PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY CENTRAL PARK WEST AT 79TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10024 Number 3613, 24 pp., 11 figures June 16, 2008 The braincases of two glyptosaurines (Anguidae, Squamata) and anguid phylogeny JACK L. CONRAD1 AND MARK A. NORELL2 ABSTRACT Glyptosaurines are an extinct clade of anguids whose remains are common in many Holarctic Paleogene and Cretaceous deposits. Despite their extensive fossil record (comprised mainly of scutes) the braincase is poorly known. Here, we describe braincase morphology in two North American Eocene glyptosaurines, Melanosaurus maximus and Helodermoides tuberculatus. Although generally conservative in their braincase morphology compared with other anguids, these taxa and some other ‘‘higher’’ glyptosaurines possess a dorsally displaced parasphenoid rostrum. The anterior openings for the Vidian canals open almost directly ventral to the parasphenoid rostrum, and the internal carotids exit anteriorly almost directly dorsal to it. Our phylogeneticanalysisrecoversamonophyleticGlyptosaurinaenestedwithinAnguidaeasthesister taxon to a clade containing Gerrhonotinae and Anguinae. According to our analysis, ‘‘melanosaurins’’ are paraphyletic, Placosaurus is paraphyletic, and Anniella is the sister taxon toAnguis. INTRODUCTION glyptosaurines are extinct, they are often ignoredinsystematictreatmentsofAnguidae. GlyptosaurinaeisanextinctHolarcticanguid Glyptosaurines are typically divided into radiationknownfromtheLateCretaceousand the plesiomorphic ‘‘Melanosaurini’’ and the Paleogene. Although several studies have ex- Glyptosaurini (Meszoely, 1970; Meszoely et aminedtheosteologyofthisclade(e.g.,Camp, al., 1978; Sullivan, 1979, 1986; Auge´ and 1923;Gilmore,1928;Meszoely,1970;Sullivan, Sullivan, 2006; Sullivan and Auge´, 2006). 1979; Estes, 1983), few data exist about ‘‘Melanosaurini’’isusuallyconsideredtoform glyptosaurine braincase morphology. Because a paraphyletic assemblage, a hypothesis sup- 1DivisionofPaleontology,AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory([email protected]). 2DivisionofPaleontology,AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory([email protected]). CopyrightEAmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory2008 ISSN0003-0082 2 AMERICAN MUSEUMNOVITATES NO. 3613 ported by a recent phylogenetic analysis (Conrad, 2008). Glyptosaurins possess tuber- cular, polygonal osteoderms on their skulls andbodiesbroadlysimilarinformtothoseof monstersaurs. More basal glyptosaurines (the ‘‘melanosaurins’’) typically possess larger, thinner plates on their skulls, more similar to those of other anguids such as gerrhonotines. Werecentlydiscoveredmorethanone-halfof a braincase of Helodermoides tuberculatus (a glyptosaurin) that was previously identified as ‘‘basisphenoid?’’ as part of AMNH FR 6800. ThisspecimenwascollectedbyGlennL.Jepsen in 1924 from the Chadronian (Lower Oligocene) of South Dakota. However, this specimenhasremainedlargelyundescribedand the braincase unrecognized, although Sullivan (1979) mentioned the skull and figured part of the specimen. The braincases of the holotype and paratype specimens of Melanosaurusmax- imus (a ‘‘melanosaurin’’) from the Wasatch Formation (Eocene) of Wyoming were origi- nally described by Charles L. Gilmore in his seminal work on fossil squamates of North America. Here we describe these three glypto- saurine braincases. Our observations reveal an unusual morphology of the sphenoid in those Glyptosaurini and Melanosaurini for which Fig. 1. Ventral view of the braincase of the braincases are known. We incorporated these paratype of Melanosaurus maximus (AMNH FR new observations into a phylogenetic analysis. 