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The Book of Janaa’iz - Exp. of Umdatul-Ahkaam – Sh. al-‘Uthaymeen PDF

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Preview The Book of Janaa’iz - Exp. of Umdatul-Ahkaam – Sh. al-‘Uthaymeen

Maktabatul-Irshad FIQH SFRUES, NESSIE > AYES AROUSIN UE INTRLLECIS SETTUL AN EXPLINAVION OF UMMATUL ABTEAAM. SPL oaor OF anan© nAs LEAT HORGIAD PIN SH AL SERS aera, Maltabatulitehad Publications, USA AY rights reserved, No purt uf this pnbllealan may be reoroduced in any. language, stored in aay retrial yen oF Waniinited i) any form or BY nj meat, whether eleetronie, mechanic. Photocopying, recording or othensise, wilhiout Frets etminaion sf the cogigi eomie. eB: ya 75° 1806-1 First Edition, Apel 2013/Jumade Thao 14134 1 Cover Doatgn: Suictly Sunnah Designs ‘wontetielysunnalitesiqoa com Published: Nalaintulieshel Mulbeationd Petnted by: Ohio Pricing ‘Tranafatlon by Thoda fon Geruld Gonsstoes Revislon of Tvanslation by: Aboo Suva ‘Mutsiad ‘Abdu Azim bin Joakua Hiker Fomuatting and typerettiag by! Ahoo Sulaymusn, ‘Nib “Abdul Aaimabin Josbua faker ebalter wonsmuklubstalsahsd webs. oom Sungects uh TABLE OF CONTENTS BIOGRAPHY OP 2116 AUTOR OF ‘UMNATUL- AHKAAM, 7 BIOGRAPHY OP THE EXPLAINER OF UMPATUL AIIKAAM. THE ROOK OF AL Janaaz. THE FIRST HADITH. ‘The Beplanation, ‘THE SECOND HADITH. The Explanation Tull THIRD HADITH, “The Bxplanasion, ‘TE FOURTH HADITH, The Explanation ‘nue FIFTH HADITH, The Explanation. ‘UL SIXTH HADITH ‘The toplanarion, ‘THE SEVENTH WADITH ‘The Fxplunation, ‘THE GIGLITH HADITH. ‘he Explanation. THE NINTH WADITH. ‘The Fxplanation. “THE TENTH HADITH, “The Lsplanation, ‘THE ELEVENTH HADITH ‘The Explanation ina THETWELFTH HADITH ‘The Explanation, ‘TAP THIRTEENTH HADITH ‘The Explanation, THR. FOURTEENTH HADITH “The itsplanution, AROUSING THE INTELLECTS Witt A, PXPLANATIUN OF UMDATUL sc TkARMe TI BIOGRAPHY OF THE AUTHOR OF ‘UMDATUL-AHKAAM His Hneage: [eis Al-imam Al-Haalidh Taaiyy- ud Deen Abu Muhammad ‘Abdul-Ghani Hin ‘abdul-Waahid Bin ‘Ali Bin Suraur Bin Rual’ Bin Hasan Bin JaYer Al-Maqdisce Al: Jammereelee then Ad-Damadhgee: His_birth and upbringing: Hc was bom in Jammu’eef, in the land of Nablas in 541M and hiv Hineage can be uaced hark to Bayt ul Mogdas because uf closeness Jammalel te it and because Nablas and all of ics duties was among annexes of Raytid-Magdas. Alierwards, he moved with his family from Raytaud-Magdas to Masjid Abi Sateh ‘outside of the enst yale af the city of Dumashag first, und then his family tnoved to the mountain slape of Quasiaan, So they built a home which included a number of big privale rooms, and it wan called Dar ul Tunghilah, Then they began building the rst School in Quasiywun, and it was it known as a life time school, This surrounding. which they fived in good, was known in regard lo thom, because they’ were among peuple of religious oowledge and righteonanens, ies OURAPHY OFTHE AUTHOR OF ATISTUL. AHIEANME His_scholarly life: At-Hasfidh ‘Abdul-Ghani Lured lo seeking religious knowledge at an erly age, So he became # pupil in his youth under the head uf his family, Al“Allamah Al-Faadil Shaykh Muhaanmad Bin Ahmad Bin Quduaraat AL-Maqdisee Aba"Umer; thén, hé beearac a pupil under the scholars of Damashag. So he aequired knowledge of Figh and other than that of the sciences from them, His_scholastic_Joiwneye: he had scholarly journeys, which he uuveled., chrough, many places, It was heard of that he was in Damughag, Alexandria” RuytuiMagdds, Egypt, Baghdad, Iaevan:, Asbahaan®, Hamedasi’, and talhers, He traveled to Baghdad’ and Egypt, twice. His Journey In Damashag waa when he was jung in JAH (Le. He was 9 years old). So he learned from the scholars there. Amony them were Abt AlMakusrim Bin Tilal, Selmaan Bin Al Ar Rubber, Abu Abdilla Muhammad Bin Hamzah Al-Quragh! and others. Then he