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153 Pages·1984·6.252 MB·English
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THE BOYS IN BLUE Phil Andros Books in Perineum Press Editions Below the Belt, & Other Stories My Brother, My Self Roman Conquests Shuttlecock Greek Ways The Boys in Blue Different Strokes, Stories by Phil Andros & Co. PHIL ANDROS THE BOYS IN BLUE A Perineum Press Book San Francisco ' Copyright'° 1970, 1984 by Phil Andros All rights reserved. With the exception of short excerpts in critical articles, no part of this book may be reproduced by any means, including information storage & retrieval or photocopying equipment, without the written permission of the publisher. Cover drawing by Tom of Finland © 1984. Second printing, 1986. Library of Congress cataloging in publication data: Andros, Phil The boys in blue. "A Perineum Press book." Rev. ed. of: San Francisco hustler, c1970. I. Andros, Phil San Francisco hustler. II. Title. PS3537.T479B6 1984 813'.54 83-20108 ISBN 0-912516-85-2 Distributed by Subco, P.O. Box 10233, Eugene, Oregon 97440 To Officers Jim & Rudy & John & their assorted weaponry Contents 1. The Traffic Cop 1 2. A 10¢ Blow 17 3. The Love Nest 27 4. Three Ways to Go 38 5. Pain & Pleasure 51 6. The Copnap 64 7. A Shot in the Ass 79 8. P(½S) + T(M) = fun2 88 9. Bull's-eye 100 10. The Jig's Up 111 11. Last Rites 127 12. Pastures New 134 1. The Traffic Cop If Orange County in southern California were actually the size of an orange, a lot of people would be able to dispose of it. And I have a good suggestion about where it should go. Same for parts of Los Angeles County. There are two elements in southern California-one, the far-right, ultraconservative, near-Bircher group, Republi cans all, and even more puritanical than the narrow ones who settled our country. But then there is the other: southern California produces ninety perc.ent of the pornography in the United States. How come? You explain it. Drag out your theories and suggestions and philosophies. Don't leave it to me. The most horrible thing in my life is that I-a male whore and hustler-have for a brother-in-law one of the near Birchers (I sometimes think he really is one), and a sister on whom a great deal of his bigotry has rubbed off. They live in Santa Monica. She used to be a liberal. No more. When we were both go ing to Ohio State University (she knew I was gay, because I told her), we'd often fight over the same man. But she was busy preserving her virginity, whereas I was trying to get as high a score on the Kinsey index as I could. So I got most of 1 the men, and she chewed her nails. Trouble was, though, that she married that son-of-a-bitch named Jim, because as she grew older and less liberal, I think she turned into a bit of an opportunist. So there's the scene set. I spent most of my time in northern California, but I couldn't get away entirely from the rela tives. Despite the fact that most of the screwing was for free around San Francisco, I managed to make a good living, largely because I was passed around from one wealthy guy to another, and there were few encounters that I had for less than fifty dollars. A hundred was more like it. I wear the hustler's uniform all the time. It consists of a black leather jacket, black cap tipped as far back on me curly Greek locks as it will go without falling, light-colored beige chinos (which show shapes and sizes better), and black motorcycle boots about sixteen inches high. They're called 'engineer boots' in some circles. As for T-shirts, I like a tight black nylon one because it shows me nipples, or a tight white one, which is even better. But I very seldom wear a T-shirt at all unless I'm going 'formal' for an evening. My chest hair turns 'em on. As for my personal appearance, I'm a little over six feet with a fifty-inch chest and sixteen-inch biceps-and a good deal of hair on my body: a big triangular fan on my chest, narrowing down to a thin line as it passes through my navel, and spreading out again like a peacock's tail when it comes to my prick. My cock itself is between nine and ten inches long hard-quite a whopper-and thick enough so that you can hardly get your thumb and forefinger to touch when they circle it. It has one big vein on the topside which sort of circles around to the left and disappears under the head. I've got a thirty-inch waist and weigh one-eighty-five or one ninety. But when I go to visit my sister and her fuckin' husband in Santa Monica, I have to wear a suit and tie. Wouldn't you just know? They can't stand my 'uniform' and made that 2 very clear to me the first time I visited them. That time was the day before Christmas a few years ago. We got in my brother-in-law's car, leaving my sister at home, to do a little last-minute Christmas shopping-getting some thing for her, actually, so she wouldn't know what it was. In Santa Monica they've built a Mall-blocking off sev eral streets and filling them with shops-mostly tourist traps. That's where we headed. Jim parked his big car in a parking-lot, and I made a mis take. I forgot all about my Boy Scout training and didn't take a sighting so I could find the lot again. "Meet you back here at four," Jim said. He had the usual executive's white hair, the result of a blue rinse on it. He was quite active for his sixty-two years, played golf, loved to go camping in the mountains (loved it as much as my sister loathed it), and was 'semi-retired.' ... Their apartment was at the corner of San Vicente and Ocean Boulevard, on the palisades, with a sheer drop of about five hundred feet to the hazy Pacific below ... A good-lookin' guy, all right, with several intimate male friends (any head-shrinker could have told him the truth about himself). For some reason (again, see the nearest head-shrinker) he admired me-or my free dom. Well, I'm one of those guys who try to get along with everyone, though it was hard with him. We parted at the Mall, and each went about his purchases. I bought a few gimcracks for the two of them, and then looked at my watch and discovered it was ten of four. Damnation! That parking lot had disappeared! You couldn't exactly say 'disappeared into thin air' because of the smog. But it was gone, completely! I walked rapidly up one street and down another. And there was still no parking lot! It would have been a simple matter for me to hop in a taxi and go home, but that would have left Jim sitting and fuming in the car, waiting for me. What to do, what to do? I remembered one thing. It was a 3 parking lot where you had to pay. Most of them were free, but not this one. I suppose Jim used it because he enjoyed the status of paying. An executive wouldn't park in a free lot. I had noticed a dark-haired cop wearing a crash helmet, with sideburns as long as regulations would allow. He was at the junction of two streets that looked vaguely familiar. He wore black shining boots (I doubted that the department bought those for him!), had white stripes down his flared trousers, and-in truth-looked like a motorcycle cop pressed into traffic duty for that particular season. I approached him. He was as tall as I. And he was standing in the middle of the street, gesturing the flow of traffic at first this way and then that, and evidently enjoying the authority that his badge and uniform gave him. "Officer ... " I began, and at that moment he blew his whistle. After a little pause he looked me up and down and then said, "Yes, what is it?" "Officer," I said, "I'm from northern California and visit ing my sister here, and her husband took me to do some last minute shopping. I've looked everywhere for the parking lot where he left the car, but I can't find it at all." The cat looked me up and down and then did an astonish ing thing. We were almost the same height but he put his arm around my shoulder, there in the middle of the street inter section, and said, "Well, I'll tell you, son-things like that happen to all of us at one time or another. Was it a free lot or a charge one?" "They charged," I said. Sheez! He called me 'son!' I should imagine that we were the same age, almost. And on top of that, he'd put his arm around my shoulder! I looked closely at him. His jaw was square. He had deeply carved lips, quite full and red, and a cleft in his chin. I couldn't see what color his eyes were because of the sunglasses he wore, but who the hell cares about the color of a person's eyes? I could see, be- 4

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