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The BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGIST or. Publishedb y THE AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF ORIENTAL RESEARCH 126 Inman Street, Cambridge, Mass. Vol. XXXIII December, 1970 No. 4 ::: low- 6- I ei -iiii . AIMAA: M :":::i :' aIX(cid:127) ii(cid:127)ii i ::~ a~a k, ~~? i'? : tA Fig. 1. Aerial photographo f Tell Gezer at the end of the 1968 summer season. The natural surface condition of the central Shephelah of Israel can been seen in the upper left. The stratifiedd epositso f the site blanket the hill in the lower center preventingt he deflationo f virgin soil removed elsewhere after deforestation.N ari-bedrockq uarrying sites are dis- cernible from the "unnatural"r ock surface morphology.A erial photographyis an important tool in the archaeologicaal nalysiso f a site. 98 THE BIBLICALA RCHAEOLOGIST (Vol. XXXIII, The Biblical Archaeologist is published quarterly (February, May, September, December) by the American Schools of Oriental Research. Its purpose is to meet the need for a readable, non-technical, yet thoroughly reliable account of archaeological discoveries as they relate to the Bible. Editor: Edward F. Campbell, Jr., with the assistance of Floyd V. Filson in New Testament matters. Editorial correspondence should be sent to the editor at 800 West Belden Avenue, Chica- go, Illinois 60614. Editorial Board: W. F. Albright, Johns Hopkins University; G .Ernest Wright, Harvard University; Frank M. Cross, Jr., Harvard University; William G. Dever, Jerusalem. Subscriptions: $3.00 per year, payable to the American Schools of Oriental Research, 126 Inman Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139. Associate members of ASOR receive the journal automatically. Ten or more subscriptions for group use, mailed and billed to the same address, $2.00 per year apiece. Subscriptions run for the calendar year. In England: twen- ty-four shillings (24s.) per year, payable to B. H. Blackwell, Ltd., Broad Street, Oxford. Back numbers: $1.00 per issue and $3.75 per volume, from the ASOR office. Please make remittance with order. The journal is indexed in Art Index, Index to Religious Periodical Literature, and at the end of every fifth volume of the journal itself. Second-class postage PAID at Cambridge, Massachusetts and additional offices. Copyright by American Schools of Oriental Research, 1970 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES or AMERICA, BY TRANSCRIPT PRINTING COMPANY PETERBOROUGH, N. H. Studies in Field Geological Archaeology REUBENG . BULLARD Geology Department, University of Cincinnati The science of geology treats the crust of the earth in much the same way that archaeology considers areas of human occupation. This discussion seeks to explore this parallel relationship and to examine some aspects of excavation in which questions arise that apply to areas of specialty for geo- logists. The writer is aware of the problem of terminology which may be unfamiliar to the non-geologist. Minimal definitions are included in the discussion.' Field study for this article was carried out on the site of Gezer in the central Shephelah of Israel.2T he aim of the investigation conducted during the excavations has been a broader understanding of the relationship be- tween Gezer's inhabitants and their environment during the city's history. Certain areas of inquiry have proved useful in the initial phases of this re- search. A survey of the local and regional geology made from field studies and from the growing literature has provided information about the nature and origin of the rocks and minerals encountered in excavation. Exposed soils and clays within five kilometers of Gezer were systematically sampled 1. A handbook and glossary of field terms for archaeologists is in preparation. An inexpensive use- ful source is the American Geological Institute, Dictionary of Geological Terms (1962). 2. Since 1966 the author has served as consultant in geology, and since 1969 as member of the Core Staff of the excavations at Gezer; cf. BA, XXX (1967), 34-62. This project is under the direction of William G. Dever with H. Darrell Lance as Associate Director; institutional sponsorship is provided by Hebrew Union College, with financial support from the Smithsonian Institution. Tne writer wishes to express his gratitude to Nelson Glueck who first invited him to pursue geological research in the Near East. 1970, 4) THE BIBLICALA RCHAEOLOGIST 99 and analyzed for mineral and trace element content. Potential temper sources such as local streamc hannela nd terraced epositsa nd Pleistocenea nd Recents andso f the CoastaPl lainw eres tudiedm ineralogicallRy.a3n domly sampledd iscardfsr omt he dailyp otteryc alls,t ogetherw ith ovenw all frag- ments and mud brick remnants were collected. This material was analyzed for clay mineral content, firing history, and temper. A growing catalogue of ceramic groups and temper suites is being assembled. Stratigraphic relations and sedimentalogical data are areas of specialization for geologists who can contribute measurably to the under- standing of the history of occupation at a site. Petrologic study of regional and local bedrock materials is providing a preliminary basis for determining the provenance