D Box The How theS hippinCgo ntainer Made theW orldS mallearn dt he WorldE conomyB igger MarcL evinson PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PRINCETON AND OXFORD Copyri©g h2t0 0b6y P rinceUtnoinv eyr sPirtess PublisbhyPe rdi nceUtnoinv ersity WPirlelsisSa,trm e 4e1t , PrinceNteownJ ,e sre0y8 540 Int heU niteKdi ngdoPmr:i nceUtnoinv seiyrt Press, 3M arkePtl acWeo,o dstocOkx,of rdshOiXr2e0 ISY AlRli ghRtess erved LibrarCyo nogfr eCsast alo-giinn-gPuabtliiDocant a LevinsMoanrc,. Theb ox:h ow tshhei ppcionngit naemra det hweo rlsdm alalnedr the world ebcigogenIroM mayrc L evinson. p. cm. Inclubdieboslg iraphriecfaelr eanncdie sn dex. ISB-N1:39 78-09-16-31242-0( hardc:o avlekpr.a p)e r ISBN-IO0:- 961-31242-1( hradcover) 1.C ontaiznaetriions-tHoir2y.M. c LeaMna,l coPlumr ce1l9l31,-2 001.1 .Ti tle. TA121.SL742006 3875.'4-4d2c22 2005300012 BritLiisbhr aCrayt aloging-in-DPautbials i acaiavltaibonl e Thibso ohka bse ecno mposienJd a snont exwti tChl arenFdaomni Dliys play Printoenad c id-pfraepe.e 00 r pup.proinnc.eetdu Printientd h Uen iteSdt atoefAs m eirca 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 To Aaron,R ebeccaa,n d Deborah Contents • Acknowledgments IX: Chapt1e r The World tBhox:e Made 1 ChapetrS Gridlokc ont heD ocks 16 Chapt3e r The Trucker 36 Chapt4e r The System 54 Chapt5e r The Battlfeo rN ew York'Pso rt 76 Chapt6e r UnionD isunion 101 Chapt7e r Setting tShtea ndard 127 Chapt8e r Takeoff 150 Chapt9e r Vietnam 171 viii Cont ents Chapter1 0 Portsi na Storm 189 Chapter1 1 Boom and Bust 212 Chapte1r 2 The BignessC omplex: 231 Chapter1 3 The ShippersR'e venge 245 Chapter1 4 Justi nTi me 264 Abbreviations 279 Notes 281 Bibliography 343 Index: 365 Acknowledgments isn oatn ciheinsytt,b o urt ontainesrh ipping mucrhe ilvaertleyc seonutmr actee prrioavsleu dr prigsldiyifin fcutlolt o cMaatnery.e lecvoarnpto rate recordbse edhnear svotedy .Teh ee arglryo wotfh containwearnsiu zrattbuiyrto ehnPde o rotfN ew YorkA utohryi( tnotwhP eo rAutth oryoi Ntfe wY orka nd JNeerw se)by,u mta noytf h aagte nrceyc'owsre drdseer sotyietndh tee rror isatt toanct khWseo r lTdra dCee nteSrpe toenm1 b,1e20r0 1T.h at thibso ocka mteo ibaste r itbout thee owfto hrek mdaendyi cated archainvlidis btrswa hrhoie alndmsp e ei denetxitmfyaa ntte irni als colletchtraietos nesa rcyhl eorosk wraeatalr,sle p latrsoi viantdei vidwuahlos c otmehbioerwd nfi lferosi mprotarnetc ords. Bakci nt heea r1l99y0 wsh,e Infi rtshto uogfwh rti taibnogu t MalcMocmL eGaeno,r Sgetev enosfto hnNe o rCtahr oSltiantae Archciavmeuespw ithha rd-tmoa-tfienrdi atlh Meca Lbeoaunt fmailyWh.e nI d ecitdore edsv icito ntainerirzeacttelinyo,n more KenhnC eotbobf thYeor kMN uenwpi acAlir ch,Di voeuDsgi aCrlo oft hLea GuaarndWdia gan eArr chaitLv aeGsu aCrodmimau nity CollieNnge ewY orka,n Bde ttMe . EpsttheNeie nwJ eorfSs teayt e ArchiiTnvre enst hoenl mpeep di etcoegh eethtre s tyoo rfho twh e contadiencteiermNd ae wY orkp'osr t. Thel aocfkh i stomraiticeaoarlnthl e I nternaLtioonngaslh ore menA'sss ociiasas teiurosiin om peditmohe instt owroircka lo n longslhaobroer rGealMiaallt mirgoenoesftn. h e RF.o Wbagenretr LabAorrc haitvN eeswY orkU nisvyieh trelpmeeld o ecd aotcu- x Acknowledgments menatnsod r hails tiotnrh iraeetsm arckoalbllePeca ttirSoiinzo.in ae anMde liHsoslalo