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The beta-rays and gamma-rays from the disintegrations of osmium-185, 191, 193, and molybdenum-99 as determined with a magnetic lens spectrometer PDF

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Preview The beta-rays and gamma-rays from the disintegrations of osmium-185, 191, 193, and molybdenum-99 as determined with a magnetic lens spectrometer

w> m * am m atkm u mat t« simfsm.<nm$ m « d * » u m m h i a iu m g uasa assMMounmi m m . a s* le n s jemima to tsi *&»j,rr o? ms «&a&» »«& m vjumui m u n m sm w s® W i a a t s M «u » * « # s m o? mi&sopu?, is ms or msios* w an w m tm n aess, i m ProQuest Number: 10295196 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest ProQuest 10295196 Published by ProQuest LLC (2016). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 - 1346 II % t wltMt "if fwtft flu tm lit# M | mtf ftdfiftt t# iff#©*1 I* c* % m& %M ffel# ie il$ lM i ifM itfff fy Wif ftffatrf itt or m * * & 1 # * 1 * * #♦ * *■ * * ♦ -* * 7 * * # ■# ■*■ * # 8 .-*' m * _# * « #- & • * * # *' IB . * * -« ♦ ♦ * * m * ■# •# # •« m * m * * * * •* **■ *■ 1 7 » # ■■* * * ■* .*■ £ 0 «• * ♦ «> * * * m * «• * #• m t* * * m '■■-*' •#■ * % -*> #L. * sa*.3 4 » W * * * « ■#& * * * » '¥■ * * £ 8 4 * * * * * * •uJU •*■ # * * # # »- 3 1 * ¥ ♦ m atM Bt ®f %&& % * ♦ ■* * * * m c J e ii i t*%£w» 3 fi- a* * «. * # * % * v•s .#? 111, prritti.am ® ? * &$&# * 4a. * * 41 * * 43 * * 47 * * fcl * ■* M m * m * if m « « ♦ -» ViW' * •» 40 » <* •* • ♦ ■* * • * * « * * n t* w m m m m ttfe I* ti^ oior im tesmift 4 wtpwMll# Imm * *■ * ■* # ♦ * # • * * ' • # * * # # * 4 fi.f# &# te ^ ro l ti#w ## th# * # * * * « * * * * * 41 fig# &# wifiag tl&gws * * * * * * * # * * * * # M fig* 4(i ftoiMmgt&a iiifgw* <*f **•* ***** * * if Hgft f* 4 u% $%nwk| lit# t$$&m%m& itimmtim * * * * * * « » fig* i* %# for VftTlttOft oo&l * *, * * * * # * * * * * # $U m * f# l^rtiigml&i mgpootli fitM twrilmfcimsi of ilg*. lift* OOtlf * -* * *g* * * » * * * * * * m i # fig* t* 4$*o&mt> of * * *■ * * * ** * * ** *§ fig* f*. 9mm*#9& of % |P #: * « * * * * * * * * * 44 fig* If* SNM»*»*jr i^otruia of % ¥ * * * * * * * * * * # * 44 fig* II* iM g m w r tgoolrai if Oo*w 44*44 * * * * * * jkjjfe * .# * .* # * * * * * §© fig.* U* f*%o««4 swag fhlmm fgg % w * * « * » * « * * * 14 fig* 14* gpootra* of ■So** * * * * * ♦ * * « » * • * id fig* 14* #»3fl glii of iofw of opooirw of * * * * * * if ffcir* M* iiw i#iMPf*f «p*gt*wii« ggplgoii into fifwyp# * * * 40 ■fig* 1 4 * ojioiroti v im * 9 * * « * * « • # » * • * 44 fig* If* f^fistiiro $m&$ mtewt* fir Stor* * * * * * * * * * * if St lafiw acfioi A* Objective* of this Kmmwh* Wto principal object’we of tto research described .la this dissertation w*a to determine as j.early *» por.aible the decay schemea of the radioactive it at ay os 0?w \ 0* ^ # 0®*^ f ana Mo^9. £M» woa e-dcompHsbed mainly by readying the 'hot ft* mil gwame^ray epee*** of the** i*fttopea* m - determined'o^ih &: mgnetic lea* vteeijfewoter# In some Ca^ea* helpful ittii'fafe'tidn concerning the 4od*:» uni prowled by oolxw ideas e techniques * a* too ?•*»£.**%!« ipeGtremeter *■ 1* ffrawlftaft isfori;. enfl basic .Itaftoh Oil* was apparently the fir*;I invest ip? tor to thorough* ly analyse the foou8slaf. properties of axially spswtrlo field®* such ** that ftfttftblir.h^i by ft simple ceil* if* wea able to ate that such a field will focus electrons in sanch the same as m op­ tical lane will focus light* ®o bo specific* consider that w* have an electron source and * detector located' on the Mftgnwtio axis of a ool 1 as shown in fig# 1* Act p ho the distant from 1 ho source to the canter of the coll, q the die toco from the detector ftperfttatre to the center of the coil* and f the so-called *f&e»l length** of the instrument* then It is found that the lens formula I'Miiw'mi.'-iiriiiT' —r*" 'i'^-it1-^ 'r-n-‘rrr-‘-rh>Jt‘1‘““rTL'mT^-lirr-Ti'-^ri^-rrrrf~1r—ti-nm-niTr'1—*—n ■ •—1—r~“ ---- -••• ---- ■ hoforenftot are given *t the end of the dissertation* to mil 14* wi*m t it gives k$ lNa»«b m & tomtom $t %M M ttm fOtotttto oieotrom® * 1 f m& of to# r ■* of to# fitto tm too agio# lw* *« fibmt too Q lw u m to too.*** m m $m tot potot p &t smglteg, t oa<l <*z wttb to# tt»rali* will #»i ml to# potoi $ if f m& e(x «r# M il* «»o pro^tool. to* otoofjraui to too **m$®** mm to#- ##*»« twamima*# in motoml pettc^ < omdi &r« mm&* if 4«fi»e<£ Iw fe«if I*» fs»tof om tawiwtor #tog to to# $lmw of 10# toil* m tm mfttot bottom &i %im it m m ottos &tem% \m m$motto awi# ©t to# t o w ito^momoy 2 YHc *feio& m m it# to • total o®t#o of fottiloa of ffeo i»«WiiltaB« to 4#riving #$wtoiem* ID to |4) &ro m follow* U) toot **# olootooa pmth* tm mxy eios# to to# ©Eto of to# f ioH t tal ttet to# a»®a#tie floto to ow* ftooo to * iimitto- oo#tom wm» tfeo toil# m i (D tto t too #i#o* tmm-mm m'mrntowk ototome# from to# mi® of tiv» ftoto mti£l« oooolng tlwwwiMilt tto ftoto# ^ltoott&b tot©* rnn ml folly m®lUM is $y«otto© ©v<m mw mlmUmlf tols ©otto* ogooitoo* til m$ t.$l ptoirto© a mm of 'mimiisg ©to foomoing proporti#© of o givtm imw « tool© oppUootioo to to* prom t tom© will 0# git® is igwanito X# 4 ttiifltor of iMNgnotAo 1« ©pootxiMtoro tor© torn© toll© mb #|3w iw i (mT to* oi» <U« &1* JC$* #1* ®U*U ©f ©to poto is toft&ptog moli m imotifimmt i® to ottoia « feigfe mm** lot torn ©m# yot amtotftltt oowi#o»Mt ml to# tot#otor« sp ft© *f*el&iiam tt*y to ©©prootoO fef ©to o©aftti©? 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