5175) with the anteroventral part of the sphenoid Our results further demonstrate the paraphyly brokenoff,inventralview.Notethenarrowspace of the so-called Melanosaurini and the mono- between the basipterygoid processes anteriorly. phylyofGlyptosaurinaeandGlyptosaurini. Anatomical abbreviationsin appendix3. Formation in Big Horn County, Wyoming, SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY and are of Early Eocene age. SQUAMATAOPPEL,1811 PRESERVATION: The braincase of the holo- type (AMNH FR 5168) is articulated to the SCLEROGLOSSAESTESETAL.,1988 rest of the skull. Consequently, only the ventral surfaces of the sphenoid and basioc- ANGUIMORPHAFU¨RBRINGER,1900 cipital,partofthedamagedotooccipitals,and ANGUIDAEGRAY,1825 the ventral parts of the prootics are visible. The paratype (AMNH FR 5175) (fig. 1) GLYPTOSAURINAEMARSH,1872 includes a disarticulated skull in which the braincase is isolated from the surrounding Figures 1–2 skull bones. Both braincases are damaged. The left paroccipital process is largely com- DESCRIPTION OF BRAINCASES plete in AMNH FR 5168. The spheno- MELANOSAURUSMAXIMUS GILMORE, 1928 occipital tubercle is best preserved on the rightsideinAMNHFR5168,butisdamaged. LOCALITYAND AGE: AMNH FR 5168 and TheprooticsaredamagedinAMNHFR5175 AMNH FR 5175 come from the Wasatch such that the anterior housing of the anterior 2008 CONRAD AND NORELL:GLYPTOSAURINE BRAINCASES 3 uous with the base of the process. The basipterygoid process extends well anterior totheanteriormarginofthemainbodyofthe sphenoid. The interpterygoid vacuity is very narrow and the basipterygoid processes lie adjacent to each another, the space between them is a narrow ‘‘V’’ shape in ventral view (fig. 1). Thus, although the basipterygoid processes are short, they are well developed and extend far forward. This condition is in contrast to the abbreviated basipterygoid processes of mosasauroids and amphisbae- nians (taxa also characterized as having short Fig. 2. Dorsolateral view of the left jaw basipterygoid processes). Importantly, both suspensorium of Melanosaurus maximus (AMNH Melanosaurus maximus and Helodermoides FR 5168) illustrating an element of uncertain tuberculatus show a derived condition of the homology, but labeled ‘‘parocc.’’ in the figure. It anterior part of the sphenoid, in which the maybepartoftheposteriorprocessoftheprootic (see text). Abbreviations for this figure: Exoc., parasphenoid rostrum lies dorsal to the exoccipital; Pa., parietal; Parocc, paroccipital; Q., medially placed anterior openings of the quadrate; Sq., squamosal; Tab., supratemporal Vidian canal. This will be described in more (tabularof Camp, 1923).AfterCamp, 1923. detail below. The paratype (AMNH FR 5175) is broken semicircular canals and the crista alaris and the anteroventral part of the sphenoid is prooticaareeithernotpreservedornotvisible separate from the rest of the element (fig. 1). in either specimen. Because the anterodorsal In dorsal view, this broken anterior portion part of the sphenoid is damaged or hidden in shows the anterior projection of the Vidian the available material, the morphology of canal. The left side shows the course of the structures such as the dorsum sella and anterior component of the Vidian canal and hypophyseal fossa cannot be determined. the right preserves the point of separation Both specimens retain the basipterygoid pro- where the common Vidian canal splits into a cesses on the sphenoid, with minor damage. cranial carotid canal and the anterior Vidian However, the anterior part of the sphenoid is canal. This occurs posterior to the level of the damaged in AMNH FR 5175 and the posterior margin of the pterygoid facet, near basipterygoid processes have been separated theposteriorendofthecommonVidiancanal. from the rest of the braincase. Most of the Both the holotype and paratype show remainder of the braincase is well preserved. remnantsofthesphenoid-basioccipitalsuture. SPHENOID: The compound structure com- It is an anteriorly arching contact on the posed of the fused parasphenoid and basi- ventral surface of the skull. Posterolateral sphenoid is termed the sphenoid (Bever et al., flanges of the sphenoid narrowly overlay the 2005a). The basipterygoid processes are