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Preview The birds of a remnant of native vegetation on the eastern Swan coastal plain

THE BIRDS OF A REMNANT OF NATIVE VEGETATION ON THE EASTERN SWAN COASTAL PLAIN By P.R. MAWSON* and M.C. MASSAM. Agriculture Protection Board of Western Australia, Bougainvillea Avenue, Forrestfield 6058. * Present address: 5a Canni Place, Willetton, 6155 ABSTRACT A three year study of the avifauna of a 13.8 ha. reserve on the eastern edge of the Swan Coastal Plain 15 km east of Perth, Western Australia recorded 55 species of bird, of which 21 were resident and 17 bred. Despite being surrounded by suburban housing development nearly a quarter of the species present are those normally associated with undisturbed forest communities. This study shows that, given adequate protection, even small reserves can provide suitable habitats for a large number of bird species within a suburban environment. INTRODUCTION owned by the State Government and Within the Perth metropolitan area managed by the Agriculture few areas contain native vegetation Protection Board of Western which provides suitable habitat for Australia (APB). The APB complex at native birds. Reserves such as Kings Forrestfield covers an area of 13.8 ha., Park (400 ha.), Bold Park (300+ ha.) and of which approximately 8 ha. remain Whiteman Park (390 ha.) are obvious as natural vegetation. The site was exceptions but share a common fate partially cleared and developed for with smaller reserves in that they are use by the APB in 1970. isolated from one another. Most birds The vegetation is mature and in most which inhabit such reserves can move places heath forms a dense cover to out into the surrounding suburbs about one metre high. Within the but few species are capable of moving small area encompassed by the site from one reserve to another. For many there is considerable variation in species of birds their continued the vegetation associations. Open survival in the metropolitan area is Banksia woodland over low heath, dependent on the preservation and open Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginataj management of these reserves. woodland over low heath and low This paper describes the avifauna of a heath alone, are all represented. A small reserve on the eastern part of detailed description of the site, a the Swan Coastal Plain at vegetation map and a complete list of Forrestfield, adjacent to the Darling the plant species present have been Scarp (Figure 1). published previously (Robinson and Mawson 1992). The last fire to burn SITE DESCRIPTION through the area occurred in the The reserve (No. 29815) occurs on land summer of 1969/70. 37 Figurel.The location of the variousreservesin thePerth Metropolitan area in relation to thePerth central business district (CBD). 38 METHODS families. The names of species recorded, the months and years that Observations were made op¬ they were recorded, a comment on portunistically during each month the abundance and status of each from January 1990 to December 1992. species and whether it bred at the site Initially records were kept of the are given in Table 1. species present during each month and any signs of breeding occurring at the site. Additional data on the Resident and Breeding Species abundance of each species were Twenty-one species were recorded as collected when the site was included resident at the site and of those seven in the Australian Bird Census (ABC), (Laughing Turtle-dove, Yellow- a project co-ordinated by the Royal rumped Thornhill, Red Wattlebird, Australasian Ornithologists Union Brown Honeyeater, Silvereye, and begun in 1991. Surveys for the Australian Magpie, Australian Raven) ABC project were conducted on one were considered common. All seven day in each month. common resident species were A species was recorded as being recorded breeding at the site. Ten present if it was within the (out of 14) uncommon resident boundaries of the site even if only species (Red-capped Parrot, Port observed flying overhead. A species Lincoln Ringneck, Welcome was considered to be breeding at the Swallow, Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike, site if nests were