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Preview The Big Issue - September 12, 2022

USEFUL TIPS TO KEEP YOUR HOW TO CREATE YOUR LESSONS FROM MIDDLE-EARTH FROM LILY SAVAGE HOME WARMER FOR LESS OWN MICRONATION FOR OUR MUDDLED EARTH TO ALPACA PIMP ISSUE 1530 / 12 SEPTEMBER 2022 ARE 5 0 5 9 4 6 4 0 3 YOU 1 0 0 1 2 8 LISTENING PRIME MINISTER? Here’s how to deliver, deliver, deliver PAGE 20 A HAND UP, NOT A HANDOUT NEW EVERY WEEK 21 YEARS OF INVESTING FOR A POSITIVE FUTURE Since 2001, the Liontrust Sustainable Investment team have been seeking companies that will help to create a cleaner, safer and healthier society in the future and generate attractive returns for investors Past performance is not a guide to future performance. This advertisement should not be construed as advice for investment. Do remember that the value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the amount originally invested. For more information visit us at liontrust.co.uk/sustainable Proud to support Proud to partner with Newcastle ZSL’s work to United Foundation for our numeracy save wildlife programme, Financial Football Issued by Liontrust Fund Partners LLP (2 Savoy Court, London WC2R 0EZ), authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 518165) to undertake regulated investment business. From 12 September 2022 CONTENTS / 3 IF YOU CAN’T BUY DIRECT FROM A VENDOR — OR WOULD LIKE TO GIFT A PERFECT PRESENT — VISIT BIGISSUE.COM TO LEARN HOW TO SUBSCRIBE This Inside week’s Big Issue UP FRONT 6 / The Dispatch ‘OUR GREATEST Our round-up of news, including how The Big Issue caused Arctic Monkeys mania WISH IS FOR 13 / John Bird Forget about Conservative ideology – right now we’re in a state of emergency HELP NOT TO FEATURES BE NEEDED’ 20 / What the PM needs to do in the first 100 days Liz Truss’s to-do pile is a big one, but this is what should be at the top of it PAGE 8 WE MUST NOT NORMALISE FOODBANKS 26 / Letter to my Younger Self GERMANY’S RADICAL HOUSING PLAN PAGE 18 Paul O’Grady’s journey to national treasure has been good for animals, PAGE 34 TOLKIEN’S TAKE ON PEACE AND UNITY but bad for Cilla Black’s sofa PAGE 39 START UP YOUR OWN NATION CULTURE 29-39 / Books/Film/Arts/Music A guide through the week’s highlights with our Big Issue critics HOW MY PITCH THE BIG ISSUE Simone Gill WORKS Our vendors buy magazines for £1.50 Simone has been and sell them for £3, keeping the proceeds and working their way out working longer of poverty. Every vendor has a unique story on her pitch – they may be homeless, at risk of losing their home, long-term unemployed or to boost her dealing with mental health issues. What they all have in common is they are earning a legitimate income income as while gaining valuable social and ell transferable skills. r the cost of r If you cannot buy from a vendor, u T y take a subscription via SUBS.BIGISSUE.COM m living rises. or through The Big Issue UK app. m Ji Retailers including the Co-op and on: Page 46. Sainsbury’s also stock the magazine ati in many branches. r t s u r ill EVERY COPY BOUGHT MAKES A DIFFERENCE. e IT’S A HAND UP, NOT A HANDOUT. v o C Photo: Exposure Photo Agency 4 / BIG PICTURE bigissue.com S E G A M Y I T T E G N / E HI G R E B Y T N TI N E U Q O: T O H P 5 From 12 September 2022 Rock the boats To protect the environment, sometimes you have to make a splash. The South West Deeps Con- servation Zone lies almost 120 miles from Land’s End. In the last 18 months, despite its designation, the Conservation Zone has seen almost 19,000 hours of industrial fishing, a large chunk of which was catastrophi- cally damaging bottom-trawling. Who’s to blame? French and Span- ish ships represented 53 and 30 per cent of industrial fishing boats respec- tively, with UK vessels being more respectful of the area, making up only nine per cent. So in an attempt to end bottom trawling, Greenpeace ship Arctic Sun- rise sailed into the zone to dump 18 limestone boulders overboard – some with the stencilled names of support- ers including Simon Pegg, Stephen Fry and Conservative MPs Henry Smith and Peter Bottomley – which will make bottom trawling much riskier, hopefully ending the prac- tice and helping the UK government achieve its aim of 30 per cent ocean protection by 2030. Will McCallum, head of oceans at Greenpeace UK, said: “It is outrageous that bottom trawlers are allowed to scrape along the sea bed in most of our Marine Protected Areas every single day. They destroy huge swathes of the marine ecosystem and make a mock- ery of our so-called ‘protection’.” 6 / THE DISPATCH bigissue.com THE TOP 5 DESIGN THE STORIES ON Could ethical BIGISSUE.COM LAST WEEK housing really DISPATCH 1. 8 DIY tips to have a future keep your home warm for less as beyond high-end News, views & miscellany energy bills rise vanity projects? 