prox- basioccipital ventrolaterally and extend onto imodistally very short, but their pterygoid the bases of the spheno-occipital tubercles. articular surfaces are extremely broad. Each The exact positionoftheposterioropeningof pterygoid facet is a medially concave elongate theVidiancanalisuncertain,butitappearsto oval.Itnarrowlyclaspedthepterygoidinthat have exited at the sphenoid-prootic contact. itoverlappedthepterygoidsomewhatdorsally BASIOCCIPITAL: The basioccipital is robust and ventrally. Unlike the condition observed laterally, but relatively thin anteromedially. It in most extant anguids, the base of the possesses robust spheno-occipital tubercles. basipterygoid process is unconstricted and Co-ossification between the basioccipital and there is very little ‘‘neck’’ to the basipterygoid otooccipitals has obscured the suture between process. The posterior part of the pterygoid thesetwobonesontheoccipitalcondyle,butit facet of the basipterygoid process is only appears that the basioccipital makes up most slightly expanded, so that it is nearly contig- of the occipital condyle. 4 AMERICAN MUSEUMNOVITATES NO. 3613 In both specimens the ventral floor of the The general form of the supraoccipital braincase at the anterior margin of the appears to be consistent with that of other basioccipital is collapsed. This is most appar- anguimorphs. A triangular articular surface entinAMNHFR5175,butispresentinboth for the processus ascendens is preserved specimens. The anterior and middle braincase anteromedially.Theapexofthistrianglefaces floor of many squamates is thin relative to posteriorly and is contiguous with a midline surrounding areas of the braincase. For ridge that becomes progressively less pro- example, the posterior part of the sphenoid nounced posteriorly and terminates about and anterior part of the basioccipital are thin two-thirds of the way to the dorsal margin in Shinisaurus crocodilurus (Conrad, 2004; of the foramen magnum. Bever et al., 2005a, b) and Heloderma suspec- PROOTIC: Prootics are visible only in tum (Bonine, 2005). Some anguids possess a AMNH FR 5175. Both cristae alaris prootica similar thinning of the braincase floor in have been lost and the bullae housing the tandem with a dorsally projecting fossa on anteriorpartofthemembranouslabyrinthare the ventral surface of the sphenoid and/or broken, so that the canals themselves, which basioccipital (see, for example, coronal slices are infilled by matrix, are visible. The poste- 550–577 in Maisano, 2006) (Criley, 1968; rior processes, which anteriorly and antero- Rieppel, 1980; Good, 1987; Maisano, 2006; dorsally overlie the paroccipital processes of personal obs.). Such a thin point may have the otooccipital, are also broken, so that their been present in the basioccipital of posteriorextentisunknown.Therightprootic Melanosaurus maximus, creating a weak area is more complete than the left. that collapsed during fossilization. The trigeminal notch is a deep incisure of In both specimens the spheno-occipital the prootic posteroventral to the housing of tubercles are damaged. However, it is clear the anterior semicircular canals and the that they were robust, short, and posteriorly anterior part of the membranous labyrinth. placed. The right spheno-occipital tubercle is No supratrigeminal ridge is present. The mostly complete on AMNH FR 5168. Its inferior prootic process appears to be com- distal tip seems to show an articular surface plete and is square anteriorly with an antero- for an unfused epiphysis. ventrally projecting anterior margin. Its con- AsnotedbyGilmore,theoccipitalcondyleis tact with the sphenoid is damaged. However, somewhat‘‘reniform’’(Gilmore,1928:141);asit therobustprooticcrest(cristaprootica)iswell isaventrallyconvexarchinposteriorview,with preservedposterior to thelevel ofthe exposed a slight dorsalconcavity.Even so, the occipital part of the Vidian canal. Its lateral portion condyle is single (rather than trilobed or curves ventrally, forming