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The biodiversity of Australian mygalomorph spiders. 1. Two new species of Namirea (Araneae: Dipluridae) PDF

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Preview The biodiversity of Australian mygalomorph spiders. 1. Two new species of Namirea (Araneae: Dipluridae)

THEBIODIVERSITYOFAUSTRALIAN MYGALOMORPH SPIDERS. TWO NEW SPECIES 0¥NAMIREA (ARANEAE: DIPLURIDAE). 1. ROBERT! RAVEN Raven, RJ. 1993 12 24: The biodiversity ofAustralian mygalomorph spiders. I.Twonew speciesoiNamirea(Araneae:Dipluridae). QueenslandMuseum34(l):81-88. Brisbane. ISSN0079-8835. Two new species of Namirea^ N. dougwallacei and N. johnlyonsi, are described from northernAustralia.Thisisthefirstrecordofmalesfromtheregion.MalesofN.dougwallacei appeartoposeaphylogeneticdilemmabecauseofhomoplasies withAustralothele. Mygalomorphae, Dipluridae, taxonomy, phylogeny, Namirea, biogeography, biodiver- sity, disturbance,Australia. RobertJ. Raven, QueenslandMuseum, POBox3300, South Brisbane, Queensland4101, Australia: 4July1993. The genus Namirea was described by Raven combs present on metatarsi I, II, IV. Sper- (1984) along with other ischnotheline diplurids mathecae two, each an inner long sclerolised from Australia. Namirea included five new spiralled duct with short straight unsclerotised species. The genus is found in areas from Mt outerlobe, males. Tibia I subdistally incrassate Lewis, NEQ, through southeastern Queensland, with groupofstrongretrolateral spines; metatar- totheBlueMountains,NSW. Malesofthegenus sus I basally incrassate, distally arched; were known only in the southern portion of its retrolaterally a low but distinct mound, set on range. The most northerly known males of retroventral comer, with strong spines almost NamireawereofN.planipeswhichiswidespread formingascoop;alongbroaddepressiondefined inopenforestareasandfoundcommonlyinroad- below by distinct keel from proventral comer sideembankments in southernQueensland. Here proximallyrisingtoupperjunction with metatar- twonewspecies including males from thenorth- si. Leg II, viewed prolaterally, distally a long ern part of the range are described. Their mor- conical spur capped with short conical phology, especially thatofmales, allows abetter megaspine; two long upeurved spines on edge understanding ofthe relationships of the group. above spur. Methods are explained in Raven (1984). SYSTEMATICS Namirea Raven, 1984 Namirea dougwallacei sp. nov. (Figs 1-4. Tables 1, 2) MaterialExamined Holotype d. Allotype 9, Mt Archer, summit, 23°2rS 150°35’E, MEQ, D. Wallace, May 1984, QMS19706, 19707. Diagnosis Males differ from those of all other Namirea with known males in having a mounded spuron tibia I and from Australothele in lacking the secondary spine on the spur and the metatarsal thorn on leg II. Females differ from those ofN. eungellainthesp^rmathecaehavingthree,rather than onlytwo, spiralled loops,alargerbasal lobe and longerapical lobe. FIG. 1. Records of Namirea in north eastern Medium-sized; carapace length ca. 5. Preening Queensland;inset showsknown range. . 82 MEMOIRS OFTHEQUEENSLANDMUSEUM FIG. 2. Natnirea dougwallacei sp. nov., holotype 6 (QMS19706). a, carapace & chelicerae, dorsal view; b, & spinnerets, ventral view; c, eyes, dorsal view; d, chelicerae, sternum, maxillae labium, ventral view; e, f, abdomen, dorsal(e),ventralview(0- Scale line=lmm (d);2mm (a,b,e, f);0.5mm (c). Etymology similar. Fovea a short, straight transverse pit. The specific epithet is apatronyminhonourof Clypeusca. 