of numerous igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic lithic artifacts and building materials found in the historical phasing of a city-site. Regional and Local Geology The topographic features of the earth's surface take their form mostly from the effects of bedrock composition, configuration, and climate. The location of mountains and hills, valleys and plains, rivers and streams, the ground water supply, the occurence of caves, the nature of the soil and the wealth of mineral resources are all governed by geological factors. A division of the southern Levant into geomorphic or physiographic provinces is relevant to the work of the archaeologista nd the historian. This is because each province is defined on the basis of topographic or surface relief features which are caused by geologic conditions in the crust of the earth. Local environmental variation in each province has a significant effect on the inhabitants even to the extent of affecting their way of life. The inhabitants of the Coastal Plain, for example, lacked the hard rock sources for wall and house construction which the Shephelah and Judean hill areas had in abundance. Southeastern Galilee abounds with basalt sur- face rock which is a highly durable grindstone materiala nd stands in marked contrast with the soft chalk and brittle chert rock sources of the Shephelah. The high frequency of basalt grindstones at Gezer means that the in- habitants traded or traveled some distance to seture a material they pre- ferred above local resources. The physiographic provinces of the southern Levant (see Fig. 2):4 1. The Negev. This portion of Israel extending from Beersheba to the Gulf of Aqaba is bounded by Sinai on the west and the Araba on the east. 3. Residual soils are those formed from weathered bedrock in situ. The soil now exists in place of the rock from which it was formed. Colluvial soils and clays are those which have moved downslope from the place of origin under the influence of gravity. Alluvial soil clays are those eroded, trans- ported, and deposited by the running water of streams. Temper is any coarse material added to pot- tery clay to prevent failure of the vessel. Geological time-rock terms, e.g., Pleistocene, may be found in any introductory text. 4. See especially M. W. Ball and D. Ball, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin 37, No. 1. 100 THE BIBLICALA RCHAEOLOGIST (Vol. XXXIII, 00 so 20q% PHYSIOGRAPHIDCI VISIONS LEBANON ISROFA EL f X4 mA E I SCALE GAL"I LEE 250 105 050 20 30 40 ASEA OF METERS HIGH LAND PALESCTOINOER DINATES "' 50 KILOMETERG RID ,. IS0 iL 30NaAB LUSi t 50 A4 l -4, TEAE 050 - 200 '" o 5 a 'uj 000.... ?./.......0.0...00.0 Be N I A"Il r. Fig. 2. Physiographic provinces of Israel. 1970, 4) THE BIBLICALA RCHAEOLOGIST 101 2. The Araba - Dead Sea - Jordan Valley. The rift valley between Isra- el and Transjordani s a long (400 km) and narrow (10-30 km) tectonic de- pression (crustal deformation) extending from the Gulf of Aqaba (Eilat) to the foothills of Mt. Hermon. 3. The Emek Yizreel (biblical Esdraelon). A graben structure (down- faulted block of the earth's crust) trends northwest from the central Jordan valley in the region of Beth-shan (Beisan) about 30 kilometers. 4. Galilee Highland. Galilee is situated between the Emek Yizreel on the south and the Lebanon bordero n the north. 5. The Carmel Uplift. Mt. Carmel is a folded upwarp which is a structural continuity with the, Megiddo syncline and the Um el-Fahm anti- cline extending into the West Bank area.5 6. The Judean - Ephraim Mountains. "The backbone of central Pal- stine" is the northward trending anticlinical mountain belt with three north- northeast en echelon (off-set parallel) structural components: the Hebron mountains, on the south, the Judean mountains in the central area, and the Ephraim mountains on the north. This mountain system is bounded in the east by the rift valley faults and on the west by the dip of the bedrock (about 30') under the Shephelah. 7. The Coastal Plain. This province extends along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean sea from the borders of Sinai on the south to the Lebanon bordern ear Rosh Ha-niqra. It is punctuated only by the cape which is the result of the Carmel uplift. Below the Carmel promentory,t he coastal area is subdivided into the Philistine (Pleshet) plain on the south and the plain of Sharon on the north. Longitudinally the Coastal plain west of Gezer is marked with kurkar ridges (fossilized or cemented sand dunes) and hamra (deeply weathered Pleistocene red sands). The swamps the Romans began to drain have all been given outlets to the sea in modern times leaving swamp-deposits. 8. The Continental Shelf. This submarine extension of the coastal area of the eastern Mediterranean has a maximum width of about 15 kilometers. It exhibits numerous rock outcrops regarded as submerged kurkar. From the shoreline the area slopes gently westward to the shelf-break point at about the 110 meter depth west of the coast of Israel. 