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THE BOTTOM OF THE SPECTRUM OF TIME-CHANGED PROCESSES AND THE MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE OF SCHRO¨DINGER OPERATORS 7 1 0 MASAYOSHITAKEDA 2 n a Abstract. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for the maximum J principle of Schro¨dinger operators interms of the bottom of the spectrum of time-changedprocesses. Asacorollary,weobtainasufficientconditionforthe 1 LiouvillepropertyofSchro¨dinger operators. 1 ] R P . 1. Introduction h t a In[12],wedefinethesubcriticality,criticalityandsuperciriticalityforSchr¨odinger m forms and characterize these properties in terms of the bottom of the spectrum of [ time changed processes. In the process, we prove the existence of a harmonic function (or ground state) of the Schr¨odinger form and study its properties. In 1 particular, we show that it has a bounded, positive, continuous version which is v invariant with respect to its Schr¨odinger semigroup. In this paper, we will show, 0 6 as an application of this fact, the maximum principle and Liouville property of 8 Schr¨odinger operators. 2 Let X be a locally compact separable metric space and m a positive Radon 0 measure on X with full topological support. Denote by X := X the one- . △ ∪{△} 1 pointcompactificationofX. LetM=(P ,X ,ζ)beanm-symmetricHuntprocess x t 0 withlifetime ζ =inf t>0 X = . WeassumethatMisirreducibleandstrong t 7 { | △} Feller. Let µ=µ+ µ− be a signed Radonsmoothmeasure such that the positive 1 − : (resp. negative)partµ+ (resp. µ−)belongstothe localKatoclass(resp. the Kato v class). We denote by Aµ+ (resp. Aµ−) the positive continuous additive functional i t t X in the Revuz correspondence to µ+ (resp. µ+). Put Aµ = Aµ+ Aµ− and define r the Feynman-Kac semigroup pµ by t t − t a { t}t≥0 pµtf(x)=Ex e−Aµtf(Xt) . (cid:16) (cid:17) We denote by Mµ+ = (Pµ+,X ,ζ) the subprocess of M by the multiplicative x t functionalexp( Aµ+)andby( µ+, ( µ+))theDirichletformgeneratedbyMµ+. − t E D E Suppose that the negative part µ− is non-trivial and Green-tight with respect to 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 31C25,31C05,60J25. Keywordsandphrases. Dirichletform,Schro¨dingerform,symmetricHuntprocess,maximum principle,Liouvilleproperty. The author was supported in part by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No.26247008(A)) and Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research (No.25610018), Japan Society for the PromotionofScience. 1 2 MASAYOSHITAKEDA Mµ+ (Definition 2.2 (2)). We then define λ(µ) by (1) λ(µ):=inf (u,u)+ u2dµ+ u ( ), u2dµ− =1 . E | ∈D E (cid:26) ZX ZX (cid:27) λ(µ)isregardedasthebottomofthespectrumofthetime-changedprocessofMµ+ by the continuous additive functional Aµ−. We show in [11, Theorem 2.1]that the t minimizerof (1)existsintheextendedDirichletspace ( µ+)anditcanbetaken e D E to be strictly positive on X. The objective of this paper is to prove the maximum principleofSchr¨odingerformsby usingthe existence ofthe minimizer of(1). More