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Preview The Book of Legends/Sefer Ha-Aggadah: Legends from the Talmud and Midrash

THE BOOK OF LEGENDS Sefer Ha-A adah gg LEGENDS FROM THE TALMUD AND MIDRASH E D I T E D B Y HAYIMN AHMANB IALIK A N D YEHOSHUHAA NAR AVNITZKY • TRANSLATEBDY WILLIAMG .B RAUDE • IntroducbtyDi aovni Sdt ern S CHOCKE N BOOKS NEW YORK • Tom y grandchildren, YosefY,o niR,a chealn,d N aomi, whoslei veasr em y assurance, Id edicattheibo so k. -W. G.B . Engltirsahn slation LibroafCr oyn grCeastsa loging-Diant-aP ublication copyr© i1g99h2bt y S chocBkoeonIk nsc . Sefhear- aggaEdnaghl.i sh. Introduccotpiyor©n i1 g99h2bt y D avSitde rn ThBeoo ko fL ege:nt dhfiser csotm ptlreatnes olSefaf teiro n ha-aggI[ acdoamhp biylH]ea dy iNma hmBaina alniYdke ­ hoshHuaanR aa vnitzky. Alrli grhetsse urvneddIe nrt ernaatniPdoa nna-lA meCroipcya­n p. em. rigChotn venPtuibolnisis.nth heUedn itSetdab tyeS sc hocken TranslofaS:te ifhoeanr- aggadah. BookIsn cN.e,wY orakn,sd i multainnCe aonuabsdyRla ay n dom Incliunddeesx . HousoefC anaLdiam itToerdo,n Dtios.t ribbyPu atnetdh eon l.A ggadTar-anslianttEiono gnlsi 2s.hM .i drash­ Booksad, i viosfRi aonnd Hoomu sIen,cN .e,wY ork. TransliantEtinoog nlsi3 s.Lh e.g enJdesw,i sIh.B. i alik, HayiNma hma1n8,7 3-19I3I4R..a vnitYzekhyo,s hua OrigipnuabllliiysnH h eebdri enOw d es1s90a8,- 19t1hS1ee, f er Han1a8,5 9-19I4IT4Ii..t le. ha-Agghadaahg so nteh roeuigghh itmeperne sisnicolnusd,i ng BM516.B481299E25 2 96.1'42052911--d5c227000 ane nlaerdgietdpi uobnl iisnTh eeAldv i1v9,3 b6y,D viPru b­ ISB0N- 8052-4113-2 lishTihnitgsr. a nsilsba atsioeondnt hlea treesvtie sdeidt ion publibsyhD evdiP ru blisTheiAlnv gii,vn ,1 95C2o.p yrightB ookD esibgyRn o beBrutlD le sign © 195b2y D viPru blisPhuibnlgib.sy ha erdr angweimtehn t Manufaicntt uhUrene idtS etdao tfAe mse rica Zmora-PBuibtlainLs thdiT.ne,Agl v iv. FirAsmte riEcdaint ion C 0 N T E N T S PuBLISHNEoRT'Es XL AbrahaPmr'osg eny 37 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS XLLL TheB indoifnI sga ac 39 NOTOEN T RANSLITERATION XV Mtert hDee aotfhA braham 42 INTRODUBCYTD IAOVNIS DT ERN XVLL Isa,aR cebekaanhdT, h eir Progeny 42 IsaaBcl'ess sing 44 OuFra thJearc Wohbe nH eL efBte ersheba 45 PART I JacoEbs,a aun,dt hAen gels 48 TheP ortiofoJ nasc aonbdE sau 50 CHAPTER ONE RebekaDhe'asta nhdR acheBlu'rsi al 50 PROEM TheH ousoefJ acaonbtd he HoofuE ssaeu 50 JoseapnhdH iBsro thers 51 TheM eanionfAg g gadaanhdo f t hPea rable 3 TheG oiDnogw n of Judah 51 TheM eanionfAg g gadaahnHd alakhah 4 