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The Bone Age PDF

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WEIRD-SCHOOL ROLEPLAYING Created & Written by Bill Edmunds Artwork by Joseph Woiak The Bone Age copyright © 2020 by Bill Edmunds. All rights reserved. Prologue: The Fevered Continent Deep in the constellation of Libra, and earth, and all but one of the Eure a species adept in arcane sciences stasis chambers was destroyed, killing was locked in a war with a militarily the occupants. Perhaps even worse, superior foe. The Eure realized the the machinery that was to awaken the struggle against the Aeskari was futile, sleepers was reset by the upheaval... and they fl ed in different directions to one hundred million years in the across the galaxy. After damaging a future. pursuing Aeskari warship, one Eure While the surviving eleven Eure vessel arrived at a planet they felt was slept, the world changed. New species suitable for habitation. Believing that crawled upon the earth. The planet’s offl oading their entire crew would temperature grew hotter. Polar ice draw the attention of their enemies, caps melted. Oceans dried up. And a they launched a pod containing one new group of aliens arrived: the human hundred of their best scientists and race’s deep space explorations reached soldiers toward the ocean below. the planet they named “Kalsentia.” The small craft struck the water And its harsh environment was perfect and burrowed deep under the earth, for terraforming. keeping its occupants alive in stasis One thousand colonists were to through technology enhanced by be teleported to the planet’s surface, sorcery. The Eure planned to awaken immediately followed by supplies and in ten planetary revolutions, hoping equipment. Yet, as seems to be the the enemy would have abandoned any fate of all visitors to Kalsentia, things search in the region. Upon awakening, did not go as planned. The teleported they would send a coded signal to a colonists arrived physically intact, small fl eet waiting several parsecs but their memories and scientifi c away, indicating they were awake and knowledge were erased in the process. ready to begin preparations for the Worse, the supplies and equipment arrival of more of their people. never arrived. An eco-terrorist aboard To their ultimate misfortune, the the ship sabotaged the transporter and sleeping Eure underestimated the the ship’s power core. Immediately determination and ingenuity of the after the colonists were teleported, Aeskari on the damaged enemy ship. the power core ruptured and the ship Using their jerry-rigged sensors, exploded. The colonists were stranded the warship doggedly tracked the without any knowledge of who they oblivious Eure. Deciding their hobbled were or how they arrived. They even ship could not survive landing on the forgot their own language. planet’s surface, the Aeskari carpet- The land they found themselves on bombed the location where they was oppressively hot. The bones of estimated the Eure had settled. The giant creatures littered the landscape. missiles created a tumult in the water What water they found was mostly 2 dank; safe water could only be found their brethren. They banded together under layers of earth. and liberated many of the slaves, and As centuries of human development moved to lands in the west. These passed, the alarm fi nally went off for Eure, now self-named the Enik, the sleeping Eure and they awoke protected their people with great walls from their repose… and immediately and magic in a city called Ghazal. realized events had gone terribly Some of the enslaved humans wrong. managed to escape and fl ee their Eure Knowing the original plan was masters. Many were betrayed by millions of years obsolete, the their own kind, who alerted the Eure awakened sent the signal once meant to their location. Captured escapees for their own people, hoping it might were slaughtered or brought back in be received by any nearby intelligent chains to become slaves to the very life who might come to rescue them. people who had betrayed them. The Recognizing it might take ages for ones who managed to avoid this fate the beacon to bring any help, the fl ed to the barren deserts of the north, Eure set about learning to survive on further than the Eure were willing to the “fevered continent” of Kalsentia. follow. Their powerful physique afforded And