9. The Shephelah. "Over the Plain, as you come up from the coast, you see a sloping moorland break into scalps and ridges of rock, and over these a loose gathering of chalk and limestone hills, round and featureless, with an occasional bastion flung out in front of them. This is the Shep- 5. A syncline is a fold in the rocks in which both sides dip inward toward an axis. An anticline is also a fold structure, but instead both sides dip outward from an axis. 102 THE BIBLICALA RCHAEOLOGIST (Vol. XXXIII, helah - a famous theatre of the history of Palestine - debatable ground between Israel and the Philistines, the Maccabees and the Syrians, Saladin and the Crusaders."6 Shephelah means lowland, or the subtle rolling foothill area bordered on the east by the Judean and Ephraim mountains and on the west by the Coastal plain. Morphologically! the foothills province extends from the Car- mel uplift in the north on Cretaceous limestones to the vicinity of Gezer from which it extends southward mostly on Eocene chalks and limestones to the northern Negev. Topographic highs persist under a protective armor of a caliche-like weathered residual bedrock crust termed nari. It is upon such a topographic high that the city of Gezer was built giving it a commanding position over the coastal road (the Via Maris) which lay toward the eastern margin of the Coastal plain because of the swamp land to the west. In addition Gezer was suitably situated to control traffic to the Judean mountains along the route through the Aijalon valley lying to the north and northeast of the city. Moreover the inhabitants of Gezer were conditioned by the economic geological aspects of the central Shephelah, sometimes near, sometimes far: tools, building materials, weap- ons, and the raw materialsf or variouse nterprisesa nd commodities. Soils and Soil Clay Mineralogy The term soil has been used with a variety of meanings by farmers, civil engineers, archaeologists and geologists. Soil scientists regard soil as that earth material which has been acted upon by physical, chemical, and biological agents to the extent that it will support rooted plants. Archaeo- logists sometimes use the term for any very fine-grained sediment in the excavation which has color as its only distinguishing feature. In this dis- cussion we are considering a soil to be the weathered material on or at the earth's surface representing the naturally altered parent rock material. Weathering processesc hange the minerals of the bedrock which were formed under different conditions into minerals which are stable in the environ- ment of the existing climate. Soils may be residual (existing on the parent rock from which they are derived) or transported (moved elsewhere by natural agencies).7 The composition of soils varies with different parent rock sources and with different climate regimes. In Israel bedrock characteristicsa nd climate have produced two dominant soil types in the region about Gezer. The dense crystalline limestones of the Judean-Ephraim mountains weather to terra rossa soils8 containing some clay components and especially iron oxide, 6. G. A. Smith, The Historical Geography of the Holy Land (1966) p. 143. 7. Residual soil is considered virgin when there is no significant cultural material found in it. Transported soils are not found where they are formed but where they are redeposited by some agency of sediment movement, for example mass wasting down slope or running water. 8. M. Gal, Proceedings of the International Clay Conference, (1967), Vol. II. 1970, 4) THE BIBLICALA RCHAEOLOGIST 103 which imparts the distinctive deep red coloration. The softer chalks and marls which underlie the central and southern Shephelah give rise to a brown soil containing clay, oxides of iron and manganese mixed with cal- cium carbonater esidues - a rendzinate soil.9 Local soil clays are frequently concentrated in the floodplain deposits of the streams in the area (see Fig. 3). At Gezer rendzinate soils and clays found use as floor surfacing, wine or olive press wall surfacing, sub-plasters tone wall filling, oven walls, terra cottas, and unfired and fired mud brick material. A surprising discovery in the soil and clay studies of the Gezer en- vironment is the occurrence of insoluble tests or shells of Eocene foramini- ii. . ........ 4 ~ i~~l '.-~ ~ii~i'Aiii? ---~itiiii ' *.f ::::::: 40*- pph WWI! - Fig. 3. Outcrop of a soil profile developed on the alluvial sediments of the Aijalon valley north of Gezer. Soils are composed of stable resistant clay minerals, quartz sand, oxides of iron and other metals newly formed or inherited from the parent material. These soils and alluvial clays were available for use by the Gezer potters and brick makers. fera in the soil derived from the parent chalk (Fig. 4). Originally composed of calcium carbonate, these silica-replaced fossils occur in the rendzinate soil produced by the weathering of the rock under local climatic conditions (see Fig. 5). They are entrained in the soil clay matrix and become a part of any mud brick or pottery materialsm ade from it. The occurrenceo f such fossil foraminifera in statistically high numbers provides evidence for the locality as understood by the area of outcrop where a particular fossil bear- ing bedrock formation occurs. In Israel such areas may vary from one physio- graphic province to another (see Fig. 6). 9. Ibid, and the Atlas Israel (1955). 