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Preview The Book of the Hastings International Masters' Chess Tournament 1922

THE BOOK OF THE HastingIsn ternationMal asters' ChesTso urnament 1922 CONTAININC ALL THE CAMES PLAYED WITH ANNOTATIONS BY THE WINNER, A. ALEKHINE AND AN ACCOUNT OF THE TOURNAMENT BY SIR G. A. THOMAS (BART,) Edited by W. H. Watts DOVE,RP UBLICATIONS,I NC., NEW YORK PREFACE Despite perhaps the most capricious career that any Chess Manuscript has ever had, Alekhine's Annotations to the games played in the Hastings Tournament of 1922a te at last published. It is mainly due to Alekhine that the games are now pub- lished in this country, for readers will, I think, agree that his work has been rnost thoroughly and conscientiously carried out. and the book constitutes almost a record in Chess annota- tion. It was because this exhaustive and critical examination of the games was so complete and so intensely interesting, that it was finally decided to publish despite the long delay. A second reason was the general high quality of the games them- selrres. A" an instance the game in the second round between Sir G, A. Thomas and Rubinstein runs to ll4 moves, but posi- tions of interest occur every few moves right to the end. After Rubinstein missed his first winning line of play, thrust and counter-thrust mark every few moves, "nd eve.t at the finish, when the players were plactically compelled to abandon the game as a draw, it is necessary for Alekhine to add a note explaining how the draw is secured. Almost all the other games are equally interesting. [n addition to Alekhine's notes " " a few from The Field and a few original ones have been added. Regarding the delay: As General Editor, I claim for myself absolution and hope to be pardoned for not going into the question of responsibility, Suffice it to say that in my opinion there must have been a misunderstandingb etween the parties ;b;'1T;; Ph;;irs;io nD;t;oiiinv,"gerCr i oernad ifttiL ontd, ,6 ILsoot rnp Iduhbocl rwisl'ohrekd P inri n1r9(d68 in i sr sa2n3 concNelryn eodn.ly remaining duty is a very pleasing one, and that is to render this small expression of thanks to Nlr' P. C. Asbury, oI London, an old Chessp laling lriend. for his able translation of more than half of the manuscript:\ lr. A. H E Johnson.o l New Brighton, for his painstaking checking of proofs and general assistancew hilst the book was in the press; and to ll.. E. J. Ackroyd, the Tournament Secretary, whose affable and tractable nature is already known to the Chess World at large. Without him there would have been no book, but had we been favoured by his uninterrupted help publication would LibraD ol Cangtess Catalog Card Numbet: 68'12912 have been effected long ago. W- H. WATTS. "u,'ut",,urr,l in Ih" t nil'd Statesn I Am'rrta April, J924. Do\tr flrblirations,I nc. 180 Va ck Street '''lhe 'vords Black and White ha". been omitted from the tops of New York, NY 10014 | ,. rclu;n. a- rhey a," con.'d.''d unn-..""arv -and | *ould .pecrallv 'a.i-F r.ad.r. ro pLinlr -"'k r\eir Kniehr- and Rook" 'o lhat thev 'an ",dil" ,i."rri" rhi K Kr f'o- rh- O Ki "nd rhe KR lron the QR' TABLE OF OPENINGS Numbets refel to Games. CaRo-K^NN 3 FouR KNlcHrs' CA:ttE. . ., .. .. .. 19 ,, (Double Ruy l-oPez) . .. .. 