then, unexpectedly, a Eure them mastery over many native known as K’roff’Ta was found dead creatures, and they feasted well. on the fringes of a southern mountain They used their powers to build a range. It had many holes burned great house of stone and bored deep through its body, and a look of terror holes in the earth to fi nd water. was etched on its face. The death was It was soon thereafter that two Eure treated as a miracle by K’roff’Ta’s encountered a new species. These slaves. Word of the Eure’s death new beings were smaller, weaker, spread, but the Enik were secretly less intelligent, and frightened. They alarmed. They knew such wounds wore the skins of animals and bore could not be caused by anything on weapons carved from bone. Spurred their new world. And, soon enough, by curiosity, the Eure invited them one of the Enik was found dead. It to see their stone castle. Seeing the bore wounds exact in nature to those great machines within and awed by of K’roff’Ta. the Eure’s size, the humans regarded The remaining three Enik took them as gods, and worshipped at counsel with one another, and arrived their feet. As decades passed, seven at a realization: the signal they had sent of the eleven Eure became enamored ages ago had fi nally been heard, and of their own power and lost any the listeners were not the benevolent desire for rescue. They reveled in rescuers once hoped for. their mastery over their new thralls, The Invaders had sent three and grew decadent and vain. warships to the planet as a conquering The other four Eure became force, each vessel bearing several disillusioned with the cruelty of dozens of soldiers. Kalsentia’s spirit 3 arose in anger, and the ships crashed war against the Invaders. They on its surface – one in the northern devised plans of attack, and began deserts, one in the eastern mountains, squabbling amongst themselves. Eure and one south of the jungles. plotted against Eure in secret, playing It wasn’t long before the Invaders one against another. Some ventured made their presence known. They forth to confront their new enemies, destroyed much of Kalsentia’s or crept out in secret to seek alliances landscape and man-made structures. with the new aliens. The thrones of They plundered the planet’s resources their great castle collected dust as for their own mysterious ends. Enik each spent more time establishing fought their new foes in concert with hidden strongholds of their own, their human charges, as did Eure often underground or in mountains. with their slaves and worshippers. They played the politics of war and The three damaged Invader ships sent their thralls to wage skirmishes leaked radiation in clouds of blue, against those of their rival kin. purple, and white. The strange fogs The Invaders fanned out in were blown far and wide, riding on campaigns of destruction. They wind currents but never dissipating. grew more of their kind in vats and The winds burned fl esh and warped laboratories, amassing expendable bodies. Some creatures grew new armies to conquer their new home. appendages or lost existing ones. Some made pacts with individual Others developed strange powers. No Eure, and gave them soldiers to wage species was spared, and aberrations war against each other, all to accelerate among each became almost normal. an inevitable civil war. Still, amidst the madness and death Heroic and defi ant humans began brought by the Invaders and the cruelty slaying their alien enemies with of the Eure, many societies survived knowledge gained by the lone Enik – and even thrived. The three surviving now known as the Enik by his followers Enik traveled east with thousands of – and their own experience, wielding humans to the cover of the Zangatur weapons of bone, stone, and even the Jungle and the Qaxatenn Mountains. those of their enemies. Opportunity Some humans elected to stay in for the brave and clever was great. Ghazal or travel east to the deserts. Many found fortune protecting Two of the Enik proceeded to travel others, gathering alien technology north, seeking further refuge should to sell and bargain with. Others lead the Zangatur prove unsafe. They have resistance groups, bringing warring never been seen since. Thus, the tribes tribes together to fi ght for a common of the Zangatur and the Qaxatenn cause. are served by a single Enik, whose knowledge and teachings serve as the The Bone Age had