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The Best of Teen and Senior Portrait Photography: Techniques and Images from the Pros PDF

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Preview The Best of Teen and Senior Portrait Photography: Techniques and Images from the Pros

the best of TEEN AND SENIOR PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY Techniques and Images from the Pros Bill Hurter Amherst Media ® PUBLISHER OF PHOTOGRAPHY BOOKS Copyright © 2004 by Bill Hurter All rights reserved. Front cover photo: Brian King © 2003 Back cover photo: Fuzzy Duenkel © 2003 Published by: Amherst Media® P.O. Box 586 Buffalo, N.Y. 14226 Fax: 716-874-4508 www.AmherstMedia.com Publisher: Craig Alesse Senior Editor/Production Manager: Michelle Perkins Assistant Editor: Barbara A. Lynch-Johnt ISBN: 1-58428-111-1 Library of Congress Card Catalog Number: 2003103023 Printed in Korea. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,stored,ortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechan- ical, photocopied, recorded or otherwise, without prior written consent from the publisher. Notice of Disclaimer: The information contained in this book is based on the author’s experience and opinions. The author and publisher will not be held liable for the use or misuse of the information in this book. TABLE OF CONTENTS The Photographers ................................6 Introduction ...................................10 1. Senior Portrait Photography, Yesterday and Today .....18 Yearbooks .....................................19 School Dress Code .............................21 Deadlines ....................................21 When Contracts Work ............................22 Today’s Senior Studios ...........................24 Why Good Photographers Turn to Seniors ............25 Web Sites .....................................25 2. Ways of Posing ...............................27 Relaxed, Natural Posing ..........................28 Subject Positioning ..............................28 The Head and Shoulders ..........................30 The Head-and-Shoulders Axis ....................30 Male Posing vs. Female Posing ....................31 Tilting the Head ..............................31 Sloping Line of the Shoulders ....................31 Face Positions ..................................31 Seven-Eighths View ............................31 Three-Quarters View ...........................32 Profile View ..................................32 The Eyes .....................................32 P h o to b y F u z z y D u e n k e l. 3 P Differences Between Direct and Diffused Light ...57 h o to Hair and Background Lights .................58 b y R Broad and Short Lighting....................59 a lp h Umbrellas and Softboxes ....................60 R o m Lighting Ratios............................62 a g u e A Wall of Fill Light .........................63 ra . Fashion Lighting ..........................64 Feathering the Lights .......................64 Reflectors ................................64 The Softer the Better .......................66 Retouching ...............................66 5. Natural Lighting for Seniors ................68 The Mouth...............................34 Window Light ............................70 Posing Hands and Fingers ...................35 Diffusing Window Light ...................71 Three-Quarter- and Full-Length Poses ..........37 Photographing in Shade .....................71 Weight on the Back Foot ...................39 Photographing in Open Shade ................73 Camera Height ............................39 Light Modifiers ...........................73 Working Distances and Focal Length ...........39 Reflectors for Fill .........................73 Active Posing .............................41 Gobos .................................74 Giving Directions ..........................41 Scrims .................................75 Subject Comfort ...........................41 Applying and Breaking the Rules of Posing ......41 3. Communicating and Getting Great Expressions ..43 Pre-Session Consultation ....................43 Two Clients . . . Always .....................45 No Parent at Session .......................45 Number and Type of Poses ..................46 Individuality ..............................46 Facial Analysis.............................48 Psychology ...............................49 Breaking Down Defenses ....................50 Clothing and Accessories ....................50 Colors and Patterns .......................51 Shoes .................................52 Eyeglasses ..............................52 Hair and Makeup ..........................52 The Makeover ............................54 k. 4. Studio Lighting for Seniors .................55 Clar The Illusion of Three Dimensions .............56 Gigi y Key and Fill Lights .........................57 b o ot The One-Light Lighting Effect ...............57 h P 4 THE BEST OF TEEN AND SENIOR PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY Flash Techniques ..........................76 Finish Differences ..........................99 Fill Flash ...............................76 Deposits and Prepayments ...................99 