5' 14' 27 FRENCE DEFINcE (llccutcheon De{ence) .. .. .. 30 Gruoco Pt,rro TABLE OF CONTENTS Kl]-cs KNICHTc CAtrBr| .. . . 9 guEEEN'sG AMBIT DECL1NED .. .. . 7, 2, 4, ro, r3, r6, I t', 2t, 22, 24 QUEENs PA$N OPENING . .' ,, .. 29 ,, (Dutch Delence) . . ,, 12, 18, 28 Introduction by Sir G. A. Thomas (Bart.) . vl-vlll RuY LoPEz (Berlin Defen(e) (MorPhY D"fenc') 15, 23, 25, 26 Ceneral Account of the Tournament . ix.x Score Table TABLE OF GAMESA ND PLAYERS Photographs and Scores of the Competitors . xl-xll Cames with Diagrams and Annotations . .13-63 'fhe numbers refer to pages. 2 llubinsteirl .. . . 4-t 59 26 3 Bogoljubow 4 Thomas 4o 'l'arrasch 5 .. .1r 55 55 Hlsrrncs lNrenulloNrL Csess TounNlrvrE N-t, 1922. THE HASTINGS INTERNATIONAL ments would adopt a slower rate.. ln my opinion, 20 moves an hour rs altogether loo tast tor Lhe best type of play: and I think MASTERS' CHESSTOURNAMENT, 1922 its general adoption amo-ngu s is largely responsibie for the lack of depth. rn so. many ol our tournament games. Abroad, in INTRODUCTIONb,v SIR G A THOMAS( Bart) wseen cooums ceh ienstos. lt ihnee rweictohg tnhiizse Id a ramt es uisr eI5 o umr orveepsre asne hnotautri;v aensw di lul nbteij handicapped in International cuntests, for, when pla-viisn s at a Bibner irst.io Ts h1h6 qecn2 he2te oa,s ws srtn eaa cnfofodafts idr Ho,s ua dtthsu teraii nnslgn gasv nithth aaeetsi vo ltaenasn ktte l toohnuli rratne yvax eycmeereyapn rtprts or ohon!ema,lsldl onr n:eln tnbe tuJr eetp'sp ate!r eatv mnetnon- prrI1 eao6^mts edmsa usiyobcl voleeepwd ttsoo- h iea nemrnt t rh aahaoktoueneut t ftrhohh.e raea tbri etects oos C ttuhw uhpahsalte iemc toohhpfl ei oot yhnneCeesa ih etryiisxsp t araToagcfo otcui;Lmur onasentan odmdamo ten Ieo n dnat,,emC' i 'tfsh rc eodosminssf -o,f2 arCod0rlsdeu talnbovit- rmportance. it would improve British Chess if this were done at other Con- Among other noteworthy features was the fact that the gresses. lt is a point on which I hold a very strong view. ,oaitsH"nitounracra^ei"nitan.dsel-. te Irtaaf"niniil rna ntsi dmgnteC-, wr ascao-sh -tOdtue"eee"n sprn p sr"etcahar hwfnraciretltt.su eie; ccurrreoseiplei nov twrnht i isoanesmetneugl;aa nlci *o "nnLhi,uydt i ]attr :at f-lhm hli:asaoloi' tbm rro ieyssef- so tchoopnoepl eula-pa lrr yoorse, creeaatar ussslano tm lnhvtlwlu elesnnbrs yciey c olrlio.ltpuoernacnrve lleail cctn rvotoyan-nn1 re-y-s Ssgsacoen. a ndTwrt acT-tehArehlrlel. eay k sc htncooAaohnulvwe.tre inknn Tha bethimennheeteeaa n,ntrl etcIAp wcoow.o amsirslRsdpl iasuebs btoldaieitfonyo tu tsornhbst oee lwge ismnae er,troo hfeEuare e.nmar d Dhotv oeaue.g rfsrlBeey ap toithflrhgoi,eya orwremnl jria utsih tdb hm aaoasborwitxel re ie pta a clnwlraordeyeon peauDtrirdlen.sJy--; i"i"T'"fT:l:f,i ["ti': sentative quartette, or one better illustrative of the wide oi.f* "t,h e *Tt olu"rtnt'allm.*e"n t, ihhuoim " "tt.htpe tiI"" of this sort,m ay be of use,i n differenceso f style obtaining among the greatest experts. The oethntehc oeluerra awdq aingygisv e rbne essbuylitd eHssha.ots htuielndg, dsi.ne dvtuheceleo pgoamtihnee nrt ot9 .lo lBr ar:rlhh. s:b*hoi- dLlhe-es"s "s:t -o lvtrtiol^ll 'loi:rw]le.: tweimnotrert yho wfi nat hsme c ooBrmeri tpitslhehat enCd ho abnmve p Fiino. tneDsrh.n iapYt-aiwothenosa ,l tchhoean dhte osaldtlr-eearan dfdoy r pmtrhyoesv eefodlfu .hrtihs incalculable. We undor-rbtedly have' in the lJrrtrsh Isle's a In the result, Alekhine added one more to his many large number of,players possessing n"atural talent ?l 1-":?.