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The Best Business School's Admissions Secrets: A Former Harvard Business PDF

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The UlTimaTe insider information on How to STand OUT and The B GeT admiTTed! e s When trying to beat the tough business school competition, t how do you know what will get you fast-tracked to the “yes” B pile (or the dreaded “no” pile)? u No insider is better suited to set you on the right track than Chioma Isiadinso, a former Harvard Business School MBA Admissions s Board Member and the founder of Expartus, an admissions i consulting firm specializing in helping candidates get into the top n MBA programs. The Best Business Schools’ Admissions Secrets is e the ultimate collection of insider advice, direct from one of the s country’s toughest admissions boardrooms. s Centered around the concept of branding yourself, Isiadinso covers all the essential topics you need to master to stay ahead, including: S A Former Harvard Business School • Understanding the • How to nail the c admissions criteria interview h Admissions Board Member Reveals • essay essentials • Critical mistakes to avoid • Resumes and • and much more o the Insider Keys to Getting In professional records o No other business school admissions advice guide can claim this l • Prepare your resume and • Behind the scenes of the level of authority. The Best Business Schools’ Admissions Secrets is sure s professional record admissions process to give you the edge you need to shine in the eyes of admissions ’ boards everywhere. • Discover the differences • Qualitative factors that can College guide Sa ed between business schools make you stand out Chioma isiadinso served as an Assistant C m Director of Admissions and a Member of www.sourcebooks.com R • Top essay and interview • Application insights the Admissions Board at Harvard Business www.sourcebookscollege.com eTiS strategies from insiders S School. Prior to working at Harvard, she $17.95 U.S. C SiO was Director of Admissions at Carnegie $19.99 CAN P £9.99 UK U n Mellon University School of Public Policy Chioma isiadinso, M.e . S d and Management. She is the founder of ISBN-13: 978-1-4022-1213-0 Expartus, an admissions consulting firm ISBN-10: 1-4022-1213-5 Isiadinso former Admissions Board Member of Harvard Business School specializing in helping candidates get into N the top MBA programs. A E The Best Business School.qxd:Layout 1 5/16/08 3:35 PM Page i The Best Business Schools’ Admissions Secrets A Former Harvard Business School Admissions Board Member Reveals the Insider Keys to Getting In Chioma Isiadinso, M.E . D The Best Business School.qxd:Layout 1 5/16/08 3:35 PM Page ii ©2008byChiomaIsiadinso Coverandinternaldesign©2008bySourcebooks,Inc. Coverphoto©Punchstock SourcebooksandthecolophonareregisteredtrademarksofSource- books,Inc. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereproducedinany formorbyanyelectronicormechanicalmeans,includinginforma- tionstorageandretrievalsystems—exceptinthecaseofbriefquota- tionsembodiedincriticalarticlesorreviews—withoutpermissionin writingfromitspublisher,Sourcebooks,Inc. Thispublicationisdesignedtoprovideaccurateandauthoritative informationinregardtothesubjectmattercovered.Itissoldwith theunderstandingthatthepublisherisnotengagedinrendering legal,accounting,orotherprofessionalservice.Iflegaladviceor otherexpertassistanceisrequired,theservicesofacompetent professionalpersonshouldbesought.—FromaDeclarationofPrin- ciplesJointlyAdoptedbyaCommitteeoftheAmericanBarAssociation andaCommitteeofPublishersandAssociations PublishedbySourcebooks,Inc. POBox4410,Naperville,Illinois60567-4410 (630)961-3900 Fax:(630)961-2168 www.sourcebooks.com LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Isiadinso,Chioma. Thebestbusinessschools’admissionssecrets:aformerHarvard BusinessSchoolAdmissionsBoardmemberrevealstheinsiderkeys togettingin/ChiomaIsiadinso. p.cm. ISBN-13 978-1-4022-1980-1 Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. 1. Businessschools--Admission.2. Masterofbusinessadministra- tiondegree.3. Businesseducation. I.Title. HF1111.I852008 650.071'1--dc22 2008015091 PrintedandboundintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. VP10987654321 The Best Business School.qxd:Layout 1 5/16/08 3:35 PM Page iii To Ari for bringing me constant sunshine The Best Business School.qxd:Layout 1 5/16/08 3:35 PM Page iv The Best Business School.qxd:Layout 1 5/16/08 3:35 PM Page v Contents Acknowledgments...................................................................vii Foreword.................................................................................ix Introduction.............................................................................xi ChapterOne:DecidingontheMBA..........................................1 ChapterTwo:PersonalBrandingandtheMBA ApplicationProcess.............................................17 ChapterThree:BuildingandSellingYourBrand ...................39 ChapterFour:AdmissionsFullCycle.......................................57 ChapterFive:UnderstandingtheAdmissionsCriteria..............73 ChapterSix:EssayFundamentals...........................................103 ChapterSeven:TheResumeandProfessionalRecord..............153 ChapterEight:Interviews:HowInterviewsAreViewed bytheMBABoard.........................................171 ChapterNine:TransformingYourRecommenders