1 (cid:16) (cid:17) ε N−2 = S Cε2+O (3.11) (1−2ℓ)22α∗ (cid:18) − (cid:18)(cid:16)ℓ(cid:17) (cid:19)(cid:19) Proposition 3.2. There results 1 N c< S 2. N Proof. We will check that 1 maxϕ(tu +w)< SN/2. (3.12) ε,ℓ t>0 N w∈Z Setting ω =Ω\suppξℓ, Lemma 3.2 implies that w7→kwkL2∗(ω) defines a norm on the subspace Z. Since dimZ = m < + , all norms on Z are equivalent: we will ∞ use this remark tacitly in the sequel. We choose ℓ = √4ε, and write u instead of u . By elementary convexity and ε ε,ℓ recalling that 0 / ω so that xα is bounded away from zero as x ω, for every ∈ | | ∈ t>0 and every w Z, we can estimate ∈ tu +w2∗ xαdx= tu +w2∗ xαdx+ w2∗ xαdx ε ε | | | | | | | | | | | | ZΩ ZΩ\ω Zω t2∗ u 2∗ xαdx+2∗t2∗−1 u 2∗−1wxαdx+2∗C w 2∗. ε ε 1 ≥ | | | | | | | | k k ZΩ ZΩ It follows that ϕ(tu +w) ϕ(tu )+t u w λu wdx ε ε ε ε,ℓ ≤ ∇ ·∇ − ZΩ + 1 w2 λw2dx t2∗−1 u 2∗−1wxαdx C w 2∗. (3.13) ε 1 2 |∇ | − | | − | | | | − k k ZΩ ZΩ In particular, we can write ϕ(tu +w) A t2+t w +t2∗−1 w B t2∗ + w 2∗ ε ≤ k k k k − k k (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) for suitable constants A > 0 and B > 0. Hence there exists a number R > 0 such that, for ε and ℓ small, t>R and w Z there holds ϕ(tu +w) 0. On the other ε ∈ ≤ hand, whenever t R, ≤ ϕ(tuε+w) ϕ(tuε)+O(εN2−2) w C1 w 2∗ ϕ(tuε)+O(εNN2−2). ≤ k k− k k ≤ 9 The last estimate follows from the Young inequality sp p 1 p max rs = − rp−1, p>1. s>0 − 2 p (cid:18) (cid:19) We remark that N(N 2)/(N +2) > 2 since N 5. It now follows from Lemma − ≥ 3.1 and (3.11) that, for α and ε sufficiently small, N/2 mwt>∈a0Zxϕ(tuε+w) ≤ N1 RΩΩ|∇|uuεε|2|∗2|−x|αλ|duxε|22/d2x∗! +O(εNNN−+22) 1 < SN2(cid:0)R. (cid:1) N Proof of Theorem 1.1 Propositions 3.1 and 3.2 imply the existence of u such ∈ N that ϕ(u)=c. In particular, Dϕ(u)=0 on the tangent space T . Since we have u N shown that is a natural constraint, u is a free critical point of ϕ. N Remark 3.2. When λ>λ , it is very easy to show that our solutions must change 1 sign. Actually, just test (1.1) against e , and conclude that u cannot have the same 1 sign everywhere. In dimension N =4, we can prove the following variant of Theorem 1.1. Theorem 3.1. Assume N = 4 and that λ is not a Dirichlet eigenvalue of the Laplace operator. Then, for every α>0 sufficiently small, there exists (at least) a ground-state solution to problem (1.1). The proof is achieved by an easy modification of the previous arguments. It suffices to take into accounts the different asymptotic behavior of the instanton in dimension four. 4 Additional properties of ground-state solutions As in [21], we can prove that ground-state solutions of (1.1) have more properties than being just solutions. Proposition 4.1. Assume again that λ λ < λ . Then any point u m m+1 ≤ ∈ N such that ϕ(u)=c is a critical point of ϕ with Morse index m+1. Proof. isasmoothmanifoldofcodimensionm+1. Withthenotationintroduced N with Proposition 2.1, we can write T = (DF(u))−1(0). Since u minimizes ϕ on u N , the hessian of ϕ at u is positive definite on T . We conclude that the Morse u N N index ofuis atmostm+1. Butthe proofofProposition2.1showsthatthis Morse index is at least m+1, and the proof is complete. Since Ω is a radial domain, we might wonder if its symmetry is inherited by ground-state solutions. We do not have a complete answer, as in the situation α=0 treated by [21]. However,we can still prove that ground-state solutions are foliated Schwarz symmetric functions. We recall the precise definition for the reader’s sake. 10

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