The boundary Riemann solver coming from the real vanishing viscosity approximation Stefano Bianchini ∗and Laura V. Spinolo † Email: [email protected], [email protected] 8 Abstract 0 Westudy thelimit of thehyperbolic-parabolic approximation 0 2 vtε+A˜ vε, εvxε vxε =εB˜(vε)vxεx vε ∈RN n 8< ˜ß(vε(t,`0))≡g¯´ a vε(0, x)≡v¯0. J : 9 The function ˜ß is defined in such a way to guarantee that the initial boundary value problem is well 2 posed even if B˜ is not invertible. The data g¯and v¯0 are constant. When B˜ is invertible,the previousproblem takes thesimpler form ] P vtε+A˜ vε, εvxε vxε =εB˜(vε)vxεx vε ∈RN A 8< vε(t,0)`≡v¯b ´ h. vε(0, x)≡v¯0. : t a Again, thedata v¯b and v¯0 are constant. The conservative case is included in the previousformulations. m It is assumed convergence of the vε, smallness of the total variation and other technical hypotheses and it is provided a complete characterization of thelimit. [ The most interesting points are thefollowing two. 3 First, the boundarycharacteristic case is considered, i.e. one eigenvalue of A˜can be 0. v Second, as pointed out before we take into account the possibility that B˜ is not invertible. To deal 5 withthiscase,wetakeashypothesesconditionsthatwereintroducedbyKawashimaandShizutarelying 7 on physically meaningful examples. We also introduce a new condition of block linear degeneracy. We 5 provethat, if it is not satisfied, then pathological behaviours may occur. 5 0 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35L65. 6 0 Key words: hyperbolic systems, parabolic approximation, initial boundary value problems, Riemann / h problem, conservation laws. t a m 1 Introduction : v i The aim of this work is to describe the limit of the parabolic approximation X r vε+A˜ vε, εvε vε =εB˜(vε)vε vε ∈RN a t x x xx ˜ß(vε(t, 0))≡g¯ (1.1) (cid:0) (cid:1) vε(0, x)≡v¯0 for ε → 0+. In the previousexpression, the function ˜ß is needed to have well posedness in the case the matrix B˜ is not invertible. The function ˜ß is defined in Section 2. When the matrix B˜ is indeed invertible, ∗SISSA-ISAS,viaBeirut2-434014Trieste,Italy †NorthwesternUniversity,2033SheridanRoadEvanston, IL60208-2370, USA 1 system (1.1) takes the simpler form vε+A˜ vε, εvε vε =εB˜(vε)vε vε ∈RN t x x xx vε(t, 0)≡v¯ (1.2) (cid:0) b (cid:1) vε(0, x)≡v¯ . 0 Eveniftheequationsin(1.1)and(1.2)arenotnecessarilyinconservationform,neverthelesstheconservative case vε+f(vε) =ε B˜(vε)vε t x x x (cid:16) (cid:17) is included in the previous formulation. Indeed, one can define A˜(vε, εvε):=Df(vε)−ε B˜(vε) x x (cid:16) (cid:17) and obtain an equation like the one in (1.1) or (1.2). In the present paper we assume that when ε → 0+ the solutions vε converge, in the sense that will be specifiedinthefollowing,toauniquelimitv. Sinceinboth(1.1)and(1.2)theinitialandboundarydataare constant, then the limit v solvesa so called boundary Riemann problem, i.e. an hyperbolic initial boundary value problem with constant data. Results in [2] show that the study of boundary Riemann problems is a keypointto determine the semigroupofsolutionsforanhyperbolicinitialboundaryvalue problem. We will came back to this point at the end of the introduction. Thegoalofthe workis todetermine the value ofv(t, x)for a.e. point(t, x). Inparticular,wedetermine the value of the trace v¯ of the limit on the axis x = 0. The reason why this is interesting is the following. Let us focus for simplicity on the case in which B˜ is invertible, i.e. on (1.2). It is known that, in general, the traceofthe limit, whichwedenote