observed, adults Willie Wagtail, Western Gerygone, were seen taking food to nests, or Singing Honeyeater, Striated newly fledged young were observed Pardalote, Magpie Lark and Grey within the boundaries of the site. Butcherbird) also bred at the site. A species was considered ‘resident’ if The three species of cuckoo and the it was recorded at the site for 10 or Sacred Kingfisher may also breed at more months in the year, and the site, but we have been unable to common if it was recorded in confirm this. numbers greater than 10 birds (‘uncommon’ for less than 10 birds). Vagrant Species The location of this site relevant to Twenty of the species recorded were other nearby remnants and vagrants which were present for only significant reserves mentioned in the a few days at a time during any one text is shown in Figure 1. A of a number of months in any year comparison of the bird community (eg most of the raptors), or were of this site is made with several well recorded only once or twice (eg known large reserves within the Yellow-plumed Honeyeater, New Perth metropolitan area (Table 2). Holland Honeyeater, White-cheeked Nomenclature follows that of Honeyeater, Varied Sitella, Western Blakers et al. (1984). Thornhill, Golden Whistler and White-fronted Chat). None of the vagrant species bred at the site RESULTS although the Collared Sparrowhawk A total of 55 species of bird were and the Brown Goshawk which were recorded during the period 1990- observed were mostly in immature 1992, representing 43 genera from 25 plumage. The Silver Gull was 39 = R gjd U C nt, '•cvSj e d si e on r ic3—ni > > > > > > > > > > > > m *c-o» m m o c o = * R a C n, o * o z m m o * * * O o c un &CL * * * * * = DC U 3 * * n, < o m * * * m o c * * * * = C nt, * a r ag CL * * v < = i—• V CO * * ( s 2 9 X3 9 <u * 1 1990- sitor. PCcLo * * * * * * d site nal vi C§N * * * * * * * * * restfiel n seaso I * * * * * * * * * * For mmo * * * * * e h o t t nc a u d = e S ._s Table 1. Species record uncommon resident, U cc<8uo/U> .zC1<CeCorCPL*OJ> a"—io3cCC<or/OO5 ~ §aCCo^cJ. ^s.3ucuao "<¥£y§ncS ' ¥ £Cf—O <••2<£Cdt§"i>j —O¿?£C§r<c>eOop --.-^-—1C^O^£^b.. UtDpv:Ja»C 7•£’«gCCg3S~5=o2u3J . ^2*Mt/3- -^^S2S^gac . ’2 '._^CS<3o1S^t<3-3ui/) U2O^ag5J -J uS•XrccC2«rItO - . ua,cooCa?p. wSv- ' uPJ8s3- t>iayo3,- sJ<cc:io •O=c—3Bo s£aocgi Common Bronzewing (Phaps chalcoptera) 40 CQ CQ CQ co co co O Z) u U CJ > D 3 D 3C— CoO * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ca ^ a ^2 CJ -c O CJ -Cl, O 8 ’u.1CCo<aS2-rutP n—-^—-..CaIo2gsls ts2CVrTw¥><Coao*iO3-uJ' •"3t•.•52g<Jo5aS5u!5 . 2TTHOg3cCt^CD5LDcj)P -Sc1SSca&/j! CC•lSOo0-—«CQ,J3 J a“-a*OVX6'i, s 0r*3. a¥5c8§u§ox £-T*ioc>>OvC&——J3J< _-s^t8o^oQcos!. T*O*tc&a0VC-—3-3a>J< —J-£-0^3v8o0bCa50-X., Q^2PofSCuCfc-e*. ^C.—fvgc°S«2£Qv3-- SJuU—•*8y,_-S« 3—*i<-23o33S£ j .U£J£CgOan3Nw2/3J h-_xc£os^BC * ^u.Q»c2coCS ._o2a- •USJcHccV3oOCS3^gu*aa-Pid - -q<-2—22Cq8-iPv tc ^u.ddw«2£uovS.>j) . -nw523o&c2: C.OI0SQ3J ^dQ£2O 41 g n di ca ca ca ca ca ca e e r B s u at St c e D v o N ct O p e S g u A y Jl n u J y a M r p A r a M b e F n a J 92 * * * * * * * 9 1 91 * * * * * * * 9 1 90 * * * * * * * * * 9 1 _-8C -j2 J.CovDc— ysoptera) Species Common Name ^cCOaO "£Iqcx°j3wccq= huca S .¥8SqcsaJp s3-u-Sao3Sj -J5§2co pT^OWCo°3 *-rS-CfeqQuqO3ii . h"^2Uu5O a.’»g5:e-s £r>S nd- "-a¥2Jc5: .:>^—=cCOs5:J -Co* P“"3Q£ocMw-Jj' t>—J»X CCaOatS_2j .syHTi<C£3c3U . o Varied Sittella (Daephoenositta chr 42 CO CQ CQ CQ CQ CQ CQ CQ > > * * * * * * a<D 0C3J CJ XT0><COCe9*ocD2u-Jj- d2§£oi. ,“-X33c35Sa3oc8Tj ^—>JJj0DoJ3 J^S_2w £lifcC.C0-l-3Jjjjd l~-.«2urc2c5-.*»j PTj>cCoCCCCOCC3jJJJJ- -X3o3 XX0CCCO0O*33JJ "S^aO1§Ti >sC>«Sc—»C<CO-/*JJ}¥ "s^“i¥6e^£3c°3cO2x "-&.33>332c5- S8 J3B 5flC>—5rJ &-*&82a2» . ¥—'s5^0CC3xJ1-D P =r.