^l:?: triumphs. His victory was. I think. in accordancew ith popular oexrdoeerri.e annced, coafp ahbolled.in gg ivtehne irla corwtinti eisn loarn ya ccqoumlrplnagny t heb untel cteewss aorIy ethxep epcJtaayt.io thno; uagnhd hwea asc ctueartllayi nfilnyi sehnetidre olnyl yju hstai6lfe-ad- pooni ntth aeh reuand ooff rhese will ever do themselves complele Justrce.untrl tDey.are Rubinstein. In spite of his enterprising and adventurous orovided with much more frequent opportunttles lor serlous methods, he gave his opponents few opportunitie"; and the ior.,r.r.rr-t"nt practice than is at present the case' balanceo f luck did not in any way favour him. He produced While directlv under the auspices of the municipality the some remarkabiy 6ne games. distinguishede qually by depth actual working o['the Tournament wa-s naturally' largely In me and originality, and worthy of inclusion in any collection. hira.n"Ld.. fi of liI'.e adrii.n gE .m-be"mbb".lrts tho. f ptrhees idHeas-ntrtan gnsd ^Lhhiemsss.e -Llaflt lmo-e npbaer-r Rubinstein came in second, but his performance was more oFf ti.h eA'.lkotc"auld C(othuen ccoiln. gtrhees slh aoten olrValrr'y sHe crle- taLryh)e:a snhdrr.neo' aonnoe- wI!nrro ufunl eqcuhaeslt sh,a snh Aolweiknhgi nael sl , thIne hmisa bsetettrelyr gjiumdegsm heen tp laanyde d bpeerafuectit- fr"J" "p"li"'"."tah ei;rb ilitv't,::-;:*lt';",il:""'-:fi.::'3"11i: technique for which he is so famous. Nevertheless on two or three occasions he fell below his normal standardl and but for tit"ihtr.tei-.' *" iaihrgfrU iatn"* gt" "e"of.mf "f iei.cnqiintaastl ee srwruemepsrpaie.on r alt\nd \t "mof a lrtcJ.hat e. .F lTheo,elulm orna*aenmsa)ge eanmlts eown dto.ircdko r.unmlgdu ntchohr,o lmlxtaogvrhe.-e -ouhrper et o ow rt hotweuo lvd es hrtryao rlkdaelsyst h oroaf uugneod bo,ed oe ffon rt iitneu intnhege- n fpooort safibitrilsoyt n p aolagFcah eian.usitn Bgo .g-.ohl.j.u,.b"o,w [""" ["ri.t"a, everythingp ossibleb eing done for the comlort There is, I think, nothing special to say here of the other of the players. competitors: except that Yates was. unfortunately. in poor ,)."f0 " "r"O."r"rni. e. i"wo fa tsit ittihih"etet tictmoouenrldnimaitmiiot-en1ns7t -s ofm lo vpweliassyh a noc thaholeluirn rg oa f -sfooa urg ra .rtsonpusertn ctnaiae-l hsbcerioallrlieiah.n ta Tsth ttyahltee t. h atii smf ehewa-t dhm insoo n trbheeslai lnatigtoe ntrh taeot hCciaasL rrlressabelao mdf ,e hwriihste hdreeis oharepo pavoecicndot.i mning- H,qslrcs INtsnNltloNlL CHtss TouaN'qNlENT1' 922' GENERAL ACCOUNT OF -J"l*'"il*i: i**il*"Tt'r.r'1,"i:rli:tll."#i",ilff THE TOURNAMDNT burne. During the early days of the London International Tourna, Taken as a whole. thc games lorm l think a 6ne collec- ment of 1922i t was rumoured that the energetic Hastings Club were organisinga Masters loulnament. It was hoped that the Hli+ili,*:,nl#i+ei::l?"j'#partficiipaitiolnr of $both 'C,ap'ab'la*nca- an*cl Lasker would be secured, but first one and then the olher dropped out lor reasonsi t is unneceasaryt o go into here. **i"r*b:i*il*Ti{n f*t**px+:+:f Eventually it was decided to make the event a double round Tournament of six players. Four of Lhe London comoet.itors. with Dr. Tarrasch and the welcome inclusion of Sir' G. A. Thomas as a second English represenlative.m ade up the list of winning method ! cont€stants, and the tourney starLed on September lOth and finished on Seotember 2lst. F:l"iJii".J;:l",.:l"d't""',0':l,xi; :"#$r"'*E:ff*lX{fr It was organised by the municipality of Hastings. mainlv 31.ilt.