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THEB ESTIN CHESS I.AH.O ROWITZ JACK STRABLAETYT ELL Illustrated Compliedb yt woo ft he foremoasutt hor· itioensc hessI,.A .H orowiatnzdJ ack StralBeayte tllf-romH orowiotwzn'm ag­ azinCeh essR eview-thdiesl ifguhpoltt ­ pourrhia se verythniencge sstaorp yl ease chess ploafya elarlgs e as nda ldle grees ofta lent. Herteh egr eatpetsaty eorfps a satn dp res­ enet xhitbhietpi rro weisnfs i ftthyo rohulgy annotatgerda nmda sterpieSceelse.c ted ont heb asoifsl astmienrgi stt,a tuorft eh e . contensttsca,l arity,a ncdo lfoloraf,tv hoer notes, they cooftv heefrn i esseotfm feo rts ofs ucahl l-tigmree aatssA lekhiBnoevt,i n­ nikC,a apblancEau,w eL,a skeSrte,i intz, SmysloTva,h lt,h ec urretnitth loeldPeert ­ rosyaann,dA mericmao'sstb rlilicahnets s masteBrob,b yF isch(eIrnl.cu deidsF isch­ er'fsa mougsa mec,a lle"dT hGea meo ft he Century.") Thes toriaensda rticalreecs a lulcatteod whetth er eadeirn'tse riencs hte sosf tfh e boarbdy r evleainugn uslua aspecotfst he gameo ro ft hep ersaolnitiTehses. h ort storaireesd ramataincds omeo ft hemi n­ volvaen0 .H enrtyw iasttt heen d.( Onoef themM,a tei nN ineteecnon,c leusdw itah murder.) Theraer et wentbyri a-ntwistprionbgl ems composbeyds omeo ft heg reat"easrtt ists int hefi ledt hasth ouklede epv etnh meo st (continouneb da ckf lap) YA TheB est InC hess By I.H oAr.o witz Chesfso rB eginners How toW ini nt heC hesOsp enings ModernI deaisn t heC hesOsp enings How toW ini nt heM iddlGea meo fC hess How toW ini nt heC hesEsn dinµ;s ChesOsp eningTsh:e orayn dP ractice PoinCto untC hess SolitaCihrees s New Trapsi nt heC hesOsp ening ChesSse lf-Teacher WinninCgh esTsa ctiIclsl ustrated GoldeTnr easuorfyC hess PictuGruei det oB eginneCrh'ess s !• • • • • • • I I I- 1111 - - Co-autwhiotFrhr eRde infeld ChesTsr apsP,i tfaalnldsS windles FirsBto oko fC hess How toI mprovYeo urC hess How toT hinkA headi nC hess MacmillHaann dboookf C hess Co-authwoirtP h.L .R othenberg PersonaloiftC yh ess TheB est ilnC hess � I • • • • •• • • • • • •• - - - - - • - - - - - IA.. H OROWITaZn d JACKS TRALEBYAT TELL E.P . DUTT&O NC O.I,N C. NEW YORK·1 965 EIU'0"' ''.:' ,,_.., Copyrig©ht 1 96b5y I.A . HorowitIz A llr ighrtess ervPerdi.n tiendt heU .S.A. I No parto f thibso okm ay be reproducienda nyf ormw ithoupte rmissiionn writinfgr omt hep ublisheexrc,e pbty a reviewwehro wishetso q uotber iepfa s­ sageisn c onnectwiiotnh a reviewwr ittfeonr i nclusiinoa n m agazinnee,w spaper orb roadcaIs tL.i braryo f Congrescsa talcoagr d numb6e5r-: 199I6 P5ub lished simultaneoiuns Clayn adab y ClarkeI,r win& CompanrL,i miteTdo,r ontaon d VancouveIr F IRSETD ITION PERMISSTIOR OENP RITNHTEF OLLOWICNAGR TOOHNASSB EEGNR ANTEDrDa:w ing byA lainC;o pyrig©ht 1 93T8h eN eu'Y orkeMra gazinRee.p rintbeydp ermission ofT heN ew YorkeMra gazinIeC .a rtoobnyE .S immsC ampbel©l; 1 93b6yE squire, Jnc.