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The Boston informer : newsletter for the downtown, waterfront, North End, Beacon Hill, South Station and West End PDF

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Preview The Boston informer : newsletter for the downtown, waterfront, North End, Beacon Hill, South Station and West End

TON INFORMER The newsletc Teepe nhs al Boe Water Transportation’s Time? “Water tarspotaton ors 3 means of ren dora on may sd oats rds le exon to Bot stan ‘ration evo For tes esos eprint hat wl arsporaon be 9 pty concern Boston Haas anarg and dewloant agenda "Water Trnspotaon ‘axon Hor” Bxon Radome Atha BRA). 1360 Following release ofthis 1989 sty the Chalstown-Long Whar feryetpanded service tnng tt suid dang the Cem Boston's history with eis goes hack o 161 (Charlestown) and fees 9 East Boston and beyond that peaked i the late "10. The East Boson fers were East Bono's only comec si pened in 1904, Ferry service in Boson ended in 1953 when Mayor Jain B. Hynes signed lepislation discontouig all fry servic flowing completion of the Matic River (now Tobin Me ‘The modern-day eit offer service has ben slow: I Jan wary 200, the BRA elensd 4 "Boson Inner Harbor Passenger Wate Transporation Plan” prepared by TAMS Consults. The Plan dexbed the cent yee rnd ad coma comme er 1 series and made some forcast of ft services. Despite Population and jobs growth in Boson and particulate Seaport Disc there have bee fe changes inthe yearn service The Long Whar. Quiny fey war imine (he dock at Quincy deere) andthe Rewer Whar Winthrop fey was added. A ‘umber of scaonal routes have ben added (ce ae Blow), Existing Year-Round Regional | Avg. Weekday ‘Commuter Ferries (2016) Ridership Tg What Logan Apert Mattinghon | 1080 Roves Wha Hingham 310 Lang What Chatsows Naw Yard | 0 Lang Whar Wie WA Water ais peated by to companis provide Year ound er ‘ce inthe ter Harbor to 28 docks. Wale ais in Howton began inthe 19805 “Annual Ridership Feris in Comparable Cities aa Teta your Boson Hater ris 131 Huson iver Fey New or) rx East Rr Fry (New Yor) 146 Galen Gat Fry (San Franco) Zar oscesexcuion fey sytem isfy eXensie,with seca Host Harbor fees serving: Boston wo Povnctown: Bost ‘Geoges,Spctact,Podcks and Thorp sand: Hingham ed Hal Georges, Grape, Lovells Pedocks and Hampi nan Proposed New Ferry Services + Lovejoy Whar No. Sato) t Seaport Disteet. Propose by Mass, Convention Center Authority be fade by six Seaport istic companies may bein Api 208 + Bas Boston to Long Wharf— (Qa Goboson 2030 plan at 9 City Funding: 5-18 year oat) + Bast Boston Seaport Disret— (Qn Golexon 2030 plan bt City funding: 5-15 year cat) + Everett (Wyom Casino) to Long Whart— ‘Wyn Boson Hart resort nd casino wil be open in 2019 + Long Wharf to Quiney/Marin Bay — lt service in 2017 2018 sevice THD “The Ponce Insti’ een ty "I it ime Yo expand water rasp Greater Boston” suggests network fer tes ‘ex hae the second lowest aby per pacer mile an vice «an be implemented uc ally Beto Harr Now isin the miles nemo cm ar bing doe y Stor Davies Gleave in presi with KPFF Engine which wil ince curent service a well as new ore dd ots wit te highet pti. Boston’s Ferries & Water Taxi System What the new $1.5 million North-South Rail Link Study is supposed to accomplish "2014 he Mas epltre opening og sine oe ome Gon ‘ual ane Gov Wel ae ae dg frst {ty oa ot nneting Nea Suth sane SHI) aD ay oe eu ross 2017 sn ed USA a 30170 ‘each Sa, pms (us S00 el Imre art t poing mh ms, Se epai n eero ene ere ag Compan Sh Maso cy he {ened Sot Sen Fuso Projet Sheet ey cee Fi Sete eps my ‘timate the eet of SRL nig ery poh aed yn ‘ion oer hone ui meme ecm roomie ‘Aan Oar plc mesg. MDOT sven he iting cmon and ‘wt nel sce he prone Nar Soha at sy tar he ty chm he ep S00 we ees 172000 me ob 6 °. "What agency in Massachusetts is in charge of |~ statewide planning and policy?” Un 178, Mancha heft Ping We ie planing 2g fre Cones aS Romig we tnt feten cb ava ny te Mant att ea Ti Sdtetocet area pane nS Se ming Hur ise ht ape onthe goon i mae ee cnr Crna eo Aad ed ec bad sa“ pase me sul at a py (ipa yee hen Rag Pandan ayes ‘Sintncdty orapw dal ea tae Sap (amep oa me mt mp mer eg a ‘Spel mimes ptr ccc ago oae 107 snr hhc ai ceo Se ing ‘ee Monch erat Rai td a pt {Store ran Nay Ree se rer S30 fhe ae Sees a ons priate i esd) end of teens peparg wha an» "coting ede ‘for moing abel ith he neceary paning flor poi 8 (iy oe sant re Comma Boston Development Slowdown Beginning? Couette Boe Svcopment mat igh fe doing ow x siing i the upcoming Yar? Noone ha ya al fre but me evens Citta cetng. Sever developers iereceny onal or eee hr pane ining Weiner Vente plan for eworesdeal owes ovr the Mas Feat Manachiets Avent hs been reed oe tower with 2 red umber of wl remoing th prone ling tnd edsng the heh or the condo ng. + Simocs Assit change the detlopmen plas for 350 ‘parent wits a Landa Cen inthe Fey 103 50.000 sae os oc td ab lig: +The Peels Corp Viola Back Bay Mask a gts project ‘ware in Novemer 2015, ast trewn Boson Panag Development and pic vice + HYM Tem Oi omer BRA cc) mai lan fr Go ‘rent Cena repuan 18prnens wih co + Lat year Simon pers sapped plans fe the $20 rs eta wera Copley Pace tng hp coro co ad + Ey Residential eyed the pramdbcaing forte apr Required Reading: ‘We Can't Wish Our Way Out of This Mess ‘Three takes ths erate can ta hee eran stem hens op th rer Been a ppl | [Pemth Reena ero ae ava he Baker Arana ict MBTA heer we al ating expr he sen” py. ‘The Poe Inte’ whe ppt sit time xpd water ranger tw in Grete Bonn ees META fry sei ur acon tl tive prt fhe eps nati stem Fe) sevice 3 ea tas mambe of manips re sarting i own even wit ste ‘uni The tite ces the fare covery a (S) he Net {any MBTA made, an emes have tent kes iy pr Senger mle ate Lack of aon or eat expand he oy nt shoukt te akened Se hips ponent pwr Cary a ‘ce rodeapertmtmexexpunson wih ape aon The Sate Lepr’ “MasMoves (hipaa gv Reporsimaseovestulrepor- 207 pl) pera os ‘toe did aco he sate od at aba ‘Share ales an petiole alc. Nine reins sted 00 people to Bre input Examples of wha wat leave So omen ly On funding 7% | favor trad sed tes wile 62 pce we esl es) Aad werner longs ad repos se maney fr ranspraton prot lest or wan). The Mas. Taxpayers Foundation (Trampoition in an ru ‘Traston” pew manip erp pubicaon nse ion20170977ivansporation_ er ransiton rethinking fescue) Sid it most dette to omer and reshape Wangan | lic. Kelake tthe 2007 Transportation Finance Commitee’ re ‘rmcnatos al conc hat dpe Semis moe amar ‘Sons al ib shape: MTF aye het ede more deta and te tee and gts make dito ches on sening. Brown wl ‘emer ficult mm with Cental Ancry mates epnains repayment | snd debt service o $2.9 bilon through 2h Revenue fom pa | te es certain han in he ps, onctating te argument fr ne, femprehesive pa Back Bay/South End station update: Tre Boson Planing and Development Agency rcenly approved the Back 'Bay/South End Gateway Projrtect, a tve-builing, 126 milion fe the Gay's Project No- ‘ication Form in March 2016 and ecard i ane Torrie, tan siren devel pment projet the proposed pro} ct has advanced guickly though the City's review process. The Projets Chizens Advisory Commitee and ouside Stakeholders ‘managed to challenge some project elements, bot fundamentally