THE BATTLE FOR SOUTH AFRICA IVOR BENSON Published by Dolphin Press(Pty) Ltd. p.a. Box 3145,Durban, South Africa. © Copyright Ivor Benson 1979. Published 1979 by Dolphin Press (Pty) Ltd. p.a. Box 3145, Durban, South Africa. All rights reserved. No part ofthis book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the permission of the publishers, excepting brief quotes used in connection with reviews written speciallyfor inclusion in a magazine or newspaper. Overseas enquiries: Canadian Intelligence Service, p.a. Box 130,Flesherton, Ontario, Canada. Australian League of Rights, Box 1052}, GPO Melbourne, Victoria 3001. Bloomfield Books, 26 Meadow Lane, Sudbury, Suffold, England. Printed by Lithotone (Pty) Ltd., p.a. Box 30121, Mayville, Natal, South Africa. (902-7116) THE BATILE FOR SOUTH AFRICA CONTENTS page PREFACE POSTSCRIPT INTRODUCTION: THETHIRDSOUTH AFRICAN WAR 1. THIS WORLDWIDE CONSPIRACY 11 2. THE WAR ON GOLD 33 3. BEHIND COMMUNISM IN AFRICA 39 4. WHAT HAPPENED IN RHODESIA 73 5. THE BATILEGROUND OF THE MIND 89 (1) The Role of the Mass Media in Contemporary History 91 (2) PsychologicalWarfare designed to obscure Driving Force behind Communist Conspiracy 105 BIBLIOGRAPHY 116 INDEX 117 Theplan, Ithink, isthe oldoneofworlddominion inanewform . . .Today the scene issetfor the thirdact, intended to complete the process. The money powerandthe revolutionary-powerhavebeensetupandBivenshambutsymbolic shapes(Capitalism'or 'Communism')andsharplydefinedcitadels(America' or 'Russia'). Suitably to alarm the mass-mind, the picture offered is that of bleak and hopeless enmity and confrontation ... Such isthespectaclepubliclystaBedfor the masses. Butwhatifsimilarmen, with a common aim, secretly rule inboth camps and propose to achieve their ambition throuBh the clash between those masses! I believeany diliBent student of our times will discover that this is the case. Douglas Reed, Far and Wide, 1951. PREFACE In the light ofdevelopmentsin Southern Africaduring the lastfew months of 1978,ithasbeendecidedtoadd two newchapterstothesecondeditionofthisbook. Theseare:an Introduction,entitled The ThirdSouthAfrican War,and anewChapter 4, entitled What Happened inRhodesia. Events on the continent of Africa since Mr. Harold Macmillan, then British PrimeMinister,delivered hiscelebrated "Winds ofChange"speechat Cape Town earlyinFebruary 1960,arequite unintelligible unlessseenandunderstoodaspartof what has been happening all over the world during the present century. Thefactsbelong togetherand,therefore, have no contentofhistorical meaning when considered separately. In otherwords, ifwewishto understandthe present undeclaredwar on SouthernAfricawemustfirstsetitinavalidcontextofhistory - a taskwhich has been attempted in the first part of this little book. Another global aspect of the struggle isbrieflyexamined in Part 11, helping to explainthefurious urgencyofthepressures nowbeing broughtto bear onSouth Africa, all ostensibly designed to expand the area of freedom and justice - it appears thatthecontinued independenceand self-determination ofSouth Africa, the world's biggestsupplier of newly mined gold, is seen as the greatest Single obstacletothesettingup ofaglobal,totalitarianmonetarysystem;therefore,alsoas the greatest threat to a tottering monetary system. PartIII provides a concise account of what has been happening in Africasince 1960,with thecreation of"a form ofautonomyand independencewhich ensures the destruction of the old forms of sovereignty (colonialism) and permits the settingupofnewforms ofsovereigntysoprecariousandsoartificialthatitisaneasy matter to dominate them" (the words of Dr. Franco Nogueira, former Foreign MinisterofPortugal).Inthispart, also,weseehow"liketwo hoodlumsworkingin partnership", the "capitalist" West promotes policies in Africa which operate almost always to the advantage of Soviet Communist imperialism. The main battle, however, unsuspected by millions ofpeople, especiallyin the Westernworld,isfoughtinsidetheirown mindsasthemotivesofatiny minorityof power-wieldersare translated, bythe magicofthe media, into somesemblanceof the willof mankind. How the battle isfought - or, rather, how the assault on the public mind is conducted- isbrieflyexplained in Chapter 5,whichisasummaryoftwo papers acceptedfordistributionattwo recentconferencesoftheWorld Anti-Communist League. Bychallenging the establishment version ofcontemporary history, this book offers,atleast,astartingpointforthefewwhoinsistonhaving opinionswhichthey have some right to call their own. IVOR BENSON Durban, March ]979. POSTSCRIPT Encouraging signs noted in the Introduction which follows (written some monthsago)needtobereadinthe lightofsubsequentdevelopments.Asthiswriter has written elsewhere (Behind the News), affairs in Southern Africaseem to have reached astateofstalemateafterarapidand surprisingsuccessionofevents.Thisis true ofallthe areasconcerned- South Africa,Rhodesiaand South WestAfrica. Thereisnodoubt, however,thatwhatwearenowexperiencingisonlyalullbefore the storm. In South Africa,the resignation on June 4 ofthe President(and former Prime Minister),Mr.John Vorster, bringsto aclimaxwhat hasbeen,withoutdoubt, the biggestand most appalling mess-up in the history of this country's politics. The troublecanbetracedtothefactthatsincethedeathofOr.H.F.Verwoerdin 1966, the National Partyand Government havebeenwithoutadequate leadership. What Or. Verwoerd could do quite easily,and what Mr. Vorster could notdo, wasto stand astrideanddominatethe two mutually antagonistic components of Afrikanerdom- the right and the left.Internaltensions there