a dorsal recess. A tripartite). This morphology is consistent with single facial foramen (through which cranial most extant anguids, and with Glyptosaurus nerveVIIexitsthebraincase)ispresentwithin sylvestris (Middle Eocene of western U.S.; see this recess at a level just anterior to the Sullivan, 1986) and Peltosaurus granulosus (the spheno-occipital tubercle (fig. 1). The posteri- other glyptosaurines for which the occipital orprocessoverliestheotooccipitalposteriorly condyleisknown)(e.g.,AMNHFR1710). and is partly fused to it. SUPRAOCCIPITAL: Thesupraoccipitalispres- OTOOCCIPITAL: Adult and subadult squa- ent in both specimens, but is best preserved in mates are usually characterized by the fusion AMNH FR 5175. Dorsoventral compression of the exoccipital and the opisthotic. This andsomemediolateralcompressionoftheskull compound structure is referred to as the make contacts between the otooccipitals, pro- otooccipital (following recent usage, e.g., otics,andsupraoccipitalobscure.Thisisfurther Maisano, 2001; Maisano et al., 2002; complicated by the apparent partial fusion Conrad, 2004; Bever et al., 2005a; Maisano between the prootics and otooccipitals. On the et al., 2006). The opisthotic portions of the right side of the braincase, the supraoccipital otooccipitals in both specimens are generally has moved somewhat dorsally with respect to less complete than the exoccipital portions. therightprootic,revealingthestraightposterior Both paroccipital processes have been shorn suturebetweenthem. off near the level of the foramen magnum in 2008 CONRAD AND NORELL:GLYPTOSAURINE BRAINCASES 5 AMNHFR5175.Theleftparoccipitalprocess that typically anterolaterally overlies the is more complete in AMNH FR 5168 and it paroccipital process). was figured by Camp (1923) and Gilmore (1928) (see below) (fig. 2). HELODERMOIDESTUBERCULATUS DOUGLASS, Most of the sutures between the otooccipi- 1903 talsandthebasioccipitalhavebeenobliterated LOCALITYANDAGE: AMNHFR6800comes by co-ossification of the two bones, but the from the Chadron Formation (Chadronian) in otooccipital contribution to the occipital Badlands, South Dakota, and is of Lower condyle appears to be small relative to that (Early)Oligoceneage. of the basioccipital. The vagus foramen PRESERVATION: A referred specimen of (communicating cranial nerve X) is well Helodermoides tuberculatus, AMNH FR separated from a series of three hypoglossal 6800, consists of an incomplete skeleton, foramina (for the exit of branches of cranial including a partly disarticulated skull with nerve XII). The crista tuberalis is damaged in more than one-half of an articulated brain- bothspecimens,butitsdorsalpartispreserved case. The braincase of this specimen has been in AMNH FR 5175 and is somewhat pos- labeled ‘‘basisphenoid?’’ since its discovery by terodorsally inclined. The occipital recess is Glenn L. Jepsen in 1924, but consists primar- well preserved and appears as a deep, narrow ily of a sphenoid and basioccipital (the right recess delimited posteriorly by the crista basipterygoid process is damaged and the left tuberalis, dorsally and anterodorsally by the is absent), a left prootic that lacks only the crista interfenestralis, and anteroventrally by crista alaris prootica, and a left otooccipital theswellingatthebaseofthespheno-occipital that lacks only the distal part of the parocci- tubercle. Repreparation of AMNH FR 5175 pital process. The elements are preserved in hasrevealed the inner divisionof the occipital articulation and exhibit very minor dorsoven- recess into the perilymphatic duct and the tral compression (figs. 3–5). medial aperture of the recessus scala tympani SPHENOID: The sphenoid is fused to the (sensu Bever et al., 2005a; aquaeductus basioccipitalandonlyaslightindicationofthe cochleae of Jollie, 1960 and round window suture remains posteriorly. This sutural rem- niche of Wever, 1978). Dorsal to the crista nant occurs on the posteromedial margin of interfenestralis, the fenestra