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Preview The Big Issue - June 27, 2022

ISSUE 1519 / 27 JUNE 2022 7 1 1 0 0 1 3 0 4 6 4 9 5 0 5 A HAND UP, NOT A HANDOUT NEW EVERY WEEK That’s why the Big Issue Group now has even more ways to help the 14.5 million* people in the UK living in poverty to earn, learn and thrive. *Source: JRF UK Poverty 2022 Find out more about the Big Issue Group CHANGING LIVES THROUGH ENTERPRISE SECRETSFROM ELVISANDTHE 50YEARSOFPRIDE BEINGGLENDA INSIDE A COURTROOM AMERICAN DREAM REMEMBERED JACKSON ISSUE 1519 / 27 JUNE 2022 IF I WAS PRIME MINISTER… RYLAN is taking care of business PAGE 20 A HAND UP, NOT A HANDOUT NEW EVERY WEEK From 27 June 2022 CONTENTS / 5 IF YOU CAN’T BUY DIRECT FROM A VENDOR — OR WOULD LIKE TO GIFT A PERFECT PRESENT — VISIT BIGISSUE.COM TO LEARN HOW TO SUBSCRIBE This Inside week’s Big Issue UP FRONT 8/TheDispatch ‘PRIDE IS NOT Ourround-upofnews,including MichaelGove’svowtohelpvictims ofGrenfell bring criminal charges A PARTY. AT 15/JohnBird Thegovernment’slatesthousing policyisaplanthat needs more building work ITS CORE IT’S FEATURES A PROTEST’ 20/Rylan TheTVstarandnationaltreasure hassomebigideasabout how to runthe country PAGE24 CELEBRATING50YEARSOFPRIDE 28/LettertomyYoungerSelf PAGE 27 THE UNTOLD HISTORY OF THE AIDS CRISIS FromOscarglorytoservingin government,GlendaJackson’s PAGE 37 NEW YORK’S NEW OUTLOOK comealongwayfromhiding in aschool cupboard CULTURE 31-39/Books/Theatre/Music Aguidethroughtheweek’shighlights with our Big Issue critics HOW MY PITCH THE BIG ISSUE Robin Price WORKS Ourvendorsbuymagazinesfor£1.50 Railway andsellthemfor£3,keepingthe proceedsandworking their wayout enthusiast Robin ofpoverty. Everyvendorhasauniquestory has moved to –theymaybehomeless,atriskoflosing theirhome,long-termunemployedor a dream pitch at dealingwithmentalhealthissues. Whattheyallhaveincommonis theyareearningalegitimateincome Bristol Parkway whilegainingvaluablesocial and transferableskills. station. It’s Ifyoucannotbuyfromavendor, takeasubscriptionviaSUBS.BIGISSUE.COM working out well. orthroughTheBigIssueUKapp. RetailersincludingtheCo-opand Page 46. Sainsbury’salsostock the magazine inmanybranches. EVERYCOPYBOUGHTMAKESADIFFERENCE. IT’S A HAND UP, NOT A HANDOUT. Photo: Exposure Photo Agency 06 / BIG PICTURE bigissue.com S E G A M Y I T T E G A VI G C V O/ U G EI W U H O: T O H P From 27 June 2022 07 Ahead of the field Farmersofthefuturearemore likelytobewearingsandalsthan welly boots. This intelligent greenhouse has sprouted up in Bozhou,China,lyingequidistantfrom Beijing and Shanghai. Instead of leavingthesuccessofcropsuptothe elements and mother nature, the plantsarebeingconstantlymonitored tomakesuretheyaregiventhebest conditionspossibletogrow. WithanLEDlighthereandtem- perature regulator there, here an irrigation control system, there an air-qualitymonitor–therearesoil- less-cultivatedvegetableseverywhere. Growing more food inside is happening all over the world. TheChinese,longthebiggestfresh- producegrowers,areleadingtheway. The pandemic pointed out some of the drawbacks that come with rely- ingongoodsbeingquicklyexported andimportedacrosstheplanet.And so,over2020,Chinaincreasedtheir greenhousespaceby28percent. Farming like this maximises yieldandthequalityoftheproduce, reducing wastage at the same time. The energy required to light the greenhousesismorecostlythanthem just growing under the sun, but we don’thavetowaitforseasonstoturn beforereapinganotherharvest. Withagrowingglobalpopulation adding to existing food shortages, moreofwhatweconsumewillcome fromintelligentgreenhouseslikethis. 