havealwaysbeen, bothinthepartyandthegovernment,butwhileOr.Verwoerdwasinchargeitwas still one party and one government. For, itisonly bya rare accident ofhistory that we now have inSouth Africaa Prime Minister supplied by the Cape - which always was and still is liberal; whereas the realpower isin the Transvaal which, in spiteofallthe undermining influences ofthe last20years,isstillheirto allthe traditions ofthe GreatTrek and the Boer Republics. Wemay besure that the right versus leftstruggle insideand outside the ruling party isgoing to be stepped up. On the whole, this writer is of the opinion that the total political picture is brighter - ifonly because the real issuesare so much clearer. A Word ofWarning: The reader iswarned about the phrase "Blackmajority rule" which recurs frequently in any discussionofSouthern Africanpolitics,and cannotbeavoided;whatitmeans isnotthetransferofpowerfrom WhitestoBlacks butonly the transfer ofpowerfrom onesetofWhites toanothersetofWhites, aprocess which this writer has described as "an invading imperialism of money". Theuseofthe expression"Blackmajority rule" must, therefore, beidentifiedas atrickofdialecticswhichmakesgenuinedebateverydifficultbyintroducingwords and phrases which sayto the massesthe exactopposite ofwhatthey mean to the power-wielding inner circle. In much the same way, Marxist enslavement is conducted in the name of "liberation", Marxist tyrannies are described as "democracies", and war becomes "peace". IVOR BENSON November 1979. INTRODUCTION THE THIRD SOUTH AFRICAN WAR Ido notsubscribe to the often repeatedslosan ofthe leftist who tries to stampede our people into declaring that time is runnins out on us. AccordinB to them ithasbeen5minutesto12o'clockfor the last ioyears. But I want to emphasise that we must work before the sunBoes down. I am now too oldfor afrontline soldier but count me as homesuard, who stands steadfast and withoutJlinchinB inthis battle. And I will always partake in any action which will fire and inspire our sons and our daushters not to give way, but to standfaithful and true like the stock they come from. Dr. J.D. Vorster. In September 1978, the caucus of South Africa's ruling National Partyelected Mr. PieterWillem Botha asleader and Prime Minister to succeed Mr. B.J. Vorster, who had held office since the assassination of Dr. H.F. Verwoerd in 1966. The present writer regards a strong and well-informed nati onalism asthe only possiblebulwark against a zothcentury liberal Communist revolutionary imperialism that threatens to drag all humanity into another dark age, and was at first encouraged by some of the signs which attended Mr. Botha's promotion. Chief among these were Mr. Botha's own utterances at recent FreeStateand Transvaal congressesofthe ruling party in which he calledforastronger, morecourageous response to thechallenges of the undeclared war now being waged against South Africa. Atthe Transvaal congress he remarked that, "WorldWar ill will not be declared - it has already started" - which is what AlexanderSolzhenitsyn hasbeen telling us with allthepowerat his command. Armed with all the information availableto him as Minister of Defence,Mr. Botha's remarks were even moreto thepointwhen,at the Bloemfontein congress of the party, he said: "I have in my possession a number ofdecisionsofthe United Nations, in writing, mE BATILE FOR SOUTH AFRICA from 1973, in which the UN, time and again,expresslydeclared that they are on the sideofthe South WestAfrica People'sOrganisation (SWAPO)and that they recognise SWAPOas the representative of the people of South WestAfrica". And SWAPO Mr. Botha bluntly identified as a "Marxist, terrorist organisation". Mr. Botha alsosaidthis:"Manycountrieshavegrowntiredofthe super-powers, and South Africashould create links with countries which have refused to kneel and creep to them". Itismostimportantatthistime, whenSouth Africaappearsto be headed for confrontation with the United Nations over South West Africa, that our own people and their millions of friends abroad shouldclearlyunderstand whatare the forcesand whatthe motives involved in the present undeclared war on South Africa, The situation in which South Africafindsherselftoday hasbeen so much complicated with falsehood, thatitishard to know where to start trying to put the record straight. What Peter Simple, the London Daily Telegraph columnist, said when referring to the Rhodesianstruggle isequally trueforSouthAfrica: Weareinvolved in a struggle against "a world of lies". What makes the battle even harder to understand isthe factthat SouthAfrica'sleadersarenowtrying to playtheiropponentsattheir own game. Von Clausewitz, the philosopher of war, has remarked thattheweapons to beusedin any struggle areseldom the choiceof eitherofthepartiesinvolvedbutaredictatedbythe circumstancesof the time. This may betrueofashootingwar, butwedo notthink it isequally true ofthe sort ofpoliticalstruggle in which South Africa is today locked. Artillery against artillery, yes; tanks against tanks, yes; aircraft againstaircraft, yes.Falsehood againstfalsehood, liesagainstlies! We think not. Not onlydoes South Mrica lack the wealth with which to set up a global generator ofdefensivefalsehood, but South African leaders are woefully lacking in know-how, as has been amply demonstrated by the Information Department debacle. For there isnothingSimpleabout the liesofmodern psychologi calwarfare - total untruth (seldom used). amalgams oftruthand falsehood in varying proportions, untruth lightly garnished with truth, half-truth and truthSimplysuppressed and concealed. Cross, 2