^83Oa33CU33j V-CO4CC3>CC»-Q-1JJJ~. •2f~ \ ^03 oO32P% Australian Raven (Corvus coronoides) 43 recorded in the area presumably the site. The major attraction of the because of the close proximity of the site for the Sparrowhawks and Forrestfield land-fill site. However, Goshawks was the high numbers of despite the close proximity of the Laughing Turtle-doves, which they land-fill site only two Silver Gulls preyed on. The close proximity to the were seen flying overhead during the Darling Scarp and its large areas of three years of the study. uncleared forest combined with the numerous grassed road verges of nearby highways undoubtedly Migrant and Seasonal Species contributed to the greater numbers Eight species can be considered as of raptor species visiting this site. either migratory or seasonal visitors The fact that so many of the species to the site. None of the three species (20 of 55) using the site are vagrant of cuckoo has been recorded calling species is surprising. This suggests at the site for more than a few days at that reserves such as this, small a time. The Sacred Kingfisher and though they are, are important Rainbow Bee-eater both arrive in refuges or stop-over points for highly October and remain until mid- to mobile species such as the late summer. honeyeaters and migratory species The arrival and departure of the such as the cuckoos, the Kingfisher Little Wattlebird and the Western and Bee-eater. Serventy and Whittell Spinebill were closely correlated (1976) state that Pallid Cuckoos arrive with the flowering of one of three in Perth at the end of May and depart species of large Banksia (B. attenuata, B. by early November. At this site they menziesii and B. burdettii (introduced)) have only been recorded calling in which grow at the site. August and September which is the The Grey Fantail is present for most beginning of the breeding season for of the year but seldom recorded this species. A similar situation during the summer months. applies to the two species of Bronze- cuckoo as they have only been recorded calling at the site in the months of September and October. DISCUSSION There are several species of birds This study shows that a large number which nest at this site which are of bird species (55) will utilise areas as known hosts for these cuckoos. The small as 13.8 ha. The number of species preferred host of the Pallid Cuckoo is recorded from this site is comparable the Red Wattlebird, of Horsefield's to the avifauna of much larger Bronze-cuckoo the Splendid Fairy- reserves and is richer than some Wren (absent from this site), and of notable reserves in the metropolitan the Shining Bronze-cuckoo the area such as Kings Park (Table 2). Yellow-rumped Thornbill (Brooker The number of species of raptors and Brooker 1989). Although both recorded from this site is greater than the Red Wattlebird and the Yellow- that recorded from any of the rumped Thornbill are common reserves listed in Table 2. However, all residents at Forrestfield these species but two species (Collared may not be numerous enough to Sparrowhawk and Brown Goshawk) support breeding for the Pallid and were only ever recorded flying over Shining Bronze-cuckoo. 44 The presence of Mistletoe birds all development of the site and the year round is of interest. There are a surrounding housing estate, include few Stalked Mistletoe (A myema Scarlet Robin (Petroica multicolor), miquelii) plants present at this site, but Western Yellow Robin (Eosaltria not enough to provide food all year griseogularis), Grey Shrike-thrush round. This suggests that this species (Colluricincla harmonica), Weebill is able to survive on other food (Smicrornis brevirostris) and Splendid sources available at the site or in the Fairy-wren (Malurus splendens), and surrounding suburban gardens. We possibly the Inland Thornbill have not found any nests of this (Acanthiza apicalis) and White-browed species but both adult males and Scrubwren (Sericornis frontalis). females were seen regularly. The Scarlet Robin, Western Yellow Nearly two thirds (13 of 21) of the Robin and Splendid Fairy-Wren were resident species recorded are species once regularly recorded in Kings Park normally associated with (Recher and Serventy 1991, Tingay and undisturbed forest habitat, while Tingay 1982). Scarlet Robins, Splendid only eight could be considered as Fairy-Wrens, Weebills and Grey species which have adapted to the Shrike-thrush have all been recorded ‘edge’ environments provided by from the Bushmead Rifle Range suburban gardens and parkland. The (Halpern et al 1991) which is only 5.5 list of species present at the site km north of the Forrestfield site. The appears similar to one which