0.16 from ALE. Mr Doug Wallace, renowned arachnologist of Rockhampton, who prepared detailed and Leg 1 2 3 4 Palp thorough arachnid displays for the Queensland Femur 3.63 3.44 3.44 4.19 2.19 AmbulanceServiceand RockhamptonBotanical Patella 2.19 2.19 1.88 2.25 1.50 Gardens, from which the types were ‘rescued’. Tibia 2.31 2.38 2.38 3.25 1.63 Metatarsus 2.56 2.81 3.56 4.50 Tarsus 1.19 1.56 1.88 2.06 0.88 Description QMS Total 11.88 12.38 13.14 16.25 6.20 Holotype male 19706 Carapace 4.88 long, 4.00 wide. Abdomen 4.60 Table 1. Leg lengths ofN. dougwallacei, holotype S long, 3.20 wide. Total length, 10. Colourinalcohol.Carapaceyellowbrownwith Leg 1 2 3 4 Palp darker lines posteriorly on caput and beside Femur 3.28 3.32 3.24 4.00 2.40 anteromedial line, chelicerae, and legs yellow Patella 2.12 2.12 2.00 2.28 1.44 brown, none banded. Abdomen dorsally and Tibia 2.16 2.20 2.24 2.96 1.60 ventrally dark brown withoutpattern. — Metatarsus 2.32 2.48 3.08 4.00 Carapace. Caput low. Pilosity: light cover of Tarsus 1.20 1.32 1.56 1.68 1.76 finebrownand silverhairs;striaebroad,shallow. Total 11.08 11.44 12.12 14.92 7.20 Bristles: one foveal pair; one very long and few finer on clypeal edge; all other setae slender. Table2. Leg lengthsofN. dougwallacei, allotype $. .1 TWONEWNAMIREA FROMNORTHQUEENSLAND 83 FIG. 3, Namirea dougwallacei sp. nov., holotype S (QMS19706). a-c, left tibia I, prolateral (a), ventral (b), retrolateral (c)views; d, tibia&metatarsusII, prolateral view; e, tibia, cymbium &palpal bulb,ventral view. Scale line=lmm. Eyes.Tubercledistinct.Groupoccupies0.50of si. II: viewed prolaterally, distally a long conical head-width; frontwidth,length,M3O8:Q18.Frontrow spur capped with short conical megaspine; two procurved;backrowrecurved. frontwidth, long upeurved spines on edge above spur; back width, length, 20:30:17. AME:ALE: metatarsus basally excavate, then a short incras- PME:PLE, 10:11:9:10. Eye interspaces: AME- sate mound quickly reducing to normal leg AME, 0.2; AME-ALE, 0.1; ALE-ALE, 2.0; diameter. Preening combs: I, III, none; II, 1 of2 PME-PLE, 0.1; PME-PME, 1.6; ALE-PLE0.1 weak setae proventrally; 1 of 5 strong setae on Chelicerae. Small; wide band of long erect retrolateral IV. Noscopula. brownbristlesprodorsally. Intercheiiceral tumes- Spines. Distinctionbetween ‘sj^ines’ andthick- cence small, pallid, distinct. Furrow promargin enedbristles subtle. Leg 1,fed7,papi, ti p2, v 5 with 5 large mixed with 8 smaller teeth, short distal, 3 long slender plus 10 long basomesally no teeth evident. megaspines in retroventral group and 1 Labium. 0.50 long, 0.88 wide. Anterior edge proventrally, me v2; ta, 0. Leg 2, fe d6, pa p4, ti pallid, notindented; setae coveruniform, nopat- p3, v2 +3 megaspines, me p2, v5; ta, v4. Leg 3, tern. Labiostemal suture a narrow continuous fed6, rl,pap5,d4,r2,ti p3,d3, r3,v6,mep4,r3, groove. rv35,;vt6a,, pmie,pv54,;rl6e,gv48,;ftea,d4p,4,rlrl,,pva8p;4p,arl2p,,tfiepd35,,dp2,a Maxillae. 1.25 long in front, 1.18 long behind, 0.75 wide; anterior edge pallid. Heel truncated; pi, d2, ti pi,r2, la, 0. anterior lobe well defined by long groove, lobe Claws. 8 long teeth in S-shaped line on paired small;semiladistinct.Nomodificationsorstrong claws ofI, IV, unpaired claws bare. setaeon anteriorface. Trichobothria.Tworows,eachofca. 