byv¯, isdifferentfromv¯ , the boundarydatumimposedin(1.2). The b relationbetweenv¯ andv¯isrelevantforthestudyofhyperbolicinitialboundaryvalueproblemsandwasfirst b investigated(as far aswe know)in[27]. Also, in[28] itwasprovedthatthe value ofv¯ingeneraldepends on the choice of the matrx B˜. In other words, if in (1.2) one keeps fixed v¯ , v¯ and the function A˜ and changes 0 b only the matrix B˜, then in general the value of v¯ will change, even if the system is in conservation form. The most interesting points in the work are the following two. First, we cover the characteristic case, which occurs when an eigenvalue of the matrix A˜can attain the value 0. The non characteristiccase occurs when none of the eigenvalues of A˜ can attain the value 0. The characteristic case is more complicated to handle thanthe noncharacteristicone. Looselyspeaking,the reasonisthe following. Suppose thatthek-th eigenvalue can assume the value 0. Then in the non linear case we do not know a priori if the waves of the k-th family are entering or are leaving the domain. The second point is that we cover the case of a non invertible viscosity matrix B˜. To tackle this case we assume that the so called Kawashima Shizuta condition holds. We also introduce a new condition of block linear degeneracy. We provide a counterexample which shows that, if this condition is violated, then there may be pathological behaviours, in the sense that will be specified in the following. The exposition is organized as follows. In Section 1.1 we give an overview of the paper, introducing the main ideas involvedin the analysis. In Section2 we discuss the hypotheses assumedin the work. In Section 3 we give a characterizationof the limit ofthe parabolic approximation(1.2), i.e. when the viscosity matrix B˜ is invertible. Finally, in Section 4 we discuss the limit of (1.1) when the matrix B˜ is singular. 1.1 Overview of the paper 1.1.1 Section 2: hypotheses Section 2 describes the hypotheses exploited in the work and it is divided into three parts. Section 2.1 describes the hypotheses assumed in the case the matrix B˜ is invertible. These hypotheses were already considered in several previous works and they are automatically satisfied when the system admits a dissipative entropy. InSection2.2we discuss the hypothesesassumedinthe casethe matrix B˜ is singular. These hypotheses can be divided into two groups. 2 The first group is composed by conditions that were already exploited in several previous works (e.g. in [34, 35, 36, 37, 47, 43, 44]). In particular one assumes that there exists a regular and invertible change of variables u=u(vε) such that the following holds. If v satisfies vε+A˜ vε, εvε vε =εB˜(vε)vε , t x x xx then u satisfies (cid:0) (cid:1) E(u)u +A(u, u )u =B(u)u . (1.3) t x x xx The matrix B has constant rank r and admits the block decomposition 0 0 B(u)= (1.4) 0 b(u) (cid:18) (cid:19) for a suitable b(u)∈Mr×r. Also, B and A satisfy suitable hypotheses that are reasonablefrom the physical point of view since they were introduced in [34, 35, 36, 37] relying on examples with a physical meaning. In particular, we assume that the so called Kawashima Shizuta condition is satisfied. Apart from these hypotheses, we introduce a new condition of block linear degeneracy, which is the following. Let A (u) A (u) E (u) E (u) A(u, u )= 11 12 E(u)= 11 12 (1.5) x A (u) A (u, u ) E (u) E (u) 21 22 x 21 22 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) be the block decomposition of A corresponding to (1.4), namely A and E belong to M(N−r)×(N−r) and 11 11 A and E belong to Mr×r. The condition of block linear degeneracy says that, for every given real 22 22 number σ, the dimension of the kernel of [A (u)−σE (u)] is constant with respect to u. In other words, 11 11 the dimension of the kernel may vary as σ varies, but it cannot change when u varies. Block linear degeneracy is not just a technical condition. Indeed, in Section 2.2.2 we discuss counterx- amples which show how, when the block linear degeneracy is violated, one can have pathological behaviors. More precisely, we exhibit examples in which block linear degeneracy does not hold and there is a solution of (1.3) which is not C1. These can be considered a pathological behaviour since one usually expects that the parabolic approximation has a regularizing effect. Ontheotherside,blocklineardegeneracyisnotanoptimalcondition,inthefollowingsense. Itispossible to show that block linear degeneracy is satisfied by the Navier Stokes equation written using Lagrangian coordinates, but it is not satisfied by the Navier Stokes equation written in Eulerian coordinates. On the other side the two formulations of the Navier Stokes equation are equivalent, provided that the density of the fluid is strictly positive. This remark was first proposed by Frederic Rousset in [41] and it suggests that it is interesting to look for a condition strong enought to prevent pathological behaviours but at the same time sufficiently weak to be satisfied by the Navier Stokes equation written in Eulerian coordinates. This problem is tackled in the forthcoming paper [13]. In Section 2.2.1 it is defined the function ß which is used to define the boundary condition in (1.1). The point here is the following. Consideranhyperbolicinitialboundaryvalueproblem,andforsimplicityletusfocusontheconservative case: u +f(u) =0 t x u(0, x)=u¯ (1.6) 0 u(t, 0)=u¯ It is known that if one assigns a datum u¯∈RN (i.e. if one assigns N boundary conditions), then the initial boundary value problem (1.6) may be ill posed, in the following sense. In general, there is no function u which is a solution of u +f(u) =0 t x in the sense of distributions, which assumes the initial datum for t=0 and satisfies lim u(t, x)=u¯ x→0+ 3 for almost every t. Also, it is know that a necessary condition to obtain a well posed problem is to assign a number of conditions on the boundary which is in general smaller then N. Assume the boundary is non characteristic, i.e. assume that none of the eigenvalues of the jacobian Df(u) can attain the value 0. In this case, one can impose on the boundary datum a number of conditions equal to the number of positive eigenvalues of Df(u). We can now came back to the parabolic equation u +A(u, u )u =B(u)u . (1.7) t x x xx Let us write u = (u , u )T, where u ∈ RN−r, u ∈ Rr. Here r is the rank of B, as in (1.4). With this 1 2 1 2 notations equation (1.7) can be rewritten as u +A u +A u =0 1t 11 1x 21 2x (1.8) u +A u +A u =bu 2t 12 1x 22 2x 2xx (cid:26) Roughly speaking, the reason why one has to introduce the function ß is the following. Let n be the 11 number of strictly negative eigenvalues of the block A , which itself is a (N −r)×(N −r) matrix. Also, 11 let q denote the dimension of the kernel of A . The second line in (1.8) contains a second order derivative 11 of u and hence u can be seen as a parabolic component. On the other side, only first derivatives of u 2 2 1 appear and hence u can be seen as an hyperbolic component. Actually, there is an interaction