Over 400 pages of tattoo flash, including Cheech Wizard! Take a peek into Mark Bode’s sketchbook with this giant compendium of tattoo designs influenced by comic book and graffiti art, spanning a decade of creation. In this chunky brick of a book are voluptuous “Bode Broads,” beloved characters from Vaughn Bode’s Cheech Wizard comics, and Mark Bode’s personal interpretation of classic tattoo motifs, including dragons, angels, demons, lions, butterflies and more. 5 5 9 9 29. 9 $ 2 5 2 79- 2 7 9 9- 7 71 7 6 9 0-8 1 8- 7 7 6 3: 9 08 N-1 78 B IS 9 BODE Cover.indd 2 13�7�12� ��12:14 1 2 San FranciSco, caliFornia Dedicated to my father, Vaughn Bodē The Big Book of Bodē TaTToos By Mark Bodē Published by LasT gasP 777 fLorida sTreeT san francisco, ca 94110 www.lastgasp.com Publisher: ronald e. Turner editor: colin s. Turner Book design: colin s. Turner and chris Long copyright © 2013 Mark Bodē. all rights reserved. no part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written permission from the publisher. isBn: 978-0-86719-779-2 first printing, 2013 Printed in china 6 In the beginning of my art career as a comic artist in the late '70s, I would have never guessed I would be leaving my art indelibly on people's skin. During my short and turbulent apprenticeship under my tattoo teacher Al Valenta, I produced many tattoo flash designs. Some have been tattooed many times. Other designs may never be tattooed as they were merely fun things to draw. Over the years, I have been asked to do Vaughn-inspired designs from my father's classic characters. Many of the designs in this book are one-of-a-kind, and out of respect for the first collector, they should be altered in future versions. But the obvious classics can remain the same, as Cheech, the Lizards, and the Bodē Broads would have it. I hope you enjoy a look into one-times-two artists in one book: myself and my father. Extra thanks to Colin Turner and Last Gasp Publishing for making this book a reality. Mark Bodē March 2013 San Francisco 7 8 9