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The Boston informer : newsletter for the downtown, waterfront, North End, Beacon Hill, South Station and West End PDF

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Preview The Boston informer : newsletter for the downtown, waterfront, North End, Beacon Hill, South Station and West End

Gis. - Te Theo vo rg Pope Library NFORMER EwmaGiNe The Mayor's “Imagine Boson 2030 plans mow i igh gear at DBRAsaffkcep gathering Bosoniansinbopesthy hear something postive about et people imagine thc willbe inthe Mayor's fourth erm Apparent tol tht common rms tike"meting aed report” ae boring and nt innovative, City stat ha spent hours reaming op hip abd cating edge language fo the cywide plas. ‘So inthe pace ofthe City, some Meas and questions fom the ‘soning lb, pop aps, raunstabls sree tear nthe framework ince City Hall now has Joba Lemnn's + Montofthe§2atendces at GoBloson rasportton meetings have fled an addtional 3.700 idea or change tthe Cit «The ditadvven interns have analyzed the resale of GoBoston + One idea was ote an experienced ceil planer to prepare ‘nd monitor a Master Plan forte Clty and he regen. Ingle! lion of the Lag sland Bridge and he icra in paronage tthe Boson Pic Library at Copley Square Tao showed ‘omen betwee renova of benches ot Copley Square andthe + Arumber of iggestions were made fr plows tthe BP et mage” recording i all MBTA service wiped out pos the BPL + Dozen iagined {he BRA ncloded poblicaion dates icked milemials coulda imagine ‘ele and Ces fr S10 cach 0 pay to Kept open + Datadiven onthe Longfellow Badge show craton between reduced vehicle waco the Longfellow Brie and the recon ‘Boston mayo find his innovative enough nd is imagining a0 Innovative process in which the prints can send selena imapne themselves a Mayor, Developer, Council Member, Fisher ‘enon, Pilot et, Datalso ow nother US. ces where marijuana ts ben legalize, he Imagination qutet has soared quite high | onl | r Mayor Walsh’s Housing Innovations After ix month lok in the Housing Inovation Lab some ‘cis came up wih four fea addon the middle-income towing cs The Mayors Howsing Pan lle or 3,00 mi 2015 won't makes rel det "Wah anche plot progr test he eas pannerig wih Franln Park Zo and dark owniown heater The eine ‘Dusk tse Transporation Fates Posie innovate bowing tho for te-nigh service ee pape 1: bus shee ad an atapanigh spond ile i dy, and Uber driven ‘vehicles an inate Compact Livin: Inasine Boson scar is discov eniy demopaphic group ences for smal, shoebox Spanments The cipwie plan wil probably recommend revising the zoning cose 1 slow $00. nits wih mo prking Hi’ Ten ity camping upton isla eporinga| fete as Kchens are [BRA want text what supers and afer 4 national ‘earch hired Bowon's own Fale Architects who developed this Public Relations Campaign: “Roommates Are Fun” The May 4's af, most of whor ae uder 30 and lve with oma, ‘til develop pubic reais cmpsign to make people fee! good ‘host ving wih thee srangers wale hi 4s dt to unble Ahly high ets. The Mayer wil so revise the onfimance liming the number of une lated people living together, hoping 0 the number from 41012, Teat Che: Wok ing with Gow. Bun wens to bg the ‘emantie Carona, CA, Beachtont Tem Cy experience to Day Boulevard. Cant beat tat midi lass wateiot living (goad ire io == Boston Architectural College Movies Not to Miss! How to be Single—simple lesions on how to behave s0 you alienate everybody ‘Where to Invade Next—a reconstruction of President George W. Bush cabinet meeting ater the invasion of rag ‘Only Yesterday—a period movie about the days when po Tiel debates could not be mistaken for 3 kindergarten fight ‘The Other Side of the Door— mystery about how much private Information Is Be- Ing collected by the data-driven Mayor Walsh Administration and Giplayed in 2 secret room, The Lady in the Van—<the MBTA backup. plan for future fervice interruptions Whiskey Tango Foxtrot—s Arinking dancing throwback tothe old Fred Astaire movies Miracle from Heaven—a secretly ped meeting of estab- Tehment Republeans discussing how to stop Donald Trump, ending with & prayer for a miracle. 