Determining Exposure with Flash-Fill .........77 Proofing Session ..........................100 Flash Sync Speeds ........................78 Flash-Key on Overcast Days ................78 Flash-Fill with Direct Sunlight ...............79 Working at Midday .........................79 Using Long Lenses to Cut Image Contrast ......80 6. Senior Marketing Techniques ...............82 Be Consistent in Your Marketing ..............82 Bulk Mailing .............................83 Constantly Evaluate Your Marketing Program ....83 Copyright Notice ..........................83 Digital Graduation Announcements ............84 Direct-Mail Campaigns ......................86 Direct-Mail Frequency and Guidelines .........86 Dollar-a-Day Sessions .......................86 The “Dream Team” ........................86 Ellie Vayo’s CD Business Card/ Portfolio Presentation ...................86 The “Friends” Promo .......................87 How Much Should You Spend? ...............87 s. er List Brokers ..............................87 Pet y Market in Threes ..........................88 arr L y Notice of Secondary Usage ..................88 b o ot Posting Proofs on the Internet ................88 h P Senior Albums on Display ...................89 8. Senior Photographer Profiles ..............102 Senior Contact and Follow-Up ................89 Fuzzy and Shirley Duenkel: Senior Photo Exchange .....................89 It’s All Happening at Home ...............102 Student Representatives .....................89 Jeff Smith: Reinventing the Senior Market ......106 Video Marketing...and Then Some ...........90 Ellie Vayo: Customer Service Wallet Special .............................90 at the Highest Level .....................109 Yearbook Advertising .......................90 Richard Pahl: 100 Percent Digital, The “You Ought to Be in Pictures” Promo ......92 100 Percent Seniors......................111 Window Dressing ..........................92 Ralph Romaguera: Understanding the Savvy Senior Market ..................114 7. Pricing and Proofing ......................93 Deborah Lynn Ferro: The Artist’s Touch .......117 Session Fees and Types ......................93 Michael and Pamela Ayers: The Senior Album ...120 Liability Waiver ............................96 Pricing ..................................96 Glossary ................................121 Package Pricing ..........................96 Index ..................................125 À-la-Carte Pricing ........................97 Special Offers .............................97 TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 THE PHOTOGRAPHERS Michael J. Ayers (PPA-Certified, M.Photog.,Cr., APM, AOPA, AEPA, AHPA). WPPI’s 1997 International Portrait Pho- tographer of the Year, Michael Ayers is a studio owner from Lima, Ohio. He has lectured to photographers about weddings, portraiture, and album design all across North America and has beenafeaturedspeakerinEurope.MichaelandhiswifePamare considered among the best wedding album designers in the world. Their creations and constructions have been honored as numerous Master’s Loan Collection albums and they have received honors in the WPPI Awards of Excellence print and album competitions. Visit the Ayers studio web site at www.theayers.com. GigiClark.Withfourcollegedegrees,GigiClarkhasavaried background including multimedia, instructional design, graphic design, and conceptual art. She brings all of her multidisciplined talents to her upscale photography business located in Southern California. She has received numerous awards and honors includingseveralFirstPlaceawardsinbothPPAandWPPIcom- petitions, as well as the first-ever Fujifilm Award for “Setting New Trends.” For more information, or to view Gigi’s images, visit her web site at www.ritualsphoto.com. Fuzzy Duenkel (M.Photog.,Cr., CPP). Fuzzy and Shirley DuenkelofWestBend,Wisconsinoperateathrivingportraitstu- dio concentrating primarily on seniors. Fuzzy has been highly decoratedbyPPA,bothnationallyandinWisconsin,havingwon ninePhotographeroftheYearBestofShow,andPhotographers’ Choice awards at Wisconsin PPA senior folio competitions. Fuzzy has had twelve prints selected for the National Traveling Loan Collection, two for Disney’s Epcot Center, one for Photokina in Germany, and one for the International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum in Oklahoma. Fuzzy’s custom senior portraits, created in and around his subjects’ homes,allowandencourageanendlessvariety.Toseeasampling of Fuzzy’s portraiture, visit his web site at www.dueknel. com. Ira and Sandy Ellis. This team of photographers owns and operates Ellis Portrait Design in Moorpark, California. The Ellis team,inadditiontoshootingtwentyorsoweddingsayear,pro- 6 duces children’s fantasy portraits, Medallion Award at the PPA of Kodak’s Pro Team, has been high-end images created around an National convention ASP banquet. under the wing of their sponsorship imaginative concept. Both Ira and Deborah Lynn Ferro. A profes- since 1988. In 2001, Kelly was Sandy have been honored in nation- sional photographer since 1996, awarded a fellowship in the Ameri- al print competitions at PPA and Deborah Lynn often calls upon her can Society