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I Domlnoess tarter OX.FORD 'r{ n o o o { o ! 'Bring me somethingn ew and exciting.B ring me a BIG story!' says Rosie'se ditor at The Record newspaper. L (r l And, when she leavest he office,F losied oes find a story.A story that is biggert han she expects.A story that takes her fuTl) (r across Europe,i nto a dangerousw orld of art and art thieves. fr JOHN ESCOTT -l -l W lllustratedb y DylanG ibson Cassette avaitabite Dominoes starter DoN.4rNopEroSv ider eadinga nd learninga t 25OH EADWORDS four languagel evels.A s well as enjoyable Dominoes one 4OOH EADWORDS stories.e ach book providesa range of Dominoe¡ two integrateda ctivitiesd esignedt o develop 7OOH EADWORDS readings kills,c onsolidatev ocabularya, nd Domlnoes ¿hree offer personalizedp roject work. lOOOH EADWORDS Series Edltors OXFORD ENGLISI,I Bill Bowler and Sue Parminter tlsBtN0 -i19-l42I440i7-5l||il|[illtillil, , OX.FORD I'NMRSITYPRESS wwwoup.com/elt ffiHF#ffifnfi ffi[ffi*ruffi Thisi s RosieD oyle$. he'sa journalista nd she livesi n london. Oned ays heg oest o her office.W hath appens?T ickt he boxes. a Att he off ce Rosiem eets RosieD oyle lives and works in London. She is a iournalist. She writes for TheR ecordn ewspaper. b Shem ustf ind c Sheh eartsw oA mericanOsn. eis d Thetya lka bout journalist a personw ho writes storiesfo r a newspaper newspaper peopler eada bout th¡ngsth ath appenin this 'I can't use this stoi'y, Rosie,'s ayst he editor. 'It's old news. Bring me something new and exciting, Bring me a BIG story!' He looks at her. 'You're tired, Rosie.l fake the afternoon off. Go and seea film, or something.' "A big story"! That's not easyt o find,' Rosie thinks. 'But a film? Yes,t hat's a good idea.' But a man and a woman in front of her on the river bus are not interestedi n the city's buildings. They are Americans. il'hev talk. and Rosieb eeins to listen. 'Fifty thousand Euros,M s Yardley,'t he man says.' l want fifty thousand Euros to get it.' 'I don't knoq Lezardo-' MsYardley begins. Rosieg oest o the River Thames and waits for 'It's worth half a million,'Lezardos ays. the river bus. It's a cold Februarv afternoon. 'Fifty thousand is nothing.' editor the personw hos aysw h¡ch film movingp icturesth att ell a st0ry river bus peopleÉ 0f rom onep lace woÉh howe xpensivseo methinigs storiesg o in a newspaper to anothero n a riveri n this idea somethintgh aty out hink news whens omeontee llsy ou riyer watert hatm oves¡ na longl ine somethrnnge w I Rosieg cles¿ rllert he wom¿Ill. Suclclenlyth, c wtltn¿ttsl ttlpsi tttd lool's 'Where'ss heg oing?'R osie bacl<S. hcl ooksa t Rosicf or a secondo r thinhs. And who is she?' two, then goesi nto a house. Rosieg oest o the house." 'JuliaY arrdley""s hc 'Perhapsh e's goingt o reads.' She'sa n art dealer. Art dealersb uy steal a picture!'Rosie and sell pictures.P erhapst he man on the thinks,s uddenlY'B. ut river bus is going to buy a picture' But why is what can I do?' that dangerous? ' ffi$"*"" Wk'+n'"1"' art dealer a Personw hoh asa shoP sell to takem oneYfo r somethlng chateau/ Jt'tco/ a lllgo ldh ouseI n dangeroust hatc anK lllY ou withe xpensivPei cturesIn lt steal to takes omethlng Franceo r Switzerlanwdh efea rlch bridge peopleg o acrossa fivef buy to givem oneYfo r something withouta sKrng personlt ves 0nt nls Flfi:i*#Éfiflil#É +*ii#ffi a Thatm ani s a killerB ec arefutl.le 'sd g.n$91qq.,5. b I wantt0. ... ...t hoses hoeisn thew indowH.o wm ucha nethev? Ghooset he right words to completet he sentences. c 'Thenaer ea loto fc arso nt hisr oadH. owc anw eÉ eta crosist ?' a RosieD oyleis a journalist. 