between the 1 two components (this is ensured by the Kawashima-Shizuta condition). On the other side, because of the hyperbolic component one is not completely free to assign the boundary condition in (1.1). As pointed out in previous works (e.g in [43]) the number of conditions one can impose on the boundary is N −n −q. 11 Indeed,onecanimposer conditionsonu . Ontheotherhand,onecanimposeonu anumberofconditions 2 1 equalto the number of positive eigenvalues of A , i.e. to N−r−n −q. Summing up one obtains exactly 11 11 N −n −q. 11 Thus, the function ˜ß in (1.1) takes values in RN−n11−q and g¯ is a fixed vector in RN−n11−q. The precise definition of ˜ß is given in section 2.2.1 and it is such that the initial boundary value problem (1.1) is well posed. In Section 4.3 it is given a more general definition for the function ß. Section2.2.2discussesthreeexamples. Thefirsttwoshowthat,iftheconditionofblocklineardegeneracy is violated, then there may be solution of u +A(u, u )u =B(u)u t x x xx exhibiting pathologicalbehaviors, in the sense explained before. More precisely, the first example deal with steady solutions A(u, u )u =B(u)u , (1.9) x x xx while the second one deals with travelling waves, [A(u, u′)−σE(u)]u′ =Bu′′. In the previous expression, σ represents the speed of the wave and it is a real parameter. Finally, the third example in Section2.2.2showsthat if the rank ofthe matrixB is not constant,thenthere maybe solutions of (1.9) exhibiting pathological behaviours of the same kind discussed before. Section 2.3 discusses the hypotheses that are assumed in both cases, when the matrix B˜ in (1.1) is invertible and when it is not. It is assumed that the system is strictly hyperbolic (see Section 2.3 for a definition of strict hyperbolicty). Also, it is assumedthat when ε→0+ the solutions of vε of (1.1) converge to a unique limit. Also, it is assumed that the approximation is stable with respect to the initial and the boundary data and that the limit has finite propagationspeed. WerefertoSection2.3fortheexactstatementofthehypotheses,hereinsteadweunderlineanotherpoint. The proof of the convergence of vε in the case of a generic matrix B˜ is still an open problem. However, there are results that provide a justification of our hypotheses. In particular, in [28] it is provedthe local in time convergence in the case B˜ is invertible, but in general different from the identity. Moreover, in [3] the authorsprovedthe globalin time convergenceinthe caseof anartificialviscosity(B˜(vε)is identically equal 4 to I ). The analysisin [3] exploits techniques that wereintroduced in [8, 9, 10, 11] to dealwith the Cauchy N problem. In [3] it is proved the same kind of convergence we assume in the present properties. Also, other properties we assume here (stability of the approximation, finite propagation speed of the limit) are as well proved in [3]. Analogous results were proved in [48] for a special class of problems with 2 boundaries. Also, we point out that there are severalworks that study the stability of the approximationin the case of a very general viscosity matrix B˜. Actually, the literature concerning this topic is very wide and hence we will quote only works that concern specifically initial boundary value problems: [47, 42, 43, 44]. 1.1.2 Section 3: the characterization of the hyperbolic limit in the case of an invertible viscosity matrix Section 3 discusses the characterization of the limit of (1.2) when the matrix B˜ is invertible. Actually, because of the hypotheses we assume in Section 2.1, we study the equivalent (in the sense specified therein) problem E(uε)uε+A uε, εuε uε =εB(uε)uε uε ∈RN t x x xx uε(t, 0)≡u¯ (1.10) b(cid:0) (cid:1) uε(0, x)≡u¯ . 