©, renewe1d9 6b4y E squiIrnec R.e producbeydp ermi!'�oifoE ns quiMraeg a­ zineI. Cartoobny Al Jaffee©; 1959Ne w YorkH eralTdr ibunIen c.I Re­ printebdy permissioofn t heN ew Y 01·Hke raldT 1·ibuI11 Cea.r toobny Mike Thaler©; 196M0i keT halerR.e printbeyd p ermissioofn T hiJW eek Magazine andM ikeT haleIr C artoobny B arnabTyo bey©; 19l6b yt heN ew YorkT imes CompanyR.e printbeyd p ermissioofn B arnabTyo beya ndt heN ew YorkT imes Company. To alclh eslso vers witha ffection ITNRODCUTION 6 Introduction Someonhea ss pokeonfc hesassa mirorfol ri fIen.f acste,v eral commentahtaovresm, o reo rl esisn dependeBnutttl hyeo. r igirnea­l markn earqluya liufinedse Pro ped'esfi nitoif"o tnr wuier "":W haotf t wast hougbhuttn, e 'seorw elelx press'd." Chesass a mirroofrl ifiesa rathiedre alcioznecde Fpotr.o ne obviopuosi ntth,ef acmorfl uciksn ort otablultya lmonsotn existent inc hesAs p.l aycearn nowti nu nlehsisso pponemnatk eas m istake; hencwee c onsitdheebr e ttbeart twloenr.O n occasiboontsph,l ayers makem ista-kaensdw,e 'sda ys,u cah g amem oren earalpyp roaches a trumei rroofrl ifNeo.t be causteh ew inneirsa ,s h asb eehnu mor­ ouslsyt attehdeo, n ew hom aketsh nee xtto t hel asbtl undbeurtb, e ­ causieci sh ew hofi nalrliys tehsr outgrhi aanld a dverstiost eyi tzhee goldeonp portunity. TheB esitn C hesissa m irroofrc hesfsr om1 39 t3ot hper esent. Beincgo mposoefed x trafcrrosmt hem agaziCnhee sRse viewwh ich beganp ublicaitni1 o39n3 i,tr eflectthsec hesosft hel astth irty-two yearBsu.ti tt,o oi,sa rathiedre almiizrerdo Fro.rt hec onteonftT sh e Besti nC hesasr ef romt heb esitn C hesRse viewA.n dt hel attoefr , coursseer,i oautstleym pttoeh da vteh ebe sto fe verytchhiensgs ic. The conteonftT sh e•BeisntC hesrsu nt os elecstaimvpel ionfg s everytfhrionmgCh esRse viewwh icahf,t pears saogfye e arrse,m ains fresahn da ppealignagm:e asn da nnotatoifog nasm ess,t oraineds articplreosb,l eamnsdp oemss,e ripoiuesc aensdh umoroaunsd o ften ITNROUDCTOIN 7 a blenodf b othc,a rtooqnusi,z zaensdq ui-psina fines avorionfg everytthhinahgta ppeniencd hess s1i9n3c3e . Thea uthoorfsT heB esti nC heHe xpescotm er eactaisot no their cAh otiycpei.c al foruotmtc hrery e adeorfts h eb ookw ilbel: Why ist herneo g ameb yG randmasEtxecre l?s Tihoera uthomrasy falbla cokn t hef amilDiea gru stibnuosnd isputandBuumt.t, o b e failre,ut s e xplaIinnt .h efi rsptl acweh,a th asa ppearienCd h ess Reviehwa sb een--excefpotrs omeg amepsu blisshoelde floyrt heir newsworthaittn heest si me-frtdhmev erbye satv ailaTbolr ee.p ro­ ducael ilso bviously imwpiotshrishnice bo lnefi noefas s ingvloel ume. Grandmaster Emxacyie,nl dseieohdra, vp el ayae beds tg amee quatlo thosien T heB esti nC hessb;u ts paclei mittehdes electoifto hne authoarnsd,s omethhiandgt og iveH.i sb esgta mem ayh avebe en conceiveavbelbnye tttehra sno meg amei nT heB esitn C hessb;u ti,f