of Photographers and WPPI and have had their work fea- background as a watercolor artist to was named to the prestigious Cam- tured in national ad campaigns. enhanceherimages.Shehasstudied eracraftsmen of America. The Pho- Don Emmerich (M.Photog., with master photographers all over tographyHallofFameinOklahoma M.Artist, M.EI, Cr., CEI, CPPS). theworld,includingMichaelTaylor, CityalsodisplaysaKellyportraitand Don Emmerich is a virtuoso of the Helen Yancy, Bobbi Lane, Monte an album of images in their perma- visualartsandoneofthepioneersof Zucker, and Tim Kelly. Deborah is nent collection. Kelly Studio and applied photographic digital imag- working toward degrees from WPPI Gallery in the North Orlando sub- ing. He belongs to a select group of andPPA.Inadditiontobeingafine urb of Lake Mary, Florida, is the professionals who have earned all photographer, she is also an accom- epitome of a high-end creative envi- four photographic degrees; he was plisheddigitalartist.Formoreinfor- ronment. Visit Kelly’s web site at also chosen to be a member of mation or to view Deborah Lynn www.timkelly portraits.com. the exclusive Camera Craftsmen of Ferro’sworkontheweb,visitherat Brian King. Brian King of America society, which is comprised www.rickferro.com. Cubberly Studios in Ohio began of the top-forty portrait photogra- Frank A. Frost, Jr. (PPA- accumulating awards for his artwork phers in the United States. Don has Certified, M.Photog.,Cr., APM, in elementary school. He attended been PPA’s technical editor for the AOPA, AEPA, AHPA). Located in the Ohio Institute of Photography, past twelve years, with some 150 the heart of the Southwest, Frank graduating in 1994. He went articles published in various maga- Frosthasbeencreatinghisownclas- straighttoworkatCubberlyStudios zines, nationally and internationally. sicportraitureinAlbuquerque,New in Ohio, where he is still employed. For more information, or to view Mexico for over eighteen years. Earning both his Certified Pro- Emmerich’s images, visit his web Believing that “success is in the fessional Photographer and Master site at www.emmerichphoto.com. details,” Frank pursues both the Photographer degrees from PPA, he Gary Fagan (M.Photog,Cr., artistryandbusinessofphotography is a member of PPO-PPA Senior CPP).Gary,alongwithhiswife,Jan, withremarkableresults,earninghim PhotographersInternationalandthe owns and operates an in-home stu- numerous awards from WPPI and American Society of Photographers. dio in Dubuque, Iowa. He concen- PPAalongtheway.Hisphotograph- To see a sampling of King’s portrai- tratesprimarilyonfamiliesandhigh- ic ability stems from an instinctive ture, visit www.cubberly.com. school seniors, using his half-acre flair for posing, composition, and Robert Love (APM, AOPA, outdoor studio as the main setting. lighting. Visit Frost on the web at AEPA, M.Photog,Cr., CPP) and At the 2001 WPPI convention, www.frankfrost.com. SuzanneLove(Cr.Photog.).Robert Gary was awarded WPPI’s Accolade Tim Kelly. Tim Kelly has won Love is a member of Camera- of Lifetime Excellence. He was also almost every available photography craftsmen of America, one of forty awarded the International Portrait award. He not only holds Master of active members in the world. He of the Year by that same organiza- Photography and Photographic and his wife, Suzanne, create all of tion. At the Heart of America con- Craftsman degrees, but he has their images on location. Preferring vention, he had the Top Master amassed numerous awards, includ- the early evening “love light,” they Print and the Best of Show. For the ing: PPA Loan Collection, Kodak have claimed the outdoors as their highest master print in the region, Gallery, Gallery Elite, and Epcot “studio.” This gives their images a Gary received the Regional Gold Awards. Kelly, a long-time member feeling of romance and tranquillity. THE PHOTOGRAPHERS 7 Tammy Loya. Tammy Loya is an Portraits (Studio Press), published won numerous awards in his distin- award-winning children’s portrait in 1987, and Contemporary Photog- guished professional career, includ- specialist from Ballston-Spa, New raphy (Marathon Press, Inc.), pub- ing the International Photographic York. In her first WPPI Awards of lished in 1995. His award-winning Council’s International Wedding Excellence print competition last web site is loaded with information Photographer of the Year Award, year, she won a first and second on photographing seniors: www. presented at the United Nations. place in the “children” category. All petersphotography.com. For more information on Patrick’s her other entries received honorable Norman Phillips (AOPA). Nor- work,ortoviewmoreofhisimages, mentions. Her studio is a converted man Phillips has been awarded the visit www.ricephoto.com. barn, which includes a Victorian WPPI Accolade of Outstanding Ralph Romaguera. Ralph Ro- theater, known as the Jail House PhotographicAchievement(AOPA), maguera is a highly successful senior Rock Theater, for previewing her is a registered Master Photographer and teen photographer with three client’s images. To see a sampling of with Britain’s Master Photographers thriving studios in the greater New Loya’s portraiture, visit her