8 / THE DISPATCH bigissue.com THETOP5 OURVENDORS THE STORIESON Clive abseils BIGISSUE.COM LAST WEEK 114ft down DISPATCH 1.DALLEMini the college explained:NewAI generateshilarious where he got his News, views & miscellany andhauntingimages fromtext GCSEs to raise 2.UKsocialmobility tsartellsworking funds for charity classpeopletolower theirambitions 3.Whatisthe four dayweek andwhyareUK campaigners callingforit? GRENFELL 4.Fivewaysthecost Michael Gove vows to help Grenfell oflivingisgoingup andhowtogethelpif you’restruggling survivors bring criminal charges 5.Howlongdoes BorisJohnsonhave as Prime Minister? Housing Secretary Michael Gove helpdeliverjusticeforthe72people haspledgedtohelpGrenfellsurvivors wholosttheirlives. bring criminal proceedings against Lastweek,onthefifthanniversary thoseresponsibleforthedevastating of the fire, campaigners reiterated 2017fire. their call for charges to be brought. SpeakingtoTheBigIssue,Gove, To date, the Metropolitan police headofthehousingbriefinWestmin- haveinsistedtheywillwaituntilthe ster,saidhewas“totally”committed ongoinginquiryintothefireiscom- tohelpingbringlegalorotherhelp. pleted. That inquiry has talked of a Plymouth Big Issue vendor Clive “There’s a debate that goes on “merry-go-round of buck passing” hittheheadlinesayearagowhenhe aboutwhetherornottheruleswere overthoseresponsible for faults that receivedcongratulationsfromMarcus Thegovernment perfectlyclearorinsufficientlyclear,” led to the fire. Rashfordandotherstarsafterachiev- finallybannedthe hesaidofrulesaroundbuildingsafety inghisdreamofpassinghisGCSEsat useofcombustible thatledtothefire.“Ithinktheywere Seenextweek’sBigIssueforafull claddingonallnew theageof59. insufficientlyclear,butthatdoesn’tlet interview with Michael Gove builds this month Now he has abseiled down City peopleoffthehookfordoingterrible CollegePlymouth’s114fttowerblock things. The decision about whether in his signature red Big Issue tab- thereshouldbecriminalprosecutionis ard to give back to the place where fortheCPSafterthepolicehavemade he earned his Maths and English acase.Ican’ttellthepolicetoprose- Languagegrades. cutethatperson,togoafterthem. Clive,whoistakingaLevel3course “ButIwilldoeverythingtohelpthe in theatre production and creative policeandtheCPSandthebereaved artsatthecollege,raised£300forthe ON TI C andthesurvivorstogoafterthepeo- stuntonJune15asthecollegeraised E L L O pleresponsible.Becausetomymind, £3,600forcharitiesPlymouthHospi- C E M and I hope I’m not prejudicing any- talsCharity,andFriendsandFamilies. O C L thing,there’saclearcasethatpeople “Icamebacktocollegeasanadult WE N; behavedinawaythatwassoincredibly learner.Myconfidenceissky-highand WE O recklessandselfishthattheydeserve Itookonanabseil–somethingIhave UE S tofacecriminalproceedings.” neverdonebefore,partlyduetobeing Y ; M A Thismarksthefirsttimeasenior terrifiedofheights,”saidClive. AL Y / governmentofficialhascommittedto “When I got up there I couldn’t E L D A helpinthisway.Grenfellcampaign- evenlookovertheedgewithoutmy H N O ers have been calling for some time stomach doing somersaults. But M SI forthepolicetoacceleratetheircrim- onceIwasfixedontheendofaropeI S: O T O inal investigation into the fatal fire and felt confident that I was all right.” H P 9 From27 June 2022 ROUGHSLEEPING Two hundred years ago a law was passed to make sights like this on the street illegal. Now the act’s return could spark a Tory rebellion Ittook200yearsforustodecidewe MichaelGove’snewLevellingUp wouldn’ttreatroughsleeperslikesol- andRegenerationBillcontainsaclause diersfromtheNapoleonicWars–and thatwouldallowthegovernmentto nowwemightbacktrack. “disregardtherepealoftheact”and How we treat people sleeping create“criminaloffencesorcivilpen- rough on the street has, since 1824, alties” relating to begging or people beendeterminedbytheVagrancyAct deemedtobe“roguesandvagabonds”. that harks back to the fallout of the The prospect of a U-turn has NapoleonicWars. angeredcampaigners,andthegovern- Originally brought in by Prime mentisnowfacingaToryrebellion. MinisterLordLiverpool,thelawwas Nickie Aiken, the Conservative MP conceivedbytheBritishgovernment for the Cities of London and