'LookTl here'as .. .... . Wec anw alko vert hat' Shem ustf ind . . d I readT heT imese veryd ay.W hich. . . ... ... doy our ead? 1 I frftyt housandE uros. e Thatp ictuneis byP icassolt.' s . .... a lot of money 2 V abigstor"y f 'lt'sr ainingW. hatc anw e dot oday?' 5 I ¡ul¡aY ar"dley 'l'veg ota n ..... . Let'sw atchT Va t home.' g Thato ldw omanc an'ts eei t,b utthatb oy's. . ... moneyfr om herb af b Shew antst o . . . h Wed on'tu seo ur oldT V.L et's it andg ets omem oneyfo r it. 1 I seeafilm 2I vrsitachateau I 'What'tsh e ... . ... today?' 'Enflanda rep layingF rancea t footballthise vening.' 5 [] visitN ewY ork. j Her eadsa lot in hisw orkb ecaushee 'sa n c SheS oesth ereb y. . . ffifi$ffifbfib#' FdsF 1 I car'. 2 [] plane What happens in the next chapter? Readt he sentencesa nd write Yeso t No. 5 M riverb us. d Shel istensto . . . 1 ffi JuliaY ardleayn dL ezando. 2 I PierneV almya ndL ezar"do ¡ I ¡ul¡aY ardleay ndP ierreV almy a Wel earnm orea boutR osie... . b Wel earnm orea boutL ezardo's e Theyta lka bout worK.. ........ t M u bigs tor"ayn dL ondon 2 f picturesa ndP aris. 5 I moneya ndV enice. f Rosieg oesa fter. 1 I Lezardo. Ff43ffi*"W é$ffi${. 2 JNl JuliaY ardley Uset he words in BiglB en to complete 5 I Pierr"Vea lmy. the sentenceso n pa{e 7. c Wel earnm onea boutJ uliaY ardley's d Wes eeP ierreV almy'hs ome wonk... ....... Very quietly, he goesu pstairs. He goesi nto the room. Valmy is in bed, He seesa door in front of him. asleep. 'That's Valmy's bedroom,' 'Getu p, old man!' Lezardos ays. Lezardot hinks. 'Who - who are you?' Valmy asks. Two nights later, on a mountain in Switzerland,R ogerL ezardo skis acrosst he snow. It is aiter midnight. In front of him is a big chateau. \,"r , '\ür "-,-* Valmy seest he gun in Lezardo'sh and. 'Get the drawing, Valmy,'Lezardos ays. 'It doesn'tm atter,'L ezardos ays.' Geti t!' Valmy gets a paper from the safe - a paper with a drawing on it. mountain a bigh ill snow s0methinsgo ft,c 0lda ndw hite lock thism akesa doors tayc losed upstairs to the upperp art of gun a personc anf ightw itht his safe a boxw ith a lockw herey oup ul Bki to go overs nowf asto n long break to makeo net hinki ntot wo a house draw¡ng a picturem adew ith importanot r expensivteh ings fl irlt )ieceos f wood thingsw heny ouh it it asleep sleep¡ng a pencIr In a diffcrent room, a man getso ut of bcd. He is Hans,P ierre Valmy'ss ervant. 'What's that noise?'h e says.' Who's talhing? Is it Monsicur Valmy?' In Valmy's bcdroom, Lczardot ahes the paper fiom the old m¿rn.T hen Hans quickly getst hc he ties him to a chair. snowmobilea nd goes after Lezardo.L czardo sltisd own lhe mounlain. He looksa t the drawing and laughs.A million Eurosf or this littf e drawing?' he says.' You art collectors art: cra,¿y.' Lczardol eavest hc chateau with the drawing in his bag. Hans finds Monsieur Valmy. 'Go afterh im!'Valmy shouts. 'Taket he snowmobilc!' 