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HCGNCHMGION‘N. NOYTOCECTIH r0 AAHG<DCOFIfO<I>H CTONI<°<Jl° TH COEI OC' XOMEN Er OYCOTI FN N OY 'C NEPXQ EXXOYCI M N A'Zel r] KXlAf CGN XN.AA.I.NAHOIH !<)\l AYTON ‘— < ’BACIAGA‘WC'“ "i: ?Y'XFgfiLIAAlNélT’ fOCMONOCA .-\ PORTION OF THE CODEX SINAITICUS SHO\\’L\'G JOHN 6. 14, I5 at#:~.CAel'eNxCI<M-voncoxAQIC'0n f, L&HTC N(j eanxereAwYo A'l I’QA.y(‘ Mgl)N GY'OC‘LUCxEI‘c 'rAno‘rIoMlkaCEfx e1 xucurc; NGTanV'I'QUC I(Al()'l’.\fJN()1'U ‘1 rranNTMcu'e'c1-.‘()'rn< Aycw* €C°lkkl lx’rkl ‘ CINC. 0 Al VI on(fri:\o °FUWW]‘IS)CL1)‘I1‘ON‘I'OQCr. 'C"(A.ro" OYNOYO LkA‘l‘E-LAOK l Nxzcu-I 'r'o FLACI<XI fuN'I‘UYI‘UNrTu) ‘ OVAanmxze're TLAG noun». 6 _ .\YuUN0yn<roNeTCTQ\ntutu” {1‘s (l?cwxrwnu'chMe'ervaN‘n f, .Ai KoyooYCT-xrx 0N1-xe NT n WMCCPI‘ACIXNATIXKXAXQAI A'nxy ’l'oy- M HTTO’I‘G lSA—rchro . .-\ PORTION OF Tm: CODEX ALEXANDRINUS SHOWING LL'KE 12. 54-58 THE BOOKS 47%! M26 PARCHMENTS SOME CHAPTERS ON THE TRANSMISSION OF THE BIBLE REVISED EDITION F. F. BRUCE Fin: Publijlyed 1950 Second Edition 1953 Third and Rewind Edition 1963 COPYRIGHT MCMLXHI BY FLEMING H. REVELI. COMPANY ° ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WESTWOOD, NEW JERSEY ° PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ° 3.1 VXORI DILECTISSIMAE COHEREDI GRATIAE VITAE HORVM CETERORVMQVE LABORVM ADIVTRICI INDEFESSAE HVNC LIBRVM IN COMMEMORATIONEM ANNORVM XXV D.D.D. A V C T O R FROM THE PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION THIS volume gathers together a number of articles written and papers read at various times on the transmission of the Bible. It15 intended for non- specialists like those who have read them or heard them111 their earlier forms, and who have frequently expressed a desire to have them in this form. It is gratifying to mark the eagerness with which people of widely divergent interests listen to a simple account of how the Bible has come down to us. In revising these chapters I have tried to bear in mind the questions which are most frequently asked about these matters, and to answer them to the best of my ability. I hope that the volume may thus prove interesting and useful to the many who, without aiming at any specialist knowledg e of Biblical learning, would welcome a handbook dealing with these questions. The mixed origin of the contents no doubt betrays itself in a certain haphazardness in the topics selected, though I have tried to smooth out the worst roughnesses and cut down too much over- lapping. The three chapters on the Biblical languages are not intended to teach readers the elements of these languages but simply to say some interesting things about them. There are many aspects of Biblical study which are not touched upon here. Questions of higher criticism, introduction, exegesis, and even of Biblical archaeology, interesting as they are, lie outside the scope of the volume. So also does the theological approach to the Bible (although theology has done its best to creep into Chapters VI, VII, and VIII). There is little that is original in these pages, and my debts to others are acknowledged throughout the work. Mr. G. C. D. Howley has given valued help in the reading of the proofs. Nor should I omit a word of gratitude to all those whose keen interest in the subjects here dealt with has encouraged me to present them in this form. A teacher of any subject, and especially of Biblical studies, can have no greater reward than to see others fired with enthusiasm for his subject. F. F. BRUCE March, 19 50. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION N this second edition I have brought the contents up to date in several respects. and corrected a number ofmaccuracies. I am indebted for help1n these matters to various readers and reviewers. In many subjects which are under debate, I may seem to have expressed myself with more assurance than the present state of knowledge warrants; this is perhaps inevitable in a work of this kind. F.F.B. january 1, 1953. PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION IN going through these pages and revising their contents afresh after eight years, I have tried to resist the temptation to make so many changes that the work would no longer be recognizably the same. One thing that has impressed itself upon me time and a gain has been the wealth of fresh discovery that has had to be recorgded during these last years. Much more is now known about the Dead Sea Scrolls, although even yet much remains to be known. Publication has begun of the manuscripts from the Gnostic library from Chenoboskion. The ancient Greek ‘Linear B’ script has been deciphered, and perhaps also ‘Linear A’. A complete text of the Palestinian Targum on the Pentateuch has been found; and the Abisha‘ manuscript of the Samaritan Bible, if not exactly ‘found’, has at any rate been ‘found out’. Other discoveries include the Bodmer papyri of the Gospel of John and other New Testament books, and the Syriac text of Ephrem’s commentary on the Diatessaron. Some attention has been paid to all these in this revision. And1n the year following Bible Year it is surely approp- riate that a new chapter should be added, taking some preliminary account of the New English Bible. April, 1962. F.F.B. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE PREFACE .. .. .. .. .. .. I THE BOOKS AND THE PARCHMENTS II THE BIBLE AND THE ALPHABET III THE HEBREW LANGUAGE . . IV THE ARAMAIC LANGUAGE . . . . . . . . V THE GREEK LANGUAGE VI THE TWO TESTAMENTS VII THE FORM OF THE BIBLE VIII THE CANON OF SCRIPTURE 114 IX THE TEXT OF THE OLD TESTAMENT . . . . . . 125 x THE SAMARITAN PENTATEUCH I33 XI THE TARGUMS 146 XII THE OLD TESTAMENT 1N GREEK 163 x111 THE APOCRYPHAL BOOKS . . . . . . . . 176 XIV THE TEXT OF THE NEW TESTAMENT 191 xv THE SYRIAC BIBLE . . xv1 THE LATIN BIBLE . . 212 xvn OTHER EARLY VERSIONS 219 xvm THE ENGLISH BIBLE xrx 11113 NEW ENGLISH BIBLE 239 APPENDICES: 255 I LOST BOOKS . . . . . . II THE NEW TESTAMENT APOCRYPHA AND OTHER EARLY CHRISTIAN BOOKS 259 265 III SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY 271 INDEX OF NAMES AND SUBJECTS 284 INDEX OF SCRIPTURE REFERENCES ILLUSTRATIONS A PORTION OF THE CODEX SINAITICUS SHOWING JOHN 6. I4, I 5 .. .. .. . . . . Frontispiece A PORTION OF THE CODEX ALEXANDRINUS SHOWING LUKE 12. 54-58 .. .. .. .. .. Frontispiece Facing Page 11-113 MOABITB STONE .. .. .. .. .. .. 4o ISAIAH SCROLL cor. 33 = ISA. 40. 2-28 .. .. .. 116 RECTO OF THE PAPYRUS FRAGMENT OF THE FOURTH GOSPEL . . 184

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