precisely, let (2) ba(µ)= h B(X) h is bounded above, pµh h , H { ∈ | t ≥ } where B(X) is the set of Borel functions on X. We here define the maximum principle by (MP) If h ba(µ), then h(x) 0 for all x X. ∈H ≤ ∈ We will prove in Theorem 3.1 that under Assumption (A) Ex e−Aµ∞+;ζ = =0, ∞ (cid:16) (cid:17) (MP) is equivalentto λ(µ)>1. For the proofof this, it is crucialthat if λ(µ)=1, then the minimizer h in (1) has a bounded continuous version with pµ-invariance, t i.e., E (exp( Aµ)h(X ))=h(x) ([12, Lemma 5.16, Corollary 5.17]). x − t t Let us introduce the space b(µ) of bounded pµ-invariant functions: H t b(µ)= h B (X) pµh=h . H { ∈ b | t } We here define the Liouville property by (L) If h b(µ), then h(x)=0 for all x X. ∈H ∈ We will show in Corollary 4.1 that under Assumption (A), λ(µ)>1 implies (L). We remark that Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 4.1 can be applied to non-local Dirichlet forms. In a remaining part of introduction, we treat these two properties for stronglylocalDirichlet forms,which areregardedas anextensionof symmetric ellipticoperatorsofsecondorder. InBerestycki-Nirenberg-Varadhan[2],theydefine amaximumprincipleforauniformlyellipticoperatorofsecondorder,L=M+c= a ∂ ∂ +b ∂ +c,onageneralboundeddomainD ofRd. Letu bethe solutionto i,j i j i i 0 the equation Mu= 1 vanishing on ∂D in a suitable sense: define by the set of − S sequences x ∞ D suchthatx convergestoapointofthe boundary∂D and { n}n=1 ⊂ n u (x ) converges to 0. They say that the refined maximum principle holds for L, 0 n ifa function h boundedabovesatisfies Lh 0 onD andlimsup h(x ) 0 for ≥ n→∞ n ≤ any x ∞ ,thenh 0onD,andprovethatLsatisfiestherefinedmaximum { n}n=1 ∈S ≤ principle if and only if the principal eigenvalue λ of L is positive. 0 − Note that u equals E (τ ), where P is the diffusion process with generator 0 x D x M and τ is the first exit time from D. We see that if D is bounded (more D generally,Green-bounded, i.e., sup E (τ )< ), then is identical to the set x∈D x D ∞ S THE MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE OF SCHRO¨DINGER OPERATORS 3 ofsequences x suchthatx ∂DandE (exp( τ )) 1asn (Lemma { n} n → xn − D → →∞ 3.1, Remark 3.1). Considering this fact, we define (3) = x ∞ X x and E (e−ζ) 1 as n . S { n}n=1 ⊂ | n →△ xn → →∞ (cid:8) (cid:9) Assume that ( , ( )) is strongly local and set E D E h ( ) C(X) is bounded above, µ(h,ϕ) 0 for loc ba(µ)= h ∈D E ∩ E ≤ , H ( | ∀ϕ∈D(E)∩C0+(X) and limsuph(xn)≤0 for ∀{xn}∈S) n→∞ e whereC+(X)isthesetofnon-negativecontinuousfunctionswithcompactsupport. 0 Following [2], we here define the refined maximum principle by (RMP) If h ba(µ), then h(x) 0 for all x X. ∈H ≤ ∈ e We will show that ba(µ) ba(µ) (Lemma 3.4), and thus see, as a corollary of H ⊂ H Theorem of 3.1, that λ(µ) > 1 implies (RMP) (Theorem 3.2). We would like to emphasize that if Deis bounded and L is symmetric, the principal eigenvalue λ 0 of L is positive if and only if λ(µ) > 1. However, λ(µ) > 1 does not always − imply λ >0 for a unbounded domain D, while λ >0 