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The Bhagavad-Gita, A New Translation PDF

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TheB hgaavad-Gita SELEOCTTH EBRO OKBSYT HAE UTHORS ByG eorFgue etresin TheD epeeDri menofYos giao n TheE ncyclofoYo pgeaadn iTadant ra TheP atofhYo ga TheP hiplhoofyCs alossYoigcaa l TantraTh:eP atofhE ctsasy TeachofiYo nggsa YogMao ralyi t TheYo gaT rdaition ByG egoF reusetreaniBdner ndFae uerstein GreDehna rma GreYoegna The Bhaavad-G1ta g A NEW TRANSLATION GeorFge uerstein WITHB RENDAF EUERSTEIN SHAMBHALA BOSTO&N L ONDON 2011 ShambhaPluab licatIinocn. s, HorticulHtaulrla l 300M assachuAsveetntuse BostoMna,s sachu0s1e1t1t5s www.shambhala.com © 201b1y G eorFge uersatnedBi rne ndFae uerstein Alrli ghrtess ervNeod p.a rotft hibso omka yb er eproduicne d anyfo rmo rb ya nym eanesl,e ctroormn eicch aniicnacll,u ding photocopryeicnogr,d oirnb gya ,n yi nformatsitoonr aangde retriseyvsatlew mi,t hout perimnwi rsistiifronongm t hpeu blisher. FirEsdti tion Printientd h eU nitSetda toefAs m erica e Thise ditiiospn r intoenad c id-pfraepeet rh amte ettsh e AmericNaant ioSntaaln daIrndsst izt3u9.t4eS8 t andard. 0Th isb ooiks p rintoen3d 0 %p ostconsruemceyrc plaepde r. Form orei nformatpiloenav siesww iwt .shambhala.com. Distribiuntt heeUd n itSetda tbeyRs a ndoHmo usIen,c ., andi nC anadbayR andoHmo usoef C anadLat d DesignbeyGd o pa& Ted1I,n c. LibraorfCy o ngreCsast aloging-in-DPautbal ication BhagavadEgnigtlai&.s Sha nskrit. The Bhagavad-aGn ietwta r:a nslIaGt eioornFg e uerswtietihn BrendFae uersteiend..- lst p. cm.I nclubdiebsl iograrpehfiecrae(lnp c.e) sa ndi ndex. ISBN9 78-159-030-893-6( pbk.a:kl .p aper) I.F euerstGeeionrI,gI .F. e uersBtreeinnd,Ia I.TI i.t le. BLI138.26011.1E 5 2.94.5'92.404511-dc22 1010051836 FoBrer ndwai,t hh emayrt thfkaesnSl.hth e a tdh vei sfoiro nt he prevseernastni mdoa ni ntiati nurenidctg oihlmt p letion. Withhoeeurnt uc roeamgeanntsd k ialslsfuilst thwaionsrc ke ,w ould nevers ehteahnlve ie og dfha tiy ni tpsr efosremnAt.m onogt her thisnhgsesh ,o ultdhteeer deoidefu n mt etrhSienan sgkt reixtt ont hceo mpauntfodeu rnc dih tsa esnkj oayttah balte. Contents Preface ix Acokwnegmldents xiii 1heT arnistlteiraoannPd or nuinatcofiS oann skrit xiv PAROTN EI:n trodEuscstaoyrsy 1Th.e M ahabahtaar 3 2..Th eD ramaatniHdcis troiScteatlio tnfhg Be h aavgaGdi-ta 9 3D.r amatiso tfPh Geeitr as onae 2. 2. 4.D viiInnec aronVfai tsihonnus 3 8 5Th.e G i'tSsay ncraenHtdoi lsimO srtiiecn tation 42. 6.Vy saa-aBradn Sda ge 47 7.Th eH indCuo ncoeCfpy tc Tliimce 52. 