web site Association, is a Fellow of the Orleans area. Ralph and his sons at www.tammyloya.com. Society of Wedding & Portrait Ryan and Ralph, Jr., also successful Ralph Mendez (Cr.Photog.). Photographers, and a Technical photographers, operate his three Ralph Mendez and his wife, Fellow of Chicagoland Professional studios. He can be reached at his Rosemary, operate Images Designer Photographers Association. He is web site: www.romaguera.com/ Portraits in Riverside, California. a frequent contributor to photo- seniors.html. Their main mentors have been graphic publications, a print judge, Jeff Smith. Jeff Smith is an Bruce and Sue Hudson, Charles and a guest speaker at seminars and award-winning senior photographer Lewis, and Larry Peters. Their mar- workshops across the country. For from Fresno, California. He owns keting mix includes weddings, sen- more information, you can visit and operates two studios in Central iors, families, and black & white Norman Phillips on the web at California. He is well recognized as portraiture.RalphMendezisregard- www.normanphillipsoflondon.com. a speaker on lighting and senior edasoneoftheup-and-comingsen- Barbara Rice (Cr.Photog., PFA, photography and is the author of ior photographers in the country. APM). Barbara Rice has been a pro- Outdoor and Location Portrait Richard Pahl. Rick Pahl is a fessional photographer for twenty- Photography, Corrective Lighting highly successful senior and portrait two years working in Pennsylvania, and Posing Techniques for Portrait photographer from Okeechobee, New York, and Ohio. An accom- Photographers, Success in Portrait Florida. He is a digital wizard and plished artisan, Barbara has received Photography, and Professional Digi- has taught nationally on using top honors in several photographic tal Portrait Photography (all pub- Adobe®Photoshop®asacreativeand competitions. For more information lished by Amherst Media) and the production tool. He is one of the on Barbara’s work, or to view more self-publishedtitle,SeniorContracts. fewphotographerstoeverscoreper- of her images, visit her website at He can be reached at his web site, fect 100s in both WPPI and PPA www.ricephoto.com. www.jeffsmithphoto.com. print competitions. For more infor- Patrick Rice(M.Photog.Cr.,CPP, Ellie Vayo (PPA Certified, mation, visit www.richardpahl.net. AHPA). Patrick Rice is an award- M.Photog.,Cr., CPP). Ellie Vayo has Larry Peters. Larry Peters is one winning portrait and wedding pho- been photographing high school of the most successful and award- tographer with over twenty years in seniors for over twenty-five years. winning teen and senior photogra- the profession. A popular author, Ellie owns one of the most success- phers in the nation. He operates lecturer, and judge, he presents pro- ful senior studios in the country three successful studios in Ohio and grams to photographers across the today, located in Mentor, Ohio, is the author of two books, Senior United States and Canada. He has about twenty-five miles east of 8 THE BEST OF TEEN AND SENIOR PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY Cleveland. She is part of the Fuji School Senior Portrait Photography, ment Award. In 2002, Monte Talent Team, and she created the in the fall of 2002. For more infor- received the International Photog- “Ellie Vayo Senior Album” in part- mation or to view Vayo’s work, visit raphy Council’s International Por- nership with General Products. Ellie her web site at www.evayo.com. trait Photographer of the Year lectures throughout the country at MonteZucker.Whenitcomesto Award, presented at the United many major state conventions. Her perfection in posing and lighting, Nations. In his endeavor to educate marketing CD-ROM “business timelessimagery,andcontemporary, photographers at the highest level, card” recently won the First Place yet classical photographs, Monte Monte, along with partner Gary AN-NE Award trophy at PPA’s Zucker is world famous. He’s been Bernstein, has created the informa- Senior Marketing Conference! bestowed every major honor the tion-based web site for photogra- Amherst Media published her first photographic profession can offer, phers, www.Zuga.net. book, The Art and Business of High including WPPI’s Lifetime Achieve- THE PHOTOGRAPHERS 9 S INTRODUCTION eniors and teens are an age group in transition. They often have boyfriends or girlfriends and are thinking about college or career, and they’re often thinking about leaving home, all of which can make for a very confusing time of life. A portrait made at this stage of their lives is a valuable heirloom because they will never look or act quite like this again. Award-winningphotographerRickPahlseessenior-agekidsas being at the pinnacle of their physical attractiveness. “On a Darwinianlevel,”saysRick,“seniors,especiallygirls,areatorare veryclosetotheirphysicalprimes.Thisiswhengirlsarethemost attractive. Men are usually considered their best at around Theartofseniorportraiturehasevolvedtocreatenewstandardsofexcellence.Here award-winningphotographerTimKellyhascreatedanelegantbutverycontempo- raryseniorportraitbymixingclassicalandcasualelements. 10

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