West- tomakeitillegalforwoundedsoldiers minster,hastabledanamendmentto tosleeproughorbegonthestreets, removetheclausewiththebackingof Illustrationofasabre But the pervading view among woundtothehead lest the sight of them with horrific severalmembersfromherparty. campaigners, including youth sufferedatWaterloo. injuriesreducesupportforwars. “Returning to the ethos under homelessness charity Centrepoint Datingfrom1836,itis Inmoderntimes,theacthascrimi- theVagrancyActisthelastthingwe andformerhousingsecretaryRobert partoftheRoyalArmy nalisedroughsleepingatatimewhen shouldbedoing,”saidAiken. MedicalCorps Jenrick,isthatthereisnoneedforany itiswidelyacknowledgedthatsupport “Ihopeitisagenuinemistakeand Muniments Collection replacementatallaftertheVagrancy tohelppeopleoffthestreetsisamore Ihopetheywillwithdraw[theclause] Act was scrapped in England and compassionateandeffectivemethod before the Bill Committee meet. I Wales. It was repealed in Scotland thanpunishment. am confident that if it was taken to longago. The Vagrancy Act was finally a vote I’m not sure the government Kiran Ramchandani, director of repealedaspartofthePolicing,Crime, wouldwin.” policy and external affairs at Crisis, Sentencing and Courts Act in April A government spokesperson said: “The Vagrancy Act cannot after years of campaigning, but new said it was committed to bringing be replaced with legislation that governmentlegislationhaspaved the forward “more modern, fit-for- continuestopenalisepeople for being way for the act to return. purpose legislation”. homeless or destitute.” COSTOFLIVINGCRISIS MOSTRECENTPROFITSOFLARGEUKLISTED Ministers should focus on profit FIRMSABOVEPRE-PANDEMICLEVELS restraint, not wage restraint Cumulativepre taxprofitsofnon financialfirms,excluding non-recurring items (pre pandemic average = 100) 140 Firmsthathavereported uptoQ42021 120 Asthebiggestrailstrikein30 beenlargelyignored.Thinktankthe yearskickedofflastweek,Boris IPPR,however,arguesthat’stheway 100 Prepandemicaverage Johnsonsaidincreasingpublic totacklesoaringinflation,whichis 80 sectorwagesinlinewithinflation predictedtotop11percentthis wouldmakemattersworse and autumn.Itsnewstudyfindsthat 60 Firmsthathavereported sendcostsspiralling. whileinflationhasrisen,wage 40 up to Q1 2021 TreasuryministerSimonClarke earnershavebeenlosingoutwhile hasalsoinsistedtherewouldbe“no manyfirms’profit margins have 20 inflation-bustingpayincreases”for increased. 0 thesamereason.Butwhilethe Thischartshowsthatprofits 02/2016 06/2017 12/2017 06/2018 12/2018 06/2019 12/2019 06/2020 12/2020 06/2021 12/2021 governmentiskeentotalkabout forlargeUKfirmsisnowabove SOURCE: COMMON WEALTH/IPPR ANALYSIS OF REFINITIV (2022) wage restraint, profit restraint has pre-pandemic levels. 10 / THE DISPATCH bigissue.com OPINION UKRAINE ROYALCORRESPONDENT We registered our oldest ever guest. HUNDREDSOF A letter from UKRAINIAN Born in 1919, she needs food aid for REFUGEE Prince William HOUSEHOLDS the first time in her life HAVECONTACTED to our vendors COUNCILSTO HELPTHEMAVOID HOMELESSNESS 660 Diaryofafoodbankmanager By Charlotte White, Earlsfield Foodbank Westartedourfoodbanksessionin oftheblue.WhenherangtheUniver- Ukrainianrefugeehouseholds brightspirits.Thesunwasshiningand salCredithelplinehewastoldthathe haveneededhomelessness foronceourstocklevelswerehigh,fol- hadbeeninformedofanappointment preventionorrelieffrom lowingaconcertedeffortbyvolunteers byletter.YetPetehadn’treceivedthis Englishlocalauthorities to raise funds over the bank holiday letter.Tryingtochallengeasanctionis since February 24 weekend,butasthemorningcontin- sodifficultwithlimitedphonedataand 180 uedthebrightnessdisappeared. littleelectricitytochargeaphone.And New registration interviews and it’sevenmoredifficultwhenhungry. conversationswithguestsrevealedthe Areviewofthenumbersrevealed bleak,distressingsituationsmanypeo- we’re currently supporting over 150 ofthehouseholdsthat plefoundthemselvesin. households regularly, around 280 requiredsupportwere Afamilycamein,strugglingwith peopleintotal.Twoyearsagowesup- single households bills and unable to feed the whole portedfewerthan40households. 