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The Biography of Abu al_Fadl ^Abdullah bin as-Siddiq al-Ghumari PDF

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The Biography of Abu al_Fadl ^Abdullah bin as-Siddiq al-Ghumari Written by Translated by Riad Nachef Friday, 20 November 2009 19:58 - Last Updated Sunday, 29 November 2009 13:05 The Biography of Abu al_Fadl ^Abdullah bin as-Siddiq al-Ghumari who died in the year 1413AH [1] Translated by Riad Nachef Name He is Shaykh Abu al-Fadl ^Abdullah the son of the grand scholar Abu ^Abdillah Shamsid-Din Mu h ammad the son of the great pious Waliyy , my master, Mo h ammad a s - S idd iq the son of my master A h mad the son of Mo h ammad the son of Qa sim the son of Mo h ammad the son of Mo h ammad the son of ^Abdilmu’min al-Ghum a r i 1 / 24 The Biography of Abu al_Fadl ^Abdullah bin as-Siddiq al-Ghumari Written by Translated by Riad Nachef Friday, 20 November 2009 19:58 - Last Updated Sunday, 29 November 2009 13:05 a t - T anj i the son of Mo h ammad the son of ^Abdilmu’min the son of ^Aliyy the son of al H asan the son of Mo h ammad the son of ^Abdull a h the son of A h mad the son of ^Abdull a h the son of ^ I s a the son of Mas^ u d the son of al-Fu d ayl the son of ^Aliyy the son of ^Umar the son of al-^Arab i ^Al a l the son of M u s a the son of A h mad the son of Daw u d the son of mawl a n a Idr i s the son of 2 / 24 The Biography of Abu al_Fadl ^Abdullah bin as-Siddiq al-Ghumari Written by Translated by Riad Nachef Friday, 20 November 2009 19:58 - Last Updated Sunday, 29 November 2009 13:05 mawl a n a Idr i s al Akbar the son of ^Abdull a h the son of al H asan al Muthann a the son of our master al H asan the son of Im a m ^Aliyy may All a h accept his deeds. Birth He, may Allah endow His Mercy upon him, was born on the last day of Jumada-l-akhirah in the year 1328 AH- 1910 G in stronghold of Tangier. Upbringing and Travels He grew up under the care of his father, may Allah endow His Mercy upon him. He memorized the Glorious Qur’ an according to the recitation of Warsh, then H af s , then he proceeded to memorize some religious texts. He memorized most of Man dhu mat al Kharr a z which is named “Mawrid a 3 / 24 The Biography of Abu al_Fadl ^Abdullah bin as-Siddiq al-Ghumari Written by Translated by Riad Nachef Friday, 20 November 2009 19:58 - Last Updated Sunday, 29 November 2009 13:05 th - Th am’ a n”, a large part of al-Alfiyyah, al Arba^ i n an-Nawawiyyah, al ‘ A jirr u miyyah and a part of Bul u gh al Mar a m and of Mukhta s ar Khal i l. He read under the tutoring of his brother Abu al Fayd the explanation of al “Ajirrumiyyah by al-Azhariyy. Prior to that he had briefly covered the meanings of its terms with his maternal uncle As-Sayyid A h mad the son of ^Abdil h af idh the son of ^Aj i bah. At the orders of his father he traveled to Fas to seek the knowledge at the university of al-Qura wiyy i n. He read the explanation of al-Alfiyyah by al Makk u d i under the tutoring of shaykh ash-Shar i 4 / 24 The Biography of Abu al_Fadl ^Abdullah bin as-Siddiq al-Ghumari Written by Translated by Riad Nachef Friday, 20 November 2009 19:58 - Last Updated Sunday, 29 November 2009 13:05 f al Habib al Mahaj i, also he read the explanation by al Makk u d i along with Ha shiyat Ibn al Ha jj under the Tutoring of shaykh Mo h ammad the son of al Ha jj the son of al Mu h ashsh i and he attended the explanation of Ibn ^A qi l and the Ha shiyah of as-sij a ^iyy under the tutoring of shaykh Mo h ammad al Ha jj the cousin of the one previously mentioned. He attended the beginning of the explanation of Mukhtasar Khalil by al Kharshi under the tutoring of shaykh al H ab i b al Mah a j i , and the book of al Jin a y 5 / 24 The Biography of Abu al_Fadl ^Abdullah