theq uerulroeuasd weirl clo nsitdheeqr u aliotfit ehseg amei nq ues­ tiohne,m ayfi ndi ti st herbee cautsheec ommentoanrt yh em oveiss unsurpaasssa ertdeh, ae n notatoifmo annsyg ameisnT heB esitn C hess. Ins electgianmge st,o ot,h ea uthohrasv ec riteoda voitdh ose thamti ghbte t oof amilbieacra uosfei .ncluisnoi tohne bro okFso.r tharte astohne,i mmortgaalm ebsy t het itaonfes a rlyieearr Asn,d ers· senL,a B ourdonnaanidMs o rphyf,o re xamplhea,v eb eeno mitted froTmh eB esitn C heJrJh ougahla lp pearaetod n et imoer a nothienr CheJRJe vieOwn. theo thehra ndw,h ahta sb eebne ssti nc1e9 3h3as , withtihnel imiptoss siibnal s ei ngvloel umbee,e inn cluhdeerdThe a.t firsitm mortgaalm eb y they outhfBuolb byF ischheirs,t orically appraibsyea dn notaHtaonrsK mocha s" TheG ameo ft heC entury," simpcloyu lndo tb ee xcludTehdet. w or ecemnats terpbiyet chesesa me Robe]r.tF ischferrot mh e1 96U4.S C.h ampionasrhoeif pc ourasles o inT heB esitn C heH. Thes hortgearm eisn T heB esitn C heJmJa ys eemt ob eo ffered morel avisBhultty h.a itss os impbleyc autshee sber evidteileisgt hhte chesasfi cionawdiotsh ocuotn sumisnpga cFeo.rt hel attreera sorno,o , altly peosfm iniatauprpees afrr omt heu ltravieoxlpelnodti wnigt h thes acriofifca e Q ueetno t hes ubtlwehre retbyh et enderoifna g Pawnm ay. brionng thes hardpe cisoiroe nv ent hea stonishing Zugzwang. Thec artoopnrso,b leamnsd v ariokuisn dosf q uizzaensdt he othesrm allpeire cienTs h eB esitn C hesasr ep erfomrecrese a mplings frotmh ep rofusoifso unc shi nc1e9 3B3u.tt heayr es ampldeess igned toe ncrance. ITNRODUCTION 8 Asf ort hea rticalnedss t oritehsea,yr ei,tg oesw ithosuaty ing, supremseulbyj etcott h ef actDoer g uJtibOunJ t.h es atisriidche o,w ­ evetrh, ea uthofreset lh atth eriesn othiinnga lclh estsoe quatlh e hilarairotuisso tfHr ayn sK mochs'ast iornNe i mzovi"cAhnE, x ample ofM y SysteAmn.d", t aketno gethtehre,ss et orainedsa rticrleeflse ct inr emarkadbilvye rwsaey st hee xceptifoancaeoltf sc heslsi terature sinc1e9 3T3h.es eriouhsilsyt oryiectfa alrf, r omo rdinairsry e,p re­ sentiendt hea ccouonftt het ournamaernM ta_n nheiImn.s uctha les as" TheM ostI mportGaanmte "a nd" Replatyh,e"ri ese xemplified thet oucohff antayseytb lendweidt chh estsriuct ihnq, u itdei fferent aspecitnes a csht orAyn.d " TheP erilSopuosr sth"o wtsr utcha nb e strantghearfin c tieovne inn t hem undanweo rlodf c hess. Ins horTth,e B eu inC heJiJs a mirroofrc heslsi fdeu rinag periiondw hicchh eshsa ds upremmoem entosfb eauteyx,q uipsriot­e fundiatnyda ne xtremienlsyt rucdteivveel opmoefnt th et heoorfy theg amea sw elals b otihn struacntdid viev ertcionvge raignle i tera­ turIen.i tc,h esiss" tot hebe sta dvantdargees s'd." Thea uthogrrsa tefauclklnyo wletdhgeeii rn debtedtnote hses contribouftt ohrevs a riomuast eritahlaastp peairnt hiwso rk.

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