10for3/4 of tibiae; ca. 10-15 on metatarsi in line; ca. 10 Sternum. 2.50 long, 2.18 wide. Cordate, with strong‘shoulders’ lateraloflabium;setaeonmar- filiform on tarsi. gin not enlarged; covered with long erect brown Palp. Bulb reniform, quickly tapering to long bristles. All sigilla small, oval with long axis slenderembolusextending pastbasal tibia; cym- transverse, within one length ofmargin. bium short, indented, aspinose; tibia basally in- crassate with cluster of many long bristles, Legs. I: viewed prolaterally, tibia subdistally distally excavate. incrassatewithgroupofstrongretrolateralspines Spinnerets. PMS 1.25 long, 0.25 wide, 1.00 evident; metatarsus basally incrassate, distally asertchoend;rertertorvoelnattrearlalcloymaerl,owwitbhutfediwstsimnacltlmaonudnd1, aBpaasratl,, amnidddclae., 0a.p4i5calo,f tboatsaallsPeLgmSenitnsdioafmePtLeSr,. long strong spines almostforming a scoop, as in 1.80, 1.88, 2.00, 5.Q68MlSong, respectively. Australothele; a long broad depression defined Allotype female 19707 below by distinct keel from proventral corner Carapace 4.92 long, 4.08 wide. Abdomen 5.00 proximally risingtoupperjunctionwith metatar- long, 3.60 wide. Total length, 11. . . 84 MEMOIRS OFTHEQUEENSLANDMUSEUM FIG. 4. Namirea dougwallacei sp. nov., allotype 9 (QMS19707). a, spinnerets, ventral view; b, carapace & chelicerae, dorsal view; c, chelicerae, sternum, maxillae & labium, ventral view; d, eyes, dorsal view; e, f, abdomen, dorsal (e),ventral view (0; g, spermathecae. Scaleline =2mm (a, b, e, f); lnim(c);0.5mm(d,g). Colourin alcohol. As in S AME,0.3;AME-ALE,0.2;ALE-PLE,0.2;PME- Carapace.Pilosity:asin S but2pairsoffoveal PME, 1.9; PME-PLE, 0.1; ALE-ALE, 2.0. bristles. Fovea short, transverse; set 45% of Chelicerae. Geniculate, stout; setation like S carapace length from back edge. Caput low but Furrowpromarginwith4largemixedevenlywith sloping down to fovea. Clypeus width, 0.12 to 11 small teeth, basomesally with4 small teeth. base oftubercle. Labium. 0.55 long, 1.03 wide. Anterior edge Eyes. Tubercle distinct. Front row procurved; indented. Labiostemal suture a narrow con- backrowrecurved. Groupoccupies0.44ofhead- tinuous groove. width;frontwidMthO,Qbackwidth, length,38,38, 18, Maxillae. 1.28 long in front, 1.10 long behind, respectively. front width, back width, 0,83 wide. Heel truncated; anterior lobe short, length, 20, 29, 15, respectively. AME:ALE: with longdefining groove. PME:PLE, 9:12: 7:10. Eye interspaces: AME- Sternum. 2.50 long,2.20wide. Cordate, widest . TWONEWNAMIREA FROMNORTHQUEENSLAND 85 at coxae I; all sigilla small, distinct, subcircular, andotherAustralothelespeciesistooseveretobe marginal. Marginal setae likecentral. acceptable. Legs. Preening combs: 1 of 3 strong setae on proventral I, II; 1 of5 strong setaeon retrolateral Namireajohnlyonsi sp. nov. IV. (Figs 1, 5, 6. Tables 3,4) Spines.Leg 1,fed5w, pap4w,ti p3.v5,mepi, v6,tavl; leg 2, fed5w, pap4w,ti p3, v5, mep3, MaterialExamined v7, ta v3; leg 3, fed3w, r2w, pap3w, d2w,r3w, Holotype d, Mt Spec National Park, 19°00’S tip3,d2,r3,v5,mep5,r3,v8,tav3;leg4,fed5w, 146°09’E, NEQ, on embankment at ecotone ofrain- pd3a,Cplp3aawws,p,2r,2c,dal.t,i9ptit3ep,e2tr,h3,vi6vn,8,tSa-msve7h.app4e,dr3r,ovw9;ontapva3i;refde Rf9oar,ve2estnp,,arCJaa.lsGyuapalerlio9nna,9,T,.asnCadhmueerucdchaaitllayl,patsQhfMoorlSeostt1ys1p,2e32,5SQ;eMAplS1l91o89t87y,0p4Re-. claws ofI, IV; unpaired claw with 1 small