begun. foundation for every tribe’s survival. The Eure worked to craft even greater weapons with which to wage 4 playing the bone age The essential mechanics of The Bone Age are very simple, and will be familiar to many veteran gamers. The most common dice rolling convention is that of the d20 “roll high” mechanic, where the player attempts to roll equal to or higher than a target number. Checks Stats are innate traits possessed by every character. There are six Stats: The foundation of much of what Agility (AGL), Constitution (CON), happens in The Bone Age is the Check. Instinct (INS), Intelligence (INT), Checks can be used to determine Strength (STR), and Will (WIL). the outcome of anything including a Azora, a Tuzanian Beast Stalker, has an spear attack, learning a new piece of AGL of +2, meaning she has good refl exes, Invader tech, leaping on to the back balance, and general athletic ability. Her of a Loper, and resisting the effects of Move Ability is rated at 15+. Move rolls radiation winds. are modifi ed by the Agility Stat. To make When a character attempts an action a Movement Check, she would roll 1d20+2 where success is in doubt, such as and hope for a result of 15 or greater. swinging from vine-to-vine, the GM asks for a Check. A Check is resolved When an Ability Check doesn’t by rolling 1d20 and comparing it to a fi t an action, a Stat Check is used. Target Number based on a character’s For example, lifting a heavy object relevant Ability or Stat. Target doesn’t have a relevant Ability. In that numbers are expressed as X+, where instance, a STR Check is used. Stat X is a value between 1 and 20. To Checks are 1d20 rolls, modifi ed by the the roll is added the value of a Stat, Stat in question. ranging from -3 (bad) to +4 (good). The GM determines which Stat or Abilities are skills dependent on Ability is used in a given situation training and experience. The Abilities and what the consequences of success are: and failure would be. For example, a character attempting to fi nd shelter in • Alertness some mountain peaks would make a • Alien Tech Check based on his Survival Ability. • Attack The same character wishing to move • Beasts a heavy rock would make a Check • Move based on his Strength Stat. • Resist Affl iction • Resist Mutation • Stealth • Survival 5 Margins of Success Opposed Checks and Failure There will be many times when While a simple success/failure result is characters attempt actions that are all that is required for most Checks, opposed by Non-Player Characters sometimes a more granular outcome is (NPCs) or creatures. These are called appropriate. The difference between Opposed Checks. Examples include the 1d20 Check and the Target contests of athletic prowess, attempts Number gives a Margin of Success at thievery, and struggles of will. (MoS) or Margin of Failure (MoF). When an Opposed Check takes place, For example, a roll of 14 against a the character and their opponent each Target Number of 12+ yields a MoS of make an Ability or Stat Check. The 2. Likwise, a roll of 8 versus a Target result with the best Margin of Succes Number of 12+ yields a MoF of -4. wins. If both actors achieve the same These margins provide a narrative Margin, the winner is the actor with tool by painting a picture of just how the highest Stat modifi er. If a winner well the character succeeded or how is still not decided, the contest is a poorly they failed. Margins of Success draw. If both actors fail their Checks, are also used in many Opposed Checks a second Opposed Check take place, (see Opposed Checks, opposite). with the actor that achieved the worst Margins of 0 indicate success with MoF rollling with a -1 penalty. a caveat – perhaps you managed to Stalking her way through the jungles jump the crevasse but you twisted of her homeland, Azora attempts to your ankle on landing. stealthily approach a Seeetha to get close Modifiers enough to hurl her spear at it. The GM decides an Opposed Check is called for, Not all Checks are created equal! pitting Azora’s Stealth 11+ versus the Some are easy, while some are more Seeetha’s Alertness (12+). Azora rolls a diffi cult than others. To express 12. Adding her AGL of +2, she rolls a total these variations, the GM may assess of 14, yielding a Margin of Success of +3. a modifi er to a Check. Negative The GM rolls for the Seeetha and gets a 9. modifi ers refl ect adverse conditions, Adding its INS of +3, leaving a modifi ed such as fi ghting in the dark or tracking total of 12 – its Margin of Success is +0. an enemy in a rainstorm. Positive Since Azora’s MoS is higher, she wins the modifi ers refl ect advantageous Opposed Check. She manages to sneak up conditions, such as climbing a rock on the creature without being detected. face with abundant handholds or Had the Seeetha managed a better MoS, fi ring an arrow at point blank range. it would have noticed Azora before she Most GM-imposed modifi ers will got close enough to throw her spear. range from +4 to -4, with +/-2 being the most common. 