^,5"^^,i;..a"-TJ#"*liii"{1;*i:th5rou+gh itfheu ze;a}l ioif {the Mayor. Alderman W. J. Fellowes. Unfortunately he was unable to be present on ihe openine occasion, and the official welcome wai therefore eiven tv th. Deputy Mayor. Alderman [.. C. SmiLh, t"ho, *ith Councillor :".*titf*,*"t"th;ijrl'R'"ilIl'f"'"li""T:i:'[ii H. E. Dobell, the well-known President of the Hastines Chess I J."'.i:J l'^;il'i-"i,:H iis:*itliil"::'';J::"Y'ti^ :i:' Club, also contributed largcly to the succcsso I thi event. Appreciative mention shorrld also be made of the qenerous \q!p of Si. Henry l-unn, who accommodatrdt he playeis at rhe Albany Hotel, and Mr. J. A. Watt, of the Waverliy Hotel, who rendered similar service. _ Tlhhee CCoouunncciill CChhaammbbeerr.. wwhheerree tthhee play took place, is a hhaannddssoommee rroooomm,, aanndd tthhee qquuiieett nDee.ceess"saairyv itoo mmaattcchh pollaavy wwaass effectively maintained by thi excellent plan.of h"ving rhe moves repeated on demonstration boards in an adioinins.6om. *here discussion on the games proceeding .ouli be Lade without disturbing the pl"yeis. Thii section w1s under the able manage- ment of the late Mr. H. F. Cheshire,. wwhhoo ttooookk aa sspoeecciia^li ddeelliigohhtt in explaining the games to visitors. Following is a complete score table showing result of each encounter distinctly, and also enabling the readei at a glance to tell which player had the move rn any game. Sir Ceorge Thomas kindly consented to write an account of the Tournament, so that a few general remarks will suffice as a survey of the event. Many of the games will stand for a]l time as 6ne examples oofl - cchhreeessssss,.. eessppeecciiaallllyy TThhoommaass vv.. RRrrrrhhiinnsstteeiinn aanndd BBooggoolljjuubbooww vv.. Alekhine. The ffaacctt tthhaatt tthhee ttiimmee lliimmiitt wwa,.s ll77 m-.o;"v"e s "a.n hho."u'r did not prevent competitors getting short of time, nor were there tewer blunders, and it certainly meant a greater number of adjournments than a time limit of 20 moves.- viii Hlsttnrcs INrrnN.qrloN.cL CFIcss Tounn,rverir,1 922. Hlsrttcs INTERNATIoNACLs ess TounN,tvEvr' 1922. Undoubtedlv Alekhine s entcrprising plav will alwavs make him a favourite'with chess players Rubinstein at times is just """ "",. rpri"i" g. Bogolj"bo,.r ilayed some bright games but seems a little more uneven in his plal than the hrst.two prrze- wjnners. Sir Ceorge Thomas plal ed sufhctently well to uphold the credit of British Chess. but it -is quiLe obvious from ,the opportunities that he missed that he' with our other leadlng piuy.r", t.qtit." more practice against the best contrnental players. Dr. Tarrasch.a lthoughg ettingo n in years'.iss till a di6cult rnan to beat. but ctttto domini is bound to tell In long games' The reason for Yates's poor score was evidently his state of