intoBrandChampions....................................191 ChapterTen:MBAApplicants’Backgrounds..........................221 ChapterEleven:MoreMBAApplicants’Backgrounds............239 ChapterTwelve:AdmissionsDecisions....................................249 ChapterThirteen:FundingtheMBA...................................265 ChapterFourteen:FinalThoughts........................................273 ApplicationInsights..............................................................275 MBAResources....................................................................307 Index.....................................................................................313 The Best Business School.qxd:Layout 1 5/16/08 3:35 PM Page vi The Best Business School.qxd:Layout 1 5/16/08 3:35 PM Page vii Acknowledgments THERE WERE COUNTLESS INDIVIDUALS who were instrumentalinmakingthisbookareality. I’d like to thank my husband, Obinna, for your entrepre- neurialspiritwhichhassomehowrubbedoffonme.Yourability to envision possibilities and your unwavering support has enabledmetowritethisbook. IhappentobelieveinfateandfaithandIhavetothankRita Rosenkranz,myagent,forbelievinginmeandtakingastepof faithwithmeonthisjourney.IextendaheartfeltthankstoFern Reiss who provided me with the opportunity to meet my wonderfulagent.Iwouldliketoalsothankthepublishingteam at Sourcebooks for their professionalism and commitment to this book. A special thanks to my editor, Peter Lynch, for his encouragement, patience, and incisive ability to help me tell thisstoryinthebestwaypossible. I am grateful to the many talented clients I have had the fortune to work with through my consulting practice, EXPARTUS. Your stories continue to inspire me and I am thrilledforyoursuccesses.Iwanttoalsothankallthebusiness school alumni and students who volunteered to share their essays for this book. Thank you for opening up your lives and essays. Your stories will help many future applicants glean insightsonhowtotelltheirstoriesinacompellingway.Many thankstoeveryonewhoparticipatedininterviewsforthisbook: Fred Chima, Selena and Khary Cuffe, Fernando D’Alessio, Recy Dunn, Jevelyn Bonner-Reed, Chris Ryan, Andrew Yang, andRachelZlotoff. IwouldalsoliketothankMichaelandBonnieCarter,Nadja Fidelia,andDr.GloriaHill,foryourmentorshipandcontinued The Best Business School.qxd:Layout 1 5/16/08 3:35 PM Page viii viii THEBESTBUSINESSSCHOOLS’ADMISSIONSSECRETS support.Thisbooktalksabouttheimportanceofhavingbrand champions and you have been a major blessing! Mariela Dabbah, your editorial help was truly remarkable. Thank you forbelievinginthisbookfromitsinception. IwouldberemissnottothanktheamazingindividualsIhave had the fortune to work with both at Harvard and Carnegie Mellon. Particularly, Kirsten Moss, Eileen Chang, Patty Dowden, Dee Leopold, (Prof) James Cash, Brenda Peyser, (Dean) Mark Wessel, Ty Walton, Barbara Brewton, Elizabeth Casale, Carol Young, (Prof) Janusz Szczypula, and (Provost) MarkKamlet.MyamazingteamatEXPARTUS,thankyoufor beingajoytoworkwith. A special thanks to all my family and friends for their patience and for putting up with me while I raced through completing my manuscript during the busiest application season. Drs. Emmanuel and Maria Obiechina, you remain amazing role models. I am blessed to have you as parents and you continue to motivate me to do the best I can. I will be forever thankful to my beloved mother-in-law, Mrs. Rose Isiadinso,forhercalmspiritandhelpasIbalancedmanaginga business,writingabook,andbeinganewmom. I am grateful for the opportunity to live my passion of helping people access the best education possible. For this, I amblessedandthankfultoGod. The Best Business School.qxd:Layout 1 5/16/08 3:35 PM Page ix FOREWORD IHADONLYAPPLIEDTOoneMBAprogram,HarvardBusiness School. At the time, applying to an MBA had been a last minute idea. I had originally planned to pursue a Law degree andalegalcareerinthefootstepsofoneofmyheroes,Reginald Lewis. However,amentorofminechallengedmetoreallytake inventoryofthetypeofcareertowhichIaspiredandtorecon- siderwhatwastrulythebestenvironmentinwhichtobuildthe necessaryskillsettoultimatelyreachmygoals.Afterapainful reassessmentofwhatIwasreallyseekingasacareer,Icameto the determination that an MBA was the ideal preparation. I scrambled to apply and mailed it the day of the final deadline. Fortunately,Iwasadmitted.Thiswas18yearsago. TheMBAapplicationprocesshasbecomeincreasinglymore competitiveinrecentyears,withschoolsadmittingonlyafrac- tion of applicants. Yet the MBA remains a powerful education inpreparingindividualstoacceleratetheircareergrowthaswell asmakesignificantcareerchange.Inreflectingonmyownbusi- nessschoolapplication,IknowthatIwasquitefortunatetobe admitted. I recognize that the odds of pulling off a stunt like thattodayisnearlyimpossibleandcertainlynotadvisable. Why should anyone applying to business school read this book?Ifyouwanttohaveaguidethatcangiveyouaroadmap to navigate what can be a difficult and treacherous road, and youwanttoincreaseyouroddsofsuccess,thenthisisprecisely the book for you. The Best Business Schools’ Admissions Secrets removestheguessworkoutoftheapplicationprocessandlays out necessary steps to help you shore-up your weaknesses and play to your strengths. This book is written by an admissions expertwhohasworkedfortopinstitutionsandhasactuallysat

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