aftn hdKhe e eCle n,tC eartherwLoiaobyrdr,a t thCeo rlnU enlivyeS rcshiotoIln doiufas lt rLaabnRoder l ations, guided met hpteah psroe ofVrue rgnhoJ ne nswehni,cco hn taa in weahl dtoeft oanti hlIe L A. Milarihyti osrtiyns o mty fi ledb,um ty e fforttos laebaotruhnte role of conittnah iViene etrnW aasrmbh einpepfiitnemgud c frho m expgeurdita n.Gc ienAak earnsWd a deWy ckooffft hOepe rational ArchBiarvnecsoh ft hNea vHails toCreinc,tia enWlr a shitnogn, hlepmeed withr etchooerft d hMsei lariSyte Tara nosrptaSteiron viacnewd i tht hUe. NSa.v ye'xst ecnoslitlvieeoo cfon r hailos retis. JeanSnwiinfte anBdoy lRaoinftc, hhM e o dneM rilariRyte cords diviosfti hoNena tiAorncahlii nCv oelsel P eakgrM,a yrlanwde,n t tog relaettn hgtsol oclaittet lmea-tueosrneVii dea tln aaml -oiegsr tic.Wis lliMaomy oetf,h Ue. ASr.m Mya teeClro immaHnids torical OfficeaF to rBtle v,oVi irrgifunrniias,ih mepdo ritnoafrnmta otni on GeneFrraalSn B.ke sJs.row,nh op ersutahUde.e aSdr .m ferodc es toe mbrcaocaneit nerization. RogHeorr owainCtdhz r istT. oBpaehroe,tfr h H ea lgeMyu seum anLdbi ryai rWni lmitnogDne,l awasrugeg,e fislItew esod u ld never hvaet houtgoih ntv esitnti hgaecar htieov fte hsPe e nn Creanitlral raodB.te hP osnoeftr hC eiy tU nivyeo rfNs eiwtY orkG raduate Centleorc amtuecodhb scmuartee frroim aeIl.a ldsroe ownr e sourcesB afrrnoomcLft i tbhyroe aft rh Uen iviyeto rfCsa olrinfaita Berkye,tl heLebi raorfCy o ngrtehCseos r,n Uenlilv yel risbyir tar ssytetmhN,ee wY orkP ubLliirbcay ar, ntdh Seet atPlueb Lliibcyr ,a r anIdw isthor ecmoyra dp precirt ahteaiisorsn i sftoance. Thoer hails tporreipefasrort ehSdemi thsobnyi aAnrD tohnuor van,e spseromoerfr iatttuh sUe . .MS ecrhaMnatr iAnceam dyea,n d thlea Atned rGeiwb saoraneni mptoarsnotu frroca enr ye searcher ont hsiuseb cjatn,Pd or fesDsoonvroa n also tporo eicnotredds me onc ontasitnaenrdM aarryndi Ssla.n fudrMi,i doTrabia tJareo,m e Batatnlde ,M irkiet zoBhtfeoh Pffeo t r Ooafk lwaenrkdei enndo ugh tog uimdeea routnhpdeo ratn d bmrykni onwgl eodftg eerm inal manageumpte odn att loew.ae p articduelbtatoJr i Dmo iwgh,o allomwete oud s mea te(rnioawl Nienw J etrhSesat etyAer cehsi)v Acknowlegmdentsx i thhaect o mpiplreedp ahirinmis an sgt beorofuoklnt hPeo orNtfe w YorkA uthtoyra,in tdoL eHsa rdleawrnh,o fisleoe nts h nee gotiation ofc ontasitnaneadrar trehd mesa jsooru frrocc eh ap7t.e r An umboefpr e orpeldpae o trioonfts hm ea nusccaruiegpmhtt, barraesrsriponorgsi ,nm tete oda dditsioounraacnlepd sr ,io dved valucaobmlmee Ine tssp.e cwiiastlhotl hya JnikDm o iJgo,s hua FreemViannc,eG nrety L,e Hsa rla,Tn hdoemrKaess esrNn,e lson LichteKnahstelteeMnic nCr,at ,hB yruNceel sonJ,u dhSia tnte.di n Them ateirnci haalp 5tw eaprsr esetnott heBedu siHnieossrtsy Conefrensceev,eo rfwa holsm ee mbse rpdreoidvn ihstiasgn sdu g geisotnPso.r toifco hnasp 5ta eprp eianBru esdeis Hnsis toRrye view, whoasneyo mnorueesfr emeasde ex trehmeellspyufu glig oensts, and thee rreweehfsro e evwiedm atnhues fcrorP irpiton nc eUtniyv ersit Predsimsdu cthoi mopvrietI w. o ualldls iotk ote h amnyk editors aPtr ionnc eUtrnsiyPiv rteeLsasu,rL eeonpw w,h od iads upjeorbb ofc opyedaintTdiim n Sgu,la lnwi,hv oe ntahsutsiischaalmrlyey d visitohni soa fnb mdoy bo ke ltihetafhtc e o ntraeiandleicrldh y a nge thweo rld. August 2005