health and the fact that he was also reporting at the same time' It was apparent that he had not recovered from the strain of the London Colgress. There *as a good attendance of spectatorst hroughout,t he tourney. who thoroughly enjoyed the sporting games in which most ot the Players lndulgeo. Ar,rxaroen Alernrr,te, 6rst vith The general arrangementsa nd organisation o[ the Tourna- a aeoreo I 71. ment were in the capable hands-o t lvlr. l- .J. AcKroyq wno carried the Tournament through from starl to hnrsh In the true H""ii"g" *u""".. to- thc. comple5 se,tis{action,of the com- petitors and visitors. the.Hashngs Lhess Llub and last, but not ieast by any means, the Hastings Corporation AxrBA RuBrrsrarN, secondw ith a H.qsLntcs Ixrlnulrtotrl Ctless ToutrNrllE-NT' 1922. Hastings International Congress IIOUND I -fenlr,tSCrI Ltnrc l. l. THOlreS. Quccn' s Gambit Declin etl. T.\RR-\sc}I THoMAs TARRAscII TI]oMAs I P Q+ Kt-IiB3 36 RxP (2o) RxR (zr) 2 Kt-KB3 P-Q+ 379 XR QxPch 3 P-B 4 P-I{ 3 389 xQ RxQ -t Kt-B 3 O Iit-O 2 39 K-P, z R-K z '.. 5 R-Kt 5 B-K 2 40 P Kt5 K-Kt z I) I' K: o-o 4r Kt-Q 3 (zz) B-I{ 3 Efo.u rDth. wBiothc oalr usscoowre, .oqt u4a %l . third Sanrnd Gfo.u Art.h T w*ritohu ae s.sc( oBr,eron fr 4')).!e qualt hird 7l.j Qll't\ -u BB (2rr) PIKt-TR-XK :Ir, 4442.3+ III'it-t KI]] 3i K5t 3 lTt,s'- Q-l t0 I.+5t 4 (23) IO llxll (z) Qxt] 45 K -Kj It Ii r (24) tl B Kz(3) KtxKt 4{t Ii Qz It l(llr I2 !l x lit I' -ri 4 (4) 47 tit fl 3 (25) R l]4 r.j o o I' K .5( s) 4ii Kt - I.i + Rxl' r-1 Iit 02 I(t- Ii t 3 49 Xt xll RxKt r.51l Ir5 Q .li 5 (6) 5() R ts4 ]t QIr4 r{ ) I{R li r (7) Iit Q a (8) 5r tt Kt 1 (26) P- tit ,1 t/- I:I-R,r 13 Ii3 52 1'-Q s Qz) P B + lS It''-- QQRRSs(s)P QR3(ro) 53 R-K ,+( 28) R Ii z (29) il-o 5 P-KB4 54 R Ktr R-Q z p-Kt 3 ((rrrr)) Q-B 3 ssP 96 ]{-B z Kt-Kt 3i OQRR- (o r 56 R-R 6 K-K r Kt-B 5 B B r Position after 28, ., g-Q r. P-Q R 4 (r2) K-R r R^Kt RXB I'-R5 P-Il 5 (r3) QxP lt I3 .1 t) 87 Q-lr5 t ( r . t "'?. /ry I Kt3 ll Q' fr ol Dr. S. Tenruscu, lifth witL a scorco l 4 F. D. Y,trr.s. sixth with a score of 2l !. t!, l Int34 (14) IQ' XKITKIt,4(r5) d,-t,t' 2e f f i !l 1r 5 Q tlr !l ri z (rt r) It--B 2 (rZ) l i B I I' Kt 5 (r8) l'>:P I Kt4 r, -133 (r9) Pxl' L{ I I a:tings Inlcrnalional eongress Round Or,e 557E Klt tlli 25 (Jo) IIrt- x!Pl r 6678 lIit lliitt 65 cchh KIi -Iiil ti 4 .,,(,t,9,)J Iiiv'i"rllc,n"t,ly*t lh;{ii ouniliyi d:rifl(ji nlc lc, 1i;o1 35l. l .l, 3' lIll7x:Pl r'for)l..vt o. rw\c.d.abry" (3" 6..i.\,R\, ,ir,8,6's. ,iins's 569o Ilti xll8 7l'(cid:0) IIi' .l0t Kl t:r 679o ll'i II(irt 3 lIi' IKt6Il 5 .r_ r,.,.Ir, r,,..,,uf ,,tfu t,j,t ri \ t,r,k ) cnoLrih t6]zr IIit LK)t litr 7 Il,t ' KLitr3 772 r IIii tf' li 5 lIii llii t 6( ()rz) :lt(:2',) " I:r :i:s 'triu"ry' ielrlrr'.i",:o.r:d,li1nl;.,iriv lt :,t',1,,1i. i.fli1.i1ll..t'.i(,N,,l.#:1i,,1,1 ,.,n.; r1i,s, w*hro *ha,s1 sor {a,r, p;ria{yctdlxit}:li 6(rr,1 I l'i :<KI ' lit 4 (jr)Ii l{xlI.i' z 77.;1l tlt IIitt5 5 ch Ii{' (cid:0) Itts5 ,1 '.,rr (., ,r,r,rr,1,.,,rtnL tno l( rsl l,.L.,, ,uw' .-,)d t,i ,i, ,,sriyr, r,r "rriirsrr;,-.:ll j;i:,,i:[: Lrack'sr ast ,uovc] carrsr o 6665 KK- -tl)J 2z KI' RK+t3 75 li lit 8Drawn (33) i,l' flli. L'i; - Y':6"i?.'li"::l?',:rj|'i'1i.i.i,l.r T,,":,.;i,,.,":'if iijill;l:'l.: ::"i l,ll 'i ".i*r ,. 