tooth; palpalclawwith 10teethinstraightlineonmedial Diagnosis keel. Trichobothria. As in <5 FemalesdifferfromthoseofN. montislewisiin Spermathecae. Two, each an inner long the narrow form ofthe spermathecae and males differfrom thoseofN. dougwallacei in having a sclerotised spiralled duct with short straight un- sclerotised outer lobe. Epigastric furrow ex- lowerspuron tibia I. Small to medium-sized; preening combs btoenodkeldunigncocvuerrveexftreonmdinogutpeorsteedrigoerloyftoanltienreioart presenton legs I, II, IV. Twospermathecae,each abouthalflength ofposterior booklung covers. a bipartite lobe broadest basally. Tibia I with a Spinnerets. PMS 1.42 long, 0.32 wide, 1.20 ventral mound bearing one long and several apart, and ca. 0.50 of basal PLS in diameter. smaller megaspines; metatarsus I proximally in- crassate, slightly flattened dorsally. Tibia II dis- Basal, middle, apical, total segments of PLS, toventrally with long single spur tipped with 2.25, 2.15, 2.27, 6.67 long, respectively. small black megaspine. Palpal bulb long, pyriform with short embolus; cymbium with Distribution and Habitat sclerotised distal edge. Known only from vine thicket on the summit ofMt Archer, MEQ. Etymology The specificepithet is apatronym inhonourof Phytogeny MrJohnLyons,Chairperson,ManagementCom- Thephylogeneticpositionofthis speciesposes mittee, MuseumofTropical Queenland, abranch a dilemma. A phylogeny of some Australian oftheQueensland Museum. Evagrini was implicit in Raven (1984). All Australothele males have a secondary spine on Description the spur of tibia I and distinct thorn on lower Holotype maleQMS 1225 1 metatarsi1.Malesofallspecies,exceptA. rnagna, Carapace 3.20 long, 2.92 wide. Abdomen 3.44 which lackspurs on tibia I, haveclusteredspines long, 2.08 wide. Total length, 7. on tibia I. Hence,A. magna is thesistergroupof Colour in alcohol. Carapace, chelicerae and all other species of Australothele. Neither the legs yellow brown, ocular area black, carapace secondary spine nor the metatarsal thorn are with light mottled brown margins and two long found inNamirea. In Namirea, the first leg lacks triangles laterallyoncaput; tibiaI orangebrown. a spur but in N. insularis, a cluster of spines is Abdomenentirely darkbrown. present. Also, metatarsus and sometimes also tibia I have a dorsal flat area demarcated by a Table3. LeglengthsofN.johnlyonsi,holotype 6. distinctridge (Raven, 1984, figs. 201,202). InN. dougwallacei, the form of the spur and spine Leg 2 3 4 Palp cluster on tibia 1 resembles that in some Femur 3.20 3.24 3.52 3.72 2.28 Australothele.However,otheraulapomoqjhiesin Patella 2.04 2.12 1.80 2.20 1.52 Namirea override any notion that the spur Tibia 2.36 2.28 2.08 3.12 1.—68 similarity derives from recent common descent. Metatarsus 2.36 2.44 3.08 3.84 Equally, the encumbent increase in homoplasies Tarsus 1.16 1.28 1.52 1.56 1.68 iinntbeortpohsAinugstNr.aldoothueglwealalnadceNiambeitrweeaenimAp.osmeadgnbay Total 11.12 11.36 12.00 14.44 7.16 86 MEMOIRS OFTHEQUEENSLANDMUSEUM FIG. 5. Namireajohnlyonsisp. nov,^holotype 6 (QMSl1225). a, eyes, dorsal view; b, carapace &chelicerae, dorsal view;c, spinnerets, ventral view;d,abdomen, ventral view;e.chelicerae, sternum, maxillae&labium, ventralview;f,tibiaI,retrolateralview;g,tibia&metatarsusIT,prolateralview;h,palpshowingtibia,cymbium & palpal bulb, prolateral view. Scale line=2mm (b-d); 1mm(a. e-h). Carapace. Pilosity: margins with line of fine few long and many shortcurved bristles prodor- brown setae; one pair of foveal bristles; light sally. Intercheliceral tumescence a small pallid cover of fine gray hair on caput and interstrial area. Furrow promargin with 4 long mixed with ridges; striae distinct, glabrous. Caput low, flat. 13 smaller teeth, basomesally with 5 teeth. Foveaa small open pit. Clypeus absent. Labium. 