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The Bishop and the Apostle: Cyprian's Pastoral Exegesis of Paul PDF

242 Pages·2018·1.261 MB·English
by  MurphyEdwina
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Edwina Murphy The Bishop and the Apostle Studies of the Bible and Its Reception Edited by Christine Helmer, Steven McKenzie, Thomas Römer, Jens Schröter, Barry Dov Walfish, and Eric Ziolkowski Volume 13 Edwina Murphy The Bishop and the Apostle Cyprian’s Pastoral Exegesis of Paul ISBN 978-3-11-060103-9 e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-060018-6 e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-060016-2 ISSN 2195-450X Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Murphy, Edwina, author. Title: The bishop and the apostle : Cyprian‘s pastoral exegesis of Paul / Edwina Murphy. Description: 1 [edition]. | Boston : De Gruyter, 2018. | Series: Studies of the Bible and its reception ; Volume 13 Identifiers: LCCN 2018023446| ISBN 9783110601039 (print) | ISBN 9783110600186 (e-book (pdf)) | ISBN 9783110600162 (e-book (epub)) Subjects: LCSH: Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage. | Bible. Epistles of Paul--Criticism, interpretation, etc. Classification: LCC BR65.C86 M87 2018 | DDC 270.1092--dc23 LC record available at https:// lccn.loc.gov/2018023446 Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the Internet at http://dnb.dnb.de. © 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston Logo: Martin Zech Printing and binding: CPI books GmbH, Leck www.degruyter.com Acknowledgements ThisvolumebeganasadoctoralthesisatMacquarieUniversity,Sydney.Iwould like to thank Larry Welborn for embracing this project and generously sharing hiswisdomandexpertise—Ireallyappreciatehisunfailingbeliefandencourage- ment.IwouldalsoliketothankPaulMcKechnieandAlannaNobbsfortheiren- thusiasm and support, both academic and administrative.The New Testament andEarlyChristianityseminaratMacquarie,coordinatedbyDonBarker,provid- edaverystimulatingandcollegialenvironment.I’malsogratefulformycollea- guesatMorlingCollege,anditsPrincipalandBoardforgrantingmesabbatical and other leave to complete this work. Aversionofchapter5firstappearedas“Cyprian,Paul,andCareforthePoor andCaptive:OfferingSacrificesandRansomingTemples,”ZeitschriftfürAntikes Christentum20(2016):418–436,andasectionofchapter4isdrawnfrom“Wid- ows,WelfareandtheWayward:1Timothy5inCyprian’sAdQuirinum,”StudiaPat- ristica94(2017):67–74.Intheintroduction,I borrowfrommyargument in“‘As FarasMyPoorMemorySuggested’:Cyprian’sCompilationofAdQuirinum,”Vig- iliaeChristianae68(2014):533–550,andmaterialfrom“Cyprian’sUseofPhilip- pians:To Live Is Christ and to Die Is Gain,” Augustinianum 56 (2016):35–56, is woventhroughoutthebook.OthercontentfirstappearedinEdwinaMurphy,“Di- vineOrdinancesandLife-GivingRemedies:GalatiansintheWritingsofCyprian ofCarthage,”JournalofTheologicalInterpretation8(2014):81–102.Copyright© 2014byEisenbraunsInc.ThisarticleisusedbypermissionofThePennsylvania State University Press. I would like to thank the respective publishers for their permission to reproduce these excerpts. I would like to thank the Society of Biblical Literature and De Gruyter for stimulatinginterestinreceptionhistoryandtheSBL–DeGruyterPrizecommittee formakingthisvolumepossible.IwouldalsoliketothankAlbrechtDöhnertand the rest of the De Gruyter team, especially Aaron Sanborn-Overby and Sabina Dabrowski for their editorial work. Iwouldliketothankmyparentsandfirstteachers,MarjandTedMcMaster, for their constant love and for always believing I could do whatever I put my mind to. Thanks also to my siblings, in-laws, and nieces and nephews—I’m very fortunate to be part of such a wonderful family. I would like to thank my children and favourite students, Joel and Lara, who bring so much joy to my life and from whom I am constantly learning. Most of all, I would like to thank my husband, Peter, a true partner in Christ. His steadfast and sacrificial support, example, and encouragement to keep growing have made it all possi- ble. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110600186-001 VI Acknowledgements Soli Deo gloria! Edwina Murphy Sydney Feast of Saints Peter and Paul 29 June 2018 Contents Abbreviations XI  Introduction 1 . Scion of Carthage: A life in context 2 From darkness to light 5 . Bishop of Carthage: Pastor, theologian, patron 9 . Hearing God’s voice: Text and canon 13 Cyprian’s text of Scripture 14 Canon 15 Cyprian’s Paul 16 . Appropriating Scripture: Patristic exegesis and the early Latin tradition 17 Cyprian’s exegesis 19 Cyprian and Paul 20 . Writing pastoral care: Treatises, testimonia and letters 22 Quod idola dii non sint 23 Ad Quirinum 24 De unitate 27 Letters 28 Versions 29 . Interpreting Paul: Pastoral concerns and reading strategies 30  Hope does not disappoint: Divine truth and eternal glory 33 . Model 35 . Image 40 . Maxim 46 . Direct application 47 . Prophetic fulfilment 58 . Qualification 60 . Conclusion 61  Christ loved the church: Unity, ministry and sacraments 67 . Model 73 Rome and her bishop 76 . Image 78 . Maxim 86 . Title 88 VIII Contents . Contextual exegesis 90 . Direct application 92 Unity 95 Eucharist 101 Bishops 103 . Prophetic fulfilment 105 . Conclusion 107  Be imitators of me: Discipline and repentance 111 . Model 112 . Image 121 . Maxim 127 . Direct application 130 Virgins 137 Ad Quirinum 140 . Prophetic fulfilment 148 . Conclusion 149  A sacrifice pleasing and acceptable to God: Wealth and welfare 151 . Model 154 . Image 155 . Direct application 160 . Qualification 166 . Conclusion 167  Interpreting Paul 170 . Reading strategies and pastoral concerns 171 Model 171 Image 172 Maxim 173 Title and contextual exegesis 174 Direct application 174 Prophetic fulfilment 175 Qualification 176 . Testimonia, treatises and letters: Context, care and communication 176 . The blessed apostle Paul 178 . Preaching the truths of the gospel 182 . Doctor Sacrae Scripturae, Doctor Gratiae? 183 Contents IX . The church in context: Martyrs, marriage, money and the ministry 186 Martyrs 187 Marriage 188 Money 191 Ministry 193 . Conclusion: Looking back, looking ahead 194 Bibliography 196 Primary Sources 196 Secondary Sources 198 Index of Ancient Sources 210 Index of Subjects 222

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