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Che Baptist Record JOURNAL OF THE MISSISSIPP! BAPTIST CONVENTION Thursday, January 3, 1991 Published Since 1877 > National convocation offers” O O celebration of biblical message ——— NASHVILL*E~ ‘A wide array of —_ at salvation, and ecology. Southern Baptist leaders will deal “Thiswillbeatimetocelebratebe- with “every aspect of becoming a “The Sunday School Board ing a part of the grand family of Great Commission ‘church’: duri Southern Baptists. People will feel theNationalConvocationontheBible begins second century.”’ ride in being Squthern Baptist and CooattintgoHactyPllaod, Cecoif vianSgunday SchoolBoardthatis a ing to ry Pi irectorof committedtothe messageofthe Bi- theSundaySchooldivisionattheSun- ble,” Piland predicted. = day School Board. RussellDilday, SouthwesterninFort ain The-three-day convocation at the Worth; and Milton Ferguson, NashvilleConventionCenterisplan- Midwestern in Kansas City, Mo. **. . atime to celebrate be- ned to celebrate the message of the Other Southern Baptist agency Bible as the foundation for the work leaders directing seminars include ing part of a grand fami- of Southern Baptists in evangelism, DellannaO’Brien,executivedirector, ice Sunday School and missions. Woman'sMissionaryUnion; Richard Pilandsaidtheeventisa “celebra- Land, executive director, Christian . tionfocused ontheWordofGodasthe LifeCommission; andDarrellRobin- Sunday School Board begins our se- son, vice president for evangelism, Otheraspectsoftheconvocationin- cond century of serving Southern Home Mission Board. cludedramatic and music presenta- Baptists.” Theboard-is observing its Pilandsaidtheseminarswill“cover tions,ashowcaseofSouthernBaptist centennial year in 1990-91. whattheBiblesaysaboutevangelism materials, anda commissioningser- Joel Gregory, pastor of Travis and reaching people.” vice for home and foreign AvenueBaptistChurchinFortWorth, Someoftheseminartopicswillin- missionaries. Texas,recentlycalledtoFirstChurch, clude a preview of the 1992 January Southern Baptists will havean op- Dallas,Texas,willpreachtheopening BibleStudybook,learninghowtoex- portunitytonominateSundaySchool BAPTISM BY BATHTUB— During the dry season in Kenya’s Matapato region, sermon.WilliamHendricks,professor lore a background Sotiel. teachers with 25 years or more ex- whereMaasai tribestrekmiflorweatesr,visitingpastorJosephKikuria,right,prepares of Christian theology at Southern © iblical backgro' previews of up- perienceforaspecialSundaySchool tobaptize MaasaibelieverMaryMaatana. VisitingBaptistsandcaped Maasaising SeminaryinLouisville, Ky.,willlead coming studies in Sunday school teacherrecognition. Thenomination andwatchEluanataBaptistChurch'sfirstbaptism.SouBapttistmhisseionarryBrnuce daily Bible expositions. materials,useoftheBibleinworship, process will begin in summer 1991, Schmidt(not pictured)transportswaterand the bathtubtoBaptistchurches in the Amongtheseminarleaderswillbe helps forsermon preparation, using said Larry Ware, convocation area. For many new Maasai believers, theirbaptism isthefirsttimethey have had four Southern Baptist seminary computers in ee coordinator. : theirhead completelyunderwater, hesaid. ‘TotheMaasai(thebaptism serviceis) presidents: RoyHoneycutt, Southern age-levelconferencesand issuetopics Registration information will be nothing short of a miracle in this land of scrub brush and dust.” (FMB PHOTO by in Louisville; Lewis Drummond, suchas aging, marriageandfamily, mailedtoSouthernBaptistchurches Ron Ragan.) Southeastern in Wake Forest, N.C.; sanctity of human life~children and in April 1991. Not many can say, *“T’ve reared 87 children!” By Breena Kent Paine NEWORLEANS(BP) —Notmany tunitytoshareChristbutyotknowing SS a eee Baptist, providedwhattheFellssaw he worked as a mechanic and a peoplecansaytheyhavereare8d7 quite htooanswwer. e Cag as “freebabysitting” bytakingtheir children. Butas parentsfor81 foster Then the Fells’s oe son, Then she asked, “Kim, would you kidstoSundaySchool,theyjumpedat parentingallthewhile. children,fourof their owonengra,nd- Frankie,blurtedout,‘ badpeople liketoaskJesustobeyourSaviorand thechancetohave a m en Asthepastor'sfamily,theywerean child,andonenephew,FrankandPat wouldcomeinandtellvouifyousay example. “Some ie would say ae istheirministry. you lovethedevilandhateJesus,you pecial church theycouldn’tcometochurchbecause When ’s were abused, canlive; buifytousay:youloveJesus placed in foster care, and then andhatethedevil,youhavetodie.” PaulBr—oaNoewOkrlesans Mrs.Fellsaid.