104 THE BIBLICALA RCHAEOLOGIST (Vol. XXXIII, Iv l. led 44 t4 Fig. 4. Photomicrograph of the Middle Eocene (Maresha Member) chalk which constitutes the uppermost bedrock strata underlying Gezer and the Shephelah to the south. Chalk is composed of foraminiferal tests, shown above, coccoliths and calcium carbonate muds (magnified 76X). When silicified, the tests may be residual in the soil formed from the weathered rock (see Fig. 5). ::': :. .: 'i-"i iiiR Fig. 5. Silicified foraminiferal tests which resisted the soil-forming weathering processes. They are residual within the clays developed in the alteration of the chalk bedrock and become entrained in mud brick and pottery material. They have a high statistical incidence in the soil clay formed on the rock from which they are dervied (magnified 38X). 1970, 4) THE BIBLICALA RCHAEOLOGIST 105 ..:, iii % c:a:.,:-: :... IY.Y Fig. 6. Ceramic analysis: photomicrographo f a thin section of Type II-A Hellenistic pottery (reflected light, magnified 16X). when this. potsherd was cut, by chance it gave an equatorial section of the species Rotalia trochidiformisL amarc( arrow), known from the Middle Eocene of the Gezer area. Other foraminferalr emainsa re distributedt hroughoutt he paste in this photo. Ceramics Inasmuch as pottery may be considered the most durable and widely distributed packaging medium of antiquity, those shapes which were used over broad geographical areas become a valuable means of chronological in- terpretation. Pottery, from the viewpoint of a petrologist, is essentially a man-made (or in a special sense, a metamorphic) rock and is practically indestructible after its primary purpose is met. As such it is composed of heat-alteredc lays having a peculiar trace element chemistry along with tem- per (sand-size particles or straw) added by potters to give the mixture propertiest o resist failure during drying and firing. The non-organic portion of soils of most importance to pottery makers is the clay mineral content. While potters knew nothing more about clays than whether they were plastic when wet and would become durable in shape when fired, we are in a position to understand just why some clays made fine pottery, some poor pottery, and some clays simply failed. Clays are natural fine-grain, earthy materials which become plastic when com- bined with water. Chemical analyses show that clays are composed of silica, alumina, and water and may also contain iron, alkalis, and alkaline earths. 106 THE BIBLICALA RCHAEOLOGIST (Vol. XXXIII, X-ray diffraction studies reveal that clay minerals are usually platy or fi- brous in atomic structure, with groups of atoms repeating themselves to form layered crystalline sequences. The plasticity exhibited by clays is the result of very thin films of water held on and between sub-microscopicp lates or fibers. The slippery property of clays is a glide effect of these minute platelets on surface water. This re- sponse is the clay behavior sought by potters for workability in hand and on the wheel. After his vessel is shaped, the potter allows this "surfacew ater" to evaporate during which the plastic effects diminish to the point where the vessel becomes "leather hard." Cohesion and electrostatic charges bond the clay mineral platelets and fibers together and the vessel is ready for firing. The effect of heat is to remove internal water from the platelets and fibers. This is the point at which the potter found the answer to the critical question about his clay vessel - will it crack? Trial and error (with good luck) led him to realize that certain clays would not crack and that the addi- tion of temper would lessen the tendency to do so of those which did. We know that kaolinite, illite, montmorillonite, palygorskite (attapulgite), and sepiolite are the dominant clay minerals present in southern Levantine sources. These minerals seldom occur naturally in high purity except in isolated environments. Only the first two may yield a fine ceramic when available in the quantities used by the makers of certain Greek and Cypriot wares. While some local sources in stream deposits contain varying amounts of kaolinite and/or illite, Gezer potters learned that most local soil clay sources (because they are rich in palygorskite - a fibrous clay) required tempering additives to prevent vessel failure during drying and firing. Pottery temper was found by potters in the sands of local beaches, in the stream beds of local wadis and from recent and geologically older sand dune sources. In the case of most mud bricks and some terra cottas (sarco- phagi, baking oven walls, and a few storage jar handles and walls), straw and grass tempers were utilized. The mineralogy of sand tempers varies with the place of origin, and, assuming ancient potters did not transport their temper raw materials from considerable distances, the composition may yield information about the probablel ocality of origin. The activity of a modern potter shows the importance of good clay sources, but it is probably not typical for ancient potters because of trans- portation limitations. In 1968 a Palestinian potter at the Bal1tah refugee camp obtained his clay from the Moza Marl, which outcrops on the surface near el-Jfb. He drove to the Mediterranean beach and dune sands near Na- tanyah for his temper materials. The Gezer studies do not show such a wide ranging combinationi n the same ware.

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