JoseipnEh g ypt 52 Josebpeohfr Peh araoh 52 CHAPTER TWO JosepBhr'ost hienEr gsy pt 53 THE WORK OF CREATION JoseMpahk eHsi msKenlofw tnoH iBsr others5 5 AND THE FIRSTG ENERATIONS JacoGbo'isnD go wtno E gypt 56 TheD eaatnhd B urioafJl a cob 56 TheC reatoifto hnWe o rld 6 HeavaenndE arth 7 TheL ight 9 CHAPTER FOUR The Water 10 ISRAELI NE GYPT AND GrasasneTdsr ees 11 THE DEPARTURE FROM EGYPT TheM oon 11 TheS ervitude in Egypt 58 ThVea rioefCt rye atures 11 TheB irthG roawnidnU gpo fM oses 60 Man 12 TheU ppeWro rladnsdt hLeo weWro rlds 15 MoseGso eFso rttoHh i Bsr ethren 61 MoseisnM idni a 62 ThinCgrse aatteT dwl iitgo hnS abbEatvhe 16 TheG roainnogft hCeh ildorfIe snr ael The Ordoefra, n dC hangiens, andt hMei ssion of Moses 62 thWeo rokf C reation 16 The Handiwooftr hkHe o lOyn e 17 MoseRse tutrnosE gypt 64 Mosebse foPreh araoh 64 Int hWeo rlPdr'asi se 18 TheB rutaloiftt hyEe n slavement 65 Eve 19 The SerpaenndSt i n 20 TheS igannsdt hPel agues 66 EvenPtrse cetdhiEenx go dus 70 ThTer eoefL ifaen dt hTer eoefK nowledge 21 The Spoils of Egypt 70 TheP rimeSvearlp ent 22 JosepCho'ffisn 70 Adamat fetrh Sei n 22 TheE xodus Egfyropmt 71 Cania ndA bel 23 TheS plitotfti hnRege d Sea TheC orruptioofSn u cceeGdeinnegr ations2 5 Noah 25 andt hPel unadtet rhS ee a 72 The Generatoifto hnFe l ood 25 Noaahn dt hFel ood 27 CHAPTER FIVE Nimraonddt hGee neration ISRAELI NT HE WILDERNESS oft hDei sperosfM iaonnk ind 29 FroEmg yipnttt ohW ei lderness 75 TheM anna 75 CHAPTER THREE TheW ell 76 THE DEEDS OF THE FATHERS ClouodfGs l ory 76 OuFra thAebrr aham 31 Amalek's War 77 AbrahaPmr'asya enrdS odomS'isn s 35 TheG ivionfTg o rah 78 v vi CONTENTS Nadaabn dA bihu 83 Solomaonntd h Qeu een of Sheba 127 TheS in oGfo ltdhCeean l f 83 Soloomn-KianngdC o mmoner 129 TheT abernaacnldIe t Vse ssels 86 Jeroboam 131 IsraJeolu'rnsae nydE ncampment Omri Aahnadb 132 int hWei lderness 88 Eliajnadth h Weo rshiopfe rBsa al 133 The Scouts 89 Jonah 133 TheC ontroovfKe orsrya ahn dH iCso mpany 91 TheB anishomfte hnTete nT ribes 134 TheW ateorfMs e ribah 93 TheC uthe[aSnasm ar1i tans 135 Litig[iIomupse rtainndSe unstp,i cious 1 9P3e rsonHse zekainadth h Fea lolfS ennhaecbr i 135 Aaron 93 HezekainadIh s aiah 139 Aaron's Death 94 TheR ewafrodtr h Teh reSet eps TheM iracilnte hsVe a lloefAy rn on 95 Merodach-Tboaolka dan 139 OgK,i nogfB ashan 96 Manasseh 140 Balaam 96 King Zedekiah 140 TheD aughotfeZ resl ophehad 97 Nebuchadnezzar 141 TheW arw itMhi adni 98 JehoiaankdJi emc oniah 141 IsraPerlvo'iss ioinnti hnWegi ldeesrns 99 The Eonftd