journeyed, to Baghdad 1 S6LAH along with his cousin, from atthe aedeta lage of Birman 2 uses bulla of Saalida, Te loegion em 8 Herre? ef Sunbury eure at alae haste aera ‘Rebull lg the cate oleate Priori Inn, ie bout 940 swe Teta "Toms tae capa sy oceania Lovin of ae ram Turnesian ws lnlcve lo be stone te olen reins nae 1 [BxPLANATION OF UMDAT LARK: Lhe his maternal uncle, Shaykh Al-Buwafiq. So they both resided in Baghdad (or four yesrs, and Al- Muwaliq’s desire was for Figh und Al-TiuaGdh ‘Abdul Chani’s desire wus far Hadith So they both lived sith Shaykh ‘Abdul-Qaadir Abvilaani and he would keep an eye on them, and treat then excellent. ‘They both studied some matters uf Hadith snd igh under him. Shaykh Al-Muwafiq gave an aecount, that they both resided with him for abou! 40 days then he passed away and that bolh of them studied under him covery day two lessans af Figh, and le (ic, Shaykh al Muwafiq) would read from the book “Al-Kharng trom memury and Al-Hunfidh would tead from he book “Al-Hieiyaah’. ‘Then Al-Hasfidh journeyed in S66AH ic, He was 25 years old) to Kavpt and Akewndria and resided there for w perind in which he learned from Al-Hasfidh As-Silfee, Then hie returned to Damashaq and thea he journeyed to Alexandria agein in S7OAM and resided there for Uber years, and he learned from Al Hoafidh As-Silfec, Abu Muhammad Bin Baree An-Nawee, Then he returned to Dumashag. Afterwards, he twaveled ta, Asbahaan and resided there for a pericd, and he carn from a lol af Une scholars there, He also studicd in Hamedan then he, rerarned to i) Damashad, and he did inot cease in copying books, compiling (bboks), reporting {Ahaadeeth|, benefiting the Muslims, and worshipping Allah walil Alldl: took his soul upon thae, His_memorization/memory: Al-Haafidh Ad- Diya’ said, “Our Shaykh AbHanfith use ta not be aster? about @ hadith excep Dat fue roendel roention i, expound on i mention its authenticity or weakness; and he wendeh nit mension about c nan fie. In the chain of narrations) except thea. he! sid, The is such and such indididuat, son of such ‘and such person” and then he would mention the narrater’s lineage.” And J said (le. A-Hanlidh Ad-Digsa’: "ALMusfidh ‘Abdul Ghani was the Amirul- Mumineen fie. The leader of the betievers) in Hadith." He also said T yiinesserd AtHagfiah on ‘mare than one occasion in the central masjid in Dumushag, uhére sume of those. present “questining hist while he was on the Minbur saying, "read to us Anaadecth (ie, Plurat for hodiuhj in its entirety.” So he wowed reail frown memory’ the Ahuadesth with its donaad, NN ON GRC TABASTE 1 fie AbHaafidh Ad-Diyna} “heard Abu ‘Sulayman Al-Haafidh saving, "1 heard from some of our family surging, need ALTluafth was asked why he did nat read Al- Ahaadesth without a book?" so he said, ‘Verly dread seif-amiavement." His time: He use to not spend any of his time except that it contained benefit. Tor indeed ne would pray Fajr and then he would teach the people Quran; sometimes he would read something frum hadeeth. Afierwards, he would perform = Wudoo! then pray a Supererugniory prayer until a Fille before: Dhathr Then he would sleep lightly before the time of Dhuhr, and he would be busy wilh Tistening la hadith or copying manuscripts until Maghrib. Sa if, he wae fasting he would brenk his fast after Maghrib, and iF he was not fasting then he would pray (superercgatory pruyer) from the lime of Maghrib to the Tater part of the night. So when he prayed Ishaa he would sleep unlil the hall of the night or after it, Thon he would get up slaallar to a parsnn who was woken up. Then he would perform Wado’ and pray for a moment then he would perform Wudeo" and pray in the same fashion unl the time of Fajr was nea, and sometimes he would perforin Wudoo’ seven lines in one nigh! i}

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