8Th.e G iitHnai nThdouu gahntCd u lture 56 9.On T ransltahBtehig anavga Gdi-ta 71 PARTTwo :Bh aavgaGdi-ta: TranslwaitStinhaos nkT,rex iattn T dra nsliteration7 7 Chap1tTh:ee Yr og ao Afr j'uDsne aspondency 79 Chap2.tTh:ee Yr og ao Kfn owledge 93 Chap3tTh:ee Yr og ao Afc tion 1 1 9 vii Chap4t:e YrThog eao Wfi sdom I3 5 Chap5tTh:ee Yr og ao tfh Ree nuncoiAfac ttiioonn 49 I Chpat6eTh:r e Y ogao Mfe ditation 5 I 7 ChaptTheeYr og a Woifs daonmKd n owledge I 7: I 7 Chap8tTh:ee Yr og ao tfh Iem periAsbhsaoblluet e 8 I I ChaptTheeYr og ao tfh Reo yWails dom 9: antdhR eo ySaelec tr I9 I ChaptTheerY ogao f[ DivMianneia]fet siton i.03 IO: ChpateIrTh: eY ogao tfh Vei soif[oh tneL orAdll'-osFr]m I 2.2.I ChapI2t Th:ee rY oga Doevfo tion 24 7 ChapIt TheerY ogao tfh Dei stibnewcteteino n 3: thFeei ladnt dh Feei ld-Knower 235 ChpatIe4 rTh: e Y ogao tfh Desi tinbcettiwoene n thTeri pQluela ities 256 Chap5tThe:er Y ogao tfh Seu prPeemres on 273 I Chap6tTh:e erY ogao tfh Dei stibnewcteteino n I thDevi ianneDd e mocnD ieasyt in 28 I ChpatIe rTh eY ogao Dfs itinbcewtteeinto hnTe ri pFliaet h2 89 7: ChpatIe8 rTh: e Y ogao Rfe nuncainLadit baiteoirno n 299 PARTTH REWEo:r dr--fooWrTdra nslation 325 SelBeicbgrtal pihoy 5 47 Glorysof s SaeTelremicstnt h B eh agavad-Gita 49 7 Index 489 AbotuhAteu tsh or 590 viiIi C ONTENTS Praecfe yadthorma atsa tkam:tba b Whedrhea rimtsah, e iKrsre i shna. -MAHABHA6R.A14T.A5 5 ALTHOUGH THE BhaavgaGdia-t-aenp isoIdnedg iriaen'ae stip ecs,t .l"\ thMea habaht-aawracso mpoosvteewrdto h ouyseaanrdis t sa go, actmievsissiatssg t reie llle tvoaydp,nae tr hmaoeprs so teehvraa-nn d nootn tloHy inu.sdW el iivnaet iomfger esaotlca ineadn vironmental upheaanvtdah lwe,i sdom toefKa rcihshihannvIgape s r, o pmousceh, too ffeursa lKlr.i shna hiiamscp tairgvtaite sohdt id siY sociple, Prince Arjuwnhaih,lew e ap so iosnte hdbe a ttlfaecfiitenhligedm ,m etdpeir aos­ peockfti lrleilnaagtn hidov neostr eeadcw hhefoorr vs a rrieoauhssao dn s gathetrheeedn e'omssnyi Ndaet.u rAarljlfouyun,nah d mi seilnafs ig­ nicfiapnetr lsq ounaandasrtyr-ubagew gtelereni gahnwtdr otnhgia st symbooafll oilfc l' gisrfe eparte dicTaodmaeoynu,btr as t.t ligesolfi bealld, anwdh aiatsst t aitkshe se u rviovofau slrp eacniadelh sgli h leirfofe r ms onp lanetW ea Elasrot ha.tr ofie g hfoctrat lhdleie gdna nisdtu ys tain­ abioltfih vteay "s utn derpsreicvotitfilh oehengu empdao"np ulaantdi on thmee ntal-lse amynoo ittftih oownshaelo i ivrnee laabtnuidvaen ce. Alsog,i vtehne two owtfoh trewl edn cwteainrretystiu,w hn h icmhoe r thoannhe u ndmrlieldpi eoonpp elrei asnhtdehn deu, m emrooeru slo ers s lowcaarls sfoiuntgchheett nh m,eli airtigsotsiopcKfe r li sshenepama sr ­ ticuplearrtlIiwy no euanlrtdg. hu oew,e tvheaarlwt,la i ras na bomtiinoan antdh at, wtehm eursaetpfo prreo,pb rriaacttkhGeeeilt 'tym sa li itaristic orienatnuadnt dieornis ittan al nlde gtoerrimcsa.l TheB harwaatr apw raosba ah sbitloyer viecnatal g wloho,in wcgahr s e ­ membebryge edn eroafbta iruodnnstVs yia lsD av aip(aI"yasanlnda- born ix

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