'l'llrli:'",i :''r,, o"' ;ir.,itI " b s,;c il.';wrl;cl: ; a 'uk o;nllr.' rsl ,h"s,cl, il; 1a: 'n'iili't.Jjsli, ' frJ A scrious u'aste of timc which allorvs Blach to cqualise the game ln r\^r(: ds hr t!< pr, .,.',,.. ,T-il,l: 4{.l l It?' li Br: 4q l( l(", rIntyt -opo4in: ion rrrh cI (clo rrKe,4:t: c"o'rn.tlir tumati),-ng -ims eas ' gfoallionlvt s \ "I I g 'Pi'n(cid:0)Q L'3n,J Io'xn 'P ; ro B x I, o,J"r'{ *:: is an instancc of thc danger duc to the marority of pa\r-ns on tbe and t1h2p) Erpx-cLhrar iu.i1nig d outbhlee oB Pi-ahwopns w oIrueleLsl b BPla .crhd'vsd gna1m"3eF oul fl or o\\ Bh-jKrc B 1, Xt x B ".#t)".";i; ;*.iit.;:.fi::"f,"":Xl: rhe nooki s on its wavt o attacrtrh e squo{rti, Bl L4 .r s r\o\'lL i,rl"" allra r)v"'\rrh Ft\ i"i r iBrira-h oppa rit- onlo tlh dre. \ec"l ml'" l rjno.rp ll)h'morc aggres'ive ,'i.'r'"2;5J)\ '\;'Phi,tiF: -srF:riz:risirj hJP: :o"n*l'v' oMPart^r.r:nh,enlfrq in bvu r (chx'Lhrnn" 8',inpB, 'r,hip" 'mi",i,1n'" oIrl J-inc"rs*s" (4) The {reeing move in this position a{ter rvhich Black has notbiig {urther t{oo reJes(aisiri.)a nTthui"s:r moltvineg 'sd ivsicidlccs atthteir rcbko ;\rYrh(1il jstt rxWt.hrigtiec alhlya s insrtorm etw ch-oa necnels'i toiclsin: ifirllJivl'cr{rk \iVl lrli(ili:t;l6ell).Ti wiT;,o;h"uti",sld,, iu blibnitol ,l c*ir-lolc Llnd,n,ru.c'co:c,t:t l,:i'ot'lotnr^ ),".w* ,1 ,i.-.t: hp,: t,:.", t.th]e,:e ,, ,tIr,pi o n r,lrl,'o.(cid:0)ti,\iiar r",itiirnni:,gr.i ,n ma,.o r v.le. ;, ,";ct;o",n.ts .ti,, tturtt",.ri,s.. r,a.:' rv(,e,.riyi ',r;i,s"li.y on tl(lc6 ) UItu .i{s'n.r's;r ssil'vd c.unclt rstrurrl:rble lhrt Iitaclt sc.ks to avoid. exch]nge of l']il;ilJ:").,*",i,: ,,ti t,hi1,.'1;; l, ,,:*j ir L,j' ti: L' ,;trh l ', :;:;; l\'i:i,r1 ,.;'"b,t,tlt.ii:,;:,; ,r;,i,;i,r il,t: h1aTn,5'i - ,,,l ,: ; eti, 4,j i,,,,.r,{t,t,i QXtu-c-Bc(n 7s) r\,l\ ntr $iro(hhri( liorrrv orurtoilid lh cnto Lurhullotifc(ytrv lcrtrih sc d:lrr:\rr\rn't:r:rrtistr : lrhcoirsI.r , 1ac toltian cit]n(Tgi( 3ir,r cfyollo$cd by It Ii 3, by .1,.,((,:!lrrvl ),, r,Oir)lrr 5vcitw .g,. n,tosl othnclc i.|L,nrstts;.hcil((+lii ,II,n,'r i:{i,u,:, r1,ri,, ,$l,,t,'r,i,it],c1l, l l]h.la.:r. s; :,g:o:.o1id;: .l(dr'lr.ai"1n;lc1:rc'* isi 'llorit f: . a:,. i'(.t,5?ra;rw,,' r. i, 'KXls',l thcni((,8,iDt)r i',flshisoisr tt hiaartitPi octtahthrcs c !Iti,on) uirgc hrctl ':sr sstrhiirofllu(c:l (ilotJ rrcf(m,,s1ill.r(' )l\r' r(r rI (;,d .rr.cr,ra otntf f iOrlrifrt l roc5ral nicrh,l lilnogww o.U(ul6l ll ) rb h!yrl v l(*i ' abv"t IlrroJ .\',1,)lu;l(illb *c' ,ajbioiufti Trjqiu'l,l,l : t'ol; 1ljillni, ):s.(1., n:" :tl rar:s arri r,uacar k \g 'a!r,rrur:,.t(h(,:n hrvc miini:rillr(1 t)js Q lit( ro-)5 . TWhilst itsco cpmlas- vasls woa rrvitcl ah aPncdrh actr):sf: ttt.cros an nrrcclh:r tisvoc Iwcakness on tbc Q een's ,,,,,(i'rJrrlt.trt" rnovc forcin{: thc cxctrange of a Iurdrcr t)au,n (tcfjnjtcl}, assurcs sreklien.(f rorr)c Pe-B Byt h et4 h Qisau t emconneca'scn ss uid-\iVe1,hs iitned ichaotcldcls back thc attack and uscs the resPltc to w., 'rrn1. sr,r, W2\r) lr.i\t dse .ID hhc:o7 w6rrc.rv.reo.ir r (l.v oi.turit. rc rlupv r .o,,,b..a.,,.bi,rl 1.J,.h r.an,rsv, e Ltraj<lk,r .o i\ n r nt f irri"R. .,.;.i;lrht, ..j ep 1iI*," .i ,_r. r ,ir'l , ,,,..'l,rr'j;J (r?) Niaking use of Black's *'cak IEth move to maintain the Knight in 1ts (13) A dilficult and instructive cro game. dominating position. that1 rE?ila ,viut rvd rninusl,el nsioreuks. obmupt irncoatt ioanusit e pcroervrieocuts; to it\ \:ihs itucn doebrtsatiannirdga blae ,s uhpocqr'ieovrietyr, Gctme2 . Ik:nrxsrgil l. Ar-rxutsr. on the Quecn's side by 26 P Kt.