the project is the same asin 2016. Two atea churches concerned wth damage from shadows, Trinity and New Ol! South churches he Pui bear and 'YWCA, wl divide $3 milion wo hep with preservation needs” Great uncetaity with the timing of the projet. The sequence of new buiings to g0 up is up inthe ai. Only the MBTA sation parades ae pegged to schedule Projet clement: ‘A 26stor office building above a reconfigured parking garage on Dartoath Sree: +A Beso residential bulng nex tothe YWCA on Clarendon Set whee the garage exit drum is + A'3S-story residential building behind the station, ciminating the Clarendon Stet sway + Widened sidewalls on Clarendon Src and Stuart Stet where th fot sidewalk next othe high retaining wal Sucet pedestian conditions, include 1 Upper evel of more etal ‘+ Revoting the Ri. 39 bas (Copey-Forest il to limite the vet weather protec cameo tothe tation and rating ‘new layover near Teinity Church oa St James Avenue ‘+ Hardacape plaza on the Clarendon tect basa with planters +90 offsite affordable wits and $3 milion cmtbation tothe Inclusionary Development Fund ‘New accessible and more visible entrance 1 the station from Stuar Stet with eta along the pth othe station + New estos in the tation (eomplte) OST O! INFORMER) ‘Apubleabon of ATC inmate Welcome to ‘The Boston Informer ‘The gli single: Provide comin pl inoraton on com ‘sin po, lig cad wha ch ase he Hos Infrmer i publishes lei by ATC Ino hrs cha “ “The Boson lfomer is vat subcriin ‘ma 1S per yur: va USPS mal 29 per yar (cheap ‘Geran? faepne (7) 72H fan 17) 7.1886 ‘Sita Boxotntrmertc com Check us cutonhe Web PO Box 51473 - Boston, MA 02206-1473 VF _:xr.ponnen gare to rota tr Scene BPDA approved an 18-month ‘Additional Dwell- ing Units (ADU pilot program for self-contained, nnon-transient residential units inside existing, ‘owner-occupied buildings. Solving the housing cris one closet at a time You Were Asking ‘off 200 or the Harr Tubman Hose there a plan or ‘these “pop-up” chars? ‘A: Good question {© ee Boston ng the sped iit to 25 mph prt ofits ‘Vision Zero campsign. Recently nti igs within the Giyindiating mphasthespeed mit Whichiscorme? ‘A: Both The new Cy fault speed limit onsets with no ost speed limit 25 mph. State ods incading DCR nd MasDOT did not change, and City sets such 2s ‘Blue ill Avenue, pose for 30 mph and 35 mph, di not hinge You re aking oravoratentappmanh ey? Inthe BRA stil really the BRA? [A. Yes. The Boston Revevelopment Authority (BRA) is sfilleglly the BRA. Thenew nameitadopted, Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA) isonly 3 “doing busines as” moniker The powers BRA accu ‘mulated stl belong titas the BRA, and itis stil the [BRA forall Urban Renewal ‘hiley Kressel gave us these details and we believe her [A Yes.ftheCitylookedattransportatonitcould provide ‘objective analyses of impacts and not rely on devel- ‘oper. The BRA used to have transportation planners (tmoved to Transportation Dept under Mayor Flynn) “Matthew Ciborowski rom MassDOT to Arup. an Grabauskas, former MBTA General and ‘cxscutve diwtoro the Honolul Rapid 15 “executive director” of MBTA com: mater rll av. consultant for $00 per month “Meera Deean, from Utile Architecture and Planing to ‘irecor of planning at Boston Harbor Now. Peter Zak, former Central Artery Tunnel deco i chet “apt oficer for de Toronto regional trast agency ‘Tom Tian rom MassDOT Highway to Howard Stein "Hudson dinctorofInsitutonal and Private Markets. Rosalin Acost.rom senior VP at Enterprie Bank 10 ‘Mass. Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development.

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