implies λ(µ)>1 in general 0 0 (Lemma 3.5). When ( , ( )) is strongly local, we set E D E b(µ)= h ( ) C (X) µ(h,ϕ)=0, ϕ ( ) C (X) loc b 0 H { ∈D E ∩ |E ∀ ∈D E ∩ } and definee the property (L) by e (L) If h b(µ), then h(x)=0 for all x X. ∈H ∈ e e WethenseethatifMisconservativeand(A)isfulfilled,thatis,E (exp( Aµ+))= x − ∞ 0, then b(µ) b(µ), and consequently λ(µ) > 1 implies (L) (Corollary 4.2). H ⊂ H Grigor’yanand Hansen[7] callsa measureµ+ big if it satisfies(A), and they prove that for tehe transient Brownian motion M = (P ,B ) on Rd, ifeµ− 0 and µ+ is x t ≡ big, then (L) holds. Corollary 4.1 tells us that if µ− is small with respect to µ+ in the sense that λ(µ)>1 then (L) still holds. Pinsky [e9] treat absolutely continuous potentials dµ=V+dx V−dx and prove in [9, Theorem 1.1] that if suepx∈RdEx exp( 0∞V−(Bt)dt) <−∞, the Liouville property (L) is equivalent to (cid:0) R (cid:1) ∞ e V+(B )dt= , P -a.e. ( (A)). t x ∞ ⇐⇒ Z0 We will give an example of potential µ that even if supx∈RdEx(exp(Aµ∞−)) = ∞ and E (exp( Aµ+))=0, (L) holds (Example 4.1). x − ∞ e 4 MASAYOSHITAKEDA 2. Schro¨dinger forms Let X be a locally compact separable metric space and m a positive Radon measure on X with full topological support. Let ( , ( )) be a regular Dirichlet E D E form on L2(X;m). We denote by u ( ) if for any relatively compact open loc ∈ D E set D there exists a function v ( ) such that u = v m-a.e. on D. We denote ∈ D E by ( ) the family of m-measurable functions u on X such that u < m- e D E | | ∞ a.e. and there exists an -Cauchy sequence u of functions in ( ) such that n E { } D E lim u =u m-a.e. We call ( ) the extended Dirichlet space of ( , ( )). n→∞ n e Let M=(Ω,F, F , PD E , X ,ζ) be the symmetric HEunDt pErocess t t≥0 x x∈X t t≥0 generated by ( , ({ )),}whe{re }F { is}the augmented filtration and ζ is the t t≥0 E D E { } lifetime ofM. Denote by p and G the semigroupandresolventof M: t t≥0 α α≥0 { } { } ∞ p f(x)=E (f(X )), G f(x)= e−αtp f(x)dt. t x t α t Z0 We assume that M satisfies next two conditions: : Irreducibility (I). If a Borel set A is p -invariant, i.e., p (1 f)(x) = t t A 1 p f(x) m-a.e. for any f L2(X;m) B (X) and t>0, then A satisfies A t b either m(A) = 0 or m(X ∈A) = 0. He∩re B (X) is the space of bounded b \ Borel functions on X. : Strong Feller Property (SF). For each t, p (B (X)) C (X), where t b b ⊂ C (X) is the space of bounded continuous functions on X. b We remark that (SF) implies (AC). : Absolute Continuity Condition (AC). ThetransitionprobabilityofM is absolutely continuous with respect to m, p(t,x,dy)=p(t,x,y)m(dy) for each t>0 and x X. ∈ Under (AC), a non-negative,jointly measurable α-resolventkernelG (x,y) ex- α ists: G f(x)= G (x,y)f(y)m(dy), x X, f B (X). α α b ∈ ∈ ZX Moreover,G (x,y)isα-excessiveinxandiny ([6,Lemma4.2.4]). Wesimplywrite α G(x,y) for G (x,y). For a measure µ, we define the α-potential of µ by 0 G µ(x)= G (x,y)µ(dy). α α ZX Definition 2.1. (1) ADirichletspace( , ( ))onL2(X;m)issaidtobetransient E D E if there exists a strictly positive,bounded