ovalus opens the posterolateral sphenoid processes and posterolaterally. demonstratesthattheseposterolateralprocess- The broken surface of the paroccipital esextendedatleastpartwaydownthespheno- processinAMNHFR5168has receivedsome occipital tubercles of the basioccipital. Nearly scrutinyinthepast.Camp(1923)andGilmore completefusionofthesphenoid,basioccipital, (1928) identified what they thought was a andprooticobscurestherelationshipsofthese separate bony element of uncertain homology. three bones, indicating that this specimen was Camp (1923) identifies this element as the an adult. A faint suture remnant remains paroccipital, but Gilmore (1928) suggests that between the sphenoid and basioccipital poste- it might be the same element as is present in riorly and demonstrates the presence of somespecimensofLacertaviridis,citingLeydig posterolateral processes of the sphenoid over- asasource,butlistingnospecificstudy. lapping the base of the spheno-occipital Dorsoventral compression of AMNH FR tubercles. These narrow processes define the 5168 has dislocated many skull bones out of posterolateral margins of the braincase. The their natural articulation. The parietal and dorsolateral margin of this suture remains supraoccipital (tabulare of Gilmore, 1928) distinct near the posterior opening of the have been separated and the supraoccipital Vidian canal. Based on this suture, the process of the parietal has been translated posterior opening of the Vidian canal lies medially relative to the preserved part of the between theprootic and the sphenoid. paroccipital process. Given this movement, it The basipterygoid processes are relatively seems possible that the element in question more proximodistally elongate than in might represent the posterior section of the Melanosaurus maximus, but the lateral extent posterior process of the prootic (the portion remains uncertain (fig. 3). As with 6 AMERICAN MUSEUMNOVITATES NO. 3613 Fig. 3. Braincase of Helodermoides tuberculatus (AMNH FR 6800). Photos in (A) posterior and (B) ventralviews.Reconstructionin(C)posteriorand(D)ventralviews.Notethatelementsknownonlyfrom onesidehavebeendrawnbilaterallyforthereconstructionandthattheslightdorsoventralcompressionhas beenremovedinthereconstruction.Elementsnotrepresentedbyremainsarereconstructedassemiopaque shadows. Anatomical abbreviationsin appendix3. Melanosaurus maximus, there is very little The common Vidian canal opens posterior- constriction at the base of the basipterygoid ly between the prootic and the sphenoid as in process and the anteromedial portions of the other anguids, and there is an entocarotid pterygoid facets approach the midline. In fossa as in non-anguine anguids. The anterior contrast to Melanosaurus maximus, Heloder- openings of the Vidian and cranial carotid moides tuberculatus has slightly more elongate canals are unusual in that they lie very close basipterygoid processes. Only a small part of together. Rather than lying lateral to the the crista prootica extends onto the sphenoid parasphenoid rostrum, the anterior openings posterodorsally, and thus did not contact the oftheVidiancanals lie ventraltoit (fig. 4).A basipterygoid process distally to enclose the robust anterior flange joins the anterolateral lateral head vein. margin of the parasphenoid rostrum with the 2008 CONRAD AND NORELL:GLYPTOSAURINE BRAINCASES 7 Fig.4. Anteriorviewofthesphenoidin(A–C)Helodermoidestuberculatus(AMNHFR6800)compared with (D) that of Shinisaurus crocodilurus (UF 57112). Helodermoides tuberculatus and some other glyptosaurines possess unusual sphenoid morphology. The margin of the parasphenoid rostrum (ps) is continuous with the cristae trabeculae (crtr) and positioned dorsal to the ventromedially placed anterior openingsoftheVidiancanalinHelodermoidestuberculatus.Shinisauruscrocodiluruspossessesthemoretypical squamateconditioninwhichtheparasphenoidrostrumisdistinctfromthecristaetrabeculaeandbothofthese