'Yes,m onsieur,'s ¿iysll ¿rns. And you call the policc, monsicur.' servant a personw how orksf or t¡e to stops omeonem ovingw ith craz] nott hjnkrngw ell someonen cfl a fol)(l snowmob¡lea cart hatc ang o Monsieur/ rnrs'jr/ Mr,i n Frcnch art draw¡ngasn dp ictures acrosss n0w collector a personw ho liket o buy pol¡cet heyf ind¡ leoplew hod o andh avel otso fthingso f onek ind someth¡nlgla d I 'o t Uset he words from Activity 1 to completet hese sentences. l i ir:.iE1.' !lt1 ltl l, irfl iií .;Fi Are these sentencest rue or false?T ick the boxes. True False a I cano pent hisd oore asilyT he. .. ri. . [ .. . isn'tw orkin$. b Thatb ottlei s veryo ld.B ec arefuwl ithi t andd on't. . ... . lt. a Lezardvoi sitsP ierreV almy'hs ouse tl t_l c He'sg otl otso f beautifupl icturesin hish ouseb ecauseh e'sa n art .. b PierneV almyis a youngm an. t-l [] d I likei t wheni t'sc olda ndt here's on allthet neesa ndh ouses. c PierreV almyli vesi n Paris. fl T d Lezardtoa kesa drawingfr omV almy. I tl e Shec an downh illsv erYfa st e Thed rawingis wortha millionE uros. fl T f Watchth atm an.H e'sg ota ...... .. in hish anda ndh ec ank illy ouw ithi t f Hansw orksf or Lezardo tl T El '0h,n o!T hatw omanh asg otm yb aSw itha ll mym oneyin it' g Lezardpou tsV almy'ds rawingin hisb aga ndg 0es. |j I 'QuickC! altl he ... . . ... ... l' h ValmyÉ oesa fterL ezardo T fj h tver"esist a veryh igh i Thec hildrena re . .. .. in beds o don'tm akea lot of noise 'l:iii ii't.irr ilflqll: ¡i i j Herr oomi sn'td ownh ere lt's Find sixteen words from Ghapter2 in the snow. k I don'tw anttotakea llthism oneywithm e.L et'sp ut it inthe hotel. . beforew e go out I This is byL eonarddoa V incia ndi t'sw ortha lot of money m Shew earsf lowersin herh aira nds hed oesn'wt ears hoesS. he's. . n Theydon'tdoanyworkinthehouse.Their.. ...... doitforthem. o Shec an'tr un awayb ecaushee 's. .. ... ... hert o a tree p I likes tudying.... becausIe l ikel ookin$a t beautifupl ictures t,t'i"til l irli r.iilr ii'i What happens in the next chapter? Ghooset he correct words to complete the sentences. a Hansg etsL ezardo. Lezardo$ etsa way. b Rosies ees Valmy Lezandoo nT V. c Valmy'ds rawingis by Leonarddoa V inci. PabloP icasso. d Rosieg oest o the police. Venice. 13 \\s Ilosiei s eatingb rcahf¿rsint her Londonh ome. Shc is w¿rtchinst hc news on'l'V. r'as I @ Lezardos ccss omet rccs 'Valmy?I know that in front ol him. "fhe owner ol'the chateaui s PierreV rrlmy.' name!'R osiet hinlrs.' Rut The snowmobilei s gctting nearera nd nearer. 'Wait!'h e thinlis.' I c¿ur the newsr eadcrs ays.'T heP icassod rawing whcrc . . .?Y cs!I rnln the 'What c¿rnI clo?'Lczarcltoh inks. gett hrough there!' is worth hall a million Huros,p crhapsm urc. ln¿lno n thc riverb usl' q PierreV ulrnyi s talking on the lfV now. 'I know,' Rosies ayse xcitedly'.H e can givei l 'The thief has the Pic¿rsscr to JuliaYl ardlcyi n Vcnicct omorrow at lwo ry It crashes into the trees. drawing,' hc says.' But o'clock.A ncl get fifty thousandH uros!'l 'lrt' and l,ezardoe scapes. what can he do with it?' thiel'ist he man on thc rivcr bus!' follow go aftcr escape t0 gcl away thiel (plurülthieves) a personw ho crash to hrts omethinagn d takess omethn gw ithouta sking stops uddenly 14 t t5 'l)o I go lo the police?' Thc next daryR, osiei s on a gondola in Vcnice. Rosiet hinks. ;dm#Fcq+.*' ! ¡ I I f, ry gondola youc ang oa crossth e water n this in Venlcc café youg o hclet o havca drrnk ands omcthintgo eat 17 \

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