might absence of these species may be a be expected from any undisturbed reflection of the very small size of the forest or woodland. However, close Forrestfield site. The Inland Thornbill examination shows that several and White-browed Scrubwren both small insectivorous species from the require dense, long unburnt, families Muscicapidae, Acanthizidae shrublands in which to live. It is and Maluridae which are normally possible that the vegetation at this site recorded in forest habitat are absent. is only now approaching an age and structure suitable for these species. The species which may once have been present prior to the The large edge to surface area ratio at Table 2. Numbers of species of birds (excluding waterbirds) recorded at Forrestfield and which have also been recorded from other significant reserves in the Perth metropolitan area. Reserve Area No. Species No. Species Reference (ha.) in Common This study 14 53 - - Kings Park 400 29 25 Recher and Serventy 1991. Bold Park 300+ 61 43 How and Dell 1990. Whiteman Park 390 73 48 Arnold etal 1991. Bushmead Rifle 297 60 40 Halpern et al 1991. Range site Reserve No. 6 17 17 Turpin 1990. 3694 45 this site may also be a factor this remnant with the amendment to contributing to the low numbers of the vesting has not affected the APB’s some of the species normally operations but will be of benefit to associated with forest (eg. Grey Fantail, the native flora and fauna. Similar Rufous Whistler, Western Gerygone, legal protection of other small Yellow-rumped Thornhill) and the remnants within the metropolitan greater abundance of species which area could make a considerable have benefited from the creation of contribution to preserving other ‘edges' between habitats such as forest communities of native flora and and suburban gardens (eg. Magpie, fauna. Studies such as this, and others Australian Raven, Brown Honeyeater, like it (e.g. Turpin 1990), are needed to Laughing Turtle Dove). This type of provide the documented evidence to community structure, numerically support such changes to the vestings dominated by 'edge' specialists, has of the remaining remnants in the been recorded in other parts of metropolitan area. Australia where remnants of forest have become virtual islands in seas of suburban development (Catterall et al. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1991, Kavanagh et al. 1985, Howe 1986). This study would not have been possible without the generous support of the Agriculture CONCLUSION Protection Board of Western The continued survival of several of Australia. Our thanks go to Toni the species recorded here will depend Lumsden for her help in prepearing on the preservation of the native the figure. This paper benefited from vegetation of this site in the same comments to an earlier draft made by condition as it is in now. This will Mike Brooker and Denis Saunders. mean continued exclusion of wildfire, prevention of weed invasion and no development of areas covered by REFERENCES native vegetation. To this end, and in ARNOLD, G.W., SMITH, G.T. and recognition of the high quality of the BROOKER, M.G. 1991. Whiteman native vegetation in this remnant, Park Funa Survey. CSIRO, Division the vesting for this site has recently ofWildlife and Ecology. Perth, been amended to read “for the use of the Agriculture Protection Board of Western Australia. Western Australia and conservation" BLAKERS, M„ DAVIES, S.J.J.F., and (Government Gazette 23/4/93). REILLY, P.N. 1984. The Atlas of The uncertain future of the Australian Birds. Royal Australasian Bushmead Rifle Range site, combined Ornithologists Union and with plans to develop parts of a series Melbourne University Press. of reserves one kilometre west of the BROOKER, M G. and BROOKER, L.C. Forrestfield site (which abut the Roe 1989. Cuckoo hosts in Australia. Aust. Freeway) into an industrial site will Zool. Rev. 2:1-67. further isolate this remnant. What effect these changes will have on the CATTERALL, C.P., GREEN, R.J. and bird community of this site is JONES, D.N. 1991. Habitat use by birds unknown. Increasing the security of across a forest-suburb interface in 46

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