structureslieneartheventralmidlineofthebraincase.Anatomicalabbreviationsinappendix3. anterodorsal border of the basipterygoid ity of the medial borders of the bases of the process, and forms the lateral margin to an basipterygoid processes. anteriorly oriented Vidian fossa. The margin Dorsalto the anterior Vidian apertures, the of the broad parasphenoid rostrum is contin- parasphenoid rostrum and cristae trabeculae uouswiththecristaetrabeculaeandformsthe form a broad plate. Dorsal to this, and at dorsalmarginofthisVidianfossa(fig. 4).Itis midline, there is a small pituitary fossa partly enclosed ventrally by the close proxim- (hypophyseal fossa). The joining of the two 8 AMERICAN MUSEUMNOVITATES NO. 3613 The spheno-occipital tubercles are robust, although not particularly elongate, and pos- teroventrallyandventrolaterallyoriented.The anterior margin of the spheno-occipital tuber- cle arches anteroventrally to its apex at the level of fenestra ovalus. From there, the margin of the spheno-occipital tubercle ex- tends posterodorsally and is contiguous with the crista tuberalis. As with Melanosaurus maximus, the occip- ital condyle is U-shaped or reniform. Its dorsal surface bears a distinct mid-ventral pit. The exact amount of basioccipital contri- bution to the occipital condyle is uncertain because of fusion to surrounding bones. The Fig. 5. Left lateral view of the braincase of base of the occipital condyle is somewhat Helodermoides tuberculatus (AMNH FR 6800). constricted forming a short neck. A broad Anatomical abbreviationsin appendix3. ridge extends from the base of the occipital condyle onto the spheno-occipital tubercle. cranial carotid canals just posterior to the PROOTIC: Only the left prootic is pre- pituitary fossa forms a common cranial served, but it isrelatively complete.The crista carotid canal that opens directly into the alaris prootica is damaged, but the rest of the pituitary fossa. Large, mediolaterally broad elementiswellpreserved(fig. 5).Althoughthe retractor fossae lie lateral and dorsolateral to ventral contacts with the sphenoid, basioccip- thepituitaryfossa,andareseparatedfromthe ital, and otooccipital cannot be identified latter by weak, yet distinct, crests. because the sutures are fused, a clear suture The robust crista sellaris is arched posteri- lies dorsally between the posterior process of orly in dorsal view and arched strongly the prootic and the otooccipital. ventrally in anterior view. An abducens canal The osseous housing for the anterior (for passage of cranial nerve VI) pierces the semicircular canal is intact and forms a broad sphenoid.Itsposterioropeningoccursventro- anteriorarchattheanterodorsalmarginofthe laterally, posterior to the level of the inferior braincase. This would be amplified by the process. The anterior opening for the abdu- crista alaris prootica if the latter were well cens canal lies laterally within the retractor preserved.Posteriorandmedialtotheanterior fossa, near the base of the inferior process. semicircular canal, the dorsal surface of the The inferior process is dorsoventrally prootic retains a clear and well-preserved broad. Its ventral margin is free and extends articular surface for the supraoccipital. This somewhat ventrolaterally. This ventrolateral surface tapers anterolaterally and extends flange is not contiguous with the crista onto the dorsal surface of the otooccipital. prootica (see below). The deep, narrow trigeminal notch is BASIOCCIPITAL: More than one-half of the bounded dorsally by the housing for the basioccipital is preserved, but it is fused to anterior semicircular canal and ventrally by surrounding bones. The dorsal surface of the the inferior process (fig. 5). The lateralmost basioccipitalwithinthebraincavityisconcave margin to the trigeminal notch is a broad arc, ventrally. Breakage of the basioccipital allows but it ispartly subdivided by a small, distinct, a clear view of its dorsoventral thickness near supratrigeminal process. The supratrigeminal the midline. Although it has not broken or process is damaged, but remains visible. It is collapsed, as in the available Melanosaurus posteromedially contiguous with a ridge that maximus specimens, the midline floor of the anteriorly bounds the acoustic recess. braincase in Helodermoides tuberculatus is The facial foramen (communicating cranial very thin near the sphenoid-basioccipital nerve VII) lies directly ventral to the anterior contact. auditory foramen within the acoustic recess. 