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PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOMECHANICS SYMBIOSIS AND PARASITOLOGY Bates, Amanda E., Tara L. Harmer, Guus Roeselers, and Colleen M. Cavanaugh Dubansky, Benjamin, Brian Whitaker, and Fernando Phylogenetic characterization of episymbiotic bacte- Galvez ria hosted by a hydrothermal vent limpet (Lepetodri- Influence of cortisol on the attachment and meta- SONG; WHNOOPNNII 5.5 5s.o ne Sir cow bine ew reo 118° morphosis of larval Utterbackia imbecillis on bluegill Katz, Sigrid, Waltraud Klepal, and Monika Bright sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) ..........00000 0ee e 97 The Osedax trophosome: organization and ultrastruc- WES Sb kgs see Fecha eee bn eb es eae mNies Eichinger, Irmgard, Waltraud Klepal, Markus Schmid, Tepler, Sarah, Katharine Mach, and Mark Denny and Monika Bright Preference versus performance: body temperature of Organization and microanatomy of the Sclerolinum the intertidal snail Chlorostoma funebralis contortum trophosome (Polychaeta, Siboglinidae) 140 No. 3: June 2011 RAPID COMMUNICATION . Sanders, Jon G., and Stephen R. Palumbi Populations of Symbiodinium muscatinei show strong Lewis, Stefanie L., Deborah E. Lyons, Tiffanie L. biogeographic structuring in the intertidal anemone Meekins, and James M. Newcomb Anthopleura elegantissima 199 Serotonin influences locomotion in the nudibranch NE FT UU Sia cextiawinddewawsawaweo h DEVELOPMENT AND REPRODUCTION PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOMECHANICS Boch, Charles A., Bharath Ananthasubramaniam, Alison M. Sweeney, Francis J. Doyle Iii, and Daniel E. Miller, Luke P. and Mark W. Denny Morse Importance of behavior and morphological traits for Effects of light dynamics on coral spawning syn- controlling body temperature in littorinid snails . . . 209 CE bln op pn sd LER SEO ROE REE 161 Tholl, Nathan, Sumera Naqvi, Ericka McLaughlin, Serenity Boyles, Allan L. Bieber, and Douglas E. Chandler SYSTEMATICS Swimming of Xenopus laevis sperm exhibits multiple gears and its duration is extended by egg jelly con- stituents Carlo, Joseph M., Marcos S. Barbeitos, and Howard R. Lasker ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Quantifying complex shapes: elliptical Fourier anal- ysis of octocoral sclerites 224 Pernet, Bruno,.and Richard R. Strathmann oe Opposed ciliary bands in the feeding larvae of sabel- lariid annelids Index for Volume 220 .................2200000> 238 INDEX A F Ase, YOSHITO, see Serina Kita, 71 Fera, ANDREA, see Gulcin Pekkurnaz, 89 ANANTHASUBRAMANIAM, BHARATH, see Charles A. Boch, 161 Fusrro, YUTAKA, see Serina Kita, 71 G BarselTos, Marcos S., see Joseph M. Carlo, 224 GALVEZ, FERNANDO, see Benjamin Dubansky, 97 Bates, AMANDA E., Tara L. HARMER, GUUS ROESELERS, AND COLLEEN M. Gotopa, YuTA, see Serina Kita, 71 CAVANAUGH, Phylogenetic characterization of episymbiotic bacteria Growth and long-term somatic and germline chimerism following fusion of hosted by a hydrothermal vent limpet (Lepetodrilidae, Vetigastro- juvenile Botryllus