6 Attack CChheecckkss Combat AAttttaacckkss wwoorrkk aa bbiitt ddiiffffeerreennttllyy ffrroomm ootthheerr CChheecckkss.. AA CChheecckk iiss mmaaddee uussiinngg tthhee aattttaacckkeerr’’ss AAttttaacckk AAbbiilliittyy.. TThhee rroollll iiss mmooddiififi eedd bbyy tthhee aattttaacckkeerr’’ss SSTTRR,, iinn tthhee ccaassee ooff mmeelleeee aattttaacckkss,, oorr AAGGLL,, iinn tthhee ccaassee ooff mmiissssiillee aattttaacckkss.. DDeedduucctteedd ffrroomm tthhee AAttttaacckk rroollll iiss tthhee ddeeffeennddeerr’’ss AArrmmoorr CCllaassss,, rraatteedd oonn aa ssccaallee ooff 00 ttoo 1100.. IIff tthhee aattttaacckk eeqquuaallss oorr eexxcceeeeddss tthhee mmooddiififi eedd TTaarrggeett NNuummbbeerr,, tthhee aattttaacckk ssuucccceeeeddss.. TThhee aattttaacckkeerr rroollllss ddaammaaggee ddiiccee aanndd aaddddss tthhee MMooSS ttoo tthhee ddaammaaggee ddeeaalltt.. Azora tthhrroowwss hheerr ssppeeaarr aatt tthhee SSeeeeeetthhaa,, uussiinngg hheerr AAttttaacckk AAbbiilliittyy ooff 1111++,, aauuggmmeenntteedd bbyy hheerr SSTTRR ooff ++11.. TThhee SSeeeeeetthhaa’’ss AArrmmoorr CCllaassss iiss 22.. SSiinnccee AAzzoorraa’’ss pprreesseennccee iiss uunnkknnoowwnn ttoo tthhee SSeeeeeetthhaa,, tthhee GGMM ggrraannttss AAzzoorraa aa cciirrccuummssttaannttiiaall aattttaacckk mmooddiififi eerr ooff ++22.. AAzzoorraa rroollllss 11dd2200++11 ((SSTTRR ++11 ++ GGMM bboonnuuss ooff ++22,, mmiinnuuss AArrmmoorr CCllaassss 22))..AAzzoorraa rroollllss aa 1144,, aaddddss 11,, ffoorr aa mmooddiififi eedd rreessuulltt iiss 1155 aanndd aa ++44 MMooSS!! NNoott oonnllyy ddooeess sshhee mmaannaaggee ttoo hhiitt tthhee bbeeaasstt wwiitthh hheerr ssppeeaarr,, sshhee ddooeess aann eexxttrraa 44 ddaammaaggee!! More iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn aanndd eexxaammpplleess ooff CChheecckkss aanndd CCoommbbaatt aarree pprroovviiddeedd iinn tthhee PPllaayyiinngg TThhee GGaammee cchhaapptteerr,, bbeeggiinnnniinngg oonn ppaaggee 3333.. 7 Characters Characters in The Bone Age are descendents of spacefarers from earth that deposited on Kalsentia many thousands of years ago. In struggling to survive in an already harsh world, the peoples of The Fevered Continent fi nd themselves in a situation that often demands putting aside their differences to band together and make a stand against the Invaders. Stats Roll Score Check 3 -3 15+ Roll 3d6 six times, referencing the 4-5 -2 14+ table opposite to fi nd your Stat score. Assign the results in the order that 6-8 -1 13+ best suits you. Each tribe grants +1 9-12 0 12+ to a single Stat roll. For example, a 13-15 +1 11+ Killictlo with a roll of 12 for CON receives a +1 to the roll, increasing it 16-17 +2 10+ to 13. 18 +3 9+ Agility (AGL) is used for Checks 19 +4 8+ involving missile Attacks, Stealth, and Movement. It also modifi es your When using Stats, it may be easier to Armor Class. reduce your Ability Scores by posi- tive Stats and increase Ability Scores Constitution (CON) is used for by Negative Stats. For example, an Resist Affl iction Checks, including AGL of +3 would normally be added the effects of poison, disease, and to a d20 Check and compared to the radiation. Your CON is added to your character’s Target Number as seen on hit points. Class Ability Charts. Instead of add- Instinct (INS) is used for Alertness ing +3 to the Check roll, reduce the Checks and for calculating Initiative. Target Number by 3; 15+ becomes 12+, 12+ becomes 9+, and so on. Intelligence (INT) is used for Alien Tech Checks. Strength (STR) is used for melee Attacks and acts of force, such as lifting heavy objects. You add your STR to melee and missile damage from primitive weapons. Will (WIL) is used for Resist Mutation Checks. WIL also represents force of personality and the ability to remain calm. 8

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