45 Years—sd but true story about the proposed Green Une Extension to West Medtord firs discussed nthe Boston “Transportation Planning Review in 1971 ATC Information Wins Northern Avenue Bridge Competition Mayor Walsh announced that ATC Information, In. publish ers of The Boston Informer. won the Northern Avene Bridge ews competition spured by GE's decison to move tothe Fort Point Chanel area The winning approich adreses mobility challenges, creates 8 desiaton, gives & nod 10 the bridge's legacy, and fights obesity illiteracy and bigh cholesterol. Walsh sid the propose bridge syle pontoons was aso ance ges tare to the Chinese who ae srugaliag inthe global econony. “The City received over 2030 entries from professionals and amateurs although i was unclear which were which. AM exty from Farell, CT, proposed tunael scheme, ut this was jected ecase would notbe conic andclaustophobictraveler would be tnabletowse it per ADA. Havas City, AZ as offered its London Bridges oni alright), but noresponse hasbeen madeto date Norte Avene BigeCompeton wing ety BRA Seeks to Re-Brand Itself to-change Is “opanatonal entity” tht BRAsecis tohire amiacle worker to develop an rational ntiy and brad ty ‘Meunwfie, the BRA i lo lavolved with Image Advier and scaling the new efor Imagine the BRA, “Te render image ts yng to prt hs Bec under way forthe past wo years But somshow the sie ad Sauls have ot bon secestel The eet conan will have 14 weeks to: 1) create ‘muna scommanent planing and inspires ts ‘rahe te cereal ume) develo a conmmuniations Plan ad 4) emsre itera alignment withthe change. Tis anpated tat 6 wees ofthe 14-weck contact ill te spent reviewing, revising. debting and picking color patter the ne fog ‘logins found in the suggestion box being considered incl The Golden Arches, The Oneover MakeOver, Aude "R" Us, magne Paaning, Beantown Redevel ‘pment Authority same acronym sves money), Emi tent Domai- Gord For You Asp doctor im wll be hired once the City decides who that firm abou be nd will soit propos from thers spat othe pen nd transparent process GE Enters City’s Public Space Invitational Competition The Cis Office of New Urtan Mechanical Penis has partnered with the Boson Society of Architects to sponsor yet this competion sto "pot eas tht explore the interplay of analog and ipa in our siretscap” o redesign bus St ‘Tranled,t means giveth City simple Meas fo do fat before “The Howton Informer staf ching prety goa fer winning the "Nother Avenue Binge competion, smite "less mom sce comers. However new neighbor General Electr, fesh {is offering to build. install, operate and maintain a prototype on Summer Sire. Akough GE i slings applnce division, enter wil bea lasting memory of decade of GE miner, taser New City Program Strums for Harmony The City of Boston DofT tam has found that adding isi othe daily routine allows City staff to be"in une” withthe tempo of the City. AS Sula group of sith graders who also work up the Mayor's newest program with an obscure ‘of Walsh Administration jargon). Boston Luthier is teaching sone City Hall employees to atin ep ‘id tis rogram, Moy: Wis Boson Lites pon goa nee ceuragog Cty wero pate pasty ess eset pipe ato sg esha ear te Headlines fou'll Never Read | sayor Wats nsw devetopmen he doesn'tlike | Baker cals for eal transit o Seaport Distt promises highcapacity ser Dv) WatkBoston moves to Fitchburg: de fares Boston 100% pedestrian frendly BRA changes and re-hrands isl [BRA admits Hubsway: scless for many tips META begins expansion program Seaport Distt tems with residents City Hall Plaza Interim Installation Announced ‘Wile we wai another generaon for City’ Hal Plaza 1 be “xe.” the Danish ty manufacturer The Lego Group is considering sein up a ‘min-Legoland at City Hall azn for is new mega-Lego set. Designo 'o engage people for hours on nd {Lego will provide Roodights and ricoves $0 players can work all hight Here teo