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HAND A HELPING FOR BIBLE STUDENTS STUDIES I IN THE I S C R I P T U R E S "Tb Path of the Just is as the Shining Li&, Which %th More and Mom Unto the Perfsot Day.'' SERIES IV "The Battle Armageddon" of 362,000 Edition "Andtbc a i da a@lmmmdoot hhvial mran th ~ mritvw Eu bratem. and the water thweof wu dried ep, tht% em, Af the kin#a of tha hmt $oh; k prrpual. Ad 1 uwt hrw uncleam mpiritm t b# writ. of M a ,w orkin# mimalam, #o forth unto the Liot. d tho earth md of the whole nor to m eth em to the battle of thst m tdn y ofldC;d Ah#hty. And he herod thoa to8etha iatoap~mededint bs &ror--- OEDWN." Revohtion 16: 13-16 INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS ' ASSOCIATION . BROOKLYN. LONDON. MELBOURNE. BARMEN. COPBNHAGEN, OREBRO. CHRISTIANIA. GENEVA. K ) ~ o e z - B ' hhRYLRD COLLEGE 'LIBOABY BlFT OF 0 CHARLEB WILLIAM ELIOT ? 9 %Y ')'i:a,v. \ COPYRIGHT 1897 WmCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY. BROOKLYN, N. Y., U. S. A. WRITTENIN 1897 eY PASTORR vss*LL. Stubies in tbe %criptures. Christian people am becoming more and more awake to the fact that a great tidal wave of unbelief is sweep- - ing over Christendom ; not the blasphemous kind voiced by Thomas Paine and Robert Ingersoll, but the cultured kind represented in the scholarship of our day, which makes the danger all the more insidious. Not only are the great Colleges and Seminaries un- dermining the faith of the better educated, but the Common School bks, and especially those used in the High Schools, are similarly inculcating a distrust in the Bible, a contradiction of its teachings. For a college graduate of to-day to declare his faith in the inspiration of the Scriptures would bring upon him the scorn of his companions-a scorn which few would court, or could endure. At ve* best, a few will be found to claim that they believe that Jesus and his Apostles were sincere, though they blundered in quoting from the Old Testament as inspited. Such a belief in Jesus and his Apostles is no belief at all; for if present-day "higher critics" are wise enough to know when and 'where our Lord and his Apostles erred in their quotations from the Old Testament,' then these wise men of our day are our proper guides, -more inspired than Jesus and his Apostles. Our Society, realizing the need, is seeking to do all in its power to stem the tide and lift up the Lord's "standard for the people." It his prepared six sets of Bible Studies (of which this volume is one) for Christian people of all denominations to use in lending a helping hand to all perplexed inquirers with whom they may, by God's providence, come in contact. These are supplied at bare cost, and can be had direct from the Society's warerooms or of its colporteurs. who are gradually reaching forth these helping hands far and near. -These valuable "studies" are supplied at little more than two cents each;-I 5 of them well' bound in a cloth case, embossed in gold, for 35 cents. The thought is this: As a Christian man or woman you have children or relatives or neighbors or friends open to your influence-perhaps, indeed, asking your counselasking, "How do we know that there ,is a God?" or, "What proofs have we that the Bible is inspired?" It is no longer wise to call these silly ques- tions, nor to ask, "Are you an