+, ctc. Qrrten'sG anl,it Dcctintd (in cJfcct). r.' ('r a'i) ,;A Ltli,r rrJl|.ll . m, ko.v e,\ \a ll.l.ot1 lrn, gr l Bl.la c,h tlo, o rrc"Jl lla,Jinv 't hpcl . vs,a 'clr li{|i cre, d: P2:r,l lln' rv1h\irl s4t tll'u BrNsrttrN lr_f:xlllNE l{r,.HrNsTrrrN ALr,tilrNE jo"{nr an3 o(r)wV.n;.;,it. l".t , r ';lILl1n'i; l l lait]l4j-'c; a gsi: st3 'w.il,:QL' vf (al ovlll"t 1ttl",.Li L,| i!tl rt..rilLirl,'i. }oi 1,\\l.',,r.rir,l ,u-Ll t.,,L. t,,l t 'h1lL(1 n .r'T'( i()ir' :r' r't ' lirr rtrl',r (. |l rliinXl rl8)3yl lr'i t Qo-ol+t Be'"? ]lI'i t; _I.il i:t tl Jj I i1r23j il l3i j:1:,,I r)ii.'iI, ,",iI,ui:..lI,,,, i,ir, taoolr:nlr( d ;(ti Worrmir )h ao tiltrtrNtrcce: o r1tl:!) ,k1orom,, :,lrrln(ti\rrli inrtc(htnl,.vni cr c \rt'!tlvhhl hc({r iar,o,k(Linc rlrtSvhrli cr,r lhnI i3iosjin v!nscl]l' scstt o s pshD(:r)rr)o!1vivlrfic l(i( hl, Wt,crri hrtvhljit{ri(rn(' s,bSu c'scsihnn l t'1(awi9rwoi onnlr' itl}v)Ju lltta: b ctchkc col} lmr;hIt'yfolssar rn nrwhrrollrtrnrnceg ii tlIn1()i' t (cid:0) tllr(lJI i ]3rzi 3s l1ll r il.l,,i.p* :, ,r ,r i;ii(,i, li; jl; ,')i,i."'.l,' l'' );.' rfl;iit l iun,i j- tlif tt 5 {'D ll lj ' , (rr,) IJI:rck was tlrrc.Ltcninij t:.., I' liir 5, {rtc. !r It + j;.lll,,, :',l'j ,,'l i; i)l';.i'" (r7) A subtlc rnovc prcpadng thc lirlal strol(. P It4 (2) , l t lJ (rB) Decisivc. Q.t ,: t uTagydln) Hasling' I nlernationalC onIYes" Round One Position ir{tcr 21 1>-13 4. 22 I(t x Il (9) RxKt Cane 3. Y.rrrs z. Bocorlul:olv. ,/v/mxt,- z: I{t x l{t ]t x It (ro) Caro-K ann Defencc. '!rB#, 24 ltxlt KtXKt r B()a;crr-Jurrow YATris IocoLJUBow :/4hla.w%' r,/,rt,,:,Ky"t';,1',.7v/?8rAl.*Jfyr:fti, 2zz2233333(870 rz34,5r 9 QlIQQllKBRK J'i'- --I- e r tlBl ttsl K1 tI P3il:3g l4' 5 335z3nzr (s(rr r4)) IQ!IQQRKIQ1l'{ - --.Xtx vB RK IPKlKQ R' ' XtKc8 zKrP4l tci(t 3h (rtrz:)) r2I5(769oI) lII0QIKItKl'i(t- t' -1tt0 KxQ l -QK( lP8K4l4zr3 Bt3 3((33t)) tPlIlKlBBIir'{)J -(cid:0)- x t XI KK { lQU BI 'tBi-Qt-,I 32I+Ill23 3(23) 22r2222r2t8923I167) UPIPtIllKpiti{if- ttt x r xI R.x-l tB i'- t B(cid:0)IlI(t9i5i:B 1 6i {c(4?(l)rh Br6(9,))+ IQQiIIIQQKltit' -l t xxRQKtX QtKll -iil'Ktzt QKzt tUrltrr 3(ar!o()7) ffiH II 9xB C)-o zBB-I{ r (rr) Kt-B 5 T2 B-Kt 5 P-T( R e 29 8-K B 3 (rz) Itt-Q 6 -lt) T|t -."", in combination \tith q " , P--R 3 . is an innovation o{ B-Q 2 I)-R r /r\ 30 Q-K2 KtxR B,),:JLubo* s fitst plavcd by hinl aSrinst Eulve in the LoDdon tournament' r922' t1 PXP BXP 3r RxKt Q-BS R-BB'-h;"i",' ii'.;1r."'iill. i;k'i,4i-'4"1 *-"; : iri?n;.;.tit*,^.;; ;=lrii is r:ier;te in;|sgi Itt [ratt* tiI1t { inil .i gti]'ci r"atd v?noedns] a rt"hc uimiscl 'als'nkir|s' rs: .ils.rot " itt h"o E!*J-u !,st |lleliii- fthll riJt"4 "rc2 ia. d:pni\"ld: Jn :]}pre ';tod3,:j gn" r't:os ; oBf'-t.Q it.h;3a'rtr""?';; rr(7r 9PP-- KKBtt 4 4s( !5) BQTa--BfK-T ir2 2 ? 