h Feo rYteya rs CHAPTER SEVEN int hWei lderness 99 THE DESTRUCTION TheP rohpecoyfM oses 100 OF THE FIRSTT EMPLE EldaanddM edad 100 Moseasn dJ oshua 101 TheD estruocftt hiTeoe nm ple 142 TheD eatofhM oses 101 TheN inotfAh v 143 MoseBsu'r iPalla ce lOS Upont hReu ionfsJ erusalem 143 The Depoaftrt huPerre es ence 145 CHAPTER SIX TheH olOyn eW eeping 145 Mourninbgyt hFea thers 146 JUDGES,K INGS,A ND PROPHETS TheB looodf Z echariah 148 TheC hosLeann d 106 TheS ueffrinogfts h Eex iles 148 Joshua 106 Byt hRei veorfBs a bylon 149 Int hDea yWsh enth Jeu dgJeusd ged 107 Yearnings 150 TheP rophetDeesbso rah 108 Comofrting 150 JephtahnadHh i Dsa ughter 109 Samson 109 CHAPTER EIGHT Micah's Idol llO THE ERA BETWEEN THE TheS crooflR lu th Ill ElkanaandhH annah ll3 FIRSTA ND SECOND TEMPLES TheS onosfE li ll4 Daniaenltd h Der agionBn a bylon 151 Samuel ll4 TheD eawdh oEmz ekBireolu Bgahcttk oL ife 151 TheD estrucotfSi hoinl oh ll4 HananiMaihs,h aaenldA, z ariah 151 TheS onosfS amuel llS Ezra 152 KinSga ul ll6 Meno ft hGer eAasts embly 152 TheD eaothfS aul ll7 Int hDea yosfM ordeacnadEis ther 152 DavtihdS eh epherd ll7 Deboraanhd E sther 153 Davaind d Wtohreko sft hLoer d ll8 The FoefAa hsats uerus 153 DaviHda'rsp ll8 BigtahnaTdne ersh 153 DaviSdi'ansn dR epentance ll9 TheP romotoifoH na man 154 DaviHdu'msi lity ll9 HamanI'nst ention 154 Davaindd A bner 120 HamanS'lsa nadneAdrh asueDruesc'rse e 154 Davaindd I sraEenle'msi es 120 The FoafHl alm an Davaindd H iSso nA bsalom 121 andt hEex altoaftM ioornd ecai 157 DavainddI sih-bbenob 121 TheH angionfHg a man 159 DaviDde'ast h 122 • TheW isdaonmdG reatnoefKs si nSgo lomon 123 Solomaso Bnu ilder 124 SolomoTnh'rso ne 126 CONTNETS vii PART I I CHAJYI'ER NINE THE SECOND TEMPLE- ITS STRUCTURAEN D ITSS ERVICE CHAJYI'ER ONE ThTee mpilne GIltosry 160 THE DEEDS OF THE SAGES TheH idionftg h Aer k 161 TheC rowno f ePsrtihood 162 R.S imeboennS het(aflh1. s cte ntBuc.rE. y. ) 201 SimetohnRe i ghteous 162 Honi CtihrecM laek earn dH iPsr ogeny TheT empolfOe n ias 163 (fl2.d h aloff1 scte ntBu.ryC .E.) 202 Alexaan'Sdsyr niagogue Hiltlheel E(lflde.en rd 1oscfte ntBu.rCy. E.)2 04 witthh Deo ubCloel onnade 163 Akavibae n Mahalalel PreistFlayml iies 164 (flm.i ddolf1e s cte ntCu.ryE .) 