infidel?" . However competent you might be to prepare an- ewers to these and a score of other questions, p u m ay not have the needed time and opportunity to do so. How convenient then to step to your book-case, take down the proper study on the subject, and to say to the inquirer, Sit down and read that short study, snd the whole matter of your question will be fully and satisfactorily settled; and if your doubts ever again arise come over and read the same afresh. Possibly you may be a member of an Epworth League or Christian Endeavor Society, or of a Baptist Young People's Union, and may be called on for an essay on some Scripture topic. How convenient to select one among these numerous studiea (oovering almost every topic) and to find therein the appropriate Script- cited. Ministers use them thus when com- posing special sermons and addresses. Ministers who have large libraries touching every conceivable religious topic-many volumes costing $6 to $8 per volume-may not feel their need of these "Bible Studies," but to others they are almost indis- pensable. Indeed, in addition to the price feature, which brings them within the reach of everybody-six m h so f over 3,000 pages for $2.00-$he usual price of one such volume-they are written in pure, but nimple English, whereas the "scholarly works" are replete with technical terms and onIy for t+e few. We invite Christian people of all denominations to join us m our work of extending thece "helping hands" to the rising generation. A single friend or relative helped-ed from doubt or unbelief-would repay the cost of $heee lebsons a thousand times. CONTENTS. I STUDY 1. I I STUDY IL *THE DOOM OF BABYLON "-" CHRISTESDOM." *' MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN." STUDY IIL THE NECESSITY AND JUSTICE 0; THE DAY OF VENGEANCE h sls rs ~ H O U T.YP E AND Amnnm.-T~. GPnnr TRI~LATIONA Lacnm~mE mmom PRECEDINCG~ vsns.-Tnr Rxsmrnrsx~mm,o r 'Cannmrpor." man Hn A m rTO WARDTa m.--Om CIVILA wrxou- m, or R~uuonLsE ADEBBo, r mxV auons hmcu or mr Y*sss or M a m CIVILIZEDL an~$.-Tnx Rnnnom~no r TEE Huzann NATIOIIST O mC - MD m TEE Taooarr.-Tax Jrma.~ nr.rom G.o D.. -".V U. ~ ~LrI nn : I WILL RBPATS, AITH lsx Lorn.'' 47 STUDY IV. BABYLON ARRAIGNED BEFORE THE GREAT COURT. bi~CIV U.. SOCIAALN D E ~ ~ ~ I MPOW~ECRoS rA BmLu m, CP~TENDOY, Now B.na WUGHED,INTH E Balrucm.-Tn~ bnuolpylwr w ~ n CxVILI Pam.-Tnr Auaromrar or TXB P- Socur. S-.-TEE AR- B~Rw Pn-BSa. rrca llrTE~EEc Hamsrurwmuurmlo P oOaFg ulsr.-nE Dvnoorrm ISN TowR, AnC MEAEDN D M. M IDA.SY TB oxm -1 R.ao,Tnwon nmTau~xNso r YR COW-. n STUDY V. BABYLDN BEFORE THE GREAT COURT. HER CONFUSION-NATIONAL. Tm C ~ P -L IN T R O ~ s,um ^ THE Juffi- IS Corn AG- Trxm.-In Faar mm Dm- THXSYx xx Autmcx OW. wrrn hmna. urn h xm VAIN m THX Cnrmcn mn Hxx OLD-TIM. Pm.-TEII IN- ausl T a m ARYIBSA ND N~v~~ts.-Pxu~sxtmW m. Puxp~nom.-Tn~ FIG^ Foncxs ON -D mm SEA.-IMPROVEDIM PLEMENTOSF W qN m ~ ~ C O V WI~~v. u rno~Es, ~ W =C,.-WA KE UP THX MIGHTTM ~N: L ~ T HWEE AKS AY, I AX S ~ N GBU;T Pmwsnm I- Swonns rmnz hUNING HOOKS1 NTU.SPXAUS. EX.-THE U m ~ mSTA TES 0 . ~LIIEAU ~QVI IN HER PoS~TIONY, ET THRUTENEDW ITH EVBNG RMT~EW WT HAN THE 0- Wow.-THE Cnn o~ PMCO t Pucnl Wnnn TYEWm .uo Pnacx. xxg STUDY VL BABYLON BEFORE THE GREAT COURT. HER CONFUSION-ECCLESIASTICAL. THET RUEC H~CHK,N OWNu mu ME LORDe,n s NO SH- IN THE Jumn- OF BAQYWN.