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The book of exposition = Kitab al-izah fi'ilm al-nikah b-it-tamam w-al-kamal [electronic resource] : literally translated from the Arabic with translator's foreword, numerous important notes illustrating the text, and several interesting appendices PDF

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Preview The book of exposition = Kitab al-izah fi'ilm al-nikah b-it-tamam w-al-kamal [electronic resource] : literally translated from the Arabic with translator's foreword, numerous important notes illustrating the text, and several interesting appendices

4 *AOO pi Digitized by the Internet Archive 2014 in https://archive.org/details/b20442476 STUDY A MARRIAGE-LOVE, WOMANKIND and IN THE ARAB RACE L-il-Abrar kull shei Barr. TO THE PUBE ALL THINGS ABE PUBE. (Paris omnia para). Arab Proverb. Niona eorrotta mente intese mai sanamente parole. — " Decameron " Conclusion. "Mieux est de ris qae de larmes escripre, Pour ce que rlre est le propre de l'homme." Babelais. Nought is so vile that on the earth doth live, But to the earth some special good doth give, Nor aught so good, but, strain'd from that fair use, Bevolts from true birth, stumbling on abuse. Rom. and Jul., ii, 3. I J*rvite,cL by C/uVf/iltnzasin,,.Parur The Seceets of Oriental Sexuologt THE (Kitdi al-Izah ffDi el-Kttal Ht-Tamai w-al-Kamal) LITERALLY TRANSLATED FROM THE ARABIC BY AN ENGLISH BOHEMIAN WITH TRANSLATOR'S FOREWORD, Numerous important Notes illustrating the Text, and Several interesting Appendices PARIS, LONDON AND NEW-YORK Maison d'Editions Scientifiques Faubourg Montmartre, 13 13, MD.CCCC (AU Eights reserved) AVIS Deux ' Exemplaires de cet ouvrage, destines aux Collections Nationales, ont ete deposes conlbrmement a la loi. En consequence, l'Editeur se reserve le droit de propriete de la traduction, et poursuivra tons contrefac- ; teurs ou debitants de eontrefacons. EDITION LIMITED to 300 NUMBERED COPIES FRENCH HAND-MADE PAPER

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