0.40 long, 0.76wide. Labiostemal su- Eyes.Tuberclesteep,distinct. Frontrowslight- ture a shallow continuous groove. lyprocurved;backrowrecurved. Groupoccupies Maxillae. 0.98 long in front, 1.00 longbehind, 0.49 of head-width; front width, back width, 0.60 wide. Heel rounded; anterior lobe rounded, MOQ length, 34, 37, 20, respectively. front distinct, serrulate. width,backwidth, length, 18, 26, 17,respective- Sternum. 1.68 long, 1.54 wide. Cordate with ly. AME:ALE:PME:PLE, 10:13: 9:10. Eyeinter- uniform cover of long erect bristles and short spaces: AME-AME, 0.3; AME-ALE, 0.2; hairs. Sigillasix; all small, rounded. AALLEE--PALLEE,, 01..45.; PME-PME, 1.6; PME-PLE, 0; veLntergasl.mToiubnida bIeadrisstoanlelyloinngcraansdsasteev;eraaplicsamlallylera Chelicerae. Small, rounded, knee-like; with megaspines; metatarsus I proximally incrassate, TWONEWNAMIREA FROMNORTHQUEENSLAND 87 FIG. 6. Namireajohnlyonsisp. nov., allotype 9 (QMS19704). a, eyes, dorsal view; b, carapace & chelicerae, dorsal view; c, sternum, maxillae & labium, ventral view;d, abdomen, ventralview; e, spermathecae, dorsal view;f, spinnerets, ventral view. Scale line=0.5mm (a, f); 2mm (b,c);4mm (d);0.25nim(e). slightly flatteneddorsally. TibiaII distoventrally PMS 0.72 long, 0.16 wide, 0.76 apart, and about with long single spur tipped with small black 0.50 of basal PLS in diameter. Basal, middle, megaspine,passingprolateralwhenmetatarsusII apical, total segments of PLS, 1.64, 1.60, 1.80, is contracted; metatarsus II proximally excavate 5.04 long, respectively. distal ofwhich is incrassate area. Preening comb Allotypefemale QMS19704 of4 setaeon retroventral IV. Scopula absent but Carapace 4.92 long, 4.00 wide. Abdomen 6.48 sparseband oferect hairs ventrally on all tarsi. long,4.80 wide. Total length, 13. Spines. Leg l,fed5,pa0,tiplw,vll.me0,ta, Colour in alcohol. Carapace and legs light 0; leg2,fed5w,pap3w,ti p3w,v2+megaspine, orange brown, caput, lateral margins and inter- mep2,v5ta,0;leg3, fed5w,pap4w,r2w,tip3w, strialridgesofcarapaceslightlydarker.Abdomen d2w,r3w, v6, mep3, r3, v5,ta, v2; leg4,fed6w, brown. pa p2w, r2w, ti p3, r^ v5, me p3, r3, v5; palp, fe Carapace. Oval; with uniform cover of fine d5w, rest, 0. gray hairs; lateral margins with few longer hairs; Claws. OneS-shapedrowof9(I)to7(IV)teeth one pair of foveal bristles arising deep in fovea. on paired claws; unpaired claw bare. Fovea a small pit with steep front edge forming Trichobothria. Two rows, each of 10 for half recurvedarc. Striaedistinct,glabrous. A lineof4 length of tibiae; ca. 10 on metatarsi in straight erect setae on clypeal edge; clypeus narrow but line; ca 8 filiform in lineon tarsi. distinct; few hairs between ALEand PME. Palp. Bulb long pyriform with short embolus; Eyes. Frontrowprocurved;backrowrecurved. cymbium with sclerotised distal edge. Group occupies 0.45 ofhead-width; front width, MOQ Spinnerets. Australotheline crescent distinct. backwidth,length,48,52,28,respectively. 