207 AlexaonfdM earc edon 166 RabbGaanm altiheEell d(eflr90. - 101C .E.) 207 TheS ervituunddeGe rre eacnetd hJee ws R.Z adok HaiSnsod nR .E leazar WhoB etratyheCedo venant 168 (fl2.d h aloff1 scte ntCu.rEy. ) 207 TheM othoefCr h lidren 169 TheS chool of ShtahmSemc ahioo la nd The Housoeft hHea smoneans 196 ofH il(lmeild odfl1 es t cecnE.t. u)ry 208 HeroTde'msp le 171 JonatbheanUn z ziel TheS erviicnte h Tee mple 172 (flm.i ddolf1e s t cecn.tEu.r)y 209 TheM iracilnte hsTe e mple 147 SamutehlLe i t(tfll1.es t cecn.tEu.r)y 209 DiliPgreeinstt s 157 RabbYaonh anbeannZ akk(a1ics etn tcu.ryE .)2 10 TheP acshaLalm b 157 R.D osbae nH orki(nfla1.ss c te ntcu.rEy. ) 231 TheS heoafft hOeme r( Le2v3.: 9-ll) 176 R.H anibneaDn os(afl 1.s cte ntcuE.r. y) 214 TheB ringoiftn hge ruFiirsttsf 177 RabbGaanm alIiI(e fll90. - 11c0. E.) 216 TheS erviocfYe o mK ippur R.E lie(ztehErel debre]nH yrcanus (the oDfA atyo nement] 178 (fl2.d c entcuE.r. y) 221 TheL ulCalvu ster 182 R.J oshbueanH anan(iflac.ha 90.- 103C .E.) 226 TheW ateLri bation 128 Nahutmh Mea no fG amz(ofl c.a 90.- 130 C.E2.3)0 TheRe joicaittn hge Place R.T arfo(nfl c.a 1.0 1-35C .E.) 231 oft hWea ter-idnrga w 183 R.A ki(vfla9 .5 -1c3.5E .) 232 TheK ingP'ass siangSe c ripture 183 The TMeanrt yrs 238 The EighDtahyF est[iSvhaelm Aitnzie ret] R.M eiErl,i sbheanA vuy(aAhh er), antd hNei gFhotl lowing Beruri(aflch.a 1.3 0-c60. E.) 242 thSee veDnatyho fS ukkot 184 R.S imeboenYn o ha(iflc .a 1.03 -60c E.. ) FestPiivlagrli mtaoJg eeru salem 184 and HiRs. E Sloena zar PilgrimtaoJg eeru sadluermi tnhgTe i me (fle.n do f2 dc entcu.rEy. ) 249 of Aadnv erDseec ree 185 R.Y o sbee nH aalfta TheC levernoefts hsPe e opolfJe e rusalem 185 (fl2.d hoaf2l dfc entcuE.r. y) and SHoinRs . I shmael (fl1.s t ohf3a dlc fe ntcu.rEy. ) 254 CHAJYI'ER TEN R.J udabhaI rl (a2ihd a loff2 dc entcuE.r. y) 256 THE DESTRUCTIONO F THE R.E leabzeaSnr h ammua SECOND TEMPLE AND OF THE LAND (fl2.d hoaf2l dfc entcu.rEy. ) andH iSso nR .S imeon TheY eabresf otrheDe e struction 189 Whyt hLea nWda sD estroyed 189 (lsthti orf3d d c entcu.ryE .) 257 RabbSainm eboennG amalIiI(e 2lhd a lf The WickedonfHe asdsr ian 195 of2 dc entCu.ryE .) 259 ZionPr'esc ioCuhlsid ren 195 R.P hinebheanYs a ir The HolOyn eM ourns 197 (1tts hiorf3d d c entcuE.ry. ) 260 MenahtehmCe o mforter 197 TheM ournefrsro Z ion 189 R.J udaIh,t hPea tarrcih( RabObuirH, o ly RabbRi.)H ;i ytyhaEe l der SintcheTe e mpWlaes D estroyed 199 andH iSso n(sfl l.a qsuta rotfe r Conoslations 199 2dc enttuobry e ginonf3i dnc ge ntCu.ryE .) 261 • BaKra ppa(rs1ath aloff3 dc entCuE.ry . ) 270 R.S imeboennH alfata (1ths aloff3 dc entCu.ryE .) 271 viii CONTENTS R.H anibnaaHr a ma ProseilnyI tsersa el 349 (fl1.s hta loff3 dc entCuE.r. y) 273 ThosWeh oB ecaPmreo seBleyctaeuossf Le i ons3 53 R.O shatihaEe l dbeernR .H ama TheN atiooftn hsWe o rld 354 (fl1.s hta loff3 dc entCuE.r. y) 275 R.J oshbueanL evi CHAPTER TWO (fl1.s hta loff3 dc entcuE.r. y) 276 THE LAND OF ISRAEL R.Y ohanbaenhn a -Nap(pdaichea d2. 