schlosseri, 57 poda), 118 BEzRUKOV, LUDMILA, see Gulcin Pekkurnaz, 89 BieBer, ALLAN L., see Nathan Tholl, 174 H BLANK, Paut S., see Gulcin Pekkurnaz, 89 BLouGH, Tasia, SEAN P. Coin, JoHN H. COsTELLO, AND ANTONIO C. HADFIELD, MICHAEL G., see Guadalupe J. Ruiz-Jones, 39 Marques, Ontogenetic changes in the bell morphology and kinemat- HARMER, TARA L., see Amanda E. Bates, 118 ics and swimming behavior of rowing medusae: the special case of the HASHIBA, Ryuji, see Serina Kita, 71 limnomedusa Liriope tetraphylla, 6 HATAKEYAMA, Dal, see Serina Kita, 71 BocH, CHARLES A., BHARATH ANANTHASUBRAMANIAM, ALISON M. Herman Melville, Marine Biologist, 83 SWEENEY, Francis J. Doye Ill, anp DaAnteL E. Morse, Effects of Himes, Juice E., JEFFREY A. RIFFELL, CHERYL ANN ZIMMER, AND RICHARD light dynamics on coral spawning synchrony, 161 K. ZimMER, Sperm chemotaxis as revealed with live and synthetic BoyLes, SERENITY, see Nathan Tholl, 174 eggs, | BRIGHT, Monica, see Irmgard Eichinger. 140 Hirose, Evicui, see Mamiko Hirose, 23 : BriGHT, Monica, see Sigrid Katz, 128 Hirose, MAMIKO, MASAMI OBuCHI, EvICH!I HIROSE, AND JAMES D. REIMER, Timing of spawning and early development of Palythoa tuberculosa (Anthozoa, Zoantharia, Sphenopidae) in Okinawa, Japan, 23 Cc Hosui, Moronori, see Hitoshi Miyashita, 47 CarLo, Joseph M.. Marcos S. BARBEITOS, AND HOWARD R. LASKER, Quantifying complex shapes: elliptical Fourier analysis of octocoral sclerites, 224 CARPENTER, MerepiTH A., JoHN H. POWELL, KATHERINE J. ISHIZUKA, Importance of behavior and morphological traits for controlling body KARLA J. PALMERI, SNJEZANA RENDULIC, AND ANTHONY W. DE To- temperature in littorinid snails, 209 maso, Growth and long-term somatic and germline chimerism fol- Influence of cortisol on the attachment and metamorphosis of larval Ut- lowing fusion of juvenile Botryllus schlosseri, 57 terbackia imbecillis on bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus), 97 CAVANAUGH, COLLEEN M., see Amanda E. Bates, 118 ISHIZUKA, KATHERINE J., see Meredith A. Carpenter, 57 CHANDLER, DouGias C., see Nathan Tholl, 174 Isolation and ultrastructural characterization of squid synaptic vesicles, 89 Couin, SEAN P., see Tasia Blough, 6 Iro, Ersuro, see Serina Kita, 71 COSTELLO, JOHN H., see Tasia Blough, 6 J D JACKSON, EMILY, AND SONKE JOHNSEN, Orientation to objects in the sea De Tomaso, ANTHONY W., see Meredith A. Carpenter, 57 urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus depends on apparent and not DeGiorais, JosepH A.. see Gulcin Pekkurnaz, 89 actual object size, 86 Denny, MARK W., see Luke P. Miller, 209; Sarah Tepler, 107 JOHNSEN, SONKE, see Emily Jackson, 86 Does conditioned taste aversion learning in the pond snail Lymnaea stag- nalis produce conditioned fear?, 71 Doy.e, Francis J. Ul, see Charles A. Boch, 161 K DUuBANSKY, BENJAMIM, BRIAN WHITAKER, AND FERNANDO GALVEZ, Influ- ence of cortisol on the attachment and metamorphosis of larval KANAZAWA, AKIRA, see Serina Kita, 71 KATz, SIGRID, WALTRAUD KLEPAL, AND MONIKA BRIGHT, The Osedax Uterbackia imbecillis on bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus), 97 trophosome: organization and ultrastructure, 128 Kawal, Ryo, see Serina Kita, 71 E KimoTo, YUKARI, see Serina Kita, 71 Kita, SERINA, Ryusi HASHIBA, SAYA UEKI, YUKARI KIMOTO, YOSHITO ABE, Effects of 17B-estradiol and bisphenol A on the formation of reproductive Yuta Goropa, RYOKO Suzuki, ErRIKO URAKI, NAOHISA NARA, AKIRA organs in planarians, 47 KANAZAWA, Dal HATAKEYAMA, RYO KAWAI, YUTAKA FusiTo, KEN Effects of light dynamics on coral spawning synchrony, 161 LUKOWIAK, AND Etsuro ITo, Does conditioned taste aversion learning EICHINGER, IRMGARD, WALTRAUD KLEPAL, MARKUS SCHMID, AND MONIKA in the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis produce conditioned fear?, 71 BriGuT, Organization and microanatomy of the Sclerolinum contor- KLEPAL, WALTRAUD, see Irmgard Eichinger, 140; Sigrid Katz, 128 tum trophosome (Polychaeta, Siboglinidae), 140 KOBAYASHI, KAZUYA, see Hitoshi Miyashita, 47 INDEX TO VOLUME 220 239 L Preference versus performance: body temperature of the intertidal snail Chlorostoma funebralis, 107 LASKER, HOWARD R., see Joseph M. Carlo, 224 LeviTAN, Don R., see Troy N. Simon, 32 Lewis, STEFANIE L., DEBORAH E. LYONS, TIFFANIE L. MEEKINS, AND JAMES Q M. Newcoms, Serotonin influences locomotion in the nudibranch mollusc Melibe leonina, 155 Quantifying complex shapes: elliptical Fourier analysis of octocoral scle- Loss of sensory elements in the apical sensory organ during metamorphosis rites, 224 in the nudibranch Phestilla sibogae, 39 LUKOWIAK, KEN, see Serina Kita, 71 R Lyons, DEBORAH E., see Stefanie L. Lewis, 155 REESE, THOMAS S., see Gulcin Pekkurnaz, 89 M REIMER, JAMES D., see Mamiko Hirose, 23 RENDULIC, SNJEZANA, see Meredith A. Carpenter, 57 MACH, KATHERINE, see Sarah Tepler, 107 RIFFELL, JEFFREY A., see Julie E. Himes, | MARQUEZ, ANTONIO C., see Tasia Blough, 6 ROESELERS, Guus, see Amanda E. Bates, 118 MATSUMOTO, MiporI, see Hitoshi Miyashita, 47 Ruiz-JONES, GUADALUPE J., AND MICHAEL G. HADFIELD, Loss of sensory Mazar, JULIA, see Gulcin Pekkurnaz, 89 elements in,the apical sensory organ during metamorphosis in the McLAUGHLLIN, ERICKA, see Nathan Tholl, 174 nudibranch Phestilla sibogae, 39 Measuring fertilization success of broadcast-spawning marine inverte- brates within seagrass meadows, 32 MEEKINS, TIFFANIE L., see Stefanie L. Lewis, 155 S MILLER, LUKE P., AND MARK W. DENNy, Importance of behavior and SANDERS, JON G., AND STEPHEN R. PALUMBI, Populations of Symbiodinium morphological traits for controlling body temperature in littorinid muscatinei show strong biogeographic structuring in the intertidal snails, 209 anemone Anthopleura elegantissima, 199 MriyasHita, HirosHi, HARUKA NAKAGAWA, KAZUYA KOBAYASHI, MoTo- SCHMID, MARKUS, see Irmgard Eichinger, 140 NoRI HOSHI, AND Mipori Matsumoto, Effects of 17B-estradiol and Serotonin influences locomotion in the nudibranch mollusc Melibe leonina, bisphenol A on the formation of reproductive organs in planarians, 47 155 Morowi!tz, HAROLD J., Herman Melville, Marine Biologist, 83 Simon, Troy. N., AND Don R. LEviITAN, Measuring