88 MEMOIRS OFTHEQUEENSLANDMUSEUM front width, back width, length, 22, 35, 20, Table4. LeglengthsofMjohnlyonsi, allotype 9 respectively. AME:ALE:PME:PLE, 9;15:11:12. Eye interspaces: AME-AME, 0.6; AME-ALE, Leg 2 3 4 Palp 0.4; ALE-PLE, 0.6; PME-PME, 2.6; PME-PLE, Femur 2.64 2.40 2.60 3.08 1.68 0.1; ALE-ALE, 2.7. Patella 1.44 1.60 1.36 1.36 0.96 anCdhemlaicneyraes.hoSrttoeurt,speotrareecdtorwsiatlhlyc.a2F0anlgosngsbhloarct.k Tibia 1.92 1.92 1.96 2.56 1.36 Furrow promargin with 3 large mixed with 13 Metatarsus 1.92 2.12 2.72 3.60 smallerteeth,basomesallywith7 teethand20-30 Tarsus 1.04 1.32 1.40 1.80 0.72 granules. disturbedadjacentareasofrainforest.Clearly,the Labium. Like cJ, 0.48 long, 1.12 wide. preference of this group for embankments indi- Maxillae. Rectangular; anterior lobe distinct cates that it will take advantage of the but with delimiting groove; 1.48 long in front, microhabitats provided by road cuttings. (A 1.48 long behind, 0.92 wide; heel indistinct. similarphenomenom was noted by Raven, 1991 Sternum. Like cJ; 2.40 long, 2.24 wide. Sigilla in New Caledonian diplurids.) Like many all oval, marginal but anterior pair farthest from mygalomorphs in Australia, this group is more margin. diverse in open foresthabitats. Legs. Covered with longcurved setae and fine hair.Scopulaabsent.Preeningcombs: 1 of3setae Web orentrporvoelnattrearllayloIn, IIIV,. none of III; 1 of 4 setae The web had bluish white curtains ofsilk ex- Spines. Thickersetae scored as weakspineson tending 8-10 cms from the overhang of an em- femora. Leg 1, fep6w, pa p3w, ti p3, v5, me pi, bankmentbesidearoad. Several corridors leadto v5; la, 0; leg 2, fe d5w, pa plw, li p3, v5, me p3, a branching main tube extended only 3-4cm into v5, ta, v2;leg3, fed5w, pap3w, r3, ti p3, r3, v5, the soil. mp3e,dp34,w,r3r,3,v7v,6,tam,ev2p;3,lerg3,4,v7f,etda,5dwl,,pva3;p3p,alrp2,,ftei ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS d5w, pa 2w, ti p2,w, v7, ta v9. Claws. S-shaped lineof15 (I)to9(IV)teethon Illustrations were skillfully draw by Clare paired claws; 3 on unpaired claws; palpal claw Bremner(2-4),andBronwynMitchell(5,6).This with 12 teeth in onemedial line. paper was produced with the support of Trichobothria. Two rows, each of ca. 10 for AustralianResearchCouncilgrants(A18715105, halflength oftibiae; ca. 18 on metatarsi;ca. 8 on AD9031859). tarsi. Spermathecae. Two, each a bipartite lobe LITERATURECITED broadestbasally. PMS Spinnerets. 1.48 long, 0.32 wide, 2.08 RAVEN,R.J. 1984.TheAustraliancurtain-webspiders apart, and about 0.53 of basal PLS in diameter. (Ischnothelinae: Dipluridae: Chelicerata). Basal, middle, apical, total segments of PLS, Australian Journal of Zoology. Supplementary 2.56, 2.08, 2.08, 6.72 long, respectively. Series 93: 1-102. 1985. The spider infraorder Mygalomorphae Distributionand Habitat (Araneae):cladisticsandsyslematics.Bulletinof Known only from Mt Spec NP, NEQ, in a the American Museum of Natural History 182: mixed forest ecotone including Casuarina, 19911-.180A. revision of the mygalomorph family eucalypts, and rainforest. The species was not Dipluridae (Araneae) in New Caledonia. In: found at higher altitudes in an evidently highly Chazeau, J. & Tillier, S. (eds), Zoologica. disturbed rainforest where ground fauna was Neocaledonica 2. Memoires de la Museum na- generally depauperate. Norwas itevident in less tionaled’Histoirenaturelle, A, 149: 87-117.

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