-TXXR ELIGIOUSSI TUATIONO PCHB~STENDPORYB SENTNSO HOPE- nn CONTRAST TO THE POL~CASLIN A~ON.-THB GREATC ONFUSION.-THI RB~~N~IBXOFL CITOYN DU~TNHGE D X P ED~xv o~vmVW N *HE CL.IIGY.- THES num OF THE GREATR UOF~~KTIDOXNA D.-PUSBIS m PEOPLXIN THX SAXE SINA~ON.-THB CHARGEPSR BPBRRED.-THED EFENSE.-A CONPEDBII- ~ fhfom ss~.-THE ENDS OUGHT.-THE MEANSA wrra~.-Txa .GXNMAJ Snum OP COMPROMISE.-TEEJU D.G JIEN.T G.O ING. A .G M. TH~E. RB.L IG.I M~In - enrunons OF CHRISTENDOX. x57 STUDY VII. THE NATIONS ASSEMBLED AND TIIE PREPARATION OF THE ELEMENTS FOR THE GREAT FIRE OF GOD'S INDIGNATION. HOWA N3 WHYT Hn NA~ONASRX ASSX~LED.-THES OCIAL EUMXNTS PREPAR- ING aon m aF un.-THE HEAFING OF T~mwiunss.-Tnn INCPPAOF~ EPO V- -.&AL FRICTIONNX ~IN~G0 MlvsnON.-A WOED-O M Tna Papsr~~m M TIIB ~.PICIWF XDEEA~OONF LADOR.-THB RICH SOxlrrIMES 'IDO SPVXRE- LY ~ONDXXNXD.~UPISXNAENSD bXRTYI N C0MDXNATI0N.-INDKPBNDPNcI AS VIXWXD EY THX RICH AND BY THE POOR.-WHY PRESXWI CONDITIONS CANNOT CO~~~~.~?~ACHANI NIMXPROYR TfaA n~o^ pr PnuAnUG ma nxxGn~Fru r.-Fmw Cou~~mro~.-hmnV's~ swOF m x SWATION, Ruso~nauAN D Um.nsonasrs.-Tax h wO F SUPPLYA ND DEMAND1 % xxo- mow ALL.-THX Omma Fox FOR~GNIN DMTUICAo-L -ON Aw~~~tnc.-MnJ.u mw McCura+s F- ma ENGLAND.-KIR HARDIE, M. P., ON THE h R ()UT LOqx IN ENGLAND.-HON. Jw. CRAI- unurn'e Pnomlmc WORPOm BI~TW~~O IULYEN,-~ATI~rhNOAOLW OIQ n Ranm lo -1 Imawm-Hmm Luu-ormr AND ~smvsl.lIALW iS IN ~ - . - h ~ o r n THX ~TMWATWIIAL TRADE^ UNIONC OIOIIISS.-G- m T- DA~-kaw T-un, Conuus.-B-c S u m v r. C ~ U EBDON DACR-T~~S M m n B r- TWEEN TRSU mAN D NETHERM ~umums..- Ta.~ C o.r nm.o m. U- . u~BmmHuwrPoannloR~i~~~~k S@ STUDY MIL THE CRIES OF THE REAPERS. Tar Co-ATWS ELWENTO D S O C I ~ ~ YFI.RY~~.,-N. I Coam- rrcms m Cnrurrranon.-Aoa)mu~ Acrrmm.-Irs Camas.--Cora AND S0l.v~ST~A ND*PDuS s F~cro~-TSnc~P rnmr Pu~ocrro.F~ o u.k rua. -Tuna T- RUATXDm TUB B ~ mODr T UBG nur DM. STUDY IX. THE CONFLICT IRREPRESSIBLE 1 THE TESTIMONY OF THE WORLDLY WISE O.*rw Imu~caacA~ N EW FACTORI N ALL RECXOMIU~S.-SENATOB b-'s Vunvs.-V~~ws or Rw. LYXANh m.-VIEWS OF -or NEW- -MHAONN (. MJ.. E . .I.).-TVHlwOsU OOFN A h NOTnELDJxU c RxISsrTa.-nVoIEr.W WS oErN CDOELL RPLon snrrnrrp 1sac'q s0V11. ..IW. - HI~,IUANMA CAWLAY'S PR~DICTION.-HONC.H AUNCEDVXPE WS' HOPES.- BISHOPW ORTHRIGTO[NP. E.] INTERVIEWSID.-WJ. BRYANS' REPLY.-AN ENGUSBV IEW.-EDWAEDB RLIAKY'SS T A ~ KorE TR~X SWATION.-RIW. J. T. Md;~Yrnc'SO PYNION,-PR@S. GUAXAK'(s )VMOX.-V~0 . A J. ~ C B 0s w Srrp.lou Covnr.-A FRENCHV IEW,A " SOCIALM IL.P." 63 I STUDY X. I PROPOSED REMEDIES-SOCIAL AND FINANCIAL m m m n or~un , F- SVDDRAGE.-S~n van run, Paorrcrrvr T-- . ~"S ~OCCOU~X..~""Y o- x' '*' ThXEHYA~ DA LL TUI.NOSIN O'CNO SYWYLO~ N."U-"w rAnN4~AnE~C~Hc.I-SH~Y&I'Ln - .rrr S~SNCEORN SOCIAISK.-EXIUI~~~O)D TWOSO UALIST COKYUWITIIS.- *~NARO-."--GSNJIUAL Mlcauncnr. Eouunow AS A Run-.-Tnr m Snrc;= TAX" R.~RDY.-HENRYGW RCBS' ANSWER m POPEL EO ua on LABDE.-DEL. YKMA Bpm ON TRX SITUATION.-AN M. E. BISHOP'SS UGGU- nolra.-Onr.n Horn AKD Fx~r.s.-Tua ONLY HOPE.-"THAT BLLYXV Hora."-T~x Anrro~PR~O PEPRO. .G OD.'S P E.O PL.EW H.O S E.X T H.L S~TH INGS . -S* maW own or Nor or IT. 4% STUDY XI. - THE BATTLE OF THE GREAT DAY. UnAtLn HCnu- za~~."AN~D' ETmxTsnat .a-oT rmJ A COLBo'l.a T's-"- HGu. U KA.T- . -'' . .- -T H.K W .o pza TruDLxxnrmmosOarmm~ w STUDY XII. OUR LORD'S GREAT PROPHECY. -1'6 24; YARK 13; LUKEZI:~-~1~7;22 0-37. ~FOUTANCK or Tnn Paow.cp-THE COND~OXANSD Tnmu Qwsnom WHICH CA- IT FORTH.