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The Book of Soft Martial Arts: Finding personal harmony with Chi Kung, Hsing I, Pa Kua and T'ai Chi PDF

196 Pages·1998·33.869 MB·English
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THE BOOK OF MARTIAL SOFT ARTS Finding personal harmony with Chi Kung, Hsing Pa Kua and T'ai Chi I, Boston Public (Library THE BOOK OF SOFT MARTIAL ARTS \ (,' *£ THE BOOK OF SOFT MARTIAL ARTS , Finding personal harmony with Chi Kung, Using Pa Kua and T'ai Chi I, By Howard Reid with Danny Connor, Lam Kam Chuen, Nigel Sutton and Robin Rusher Photography by Fausto Dorelli WEATHERHILL New York • Tokyo VG UAORIGINA1 \\ ritten In I loward Reid w ith I limn ( onnor I ,im Kam C huen Robin Rusher Nigel Sutton Photograph) In I austo I )orelli ditorial Roslin Mair 1 design Sara Mathews l Illustration Debbie I Imks Brian Mckonzie Calligraphy Mow long Km I Production Susan Walby I Erection Luc) I idell Ro BR I ase) I lorton Patrick Nugent R^q49 1998 Firsl edition(UK), NSSC,aia BooksLimited 66CharlotteStreet I ondonW IP11 R I .rst Weatherhill edition, L998 ( .aia Books 1 united. PublishedbypermissionintheUnited Matesb\ Weatherhill, Inc.,ofNewYorkandTokyo,witheditorial officesat 568 Broadway,Suite703, NewYork,N.Y. 10012.Protectedby copyright underthetermsoftheInternationalCopyrightUnion;all rightsreserved. Except forfairuseinbookreviews,nopartofthisbook maybereproduced torany reasonbyanymeans,includinganymethod otphotographic reproduction,withoutpermission.PrintedinSingapore b\ ImagoProductions(F.E.)Pte.Ltd I ibrary-of-CongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Reid, Howard Thebookofsoftmartialarts findingpersonalharmonywithChi : Kung, UsingI, Pa Kua,andT'aiChi /byHowardReid,withDanny Connor... [etal.] : photographyby FaustoDorelli.-- 1st Weatherhilled. p. cm. Originallypublished: London:GaiaBooksLimited, 1998. Includesindex. ISBN0-s.s4S-04b0-(soft) 1. Exercise. 2. Exercisetherapy. 3. Medicine,Chinese. RA7M.R34W 1998 M3.7'l-dc21 98-17561 CIP 987654321 10 Notes on pronunciation ofChinese terms The key words in this book are sets ofChinese characters representing concepts rather than sounds. While the written language ofChina, Standard Chinese or Mandarin, is common to hundreds ofmillions ofChinese nationals, the spoken word is far more complicated. There is a bewildering arrav of regional and local dialects - a Cantonese cannot understand spoken Mandarin at all, and someone from Shanghai is barely intelligible to either ofthe latter. This situation inevitably complicates attempts to give standard Chinese pronunciation for Westerners. There are, however, traditional Western pronunciations for the chiefterms used in this book: Chi is pronounced "chee"; Tan Tien "dan dee-en"; Chi Kung "chee goong"; Ba DuanJin "ba doo-wan jin"; Hsing I is "sing yee", with a slight aspiration on the "s"; Pa Kua is "ba gwa"; and T'ai Chi Chuan is pronounced "tie chee choo-wan". Unfortunately, this standard usage has a few inconsistencies. Ba and pa are both pronounced "ba" (both mean eight); and Hsing I and Pa Kua should be fully titled as Hsing I Chuan and Pa Kua Chang. Spellings ofChinese terms The spellings used in this edition are also standard in Western martiai arts' usage. However, it should be noted that the Pin Yin transliteration advised by the People's Republic ofChina, and thought by some to give a closer indication ofcorrect pronunciation, is now predominant in the Western media (for example, Peking is spelled Beijing). The Pin Yin spellings of the key Chinese words used in this book are as follows: Chi -Qi\ Tan tien - Dan tien; Chi Kung -Qt Gong, Ba Duan Jin - Ba Duan Gin; Hsing I - Xing Yi; Pa Kua -Ba Gua; T'ai Chi Chuan - Tai]iQuan. Special martial arts' terms There are other special martial terms apart from the Chinese words mentioned above. Most common ofthese is the verb "to circle", which applies to arm movements within the exercises. Whether you are circling up or down, or to one side or the other, this action is a smooth, rounded one, with the movement ofthe curved arm describing an arc. The arrows Note that appear in the illustrations ofthe exercises will help to Mostoftheexercises guide you in the circling movements. Another word taughtin thisbook un- commonly used in the martiai arts is "form", meaning an gentleandrelaxing, but exercise or position. A form may be an extended sequence, youshouldbesure tofollou such as the T'ai Chi Short Form, or just a few steps, as in the allthe instructionswith Twelve Animal forms in Hsing I. due care. Contents ,. Introduction 8 PART ONE The Soft Arts 21 Chi Kung Breath power 22 1 : Hsing Ways harmony 44 2: I to Kua 3: Pa Eternal change 64 4: T'ai Chi Chuan The art ofawareness 82 TWO PART Way The Balanced 47 1 5: Oriental paths to balance 148 6: Therapeutic uses 172 Index and bibliography 189 Allthingsare backedby theShade (Yin) Andfacedby the light (Yang), Andharmonisedby the immaterialBreath (Chi). From Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching THE WAY OF HARMONY 8

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