bin as-Siddiq al-Ghumari Written by Translated by Riad Nachef Friday, 20 November 2009 19:58 - Last Updated Sunday, 29 November 2009 13:05 a t wa M a Ilayh a under the tutoring of shaykh A h mad al Qa dir i . He read the chapter of al Buy u ^ (dealings) and what is after under the tutoring of shaykh Mo h ammad a s - S inh a j i , and other chapters under the tutoring of shaykh Mo h ammad the son of the aforementioned al Ha jj and the grand scholar A h mad the son of al Jil a n i , and a part of al Mukhta s ar the explanation of az-Zar qa n i under the tutoring of of the grand scholar ^Abdull a h al Fu d ayl i . He studied the chapter of al ‘Ij 6 / 24 The Biography of Abu al_Fadl ^Abdullah bin as-Siddiq al-Ghumari Written by Translated by Riad Nachef Friday, 20 November 2009 19:58 - Last Updated Sunday, 29 November 2009 13:05 a rah up to the end of al Mukhta s ar the explanation of ash-Shaykh ad-Dard i r under the tutoring of ^Abdur-Ra h m a n the son of al Q urash i . He  attended  Fara’id al Mukhtasar the explanation of al kharshi and Hashiyat Ahmad the son of al Khayy at under the tutoring of Ab u ash-Shit a ’ a s - S inh a j i . He attended the explanation of al Bukhari by al Qastalani under the tutoring of shaykh Moham mad the son of al Ha jj in the Mosque of Mawl a y Idr i s, and he attended the circles of shaykh al H usayn al ^Ir aqi 7 / 24 The Biography of Abu al_Fadl ^Abdullah bin as-Siddiq al-Ghumari Written by Translated by Riad Nachef Friday, 20 November 2009 19:58 - Last Updated Sunday, 29 November 2009 13:05 in the Mosque of ^Abdur-Ra h am a n al Ml i l i , and he attended Ha shiyat al Shinw a n i ^Al a Ibn Ab i Jamrah under the tutoring of the grand scholar ^Abdul H ayy al Kitt a n i in the Mosque of al Q urawiyy i n. He attended Jam^ al Jawami^ the explanation of al Mahalli from its beginning up to the segment of as-Sunnah under the tutoring of shaykh al H usayn al ^Ir aqi , and al Mu q addim a t of the same book under the tutoring of the grand scholar ^Abdull a h al Fu d ayl 8 / 24 The Biography of Abu al_Fadl ^Abdullah bin as-Siddiq al-Ghumari Written by Translated by Riad Nachef Friday, 20 November 2009 19:58 - Last Updated Sunday, 29 November 2009 13:05 i , and major portion of the same under the tutoring of shaykh al-^Abb a s Bin a n i and under his tutoring he took al Ma qu l a t al ^Ashr and at-Taw hi d by Ibn ^ A shir. He attended Risalat al Wad^ under the tutoring of shaykh ^Abdullah al Fudayli and the explanation of al Q uwaysin i ^Al a Assalam under the tutoring of shaykh al H ab i b al Mah a j i . During his stay in Fas he met as-Sayyid Mohammad the son of Ja^far al Kattani, and was authorized to narrate by as-Sayyid Mahd i al ^Az u z i who narrates from the route of two people from as-Sayyid Murta 9 / 24 The Biography of Abu al_Fadl ^Abdullah bin as-Siddiq al-Ghumari Written by Translated by Riad Nachef Friday, 20 November 2009 19:58 - Last Updated Sunday, 29 November 2009 13:05 da az-Zab i d i who died in the year 1205 AH . He returned to Tangiers after he embibed knowledge and skill and stood out among his peers and he taught al ‘ Ajirrumiyyah and Risalat al Qayrawani at az-Zawiyah as-Siddiqiyyah. He used to attend his fathers lessons in S a hih al Bukh a r i and al ‘Ashb a h Wa an-Na dha ’ir by as-Suy uti and Mughn i al-Lab i b and reviewed the explanation of ad-Dam a m i n i and H aw a sh i al’Am i r and ad_Dus uqi and ^Abdulh 10 / 24

He is Shaykh Abu al-Fadl ^Abdullah the son of the grand scholar Abu ^Abdillah Shamsid-Din. Mu h ammad the son of the great pious. Waliyy. , my master, Mo h ammad a .. Ar-Rad al-Muhkam al-Matin ^Ala Kitab al-Qawl al-Mubin. 4. Qurrat al-^Ayn bi Adillat Irsal an-Nabiyy ila ath-Thaqalayn. 16.
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