-BW~EO F FALSXC nm-A BRIEFH ISIUUC &F or Erommm Crarmm.-Tax TBO~LINK m a C LOSK ow THB Jnnrur AGX~, RTDR ITCWSINT~H XGOSPKLh x .B LKNDKIDN THX or n um nE VANGUJ~T~.-TH~~~ONF AD~BOSNOU ~ONCFm~ T~~ B ~om~~.-TaoWsInTH CHlw, rTC.-hPORK WlRTEU Ann THE Smln.- L o bI L oTaannl BIUSVS TXXY NOT.-T~STUWIUTIONOPTH~DD AR -Txa DARKBNXONWCT : HS~m A ND Moon AS Srcns.-T~a F-a or la8 S~ans.-Svarw~rFc aa~rvglmA m.--Twn SIGNo r m a SONOPM AN.- WXATn aT arlar or Emla 61uu Sra-Txa FIG TUBS.--'' Tms GSNIUU. TXON."-WATCH~-"~ IN THB DATS OF NOAH,T HW KXKW N01.~-b mGAmTEa- mL~O nT'S, TWanIF TXR.-~~NHUT .A~KAXTANN& DH SAov Ns~OoTxH.DLT~m o .M-.T nhf- . E.LI UUPX.-.PFR OO - se YISIONS FORFKKDINCTHHEO VSBO~.DOFFNTX. 563 STUDY XIIL THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE KINGDOM, AND HOW IT WILL MANIFEST ITSELF. WALKINGHI F~H.-WHOC ONSTXTUITBH E KINGWY.~-O th TES IXVAL KINGDOY.--S~NUPG " PRXNQSIN ALLT XX EARTH."-Txa D m OF ALL NAn0n.s.-TXX I~TNAT~K o~~C.4TBlaorrpNga n M. KINGDOM ANXI m MIMSTKRSo n " P~~-"-Jacoa's h~~u.--MosnV' A~L.--GUAT CHANGXISX AUGURAT~.-WILmLw xB B D ~ ~POso Y M UCH Powxu m THE HANDS or mnN aw POTKNTATB?-T~B Rowr-IRONR mn, How LONG? -THB WORLD'SC ONVXRSION.-A NATIONB ORNI N A DAY.-" ALL THAT AU u TRB GRAVES."-Tun 1- OF HIS Kfll(l.D OY.-T m8. Vx.u cm.u mm. Sm, IILRDP.PD.~D'SW ILL Don ON am. 61s STUDY XIV. JEHOVAH'S FOOTSTOOL MADE GLORTOUS. FOREWORD TBE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON \ "And the sizth angd pwed oul h3 upm the grsd rira Eupkrdcs; and ;kc water kcof was dricd up, that tk my of U6 hgs qf the ksurrt might be plcpwed And I saw three ufitlwn spirits like frogs come out qf thm orrth of lt4c titugon, and aul of the do f the bast, and out of tko moulk of the *f& f iophd. For they we the spirits of w,w orking ~ & , g o jluth HtO CkC kings of the Garth and of thG wkds worId, 10 gdhtr tkem to the bat& of ad grcot Day of God AhCgw. Behdd, I corns as a thief. Bhssed is kc tW w&M a db pezk kw gammtk, led he zwJR naked, and they sm fi sham. And he gWed them bgdker info a plats called in the H6bre-w hguc Arnmged&m."- RcPcdatioa 16 :z a-16. Annagedc~~nai aH ebrew word dgnifying the Hill of Megiddo, or the Mount of Destruction. Megiddo occupied a very marked position on the southem edge of the Plain of Esdraelon, and commanded an important pass into the hill country. This locality was the great battle-ground of Palestine, on which were fought many of the famous battles of Old Testament history. There Gideon and his little band b e d a nd dis- eomiited the Midianites, who deatmyed one another in their Bight. (Judges 7 : 19-23.) There King Saul waa defeated by the Philistines. (I Sam. 31 :1 4.)Th ere Kbg Josiah was . dpin by Pharaoh-Necho in one of the most disastrous confhs in the history of Israei. (z Chron. 35 :2 -5.) There also ' gino Ahab and his wife Jezebel lived, in the city of J e d , rrhae JQebe1 aftawards met a horrible death.-z Kings g :3 0- 37- These battles were in a smse typical. The defeat of the Midimites released the peopIe of I dfro m bon- to Mid- inn. Thus adeon and his band typified our Lord and the i

LABDE.-DE. LYKM ABpm ON TRX SITUATION. This humiliating experience . Roman Catholics would exercise because of a united system,.
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