0 Also, Section 3 is divided into fours parts. Section 3.1 collects preliminary results that are needed in the following. Section3.2givesaquickreviewofsomeresultsconcerningthecharacterizationofthelimitintheRiemann problem. These results were introduced in [7]. The Riemann problem is a Cauchy problem with a piecewise constant inial datum with a single jump. Let us focus for simplicity on the conservative case: u +f(u) =0 t x u− x<0 (1.11) u(0, x)= u+ x≥0 (cid:26) A solution of (1.11) was first describedin [39] assuming some technical hypotheses (i.e. that all the fields are either genuinely non linear or linearly degenerate). Since we will need in the following, here we briefly review the ideas exploited in [39] to obtain a solution of (1.11). Denote by λ (u)<···<λ (u) 1 N the eigenvalues of the jacobian Df(u) and by r (u)...r (u) the correspondingeigenvectors. For simplicity, 1 N weassumethatallthefieldsaregenuinelynonlinear. Inthiscase,onecanchosetheorientationofr insuch i a way that ∇λ ·r > 0. For every i = 1...N we denote by Si (u+) a curve in RN which is parameterized i i si bys andwhichenjoysthefollowingproperty. ForeveryvalueSi (u+)thereexistsaspeedλclosetoλ (u+) i si i such that the Rankine Hugoniot condition is satisfied, i.e. f(u+)−f Si (u+) =λ u+−Si (u+) . (1.12) si si (cid:16) (cid:17) h i Also, let Ri (u+) be the integralcurve of r (u) starting at u+, in other wordsRi (u+) is the solution of the si i si Cauchy problem d Ri =r (Ri(u+)) ds i s Ri(u+)=u+ 0 Finally, let Ti(u+) be defined as follows: si Ri (u+) s ≥0 Ti (u+)= si i si (cid:26) Ssii(u+) si <0 5 In [39] it is proved that Ti (u+) is a C2 curve such that si dTi (u+) si =r (u+). i dsi (cid:12) (cid:12)si=0 (cid:12) (cid:12) In the following, we will say that Ti (u+) is the i-th(cid:12) curve of admissible states. Indeed, every state Ti (u+) si si can be connected to u+ by either a rarefaction wave or a shock which is admissible in the sense of Liu. In other words, if s ≥0 then the solution of the Riemann problem i u +f(u) =0 t x u+ x≥0 (1.13) u(0, x)= Ti(u+) x<0 (cid:26) si is u+ x≥tλ (u+) i u(t, x)= Tsii(u+) x≤tλi(cid:16)Tsii(u+)(cid:17) (1.14) Ti(u+) tλ Ti (u+) <x<tλ (u+), x=tλ Ti(u+) The meaningofthe thirdline iss thatu(t, x)i(cid:16)is esqiualt(cid:17)o Tsi(u+)(tihe valueassumie(cid:16)dbsythe(cid:17)curveatthe point s) when x is exactly equalto λ evaluatedat the point Ti(u+). The value of u is welldefined because of the i s condition ∇λ ·r >0. i i On the other side, if s <0 then the solution of the Riemann problem (1.13) is i u+ x≥tλ u(t, x)= (1.15) Ti (u+) x≤tλ. si The speed λ satisfies the Rankine Hugoniot condition and it is close to λ (u+). i In this way one obtains N curve of admissible states T1(u+), ... TN(u+). To define the solution of the s1 sN Riemann problem (1.11) one can proceed as follows. Consider the function ψ(s ...s , u+)=T1 ◦...TN−1◦TN(u+). (1.16) 1 N s1 sN−1 sN With the notation TN−1◦TN(u+) we mean that the starting point of TN−1 is TN(u+), i.e. that sN−1 sN sN−1 sN TN−1◦TN(u+)=TN(u+). 