function g in L1(X;m)suchthat for u ( ) ∈D E ugdm (u,u). | | ≤ E ZX p (2) A Dirichlet space ( , ( )) on L2(X;m) is said to be recurrent if the constant E D E function 1 belongs to ( ) and (1,1) = 0. Namely, there exists a sequence e D E E u ( ) such that lim (u u ,u u )=0 and lim u = n n,m→∞ n m n m n→∞ n { }⊂D E E − − 1 m-a.e. For other characterizations of transience and recurrence, see [6, Theorem 1.6.2, Theorem 1.6.3]. THE MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE OF SCHRO¨DINGER OPERATORS 5 We define the (1-)capacity Cap associated with the Dirichlet form ( , ( )) as E D E follows: for an open set O X, ⊂ Cap(O)=inf (u,u)+(u,u) u ( ),u 1 m-a.e. on O m {E | ∈D E ≥ } and for a Borel set A X, ⊂ Cap(A)=inf Cap(O) O is open, O A . { | ⊃ } A statement depending on x X is said to hold q.e. on X if there exists a set ∈ N X ofzerocapacitysuchthatthe statementis trueforeveryx X N. “q.e.” ⊂ ∈ \ is an abbreviation of “quasi-everywhere”. A real valued function u defined q.e. on X is said to be quasi-continuous if for any ǫ > 0 there exists an open set G X ⊂ such that Cap(G) < ǫ and u is finite and continuous. Here, u denotes X\G X\G | | the restriction of u to X G. Each function u in ( ) admits a quasi-continuous e \ D E versionu˜,thatis,u=u˜m-a.e. Inthesequel,wealwaysassumethateveryfunction u ( ) is represented by its quasi-continuous version. e ∈D E We call a positive Borel measure µ on X smooth if it satisfies the following conditions: (S1) µ charges no set of zero capacity, (S2) there exists an increasing sequence F of closed sets that n { } (4) µ(F )< , n ∞ (5) lim Cap(K F )=0 for any compact set K. n n→∞ \ We denote by S the set of smooth measures. A stochastic process A is said to be an additive functional (AF in abbre- t t≥0 { } viation) if the following conditions hold: (i) A () is F -measurable for all t 0. t t (ii) The·re exists a set Λ F =≥σ( F ) such that P (Λ) = 1, for q.e. ∞ t≥0 t x ∈ ∪ x X, θ Λ Λ for all t > 0, and for each ω Λ, A(ω) is a function t · ∈ ⊂ ∈ satisfying: A = 0, A (ω) < for t < ζ(ω), A (ω) = A (ω) for t ζ, and 0 t t ζ ∞ ≥ A (ω)=A (ω)+A (θ ω) for s,t 0. t+s t s t ≥ If an AF A is positive and continuous with respect to t for each ω Λ, t t≥0 { } ∈ the AF is called a positive continuous additive functional (PCAF in abbreviation). The set of all PCAF’s is denoted by A+. The family S and A+ are in one-to-one c c correspondence(Revuz correspondence)asfollows: foreachsmoothmeasureµ, thereexists a unique PCAF A suchthatfor anyf B+(X)andγ-excessive t t≥0 { } ∈ function h (γ 0), that is, e−γtp h h, t ≥ ≤ 1 t (6) lim E f(X )dA = f(x)h(x)µ(dx) h·m s s t→0 t (cid:18)Z0 (cid:19) ZX ([6, Theorem 5.1.7]). Here, E ( )= E ( )h(x)m(dx). We denote by Aµ the h·m · X x · t PCAF corresponding to µ S. For a signed smooth measure µ = µ+ µ−, we define Aµ =Aµ+ Aµ−. ∈ R − t t − t We introduce some classes of smooth measures. Definition 2.2. Suppose that µ S is a positive Radon measure. ∈ 6 MASAYOSHITAKEDA (1) A measure µ is said to be in the Kato class of M ( in