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THE AMERICAN EROTICA sooo ITED BY n i OtherTitlesbySusieBright FullExposure TheSexualStateofthe Union The Best American Erotica 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999(editor) NothingButtheGirl:TheBlatantLesbianImage(with JillPosener) Herotica, Herotica2, Herotica3(editor) Sexwise Susie Bright's Sexual Reality: A Virtual Sex World Reader SusieSexpert'sLesbianSexWorld mencan Erotia ydney Singapore TOUCHSTONE RockefellerCenter 1230AvenueoftheAmericas NewYork,NY10020 Thisbookisaworkoffiction.Names,characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblancetoactualeventsorlocalesorpersons, livingordead,isentirelycoincidental. Introductionandcompilationcopyright©2000by SusieBright All rights reserved, including the rightofrepro- ductioninwholeorinpartinanyform. TOUCHSTONEand colophonare registered trade- marksofSimon&Schuster,Inc. DesignedbyGabrielLevine ManufacturedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 10 9 8 7 6 5 ISBN0-684-84396-X Acknowledgments Thank you to my father and constant Best American Erotica seriescollaborator, Bill Bright; to my agents,Joanie Shoemaker and Jo-Lynne Worley; and to my editor at Simon & Schuster, Airie Dekidjiev, for all oftheir devotion and care to this volume. I'd also like to thank my assistant, Jennifer Taillac, who helped immeasur- ably, and every one ofthe magazine, book, and Web editors who supportedandpublishedtheseoutstandingwriters. Myappreciation toalloftheeditorsand publishers whosupported this work,and to the many fans who wrote to me to introduce me to new work and artists.

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