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THE BRENTONIAN J/on Had to Oe Mere wfien Happened. it Brentwood GoCCeqe ScdooC 2735 Mount Road ftat(af Mice Say, BfitisA CoCumdia Canada VOR IPO Digitized by the Internet Archive 2015 in WoM W>\S fcaoJV ROM https://archive.org/details/brentonian2000bren BRENTONIAN THE 0 9 1 Jde 2000 Stentorian is Excerpts fromNick Prowse's speech to Bill Ross June 24, 2000 All around you are the veryvisible signs ofBill Ross's outstanding twenty-fouryeartenure as Headmaster ofBrentwood College. When I first arrived on campus, the most beautiful aspect of thephysical plant was the notorious poster ofa semi-clad, rugby-playing Bill that adorned al- most every studentroom! This, togetherwith Bill's unique sing-alongs, helped to maintain high morale in the difficult and challenging circumstances ofthe pioneer days, becausethe buildings themselves were dilapidated, drafty, cold and inadequate, and many ofthe students were more often than not, reluctantparticipants who had to be cajoled and directed with a firmbut caring hand. The manychanges and improvements that characterized Bill's leadership haveprovided this school with aproud and lasting legacy. Bill's first achievement was born ofnecessity. In 1976, in spite ofthe best efforts ofbursarLen Crookston, the school was in dire financial straits. Fromthe dayhe first stepped into the headmaster's office, Bill was determined to take up the unglamorous task ofputting the School on a sound financial footing. That he has succeeded spectacularly, whilst at the same time managing the manynecessaryphysical plant up-grades, can be seen in the beautiful, well-managed campus oftoday. Perhaps most important ofall, Bill has established an indelible tradition ofthe "hands-on" Head. He prided himselfin knowing personally every student from grade eight to grade twelve. No teacher spent more time on campus than he did. Bill genuinelywas interested in and cared for each and every student in the School. Everyperson on campus matteredto him. His office doorwas always open to staffand students alike. His concern ofthe individual was responsible forthe warm and giving communitythat exemplified the Brentwood campus. Very few ofus are builders ofsufficient stature and farsightedness to be able to view in our own lifetime a living monument to our success. Such aperson is Bill Ross forhis memorial is all around us today. I feel extremely fortunate andprivileged to have been part ofhisjourney to immortality. It seems hardlypossible that it was 34 years ago that Ijoined the original staff pioneers like Ivor Ford, Jim Burrows, Gil Bunch, Tony Carr and Bill himself, in the exciting task ofbuilding a new school. David Mackenzie was our inspiration then, and how fortunate we all were that, when illness forced David's early retirement, Bill was there to pickup the reins so effectively and lead us into such a brilliant future. I know that all ofyou today, like me, are proud to have been part ofBrentwood College School during The Bill Ross Era. 2 W. Ross dedicated to 7. 3 1 Contents Dedication Page 2 Table ofContents Page4 THE STUDENTSfrom GRADE EIGHTtoGRADE ELEVEN Grade Eight Page 6 Grade Nine Page 8 GradeTen Page 1 Grade Eleven Page 15 The Brentwood Staff Page 20 TheYearbook Report Page 26 FALLTERM Prefects Retreat Page 30 Fun and Games Page 34 TheTerry Fox Run Page 36 The New Rogers House Opening Page38 Hallowe'en Page40 Fabrications One, Poetry Page42 Christmas Celebrations Page44 FirstTerm Sports Page 52 Field Hockey Page 64 Rugby Page 64 Volleyball Page 69 Soccer Page 76 WINTERTERM Gathering ofthe Gods, The Grad Dinner Page 82 Macbeth Page 84 A Celebration ofArtists Page 86 FabricationsTwo, Poetry Page 90 Second Term Sports Page 96 Basketball Page 98, 110-113 Ice Hockey Page 102 Cross Country Page 106 Basketball Page 110 4

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