333,321RPIt-- IIRitB ,153 !QIJt- Q BI( t s+8 bv'i: 'r,llll rri,.rrl ,illl*l,,',, ;';;*r,',,,11,".. i0..,,,,r,r ..,r "r r,(., ,,.,-tn r ,.,\ri,'\,v in-{l lksigns rr) !;cn,r irllvl ,- K ll a r, I,1.,\.,l1l| ;Il ,'-..r lo lor. , s, li, r'neu n l.:,'l''ll;ll:':,,,:::',:iIl:'Il;i,'i'"i'r'' i,'l;':'ll';'"d;I'li'ii,lilInt.'ct ! fliu: s sr(]. rJrll c"ns' q,i; nllv Caslling (rtr this sidc is Lh.n irDfosstl)lc' i'"'''r''li r^,., u " 'l'1"1 ,, ',1\I n " rl ('u ' n i Fi'bo1''l 'awn lh, lll), oI iilty.r,l"ptt.l I'v \\ihrt. c|crti:s but littlo diflicult]' lor lllaclt lturn rr'" 'tll'"i'."r '.i,,iti-n .t'r'rirr.1ri. ',,|t' 1 't . IrInr,'t .| |I! It lt'i ljrtI r7' Ic'rlc ralrl('i si rdrurfi"r irgn tihrcn psru"b s' Ierq'urcLrlts' p tlvalv'' sugg(c:)s llsBrc eQoIui4li.l .rl! lnty 0'., B !1 3 k)r ro Xt It5, llxlit; rr IlxB, -""i.i"+illliil';',1'i:i.-1l:1'ii;lr o' rrcrir, i7 rJxrit,B xR; ,8 e-'i4, r .rrrl,. , rz A |' r, ? Ii r. , r,., \\',..| | 'r I. l! r"'r"l '-i,1",1 (3) ln order to plly rt lit-B -5s hould ll:rch (lastlc' ,';l,t"lij"',tJ..';1"';"'i;i"l;illr'jl1";| ],]o,e' i-',Kii4 B ,ack la) Bl.r"k has.rLre.rrlv.rf arrlv equ:rl garuc' but the tcxt is a gr:rvc crror of "-olt, ul;f ":;,;;'nl- ":"''t",r,ornpri(dreda nd mostd dnBerout'o r Blatk "r "r].'lnpi riocnr l.iu oiv-tinier nr.oJ r\i\ol'nir e rJI ..P rsQn sluiip -1r rf,r" rlllyo rI" nJ Iblry^ !ru4" '' ,n K- 'Iri'-l'Q $ irt l'"^aust '0" jll';I-':ili:':"*iil::';;t'1,i,"""0"'i.xo;i"ll ?p,''"';"'""n t.1o""o" clearly indicated. *i';, mgr,i," i.,i,"ilv iuinr or ,i.a i-,a*n,T.S,,:] ::{ ":;1;,i:!:i5*l :#'Et, l"r:.:,io E: r(5o)) WThheit efi'srs ta Idnvia"ntatakg.e u hisi .h\ ereei vcclu. iBtel secvIid aenn ti.mportant po-l Ior hi" Kni3ht l:'',ii'l:u*?;i'nji.'J, ,,;u."o,;":o +x"-p 1li,,lg' d1 ;:ir i ;i:.tl.j: aprLe Qss4u.r eo Bny t sbiem Qpulye penla. ysiindge: o* iPth-oQ. r-krr +i" k anadn.dz jotP i s- dRif 5li c\Vulhr itleo :r"er'err hgotwh" Bnl"dt bcke ';* j i[$']fT'":a!lIl'"i'd,* i:","* d:.'"i" lr;.iioi to ,lqo^ri,.via cao p(7ro)c Ae emd.asters troke whi,h nu'liliesa lmo"t comPI(t'l) \\'l il's Jd\antdge i:-*lr; ltii:tilHi;i;Jlilt.,T;:iii":' ?.'.::l f.rif:; P-B6, P-Q I(r 4 follow"dl ,y.u2..,B -Q J and th' ddvin'ed Prwn jl;ff bcoomes a source oI weakness. i; :ii';l;;\i#i$i;:;;iil;:lr;l:",'-,iii;i:i"iilj (8) Whilst in this v:rriation the extra Pawn on the Qucen's side will not "xt rnake itscll fclt uDtil very mucb latcr, if at all '" i;x1t",-"'-,i' ,ixli1,i l n:l,l rl :^ix .:llt'' ;il iilii":i:fiJJ; iiii :;i::,, f:.'i;J';,';"i:;..'. ""i ,'.i1,i.,"?if.. i,rr1vi;', " ^1'1"'i,.r,i BlJ,{k q,) b _uIth oW ehxrclhca lnri gru rs v wi,hlr',Lrht lryi jIs,u,\ltr t,lr,r"c t hcer"rtJa,iln olyr tuho' tA tJom t'h.e clisadvrntagc oi """,,'l;l'lf',r,';"1',..,,1T:j"il,'ll'; ui'; 'l :';"j,i'l'""ii.1,J. ' ,i1,:i'l,: ,1Ii"' wi,ha srirht t,t t{iuro ')W Ah istctr Boin"^hI ,n,1u'fv,, ,, rs ilrr it'lh)r ,trJrk.n'qs c ,?'ldv ..,r ntilir g'ot (ft ljl.! rLrlrLr,"kr r 'r '1r'1.r' rl tlr' "rl'ri" 'i ltiru"nw :::i;ii ::r! 'l ::! :.::11:.":i\'59,"''.t"-1::)bf'fT ftl1 $11 b Ti,,,;iftl;1.: ,i i;:ll;:,l:liilT:6 ''u:',;Il tj'tl'ir" ' .:Bo \K ', l,ss( Id t.)r nlgn, r ^onry$ s.r.rrsr,Ply W wh"irlr lJs llrr',r,vu,l 'bl h" rrrv 'r 8p rLctv cIn(t J'riKctnxtrIyl; of 2th9eP XXnliigt,h tI ta- t QB6 5;. Jo Q . l(; (tc., wrrb d grm, .lill ,1,I , rr'iblc Px B; lo R -B 7 wilh md'rifPjl JJvrnr'tEe' {r 2) A second error whjch loses the Exchangc and thc gamc' AIter 29 Q-K 3, fi:l i, :;tr6,oi,l:,f* '".b y1 5..e, -Bs!e, rc I' -K 4, ctc., and lllack has much the best of it.

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