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The Birth of Head Start: Preschool Education Policies in the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations PDF

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THE BIRTH OF HEAD START Preschool Education Policies in the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations MARIS A. VINOVSKIS THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS CHICAGO AND LONDON The University ofChicago Press, Chicago 60637 The University ofChicago Press, Ltd., London ©2005by The University ofChicago All rights reserved. Published 2005 Paperback edition 2008 Printed in the United States ofAmerica 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 2 3 4 5 6 isbn-13: 978-0-226-85671-1(cloth) isbn-13:978-0-226-85672-8(paper) isbn-10:0-226-85671-2(cloth) isbn-10:0-226-85672-0(paper) Library ofCongress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Vinovskis, Maris. The birth ofHead Start : preschool education policies in the Kennedy and Johnson administrations / Maris A. Vinovskis. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. isbn0-226-85671-2(cloth : alk. paper) 1. Head Start Program (U.S.)—History. 2. Project Head Start (U.S.)— History. I. Title. lc4091.v56 2005 372.21(cid:2)0973—dc22 2004021033 (cid:2)(cid:3)The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements ofthe American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence ofPaper for Printed Library Materials, ansi z39.48-1992. ForDailaKuhrandEdwardVinovskis CONTENTS Acknowledgments / ix ListofAbbreviations / xi Introduction / I ChangingViewsofPoverty andEarlyChildDevelopment / 5 2 Education,Poverty,andEarlySchooling intheKennedyAdministration / 12 3 EducationPolicy,theWaronPoverty, andthe1964Election / 35 4 OrganizingOEDandPassingESEA / 60 5 Implementing,Evaluating,andImproving HeadStartPrograms / 87 6 CongressionalandAdministrationDebates aboutTransferringHeadStart / 119 Conclusion / 145 Notes / 157 Index / 195 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Myinterestinthehistoryofearlychildhoodeducationbeganwiththestudy ofinfantschoolsinearlynineteenth-centuryAmericaandcontinuedwithan investigation of the ways Puritans educated theiryoung. Many individuals, includingCarlKaestle, DeanMay, andGeraldMoran, havebeeninstrumen talinhelpingmepursuethoseinterestsovertheyears. Thepresentstudybuildsonmyearlierinterestinthechangingpatternsof childhood education andmerges itwith myincreasedinvolvementwithna tional education policy since the early1990S. As the research adviser to the Office of Education and Research Improvement underAssistant Secretary DianeRavitchintheadministrationofGeorgeH.W BushandAssistantSec retarySharonRobinsoninthe Clintonadministration, Ihadtheopportunity toresearchandwriteaboutearlychildhoodeducationandtheNationalEdu cation Goals. Subsequently, the Centerfor the Improvement ofEarly Read- .ingAchievementattheUniversityofMichiganundertheleadershipofSusan Neuman commissioned me to write an analysis of the Carter administra tion'sattemptstotransferHeadStarttotheU.S. DepartmentofEducationin thelate1970S. IamdeeplygratefultotheSpencerFoundation'sSmallGrantProgramfor funding this investigationofHeadStart's origins. The grantprovidedfunds forextensive travelandphotocopyingatarchivesandforthehiringofTanya HartandElizabethLeimbach,whoprovidedinvaluableeditorialassistancein the earlyphasesoftheproject.Archivistsatvariouslibrarieswereextremely generousandhelpfulthroughouttheentireproject.

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