0 sN sN It is proved in [39] that the map ψ is locally invertible with respect to s ...s . In other words, the values 1 N of s ...s are uniquely determined if one imposes 1 N u− =ψ(s ...s , u+), 1 N at least if u− is a close enough to u+. One takes u− as in (1.11) and obtains the values s ...s . Indeed, 1 N we assume, here and in the following, |u+−u−| << 1. Once s ...s are known, one can obtain the limit 1 N gluing together pieces like (1.14) and (1.15). The construction in [39] was extended in [40] to more general systems. Also, in [7] it was given a characterizationof the limit of uε+A uε, εuε uε =εB(uε)uε uε ∈RN t x x xx u+ x≥0 (1.17) uε(0, x(cid:0))= (cid:1) u− x<0 (cid:26) when |u+−u−| is sufficientlysmall (under hypotheses slightly different from the ones we consider here). 6 The construction works as follows. Consider a travelling profile for u +A u, u u =B(u)u , t x x xx i.e. u(x−σt) such that (cid:0) (cid:1) B(u)u′′ = A(u, u′)−σE(u) u′. (cid:16) (cid:17) In the previous, expression, the speed of the wave σ is a real parameter. Then u solves u′ =v B(u)v′ = A(u, v)−σE(u) v (1.18) σ′ =0. (cid:16) (cid:17) The point (u+,~0, λ (u+)) is an equilibrium for (1.18). Also, one can prove that a center manifold around i (u+,~0, λ (u+)) has dimension N +2. i We recall here that every center manifold is invariant with respect to (1.18) and moreover satisfies the following property: let (u0, p0, σ0) belong to Mc and denote by (u(x), p(x), σ(x) the orbit starting at (u0, p0, σ0). Then lim u(x), p(x), σ(x) e−cx/2 =(~0,~0, 0) lim u(x), p(x), σ(x) e−cx/2 =(~0,~0, 0). x→+∞ x→−∞ (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) The constant c in the previous expressionis strictly positive, depends on the matrix E−1A and it is defined in Section 2 (Hypothesis 3). Fix a center manifold Mc. If (u, v, σ) is a solution to (1.18) laying on Mc, then u′ =v r˜(u, v , σ ) i i i i v′ =φ (u, v , σ )v (1.19) i i i i i σ′ =0. i The functions r˜i and φi are defined in Section 3.2.1. The construction of Ti u+ works as follows. Fix s > 0 and consider the following fixed point problem, si i defined on a interval [0, s ]: i τ u(τ)=u++ r˜(u(ξ), v (ξ), σ (ξ))dξ i i i v (τ)=f (τ,Zu0, v , σ )−concf (τ, u, v , σ ) (1.20) σi(τ)= i 1 d iconicf (τ, u, vi, σ ). i i i cE(u¯0)dτ i i i We have used the following notations: τ f (τ)= λ˜ [u , v , σ ](ξ)dξ, i i i i i Z0 where λ˜ [u , v , σ ](ξ)=φ u (ξ), v (ξ), σ (ξ) +c (u¯ )σ. i i i i i i i i E 0 (cid:16) (cid:17) Also, concf denotes the concave envelope of the function f : i i concf (τ)=inf{h(s): hisconcave, h(y)≥f (y)∀y ∈[0, s ]}. i i i One can show that the fixed point problem (1.20) admits a unique solution. The link between (1.20) and (1.18) is the following: let (u , v , σ ) satisfy (3.32). Assume that v <0 on i i i i ]a, b[ and that v (a)=v (b)=0. Define α (τ) as the solution of the Cauchy problem k k i dα 1 i =− dτ v (τ) i α (a+b/2)=0 i 7 then (u ◦α , v ◦α , σ ◦α ) is a solution to (3.31) satisfying i i i i i i lim u ◦α (x)=u (a) lim u ◦α (x)=u (b). i i i i i i x→−∞ x→+∞ Thus, u (a) and u (b) are connected by a travelling wave profile. i i Onthe otherside,ifv ≡0onthe interval[c, d], thenthe followingholds. ConsiderRi u(c), theintegral i si curve of r (u) such that Riu(c) = u(c). Then u(d) lays on Ri u(c), thus u(c) and u(d) are connected by a i 0 si rarefaction or by a contact discontinuity. If s < 0, one considers a fixed problem like (1.20), but instead of the concave envelope of f one takes i i the convex envelope: convf (τ)=sup{h(s): hisconvex, h(y)≤f (y)∀y ∈[0, s ]}. i i i Again, one can prove the existence of a unique fixed point (u , v , σ ). i i i The curve Ti u+ is defined setting si Ti u+ :=u(s ). si i This curve contains states that are connected to u+ by rarefaction waves and shocks with speed close to λ (u+). i If u− =Ti u+, then the