2. Going green: how Big Issue’s new EV vans will help vendors Turns out, it and the planet works 3. Martin Lewis’s energy cap calculator lets you see how much you’ll be paying in bills this winter 4. Arctic Monkeys’ Alex Turner shares details of new album The Car in RENT Big Issue exclusive Scotland is freezing rents and 5. Here’s how much banning evictions to protect tenants. money people actually need to live on during the Will Liz Truss follow suit? cost-of-living crisis With record rents and rising bills, Sturgeon also confirmed the Scottish Nicola Sturgeon unveiled an eviction child payment would increase to £25 a ban and a rent freeze to protect tenants week per eligible child from November from the cost-of-living crisis. Coming 14 and the fuel insecurity fund would on the day of Liz Truss’s new job, it be increased to £20 million. moved pressure onto her to follow suit. The question is whether Truss will Scotland’s First Minister announced do similar in England. Generation Rent that emergency legislation would be has called for a freeze to help private introduced to bring in measures for tenants avoid destitution while Social both private and social renters until at Housing Action Campaign is mak- People having to move out of major least March as part of her Programme ing similar pleas for social renters. The cities due to soaring costs or a lack of for Government last week. Westminster government is currently space is nothing new – but could a new “The practical effect of this state- deliberating whether to cap social rent ethical housing model make leaving for ment is that rents are frozen from increases to three, five or seven per cent the suburbs a thing of the past? today,” Sturgeon told MSPs. from next April. Austin Maynard Architects has She added: “The Scottish govern- Other leaders are urging the gov- designed Terrace House, a self-funded Last month Living ment does not have the power to stop ernment to act. Sadiq Khan has been apartment building in Melbourne, Rent held a protest your energy bills soaring but we can calling for powers to tackle London’s Australia, that is low-cost, eco-friendly in Glasgow after a take action to ensure your rent does sky-high rents for two years. Following and has enough space for families. landlord put single not rise. Two of the most important Sturgeon’s announcement, he said: “I’ll mum Jemma The six-storey building has 20 and fundamental sources of security continue to call on the UK government Maclaren’s (centre) apartments and three ground-level rent up by £200 a for any of us are a job and a home. In to grant me the power to freeze rents in shop units. The architects wanted to month to bring it times of economic and financial crisis, our capital. Londoners face record rents create an alternative for those who tra- “in line with open these can be the foundations that help at the worst possible time.” market rates” ditionally would leave for the suburbs. people through.” The homes are designed to offer Tenants union Living Rent said the qualities that typically wouldn’t be move is a “huge step in the right direc- affordable in inner-city apartments, tion”, but sounded a note of caution. such as high ceilings, large windows and “The devil will be in the detail and access to outdoor space. The building is it is important that this rent freeze also low on energy consumption. applies across the board,” said Living “These are highly sustainable terrace Rent secretary Meg Bishop. homes in an engaged community, at a “But this rent freeze is a great emer- relatively affordable price, with super- gency response, and will need to stay low running costs and without the con- in place until the Scottish govern- stant demands for maintenance and ment brings in proper rent controls poor thermal performance of typical that push rents down.” terrace houses,” said the architects. 7 From 12 September 2022 IN PICTURES A UNIQUE VIEW OF LONDON Every year an art project puts 100 single-use cameras in the hands of 100 people affected by homelessness and sets them loose in London – these shots are this year’s striking result (right). Charity Café Art turns the resulting photos into the annual calendar, which is sold on London’s streets and markets with an identical model to The Big Issue – for each one sold, half of the £12 cover price goes to the vendor. Maurice Woolger from Shepherd’s Bush was among the 100 people who received a camera at St Paul’s Cathedral on July 6. The 50-year-old’s snap of Battersea Power Station made it into the final calendar. He said: “It would be easy for people to try and get photos of aspects of homeless - ness or what they’ve been exposed to in London from their own experiences. But this project is about being more positive than that.” To support Café Art and bag yourself a HIGH COURT 2023 calendar head Former Children’s Laureate Michael Rosen slams to cafeart.org.uk Rwanda deportation plans, likening the fight to ‘legal’ arguments used during the Holocaust S H T The government was at the High pean-wide, worldwide consensus The case, brought by the PCS FI F RI Court in London last week seeking to about refugees.” union of civil servants, and charities G E NI win its fight to send asylum seekers to Liz Truss has promised to continue Detention Action and Care4Calais, is A H EP Rwanda. And for much-loved poet, – and extend – the government’s con- an attempt to challenge the legality of T S B / children’s author and activist Michael troversial plan to fly asylum seekers the policy. A K M Rosen, it conjured memories of the to Rwanda. Rosen spoke alongside former RI KA grim fate of his family members. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, as well A / N As a case to stop the scheme rum- as Labour MPs Richard Burgon and LE Rosen said at the MI bled on inside, Rosen, who joined Bell Ribeiro-Addy, as more than 100 E / protest: “There will TL protesters outside the court, spoke always be people that people gathered outside the court. T N LI of how his family members were will try to relive the With counter-protesters trying to O R 1930s and 1940s” A ‘legally’ deported to Auschwitz during disrupt the rally, Rosen drew on an A R; A the Holocaust. analogy for the need to be vigilant K R DO “Quite often it’s talked about in against prejudice and anti-immigrant N A H terms of legality. My relatives were sentiment C A Y deported legally – sometimes you “It takes different twists each time. E R T AI have to challenge the law,” he said. It’s like Morph, it keeps changing M S: “What the Tories are doing is shape, you have to identify it the next O T O H reneging on a deal that was a Euro- time you see it.” P 8 / THE DISPATCH bigissue.com OPINION ARTS TRENDING ‘Our greatest wish is for ‘FESTIVAL OF Do I Wanna BREXIT’ our help not to be needed’ COUNTS THE Know? COST OF POLITICISING ART Apparently so! Diary of a foodbank 66M Sabine Goodwin, co-ordinator of the Independent Food Aid Network visitors promised When I heard about plans for The government has taken bold When the biggest band in the coun- National Food Bank Day (September steps before. At the start of the pan- 238,000 try returns after a four-year hiatus, you 2), happening as our country’s poverty demic, it introduced a clear, cash-first can expect a lot of interest. So when crisis reaches new depths, my immedi- measure to help people, increasing The Big Issue carried a world exclusive ate thought was one of despair. Universal Credit by £20 a week. visitors attended interview with the band, and details on Foodbank teams have worked tire- The Department for Work and the new Arctic Monkeys record The Unboxed, the arts lessly to support people faced with Pension’s own evidence demonstrates Car it marked quite the week. Over festival coined as the hunger, but their greatest wish is for increasing people’s income works. It’s ‘Festival of Brexit’ by 100,000 people went to bigissue.com their help not to be needed. Despite hardly rocket science, but making sure Jacob Rees-Mogg, to read what Alex Turner had to say the best efforts of countless campaign- people’s incomes keep pace with their has suffered thanks to about the new album, and his interview its political tag. ers to ensure raising income is the first costs helps them put food on the table. with Line of Duty star Martin Comp- Political journal The response to food poverty, the normal- The DWP Family Resources Survey ston was picked up by news outlets and House revealed the isation of foodbanks in the UK feels saw a 16 per cent drop in food insecu- £120 million event music press around the world. closer than ever. rity in households on Universal Credit announced by Fans from Manchester to Mexico Theresa May in 2018 But is it? Can we be hopeful that, as in the year following the £20 increase. flocked to get their hands on a copy, has pulled in 238,000 poverty-induced catastrophe unfolds, Food aid workers and volunteers with our online shop seeing huge visitors to its four much needed changes to our social are caught in an impossible, paradox- events, well shy of global interest. Hundreds of thousands security system and work practices will ical position and they’re exhausted, organisers’ ‘stretch of fans also saw our tweets, praising the finally come? overstretched, and demoralised in the target’ of 66 million. band for working with The Big Issue Unboxed’s chief National Food Bank Day was initi- face of rising demand. They can’t go on again and sharing photos of themselves creative officer Martin ated by “the world’s first foodbank” in strike as people would go hungry but with their – multiple – copies of the Green blamed the Phoenix, Arizona. Reaching its 55th they’re resisting the normalisation of association with magazine bought from vendors. anniversary and supporting 150,000 charitable food aid in the UK nonethe- Brexit despite efforts to downplay the families in August this year, it’s clear less. Momentum is building. connection, saying the mission “to end hunger in Arizona” As the stark reality of escalating “Rule number one of is not imminent in its completion. poverty grows, the inevitable is hap- major events: don’t Our society’s descent into food pening. Food aid providers are run- politicise them.” poverty acquiescence over the last 12 ning out of road. However incredible Above: PoliNations years is all too plain to see. Times have and heartening the efforts of volunteers by Trigger been changing, however. The Inde- to stave off hunger in our communities pendent Food Aid Network (IFAN), are, the ultimate goal means National alongside the Trussell Trust and Food