2008 CONRAD AND NORELL:GLYPTOSAURINE BRAINCASES 9 The large posterior auditory foramen lies well one-halfthesizeoftherecessusscalaetympani posterior and dorsal to the anterior auditory andisasubovoidopeningatthejunctionofthe foramen along the anteroventral part of the prooticandotooccipital. tympanic bulla. The posterodorsal surface of The robust crista tuberalis extends from the theprooticisdamagedandthesupraoccipitalis basioccipital, where it originates on the dorsal missing, so the exact location of the endolym- surface of the spheno-occipital tubercle, onto phatic foramen cannot be determined. the otooccipital. Its dorsomedial terminus However, the canal is visible on the broken defines the ventromedial margin of the par- posterodorsalsurfaceoftheprootic,justdorsal occipital process. The external hypoglossal tothetympanicbullaandtheposteriormargin foramina (communicating branches of cranial oftheposteriorauditoryforamen. nerveXII)occuralongthedorsolateraledgeof A large, robust crista prootica extends the crista tuberalis, at the base of the parocci- laterally and ventrally on the lateral surface pital process. This area has been slightly of the prootic. It originates ventrolaterally on compressed, but two hypoglossal foramina thesphenoidandextendsposterodorsallyonto remain distinct and are clearly separated from the prootic and the posterior process of the theexternalopeningofthevagusforamen(the prooticparoccipitalprocess.Ithidesthefacial conduitcranialnerveXthroughthebraincase), foramen and the posterior opening of the which lies more dorsomedially, nearer the Vidian canal in lateral view. The anterodorsal occipital condyle. The medial opening of the concavity formed by the crista, the prootic vagus foramen is preserved as a narrow slit at fossa, is very deep and extends nearly to the the posterior margin of the tympanic bulla. A level of the trigeminal notch. The single facial series of three small hypoglossal foramina foramen lies posteriorly within the deepest arranged in an anteroventral line are present part of the prootic fossa, near the lateral ventralandposteroventraltotheinternalvagus swelling of the lagenar chamber (the ventral foramen. The large perilymphatic foramen is part of the external auditory bulla). The present at the anteroventral tip of the line of posterior margin ofthe cristaprootica merges hypoglossalforamina. withthemainbodyoftheposteriorprocessof the prootic. This process is rounded posteri- PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS orly and lies along the lateral surface of the RECENT WORK otooccipital. A second distinct crest is also present on the dorsolateral surface of the Although many analyses, both morpholog- posterior process (fig. 5), extending from the ical (with and without fossils) and molecular, tip of the posterior process anteriorly to the have focused on the evolution of platynotans trigeminal notch. (e.g., Pregill et al., 1986; Norell et al., 1992; OTOOCCIPITAL: Only the left otooccipital is Baverstock et al., 1993; Pianka, 1995; Lee, preserved. Its paroccipital process is incom- 1997; Fuller et al., 1998; Nydam, 2000; Ast, plete,buttheboneisotherwisewellpreserved. 2001; Pepin, 2001), relatively few have con- Only remnants of the sutures with the prootic centrated on Anguidae (but see Macey et al., and with the basioccipital remain distinct. 