payer are ting toe pice #3 into pace having a ready socesfully pu pecs #1 and MBTA Deficit Woes Still Not Solved Despite asing fares and waving ‘vad o rece the projet deficit $242 milion to $132 milion, ‘MBTA sill nods to rise more revenue. Working with a Gil Soot Troop 742 and its dynamo cookie seller Trixie Watson, the MBTA Mend ways to “gt peopl o pay” sid Tie. The MBTA Fiscal Cow tl Board wil rexiew proposal to gve passengers bags of trash take and isl taonary tikes in tatos that generate power when Waiing History Repeats He ecame moran moe tiunphartand arog unl sown purty ted saint ima Cac of Dona Tr? Packing City Hall Plaza ‘Conon ut ap cing fcevanl in ves One te canewep be penengoe Grol mony gos, wc hs GE digs! wit ie pact ince tery Males: Ae, (rowel inre na pce po What is This? Be the frst to comet identity above image and win a valuable prize These the clues mayor may not be lp 1p Evergreen State 2) HQ 3) NBBU Send guesses o The Boson lformer at tostoninformercs om, Winer sil be chonen andy from coet eaten resid by Api E Bos TON INFORME! “A publication ATC Inomaton Ie Welcome to ‘The Boston MisInformer, ‘he annua Api Footsie of The Boson, an trie pertain downtown Into, infor fe tes ea tn Bose, Mas. Pe The Boson Informer i valle by sbsrintion ly Via rma 15 er year va USPS $9 per year cheap) Ques PO Box 51473 « Boston, MA 02205-1473 ‘Keep upon news, events, kory. Follow us on Titer @bostnintormer Now in its third decade, planning to trans- form City Hall Plaza continues to provide endless copy for journalists.. Salvation is a Ferris wheel? ‘ose Fenberg You Were Asking (Q. Mayor Walsh unveiled a new round of pilot programs ‘providing alternatives for housing. What ate these al- ternatves? Withthe enc of late-night MBTA service, City officals, figured mayise those subway ears won't be in use ‘bcten midnight and 5:00 a.m. and would be ideal ‘helt Cloth nd other home articles can be stored fn salvage Greyhound Bus lockers at some stations. ‘Mayor Naish & appointing a commission to run 3 compeatuon tedesign the tran retrofit so the cats can bbe ealy restored as standard MBTA cas. “Imagine lome” shouldbe rolled out sometime this summer. understand that NYC uses traffic police at major intersections for trafic contol and wonder ifthe City of Boston has considered this approach? |A. Yes, a number of coundilors and cabinet personnel Visited NYC tolookintothisinnovativeapproachand Should becoming up withan Intersection Committee ‘on Traffic Control inthe coming months (Q, understand thatCity Hallistryingto becomemore transparent. How can that be done? \- Add more windows at sty Hal Weare going tohave IndyCarracinginSouth Boston this fall IndyCars can do 200 mph. Wont this eta bad example for Boston drivers? 'A. They don’t need an example. Some already seem to reach those speeds between trafic signals. understand the City will start requiring pedestri- ‘ans to use hand signals to display ther intentions ‘rossingstrects Police willenforcethe regulation at high-pedestrian intersections. lan'tthisa bitmatty? ‘A. The Mayoris under pressure to do something about traffic besides answering “Hubway” and “walk to work” to every transportation question. He thinks this will help motorists and pedestrians alike. Bob Slowdovnof WalkBostonsaid raining peoplecould be dificult because turn signals are nts to $0 many drivers and cyclists ‘The BRA has issued a Request for Proposals for consultant to help it with branding. How many “ate does the BRA have? |A. None at present, but they may havea secret plan to ‘cover City Hall Plaza with turf and run a dairy’ farm tw provide income from sales of milk and butter Q. Long Island Bridge is demolished, Northern Av- ‘enue Bridge is impassible, Longfellow Bridge is permanently under construction, and work will, Start on the North Washington Street Bridge. 1s there a secret plan to close off Boston? A. Yes, its to stop GE from leaving ater they find out hhow expensive its tolive here. A

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