abbreviation) if K lim G µ =0. α ∞ α→∞k k A measure µ is said to be in the local Kato class ( in abbreviation) if for loc K any compact set K, 1 µ belongs to . K · K (2) Suppose that M is transient. A measure µ is said to be in the class if for ∞ K any ǫ>0, there exists a compact set K =K(ǫ) sup G(x,y)µ(dy)<ǫ. x∈XZKc A measure µ in is called Green-tight. ∞ K We note that every measure treated in this paper is supposed to be Radon. We denote the Green-tight class by (G) if we would like to emphasize the depen- ∞ K denceofthe Greenkernel. Chen[3]definethe Green-tightclassinslightlydifferent way; however the two definitions are equivalent under (SF) ([8, Lemma 4.1]). Let µ=µ+ µ− . We define the Schr¨odinger form by loc − ∈K −K µ(u,u)= (u,u)+ u2dµ (7) E E ZX  ( µ)= ( ) L2(X;µ+). D E D E ∩ Denotingby µ = µtheself-adjointoperatorgeneratedbytheclosedsymmetric L L− form ( µ, ( µ)), ( µu,v) = µ(u,v), we see that the associated semigroup m exp(t Eµ) iDs eExpresse−dLas exp(t µ)fE(x)=E (exp( Aµ)f(X )) (cf. [1]). L L x − t t Let Mµ+ = (Pµ+,X ,ζ) the subprocess of M by the multiplicative functional x t exp( Aµ+) and suppose that Mµ+ is also strong Feller (For this conditions, refer − t [4]). 3. Maximum Principle In this section we consider the maximum principle for Schr¨odinger forms. For h B(X) we denote by h+ and h− the positive and negative part of h. ∈ Theorem 3.1. Assume (A). Then λ(µ)>1 (MP). ⇐⇒ Proof. For h ba(µ) ∈H h(x)≤Ex e−Aµth(Xt) =Eµx+ eAµt−h(Xt) ≤Eµx+ eAµζ−h+(Xt) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:16) (cid:17) ≤kh+k∞·Eµx+ eAµζ−;t<ζ . (cid:18) (cid:19) If λ(µ) > 1, then sup Eµ+(exp(Aµ−)) < by [3, Theorem 5.1]. Hence the x∈X x ζ ∞ right-hand side tends to 0 as t because →∞ lim Pµ+(t<ζ)=E e−Aµ∞+1 =0 x x {ζ=∞} t→∞ (cid:18) (cid:19) by Assumption (A). THE MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE OF SCHRO¨DINGER OPERATORS 7 Suppose λ(µ) 1. By the definition of λ(µ) ≤ (8) inf µ+(u,u) λ(µ) u2dµ− =1 =1. E | (cid:26) ZX (cid:27) It follows from [12, Lemma 5.16, Corollary 5.17] that the minimizer h in (8) is a bounded positive continuous with pµ+−λ(µ)µ−-invariance, h(x) = pµ+−λ(µ)µ−h(x). t t Hence h(x)=pµ+−λ(µ)µ−h(x) pµ+−µ−h(x)=pµh(x), t ≤ t t and (MP) does not hold. (cid:3) In the sequel of this section, we deal with a strongly local Dirichlet form and extend a result of [2]. We set = x ∞ X x and lim E e−ζ =1. , S { n}n=1 ⊂ | n →△ n→∞ xn =n x ∞ X x and lim P ((cid:0)ζ >(cid:1)ǫ) 0ofor any ǫ>0 . S { n}n=1 ⊂ | n →△ n→∞ xn → n o Lemmea 3.1. It holds that = . S S Proof. For x ∞ { n}n=1 ∈S e E (e−ζ) e−ǫP (ζ >ǫ)+P (ζ ǫ)=1 (1 e−ǫ)P (ζ >ǫ), xn ≤ xn xn ≤ − − xn and thus 1 E (e−ζ) lim P (ζ >ǫ) lim − xn =0. n→∞ xn ≤n→∞ 1 e−ǫ − For x ∞ { n}n=1 ∈S E (e−ζ)=E (e−ζ;ζ >ǫ)+E (e−ζ;ζ ǫ) e−ǫP (ζ ǫ), xn e xn xn ≤ ≥ xn ≤ and thus lim E (e−ζ) e−ǫ and lim E (e−ζ)=1. (cid:3) n→∞ xn ≥ n→∞ xn A Dirichlet form ( , ( )) is said to be strongly local, if (u,v) = 0 for any E D E E u,v ( ) such that u is constant on a neighborhood of supp[v]. In the sequel of ∈D E this section, we assume that ( , ( )) is strongly local. We introduce E D E h ( ) C(X) is bounded above, µ(h,ϕ) 0 for any loc ba(µ)= h ∈D E ∩ E ≤ . H ( | ϕ∈D(E)∩C0+(X), nl→im∞h(xn)≤0 for any {xn}∞n=1 ∈S. ) e Lemma 3.2. Let τ ∞ be a sequence of stopping times such that τ < ζ and { n}n=1 n τ ζ, as n , P -a.s. Then there exists a subsequence σ ∞ of τ ∞ n ↑ → ∞ x { n}n=1 { n}n=1 such that (9) P ( X )=1. x { σn}∈S Proof. First note ζ(θ )>ǫ, τ <ζ = τ +ζ(θ )>τ +ǫ, τ <ζ { τn n } { n τn n n } = ζ >τ +ǫ, τ <ζ = ζ >τ +ǫ . n n n { } { } 8 MASAYOSHITAKEDA We then have by the strong Markov property E (P (ζ >ǫ))=E (P (ζ >ǫ);τ <ζ) x Xτn x Xτn n =E (P (ζ(θ )>ǫ, τ <ζ F )) x x τn n | τn =P (ζ >τ +ǫ) 0 as n . x n −→ →∞ Hence there exists a subsequence τ(1) ∞ of τ ∞ such that { n }n=1 { n}n=1 P (ζ >1) 0 as n , P -a.s.. Xτn(1) −→ →∞ x By the same argument E (P (ζ >1/2);τ(1) <ζ) 0 x Xτn(1) n −→ and there exists a subsequence τ(2) ∞ of τ(1) ∞ such that { n }n=1 { n }n=1 P (ζ >1/2) 0 as n , P -a.s. Xτn(2) −→ →∞ x By continuing this procedure we can take a subsequence τ(k) ∞ of τ(k−1) ∞ { n }n=1 { n }n=1 such that P (ζ >1/k) 0 as n , P -a.s. Xτn(k) −→ →∞ x The sequence σ :=τ(n) ∞ is a desired one. (cid:3) { n n }n=1 Lemma 3.3. Suppose ( , ( )) is strongly local. Let D ∞ be a sequence of relatively compact open sEetsDsuEch that D X. Define S{ =n}inn=f1t > 0 Aµ− > n n ↑ n { | t } and T =S τ . Then for h ba(µ) n n∧ Dn ∈H Ex e−AµTn∧the(XTn∧t) ≥h(x) q.e. x. (cid:16) (cid:17) Proof. This lemma can be derived by the argument similar to that in [12, Lemma 4.7]. In fact, put = ( ) C (X). Then is a Stone vector lattice, i.e., if 0 L D E ∩ L f,g , then f g , f 1 . For h ba(µ) define the functional I by ∈L ∨ ∈L ∧ ∈L ∈H (10) I(ϕ)= µ(h,ϕ), ϕ . −E e ∈L Then I(ϕ) is a pre-integral, that is, I(ϕ ) 0 whenever ϕ and ϕ (x) 0 n n n ↓ ∈ L ↓ for all x X. Indeed, let ψ ( ) C (X) such that ψ = 1 on supp[ϕ ]. Then 0 1 ∈ ∈ D E ∩ ϕ ϕ ψ and n n ∞ ≤k k I(ϕ ) ϕ I(ψ) 0, n . n n ∞ ≤k k · ↓ →∞ Notice that by the regularity of ( , ( )) the smallest σ-field generated by is E D E L identical with the Borel σ-field. We then see from [5, Theorem 4.5.2] that there exists a positive Borel measure ν such that (11) I(ϕ)= ϕdν. ZX Bythedefinitionofν weseethatν isaRadonmeasureandsatisfies(S2)forany increasing sequence F of compact sets with F X. Let K be a compact set of n n { } ↑ zero capacity. Then for a relatively compact open set D such that K D, there existsasequence ϕ ( ) C+(D)suchthatϕ 1onK and (ϕ⊂,ϕ ) 0 { n}⊂D E ∩ 0 n ≥ E1 n n → as n ([6, Lemma 2.2.7]). For ψ ( ) C (X) with ψ =1 on D, 0 →∞ ∈D E ∩ I(ϕ )= µ(h,ϕ )= µ(hψ,ϕ ) |µ|(hψ,hψ)1/2 |µ|(ϕ ,ϕ )1/2, n n n n n −E −E ≤E ·E THE MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE OF SCHRO¨DINGER OPERATORS 9 where µ =µ++µ−. Note that 1 µ and G (1 µ) < . We then see D 1 D ∞ | | | |∈ K k | | k ∞ from the Stollmann-Voigt inequality ([10]) that ϕ2dµ = ϕ21 dµ G (1 µ) (ϕ ,ϕ ) 0, n n | | n D | |≤k 1 D| | k∞·E1 n n −→ →∞ ZX ZX and |µ|(ϕ ,ϕ ) 0 as n . Since n n E → →∞ ν(K) ϕ dν =I(ϕ ) 0, n n n ≤ → →∞ ZX ν satisfies (S1), consequently