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The Big Earth Book: How our planet was shaped by earth, air, fire and water PDF

504 Pages·2017·113.61 MB·English
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Mark Brake Dr Mike Goldsmith (Author) (Consultant) Mike Mark is an author, is a research broadcaster scientist and communicator and science of science. He writer. He has a has been a PhD in This book is dedicated to Lydia Rose Makin, who helped research and write some of the PPuubblliisshheedd iinn OOccttoobbeerr 22001177 bbyy LLoonneellyy PPllaanneett GGlloobbaall LLttdd.. Water section, and is one CCRRNN:: 555544115533 eeIISSBBNN:: 997788 11 7788770011 008833 33 of a new generation of humans wwwwww..lloonneellyyppllaanneettkkiiddss..ccoomm ©© LLoonneellyy PPllaanneett 22001177 helping to look after the PPuubblliisshhiinngg DDiirreeccttoorr:: PPiieerrss PPiicckkaarrdd elements of our rich and green PPuubblliisshheerr:: TTiimm CCooookk CCoommmmiissssiioonniinngg EEddiittoorrss:: JJeenn FFeerroozzee aanndd planet. CCaatthhaarriinnee RRoobbeerrttssoonn AAuutthhoorr:: MMaarrkk BBrraakkee IIlllluussttrraattoorr:: BBrreennddaann KKeeaarrnneeyy CCoonnssuullttaanntt:: DDrr MMiikkee GGoollddssmmiitthh PPrroojjeecctt EEddiittoorr:: AAnnnnaa BBrreetttt DDeessiiggnneerr:: KKiimm HHaannkkiinnssoonn eeBBooookk PPrroodduuccttiioonn:: CCrraaiigg KKiillbbuurrnn WWiitthh tthhaannkkss ttoo:: JJaaccqquueelliinnee MMccCCaannnn,, HHaayylleeyy WWaarrnnhhaamm aanndd CChhrriissttiinnaa WWeebbbb AAllll rriigghhttss rreesseerrvveedd.. 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Our planet is a unique and incredible place and has been around for billions of years. So dive into The Big Earth Book and take a rollercoaster ride around the most magical place in the whole of the universe. The book is divided into four chapters – earth, air, fire and water. These four elements shape our world and through them, we can tell the story of planet Earth in four distinct sections. The ancient Greeks came up with the idea that Words in bold are everything in the world was created by one of further explained these four elements. Although they in the glossary

Planet Earth. Four elements. One incredible story. Lonely Planet Kids' The Big Earth Book takes children on a rollercoaster ride through history, geography, science and more to show how four elements - earth, fire, air and water - created the world and everything that exists today in. Amazing facts,
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