limit of the approximation(1.17) is si u+ x≤σ (0)t i u(t, x)= u (s) x=σ (s)t (1.21) i i u (s )=Ti u+ x≥σ (s )t i i si i i In the previous expression, σi is given by (1.20) and it is a monotone non increasing function. It can be shown that in the case of conservative systems with only genuinely non linear or linearly degenerate fields the i-th curve of admissible states Ti u+ defined in [7] coincides with the one described si in [39]. Once Ti u+ is known, then one defines ψ as in (1.16) and find the limit gluing together pieces like si (1.21). In Section 3.2.2 we give a characterizationof the limit of E(uε)uε+A uε, εuε uε =εB(uε)uε uε ∈RN t x x xx uε(t, 0)≡u¯ (1.22) b(cid:0) (cid:1) uε(0, x)≡u¯ . 0 when the boundary is notcharacteristic, i.e. when none of the eigenvalues of E−1A can attain the value 0. The idea is to costruct a locally invertible map φ which describes all the states that can be connected to u¯ , in the sense that is specified in the following. Loosely speaking, the map φ represents for the initial 0 boundary value problem what the map ψ defined in (1.16) represents for the Cauchy problem. Once φ is defined, one takes u¯ as in (1.22) and imposes b u¯ =φ(u¯ , s ...s ). b 0 1 N If u¯ and u¯ are sufficiently close, then this relation uniquely determines the values of s ...s . Once these 0 b 1 N values are known, then the limit u(t, x) is uniquely determined. More precisely, one can define the value of u(t, x) for a.e. (t, x). We will come to this point later. Theconstructionofthemapφworksasfollows. Denotebyλ (u)...λ (u)theeigenvaluesofE−1(u)A(u, 0) 1 N and by r (u)...r (u) the associated eigenvectors. Also, assume that for every u, 1 N λ (u)<...λ (u)<−c<0<c<λ <...λ (u) 1 n n+1 N Inotherwords,nisthenumberofnegativeeigenvaluesofE−1(u)A(u, 0). Theseeigenvaluesarerealbecause this is one of the hypotheses listed in Section 2 (Hypothesis 3). 8 For i = n+1...N consider the i-th curve of admissible states. Fix N −n parameters s ...s and n+1 N define u¯=Tn+1 ◦...TN−1◦TNu¯ . sn+1 sN−1 sN 0 As before, the notation TN−1◦TNu¯ means that the starting point of TN−1 is sN−1 sN 0 sN−1 TNu¯ , TN−1 =TNu¯ . Thanks to the results in [7] we quoted before, u¯ is connected to u¯ by a sequence of sN 0 0 sN 0 0 rarefaction waves and shocks with stricly positive speed. To complete the construction, one considers steady solutions of E(u)u +A(u, u )u =B(u)u t x x xx i.e. couples (U, p) such that U′ =p (1.23) B(u)p′ =A(u, p)p (cid:26) The point (u¯, 0) is an equilibrium for (1.23). As shown in section 3.2.2, the stable manifold around (u¯, 0) has dimension n, i.e. has dimension equalto the number of strictly negativeeigenvalues of E−1A. Also, the following holds. Let ψ be a map that parameterizes the stable manifold, then ψ takes values into RN ×RN and it is defined on a space of dimension n. To underline the dependence on u¯ we will write φ(u¯, s ...s ). 1 n Denote by π the projection u π :RN ×RN →RN u (u, p)7→u Fix n parameters s ...s and consider π ◦ψ(u¯, s ...s ). Consider the problem 1 n u 1 n A(u, u )u =B(u)u x x xx u(0)=π ◦ψ(u¯, s ...s ), u 1 n (cid:26) then there exists a unique solution of this problem such that lim u(x)=u¯. x→+∞ Setting uε(x):=u(x/ε), one finds a solution of A(uε, εuε)uε =B(uε)uε x x xx such that uε(0)=π ◦ψ(u¯, s ...s ) and for every x>0, u 1 n lim uε(x)=u¯. ε→0+ Inthissense,wesaythatthereisalossofboundaryconditionwhenpassingto thehyperboliclimit, because the boundary condition π ◦ψ(u¯, s ...s ) disappears in the limit. We point out that the idea of studying u 1 n steady solutions to take into accountthe lossof boundary conditionwasalreadyexploited inmany previous work, e.g in [28]. To complete the characterizationof the limit, we define φ as φ(u¯ , s ...s )=π ◦ψ Tn+1 ◦...TN−1◦TNu¯ , s ...s . 