Bank Day will have taken its place many other anti-poverty charities, has in the history books. been calling for years for cash-first or income-based solutions. foodaidnetwork.org.uk HEALTH “Which GP would accept a man or a woman walking in, saying ‘the woman who smells Parkinson’s has told me I have it’? Maybe in the future, but not now.” Joy Milne has become known as the ‘woman who smells Parkinson’s’ after she from Perth, Scotland, has a heightened sense of smell due to a rare condition, and has worked with academics for a decade after she noticed her late husband Les changed odour before his diagnosis. You can still find it at bigissue.com 9 From 12 September 2022 ROUGH SLEEPING Homelessness Reduction Act with We finally have the long-awaited the backing of £316m to prevent homelessness during 2022-23. It was government plan to end rough research from the Big Issue’s Stop Mass Homelessness campaign that sleeping in England. Here are influenced the funding. There is also a welcome focus 6 things we learned leafing on preventing prison leavers and young people from falling into street through its 120 pages homelessness too. 5WILL THE HOMES BE DELIVERED? There are plenty of promises of build- ing affordable homes in the strategy, most notably the 180,000 new homes We must be It was almost three years ago that as part of the Affordable Housing realistic that the Boris Johnson was elected on the Programme. Conservative manifesto that promised cost-of-living But with record house prices and to end rough sleeping by 2024. Only rent prices thanks in part to a shortage crisis is going now, as he hands over to Liz Truss, do of supply, that might be little comfort to force more we have the plan to do it. to people who are struggling to keep a The 120-page strategy prom- people into roof above their head. ises £500 million in spending on Time will tell whether those homes homelessness the Rough Sleeping Initiative over are delivered, delivered, delivered, as the next three years to provide Liz Truss might put it. 14,000 beds for rough sleepers and 6 THE COST-OF-LIVING CRISIS IS fund 3,000 staff to provide sup- THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM port alongside an extra 2,400 long-term supported homes. Rough sleeping minister Eddie There are just five mentions of the Hughes said: “We’re making great cost of living in the 120 pages, mostly progress and this strategy is a hugely The caveat to this is that the accu- in relation to what the government has important step towards ending rough racy of the official rough sleeping previously announced. sleeping for good.” count is often questioned. The Lon- As Rick Henderson, chief executive don CHAIN figures – which are con- of Homeless Link, puts it: “We must sidered more accurate – showed a be realistic that the cost-of-living cri- 1 WE FINALLY HAVE A DEFINITION OF more alarming picture: a 10 per cent sis is going to force more people into WHAT ENDING ROUGH SLEEPING rise in the number of people sleeping homelessness.” ACTUALLY MEANS rough between April and June. Wider cost-of-living support will be necessary to prevent rough sleep- 3 THE POLITICAL WILL MIGHT On the face of it, ending rough sleep- ing. In the meantime, there are things JUST BE THERE ing is incredibly unlikely – there will the government can do, such as always be someone who suffers a rela- unfreezing housing benefit to reflect tionship breakdown or ends up on the Political will is often cited as a bar- rents as Crisis and Shelter have urged, streets at short notice. rier to tackling street homelessness and following Nicola Sturgeon’s lead in The strategy lays out a “clear and and one of the things that came out of freezing rents. defined vision” of what the govern- the pandemic is the acknowledgement ment means, namely “that it is pre- that joined-up working is a must. vented wherever possible, and where It’s one of the four prongs that it does occur it is rare, brief and the government is citing as crucial to non-recurring”. achieving its target. As if to underline N O DS the point, the foreword of the report FJU 2 BECOMING A is penned by eight of (Boris Johnson’s) F R/CLI WORLD LEADER former cabinet ministers. K C LI RIN; F The strategy starts out with a bold 4 THERE IS A MUCH-NEEDED A OG declaration: “We want this country FOCUS ON PREVENTION TJ A to be a world leader in its approach to K O; OT ending rough sleeping.” The Everyone In scheme showed H P K That’s based on the official rough rough sleepers could be provided shel- C O ST sleeping snapshot figures that show ter at the drop of a hat in the pandemic Y M A there were four people sleeping rough but the cost-of-living crisis is showing L A T / on a single night in autumn 2021 for that stopping others from taking their T WA every 100,000 people in England, place is just as important. S CHRI compared to three people per The government has prom- ‘Well I’ve seen a new Tory leader quicker than my GP’ S: 100,000 in world leaders South Korea ised a “prevention first” approach. O T O H and Japan. That means fully embedding the P

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