7 9C .E.) anRd. S imeboenn LakisLha k[iRsehs]h TheL anadn dI srael 359 (2hda loff2 dc entcuE.r. y) 279 TheL anadn dIt Sse ttlement 359 R.J uda[hIt Ih]e Patriarch Lovfeot rh Lea nd 362 (RY.u datnh Pea tri(aflr2.c2 h5)- c5E.3. ) 285 TheH olinoefts hsLe a nd 363 R.E leabzeanPr e dat Toroafht hLea nd 363 (fl1.s hta loff4 tche ntCuE.r. y) 287 TheD imensoifto hnLesa nd 364 R.A bba(hflu1. s hta loff4 tche ntCuE.r. y) 289 A LanFdl owwiintgMh i lakn dH oney 365 R.Z er(aZ e'(eflr1.as )ht a loff4 tche ntcuE.r. y) 292 Jerusalem 371 Rav( RA.b bbaa Ari b(ufl)2. 1 9-C4.7E .) 295 Samu(efll2. 1 9-C5.4E .) 299 CHAPTER THREE R.J udah E(zbeakr(i fle2l.5) 4 -C99. E.) 301 LANGUAGE R.J erem(iflam.hi ddolf4e t che ntCuE.r. y) 305 R.H un(afl 2.5 7-C9.7E .) 306 TheS acrTeodn gue 374 R.H is(ddai 3e00d C .E.) 308 TheS acrTeodn gaunedO thLearn guages 375 R.S hes(hfle1.ts t ohf4a tlchfe ntCuE.r. y) 310 Exactinnet shUses eo fL anguage 376 R.N ahma[nb ar Jac3o2b9C] . E(.d)i ed 311 Rabb[abhaN ra hma(ndii]3e 3d9C .E.) 312 CHAPTER FOUR R.J ose(pdhi 3e3d3C .E.) 313 EXILE AbbayeK abyal(ri2 l8 0-33C8./E3.9) 315 Rava barb aJHroa sme(apfl 2h.9 9-3C5.2E .) 317 TheH ardsohfEi xpi alnedt h Een slavement R.P apa (3d7i5Ce .dE .) 322 byK ingdoms 377 R.A sh(ifl3 .5 2-4C2.7E .) 324 IsraAenOl b:j eocfDt e risaimoonnt gh Nea tion3s8 1 Patriaanrdc hE xilarch 325 TheH olOyn eI sP artinnIe srr aTerla'vsa il 381 TheM eroiftt h Sea ges 326 TheG uardoifIa snr ael 383 TheF ormaenrdt hLea tGteenre rations 327 WatchmWahna,ot ft hNei ght? 384 TheS agoefst hLea nodfI srael andt hSea goefsB abylonia 328 CHAPTER FIVE SagaetsT heGiori Innga nTd heCiorm ing REDEMPTION AND THE DAYS Outo ft hHeo usoefS tudy 329 OF THE MESSIAH TheD eaotfhS agaensTd h eEiurl ogies 330 ArchiovfTe rsa vaanidAl rsc hiovfDe esl iver3a8n7c e TheM eroiftt h Fea thers 388 PART I I I TheT imoefR edemption 389 TheF ootporfit nhMtees s siah 391 Redempatnidto hnIe n gathoefEr xiinlge s 393 CHAPTER ONE TheD ayo fD arknaensdLs i ght 394 ISRAELA ND THE NATIONS TheM essiah 395 OF THE WORLD GodLo'vse f oIrs rael 333 CHAPTER SIX BetweIesnr aanedtl h Nea tions 335 IN THE TIMET-O-COME TheC haraocfIt serra el 338 IsraAeflfl'isc tions 341 TheG ooTdh aItst oB e 399 TheC haractoerfIi ssrtaiecls 342 Resurreocftt hiDeoe na d 401 TransgrienIs ssroaresl 342 • IsraelC-lOunset er 344 TheE nemiaensdF rieonfId ssr ael 345 