0 1 N u sn+1 sN−1 sN 0 1 n (cid:16) (cid:17) In section 3.2.2 we prove that the map φ is locally invertible, i.e. the values of s ...s are completely 1 N determined is one sets u¯ =φ(u¯ , s ...s ). b 0 1 N We take the same u¯ as in (1.22). As pointed out at the beginning of the paragraph, once s ...s are b 1 N known, then the value of the self similar solution u(t, x) is determined for a.e. (t, x). One can indeed glue together pieces like (1.21). In particular, it turns out that the trace of u(t, x) on the axis x=0 is u¯=Tn+1 ◦...TN−1◦TNu¯ . sn+1 sN−1 sN 0 9 As we have already underlined before, the relation between u¯ (the boundary datum in (1.22)) and u¯ is b interesting for the study of hyperbolic initial boundary value problems. In Section 3.2.3 we give a characterizationof the limit of the parabolic approximation E(uε)uε+A uε, εuε uε =εB(uε)uε uε ∈RN t x x xx uε(t, 0)≡u¯ (1.24) b(cid:0) (cid:1) uε(0, x)≡u¯ . 0 whentheboundaryischaracteristic,i.e. oneeigenvalueofE−1Acanattainthevalue0. Thecharacterization of the limit works as follows. We costruct a locally invertible map φ which describes all the states that can be connected to u¯ . Once φ is defined, one takes u¯ as in (1.24) and imposes 0 b u¯ =φ(u¯ , s ...s ). b 0 1 N If u¯ and u¯ are sufficiently close, then this relation uniquely determines the values of s ...s . Once these 0 b 1 N values are known, then the limit u(t, x) is uniquely determined. Formally, the idea is the same as in Section 3.2.2. However, the construction of the map φ is definitely more complicated in the boundary chararacteristiccase. Roughly speaking, the reason is the following. Let λ (u)...λ (u) be the eigenvalues of E−1(u)A(u, 0). 1 N They are real by Hypothesis 3. Assume λ (u)<...λ (u)<−c<λ (u)<c<λ <...λ (u), 1 k−1 k k+1 N where c is a suitable positive constant. In other words,there are at least k−1 strictly negative eigenvalues, N −k strictly positive eigenvalues and one eigenvalue close to 0. Define u¯ =Tk+1 ◦...TN−1◦TNu¯ , k sk+1 sN−1 sN 0 then u¯ is connected to u¯ by rarefaction waves and shocks with stricly positive speed. We now want to k 0 define the k-thcurveofadmissible states. To define Tku¯ ,we mighttry toconsiderthe fixedpointproblem sk k τ u(τ)=u¯ + r˜ (u(ξ), v (ξ), σ (ξ))dξ k k k k v (τ)=f (τ,Z0u, v , σ )−concf (τ, u, v , σ ) (1.25) σk(τ)= k 1 d ckonckf (τ, u, vk, σ ), k k k cE(u¯0)dτ k k k where r˜ , f and c are thesame as in (1.20). However, if we consider (1.25) we are not doing the right k k E thing. Indeed, we might have that the speed σ is negative at a certain point τ. Since eventually we want k to define the limit u(t, x) as in (1.21), we want σ to be greater then 0. k Another problem is the following. Consider the system satisfied by steady solutions of E(u)u +A(u, u )u =B(u)u , t x x xx i.e. consider U′ =p (1.26) B(u)p′ =A(u, p)p (cid:26) Also, consider the equilibrium point (u¯ , 0). Let Ms be the stable manifold of (1.26) around (u¯ , 0). For k k simplicity, assume λ (u¯ )=0. Then, there might be a solution (U, p) such that k k lim U(x), p(x) = u¯ , 0 k x→+∞ (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) but (U, p) does not belong to the stable manifold. However, this kind of solution should be taken into account when we study the loss of boundary condition. 10