fertilization success of Morse, DANIEL E., see Charles A. Boch, 161 broadcast-spawning marine invertebrates within seagrass meadows, 32 N Sperm chemotaxis as revealed with live and synthetic eggs, | STRATHMANN, RICHARD R., see Bruno Pernet, 186 NAKAGAWA, HARUKA, see Hitoshi Miyashita, 47 Survival dynamics of reef coral larvae with special consideration of larval NAQvVI, SUMERA, see Nathan Tholl, 174 size and the genus Acropora, 15 NARA, NAOHISA, see Serina Kita, 71 SUZUKI, RYOKO, see Serina Kita, 71 NEWCOMB, JAMES M.., see Stefanie L. Lewis, 155 SWEENEY, ALISON M., see Charles A. Boch, 161 Nozawa, YOKO, AND NAMI OKuBO, Survival dynamics of reef coral larvae Swimming of Xenopus laevis sperm exhibits multiple gears and its duration with special consideration of larval size and the genus Acropora, 15 . is extended by egg jelly constituents, 174 O T OBUCHI, MASAMI, see Mamiko Hirose, 23 OxuBo, NaMI, see Yoko Nozawa, 15 TEPLER, SARAH, KATHERINE MACH, AND MARK DENNY, Preference versus Ontogenetic changes in the bell morphology and kinematics and swimming performance: body temperature of the intertidal snai] Chlorostoma behavior of rowing medusae: the special case of the limnomedusa funebralis, 107 Liriope tetraphylla, 6 THOLL, NATHAN, SUMERA NAQvi, ERICKA MCLAUGHLLIN, SERENITY Opposed ciliary bands in the feeding larvae of sabellariid annelids, 186 BoyLes, ALLAN L. BIEBER, AND DouGLas C. CHANDLER, Swimming of Organization and microanatomy of the Sclerolinum contortum trophosome Xenopus laevis sperm exhibits multiple gears and its duration is (Polychaeta, Siboglinidae), 140 extended by egg jelly constituents, 174 Orientation to objects in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus Timing of spawning and early development of Palythoa tuberculosa (An- depends on apparent and not actual object size, 86 thozoa, Zoantharia, Sphenopidae) in Okinawa, Japan, 23 . The Osedax trophosome: organization and ultrastructure, 128 U P Ueki, SAYA, see Serina Kita, 71 PALMERI, KARLA J., see Meredith A. Carpenter, 57 URAKI, ERIKO, see Serina Kita, 71 PALUMBI, STEPHEN R., see Jon G. Sanders, 199 PEKKURNAZ, GULCIN, ANDREA FERA, JESSICA ZIMMERBERG-HELMS, JOSEPH A. DeGiorcis, LUDMILA BEZRUKOV, PAUL S. BLANK, JULIA MAZAR, Ww THOMAS S. REESE, AND JOSHUA ZIMMERBERG, Isolation and ultrastruc- WHITAKER, BRIAN, see Benjamin Dubansky, 97 tural characterization of squid synaptic vesicles, 89 PERNET, BRUNO, AND RICHARD R. STRATHMANN, Opposed ciliary bands in the feeding larvae of sabellariid annelids, 186 Z Phylogenetic characterization of episymbiotic bacteria hosted by a hydro- thermal vent limpet (Lepetodrilidae, Vetigastropoda), 118 ZIMMER, CHERYL ANN, see Julie E. Himes, | Populations of Symbiodinium muscatinei show strong biogeographic struc- ZIMMER, RICHARD K., see Julie E. Himes, | turing in the intertidal anemone Anthopleura elegantissima, 199 ZIMMERBERG-HELMS, JESSICA, see Gulcin Pekkurnaz, 89 POWELL, JOHN H., see Meredith A. Carpenter, 57 ZIMMERBERG, JOSHUA, see Gulcin Pekkurnaz, 89

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