ConstelHlaavtNeio Po onwseo rv eIrs rael 346 IsrEanedlu Froer ever 347 TheP uriotfFy a miliinIe ssr ael 348 CONTENTS ix Heretics 517 CHAPTER SEVEN BetweMeanna ndH imW hoI sE verywhere 521 TORAH Prayer 523 Ont hVea launeSd t uodfyT orah 403 Benedictions 533 HowT orIashA cquired and Wihno mI tM aintIatisnesl f 409 CHAPTER TWO TorfaohIr t Osw nS ake 414 GOOD AND EVIL TheWyh oT eacTho raanhdt hWea yosf S tudy 414 TheyW hoS tuTdoyr aanh tdh Wea yosf S tudy 419 TheI mputlosG eo oadn dt hIem putlosE ev il 537 TeacahneCdro mpanAitotne:n udpionng PrecaenpTdtr ansgression 543 [SagienTs]o rah 427 TheR ightaenotduh sWe i cked 546 HonorTionrgaa nhTd h osWeh oS tuIdty 429 Repentance 556 ThDei scoipftl hWeei saen tdh Uen learnPeedr s4o3n4 RewaarndPd u nishment 561 ThOer aTlo rah 440 TheW orld-to-Come 568 HolWyr itianngdOst hBeoro ks 444 TheG ardoefEn d eann Gde henna 569 ThLea nguoafTg oer aanh[d t hAer amaTiacr]g u4m4 9 StuadnydP ractice 451 PART V ThPer eceopfTt osr ah 453 AF enacreo utnhdTe o rah 464 Torah's Mysteries 467 CHAPTER ONE MAN AND HISN EEDS Mana tH iBsi ritnhH ,i Osl dA ge, CHAPTER EIGHT anda tH iDse ath 575 WISDOM,P ROPHECY,A ND SONG ManS'osu l 584 Wisdom 469 ManD'esl ight 585 Prophaencdty h Heo lSyp irit 47 2 Fooadn dD rink 587 Song 481 PropOerrd aenrdM anneartas F east 590 A ManC'lso thing 592 BathainnAdgn ointing 593 HealtihnBego dy 594 CHAPTER NINE Caroeft hBeo dy 595 SABBATH,F EASTS,A ND FASTS ManS'uss tenancea-nPRdoi vcehretsy 600 Sabbath 486 TheL aboofrM anH'asn ds 605 HallotwhiNene gw Moon Worokn t hLaen da ntdh Gei ve-and-Take andI nterctalhYaeet airn g 493 ofB usiness 609 NewY earD'asya ntdh Dea yo fA tonement 496 PilgriFmeasgtei vals 498 CHAPTER TWO HanukaknadPh u rim 500 A MAN'SH OUSEHOLD TheS crooflF la sts 501 Fasts 501 Marriage 614 A WomanC'hsa racter 624 Mattbeertsw Heuesnb aanndWd i fe 628 Childarnetdnh R ee aroifnC gh ildren 632 PART IV HonorFiantgha enrdM o ther 638 CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER THREE THE HOLY ONE,B LESSEDB E HE, BETWEEN MAN AND MAN AND RELATIONS BETWEEN TheR ight CaonuadGr osoed Name 642 HUMAN BEINGSA ND HIM TheH onotroB eA ccordteoOd n eF'esl low M643 an WHO ISE VERYWHERE LovoefF ellMoawna ndH atroefFd e llow M646a n TheH olOyn eB,l esBseeH de 503 A Companion 647 TheH ousehAoblodv e 511 RuloefsC onduacntGd o oMda nners Idolatry 514 Requibreetdw aeM eann a nHdi Fse llow 648 CONTENTS X The,f tRobabenrdBy l,o odshed 651 PART VI Wrongi[nOgv erreaacnhdDi encge]p tion 655 RetuirnnagL osAtr ticle 658 WorkmaenndS laves 660 CHAPTER