480 household without the help of the AndallofthisinJune,historically The Duke of Cambridge wrote a foodbank.Inadditiontoneedingemer- ourquietesttimeofyear,whenwarm notetoBigIssuesellersashefeatured gencyfood,theirtwoteenagechildren weathermeansbillsareusuallylower onthemagazine’scover,describingthe hadnobeds.Theeldestchildwas15 andchildrenarestillatschoolaccess- ofthehouseholdsthat “inspiring”timehespentasavendor andsleepingonthefloor,despitebeing ing free school meals, reducing the requiredsupportwere andhishopesfortheirfutures. midway through exams. (Over the demandwesometimesseeintheschool families with children Aheadofhis40thbirthday,Prince weekend,thankstosomequickwork holidays. The Chancellor’s recently William had taken to the streets of 455 fromthecommunity,wemanagedto announcedsupportpackagewillgive Westminster in a red tabard along- findanddeliversomebeds.) some breathing space to our guests, sidevendorDaveMartin,anexperi- Wealsoregisteredouroldestguest butthebenefitsarenotimmediateand encehesaidwas“trulyeyeopening”. ever. Born in 1919, she’s lived under problems are building up. Debt will householdsarrivedintheUK Inhisletter,deliveredtoeachBig 20 prime ministers and now needs accumulateandmentalhealthissues throughtheUkraineFamily Issue vendor as they collected their foodaidforthefirsttimeinherlife.A worsen–suffering,deprivation,star- Scheme,whichallowed magazines, the duke wrote that he weeklydeliveryisarranged. vationanddestitutionwillallescalate. refugeestocometotheUK recognisesthesteps“eachandevery At the other end of the age scale, Thepovertycausedby12yearsof to stay with their family oneofyouaretaking…tosetyourlives we register Eva, an 18-year-old who austeritypoliciescannotbeeradicated onadifferentpath. 145 issuddenlyhomelessafterfamilydis- byashort-termstickingplastersolu- “PleaseknowthatIamthinkingof putes.Shehasnothing.Sheistearful, tion,howeverwell-intentioned. youallandwillcontinuetodoso,not exhaustedandexpressesherterrorof OurregularIFANcallwithother justnowinthesummermonths,but spendinganothernightonthestreets. foodbanksrevealswe’reallexperienc- householdsarrivedthrough alsowhenthewinterstartstobite,and ThankfullyouronsiteCitizensAdvice ing the same: more people in need, theHomesforUkraine youarestilloutthereselling.” repcanreferherforemergencyhelp. morecomplex,urgentproblemsanda Scheme,whichallowed He went on to share his realisa- Andthenanothersanctionscase. generalfeelingofdesperation.Itfeels refugeestocometotheUK tionthat“manypeoplelookstraight Sanctionsmeanbenefitsarestopped likewe’rereallystuckattheendof the to be housed with a sponsor throughyou”andtheimpactthiscould or reduced due to failure to attend road. Where to go from here? haveonvendors’ownsenseofworth. 234 Y a meeting with an appointed work “I know the past two years have M A L coach. Pete’s money just stopped out earlsfieldfoodbank.org.uk beenparticularlytough...asaresultof X / A thepandemic,”hewrote. RPI O R outof308Englishcouncils Whenlockdownwasannouncedin MIR shareddatawithcentral March2020,overnightvendorswere R / O R government,meaningthe unabletosellthemagazine.TheBig MIR truenumberislikely to be Issuehadtoadapt,goingcashlessto NITY much higher equipvendorswithcardreaders,and TRI N ; launchingasubscriptionoptiontoget YN L F cashinthepocketsofvendors. NE N A “Ihopebusinessisstartingtopick Z U S upagain,andthatyou’regettingback E; T HI onyourfeet,”HRHadded,signingoff W E T withaPS:“IhopeIdon’thamper your OT L Source:Departmentfor sales too much this week!!” AR H C LevellingUp,Housing S: O T and Communities Readers respond to the story on page 16 HO P

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