the measure ν is smooth. The equations (10), (11) lead us to (h,ϕ)= ϕhdµ ϕdν = ϕ(hdµ+dν). E − − − ZX ZX ZX On account of [6, Theorem 5.5.5], we have t h(X )=h(X )+M[h]+ h(X )dAµ+Aν P -a.s., q.e. x. t 0 t s s t x Z0 Hence, by Itoˆ’s formula t t e−Aµth(Xt)=h(X0)+ e−AµsdMs[h]+ e−Aµsh(Xs)dAµs Z0 Z0 t t + e−AµsdAνs − e−Aµsh(Xs)dAµs Z0 Z0 t t =h(X0)+ e−AµsdMs[h]+ e−AµsdAνs Px-a.s., q.e. x. Z0 Z0 Since 0Tn∧te−AµsdMs[h] is a martingale and 0te−AµsdAνs ≥0, R Ex e−AµTn∧th(XTn∧t)R≥h(x) q.e. x. (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:3) Lemma 3.4. It holds that ba(µ) ba(µ). H ⊂H Proof. Let h be a function in Heba(µ) and {Tn}∞n=1 a sequence of stopping times defined in Lemma 3.3. We fix a point x X such that ∈ e Ex e−AµTn∧th(XTn∧t) ≥h(x). (cid:16) (cid:17) Since T <ζ and T ζ, we can take a subsequence σ of T satisfying (9) in n n n n ↑ { } { } Lemma 3.2. Since h+ is bounded continuous and lim h+(X )=0, P -a.s. on t ζ n→∞ σn∧t x { ≥ } 10 MASAYOSHITAKEDA by (9), we have nl→im∞Ex e−Aµσn∧th+(Xσn∧t) ≤nl→im∞Ex (cid:16)e−Aµσn∧th+(Xσn∧t);(cid:17)t<ζ +nl→im∞Ex e−Aµσn∧th+(Xσn∧t);t≥ζ ≤Ex( e−A(cid:16)µth+(Xt);t<ζ +Ex nl→im(cid:17)∞e−Aµσn∧th+(cid:16)(Xσn∧t);t≥ζ (cid:17) =Ex (cid:16)e−Aµth+(Xt) . (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) Here, the second inequality above follows from the inverse Fatou’s lemma because e−Aµσn∧th+(Xσn∧t)≤eAµσn−∧th+(Xσn∧t)≤kh+k∞·eAµt− ∈L1(Px) by µ− . ∈K Besides, we have lim Ex e−Aµσn∧th−(Xσn∧t) n→∞ (cid:16) (cid:17) ≥ lim Ex e−Aµσn∧th−(Xσn∧t);t<ζ + lim Ex e−Aµσn∧th−(Xσn∧t);t≥ζ n→∞ n→∞ (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) ≥Ex lim e−Aµσn∧th−(Xσn∧t);t<ζ =Ex e−Aµth−(Xt) . (cid:18)n→∞ (cid:19) (cid:16) (cid:17) Hence h(x)≤ lim Ex e−Aµσn∧th(Xσn∧t) n→∞ (cid:16) (cid:17) ≤nl→im∞Ex e−Aµσn∧th+(Xσn∧t) −nl→im∞Ex e−Aµσn∧th−(Xσn∧t) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) Ex e−Aµth+(Xt) Ex e−Aµth−(Xt) =Ex e−Aµth(Xt) , ≤ − and h(x) pµh(x(cid:16)) for q.e. x. S(cid:17)ince pµ(cid:16)is strong Fell(cid:17)er, pµ(h(cid:16) ( n))(x)(cid:17) h(x) for all x X≤andt pµh(x) h(x) for all xt X by letting n tot ∨. − ≥ (cid:3) ∈ t ≥ ∈ ∞ Following [2], we define the refined maximum principle: (RMP) If h ba(µ), then h(x) 0 for all x X. ∈H ≤ ∈ Combining Lemmea 3.4 with Theorem 3.1, we have the next theorem. Theorem 3.2. Suppose ( , ( )) is strongly local. Then under Assumption (A) E D E λ(µ)>1= (RMP). ⇒ Remark 3.1. Suppose D is a bounded domain in Rd and consider the absorbing Brownian motion (P ,B ,τ ) on D, where τ is the first exit time from D. If x t D D D is Green-bounded, i.e., sup E (τ ) < , then is identical to the set of x∈D x D ∞ S sequences x such that x ∂D and E (τ ) 0 as n . Indeed, take { n} n → xn D → → ∞ δ > 0 so that sup E (δτ ) < 1. Then since sup E (exp(δτ )) < by x∈D x D x∈D x D ∞ Has’minskii’s lemma, we see sup E (τ2) < . Hence if P (τ > ǫ) 0 as x∈D x D ∞ xn D → n , then →∞ E (τ ) E (τ2) 1/2 (P (τ >ǫ))1/2+ǫP (τ ǫ) ǫ. xn D ≤ xn D · xn D xn D ≤ → (cid:0) (cid:1)

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