ONE CompasfsoiGroo nd C'rse atures 663 THE WORLD AND ALL THIATTH OLDS Charity 664 TheW ayosf C harity 671 TheW orld 759 CollefcotCroh rasr ity 675 Heavaenndt hLeu minaries 761 BringUipOn rgp haannsdR edeemCianpgt ive6s7 6 TheE arth 764 DeedosfL oving-kindness 677 LightnainTndh gusn dCelrosu,ad nsdR ains, HospittaoWl aiytfya rers 679 RainbaonwdEsa rthquakes 765 SaviannEg n dangLeirfeed 682 Firaen dW ind 767 VisitthiSeni gc k 683 Seaasn dR ivers 769 Burytihneg DaenadCd o fmorttihnMego urners684 Goladn dPre cioSutso nes 771 GrasasneTdsr ees 771 VariKoiunsod fsC reatures 773 CHAPTER FOUR Fowl 775 TRAITS ANADTT ITUDES ReptilCerse eapnTidhn ign gs 776 DomestiacnadWt ielAddn imals 780 Peacaen dSt rife 690 TraveTlaelress' 784 ChariJtuadblgema enndSt u spicion 692 HumaBne ings 786 ReproFolfa,t taenrydH, y pocrisy 693 SlanadnedDr i sclAonsoitnhgSe erc'rse t 696 Trutahn dF alsehVooowdas,n dO aths 700 CHAPTER TWO RefinSepde eacnhdL ascivTiaoluks 702 MATTERS PERTAINING SileanncdSe p eech 704 TO DIVINATIOANN D HEALING Anger 706 HumilaintPdyr ide 707 TheI nflueonfCc oen stellations 789 ShamaecfednaensdBs r azenness 712 Dreams 790 Joayn dS adneFsrsi,v oalnidt yL evity 712 DestrucFtocirevTseh aMtfl ict Mankind7 92 ResigntaoSt uieforfni ng 715 SocrerainedsO ptiIclallu sion 794 AnalyosfHi usm aTnra its 719 WhispeCrheadra mnsSd u ndry Kinds 7o9f6 Healing TheW ayosf t hAem oriatnedOs m ens 803 TheE viEly e 805 CHAPTER FIVE THE COMMUNITY,T HE STATE CHAPTER THREE AND THEIRR EQUIREMENTS PARABLES,P ROVERBS,A ND SAYINGS TheI ndivainddtu haCelo mmunity 722 Paarbles 807 TheWyh oL abfoortr h Ceo mmunity anEd ndeatvoBo ern eIfitPtse ople 722 TheL eadoefar C ommunity 723 CHAPTER FOUR TheK ing 729 A MISCELLANY JudgmaennJdtu dges 733 Taking aBnrdSi hboewsiF nagv or 737 SerioefMs a ttSeerFtso rbtyhN umber 811 Compro[mAirsbei tarnadtG oiionBng]e yond SundMrayt ters 815 thLeet teofrt hLea w 741 CouratnsdJ udiPcrioeacdlu re 742 GLOSSARY 819 Citoife sR efuge 746 REFERENCES 822 Fotrh Peu blWieca l 747 AbbrevioafTt raicotnast es 822 WidespTrroeuabdal nedt hCeo mmuniFtays'ts 7 49 OthSeoru rces 822 Warfare 757 INDEOXFN AMEASN DS UBJECTS 827 • INDEOXFB IBLIRCEAFLE RENCES 885

The first complete English translation of the Hebrew classic Sefer Ha-Aggadah brings to the English-speaking world the greatest and best-loved anthology of classical Rabbinic literature ever compiled. First published in Odessa in 1908-11, it was recognized immediately as a masterwork in its own righ
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