1997; Wiens and Slingluff, 2001). Perhaps Both the fenestra ovalus and the occipital because they are known only from fossil recessaredeepandwellpreserved(fig. 5).The specimens, glyptosaurines have been included occipital recess is poorly defined, but the intheanalysisinonlyasubsetofthosestudies recessus scalae tympani is very distinct within (Sullivan,1979;Gauthier,1982;Conrad,2006, the occipital recess. The occipital recess is 2008). separated from the fenestra ovalus by a short, Sullivan (1979) suggested that glyptosaur- distinct crista interfenestralis. Its posterior ines were the most basal members of margin is formed by the crista tuberalis, and Anguidae, and that diploglossines and angu- itgentlygradesawayontothespheno-occipital ines were extant sister taxa (fig. 6A). By tubercleventrally.Therecessusscalaetympani contrast, Gauthier (1982) suggests that ger- isanarrowslitborderedanteriorlybythecrista rhonotinesanddiploglossines areextant sister interfenestralis. The fenestra ovalus is about taxa, that glyptosaurines are the outgroup to 10 AMERICAN MUSEUMNOVITATES NO. 3613 Fig. 6. Phylogenetic relationships of Anguidae based on morphology as hypothesized by (A) Sullivan, 1979, and(B) Gauthier, 1982. that clade, and that anguines and anniellines (consisting of Anniella and Apodosauriscus Fig. 7. Cladogram of glyptosaurine as hypoth- minimus) form an unresolved trichotomy with esized by and presented in Sullivan (1986). Note other anguids (fig. 6B). that the specimens of Eoglyptosaurus donohoei are now assigned to Glyptosaurus sylvestris and Sullivan also addressed the interrelation- Proglyptosaurus huerfanensis(Sullivan, 1989). ships within glyptosaurines (Sullivan, 1986) and anguids (Sullivan, 1987). He suggested that Odaxosaurus piger (Upper Cretaceous of that Gerrhonotinae and Anguinae are mono- western United States; see Gilmore, 1928; phyletic exclusive of Diploglossinae and Estes, 1964; Gauthier, 1982) is the basalmost Anniella (both species). Macey et al. (1999) member of a glyptosaurine lineage (Sullivan, suggestedthatAnniellawasthesister taxonto 1986). Furtheremore, he indicated that an other anguids, whereas Wiens and Slingluff ‘‘unnamed [and unidentified] taxon’’ and (2001) suggested that Anniella is the sister Proxestops jepseni (Upper Paleocene of west- taxon to diploglossines. Obviously these mo- ern United States; see Gauthier, 1982) form lecularanalysesdidnotincludefossiltaxa(nor successively more proximal outgroups to a were they total evidence in the sense that they clade containing melanosaurins and glypto- included any morphology), and therefore saurins(Sullivan,1986)(fig. 7).Later,Sullivan cannotaddressthepositionsofglyptosaurines (1987) addressed interrelationships within within anguids or the relationships within Anguinae, indicating that many of the ‘‘Ophi- glyptosaurines. saurus’’ species together with Parophisaurus One recent analysis has approached this pawneensis(upperLowerOligoceneofwestern subject (Conrad, 2008). Conrad (2008) found UnitedStates;seeSullivan,1987)formaclade gerrhonotines to be basal within Anguidae at the base of Anguinae and that Machaero- and that diploglossines and anguines were saurus torrejonensis (Upper Paleocene of west- extantsister taxa. Thisanalysisalso suggested ernUnitedStates;seeGilmore,1928;Gauthier, a sister-taxon relationship between Anguis 1982) and Pseudopus (including the species fragilis and Anniella pulchra (Anniella gerono- buttikoferi, gracilis, harti, and wegneri accord- mensis was not included in this analysis). ing to Sullivan, 1987) were successively more proximal outgroups to Ophisauriscus and THE PRESENT ANALYSIS Anguis. Recently, molecular analyses have focused PROCEDURESANDDATA: Thematrixprovid- on the evolutionary history of anguids and ed by Conrad (2008) was modified by Norell closelyrelatedtaxa(Maceyetal.,1999;Wiens et al. (2008) to include several new taxa. and Slingluff, 2001) (fig. 8). These analyses Among these were the glyptosaurines support the placement of Xenosaurus grandis Paraplacosauriops quercyi and Placosaurus as the extant sister taxon to Anguidae, and rugosus, coded based on Auge´ and Sullivan