“Buttheycouldnte’ltl The mother 'ooked athim Fellfamily elt «alingto tee aluwhomnonwseurvessat usthat. We’vehadasmanyasnine at aca a seriously. t if the badpeople ae bowed abeenoe geared FirstChurchofRaytMoo.w—snto,od onetime, stable, loving, Christian ee he cameinandtoldyouthatyou to afterme;and:whenshe her childrenthroughfostercare. lovethedevilorthey’d offyour poe she was glowing,” Mrs. Fell could not help his parents’heads?”she sa’ whisinowcinjhail Frankieglanceddownasifthink- FromthatmomshearinngCthri,st could ing, then looked her in the eye and withfosterchildrenandtheirfamily jected;buteaoncehhas said, “I’d say,‘Chop’em off!’ ” mebmecambeaneaturarlparstof atleastoncetheconsis theFells’life,astheystrovenottolet stable,Christianfamil “But why would you want your theinvitafatetrtiheosenr- tstobekilled?” Kim isted. Fells,whohave on “theabili- ing heardthegospelmessage. “Cause then they id be in heaven with Jesus, and that’s more theE were married 25 ptreoawhytingetaestreenforeFrastnikn,teaanldFeeyll not” in the lives of hurting children yearsago|, theywerenotyet hand tly I andtheirfamilies. betterthananythhieannsgwe,re”d. ! met in a bar in Nowthattheirchilhadvergreownn Denver, and were married 10 days laterin ajail,theonlyplacethey upandmovedaway,theFellsarefind- tmas, the Te inag “ploafrceset”at NewOrleans Fellsaskedhertolivewiththemfor twoweeksfirst. pried teed«wthnacdhne:woeiybet taughtKimthechildren’s ~ Fell “TranintothehousewithmyBible rou! Whien ,ate,whenthey inonehandand aFourSpirituLaawls tooknaps,howto themfeellov- for battle,” ‘ed.Thenoneday,astheFellswere Chri“shsesatttiransnfixaed”sas s,he whofoGlodlhavoebewen inGreenville, so much in the t. Mrs. Fell Miss., at the time, and when a hesitated,knowingshehadtheoppor- church, Greenfield é PAGE 2 BAPTIST RECORD ¢ ~ Thursday, January 3, 1991 EprTor’s NOTEBOOK Guy Henderson A giant stalks the land Televiggon has been praised and Levite, hecouldhave “turned itoff.” fellowship and creates a world of lambasted. ItiscalledAmerica’sbig- Thereisa parable floatingaround make believe for young and old. gest baby sitteranda warm compa- whereallofsocietyisinaboat. Each Okay, Okay! But I’m still going to nion for the elderly. America’s new citizenhashisallottedspace.Onefree watch “The Bold and the Restless.” one-eyed god and our new gift of spiritdecideshewantstodrillahole I’vebeenwatchingTVallmylifeand tongues! RobertSarnoffcalled itthe intheboat.Tothealarmed citizenshe enjoyedmostofit.Suretherewillbe Ry.c”. nervoussystemofthesociael sbauytst,ou“tI.t’Iscmaynddroilwl,hathtisIwisanmty. spaThiscei,s sofofmmeeb—adIthkinnogsw,rbeuatlitthya.tSjouswteboruenacseosn :: Meanwhile, in London, Malcolm afreecountry.”Admiredbysome, ig- one with another. Muggeridgedeclaredthatmediahas nored by most, hecontinues to drill. What can we do? Listen to the TV provided the devil with the greatest Afterall,whathedoesintheprivacy opportunity sinceAdam and Eve. In of his own home is his business. indus andturnitoff. Choosewhat 7 you will watch. Try a television-frée the eyes ofmany, a new giant stalks The government ought to do eveningwithgamesandconversation ourlandandtheDavidsareoutwat- something.Water isrising; wecould with your famiy. Don't hesitate to ching the sheep —or television. sink! Whydon’tthech giveus voice objections to TV stations Comedian Steve Allen says the bigger bailing buckets? Water.con- andadvertisersforviolenceand im- “flowiscarryingusallalongright in- tinuestoseepin.Perhaps,ifwecould morality. Praise them for the good - to the sewer.” It teaches us that the mixa littlegoodwaterwiththeharm- and decent presentations. more things you possess, the better fulwater,evengiveitarating—PG, youwillenjoylife. Thefailuretopre- PG-13, NC-17 — it would do less Itissaidthatwearedrowningina sent thewhole of life, this one-sided sea ofinformation and starving for damage. presentationwith.littlepossibilityof knowledge. Thereare some wonder- choice, has conditioned the viewers. Children watch television 30 to 40 ful television shows. The documen- -Even now read-my-lips advocates hours each week. This is more time taries are informative and often in- aresaying,“Turnitoff,unplugit,you thantheyspend inschool,nottomen- spirational. However, the giant is are not being forced to watch it.” tionchurch.Theywillsee200,0co0m0- castingalongshadowacrosstheland. True! AndthegoodSamaritandidnot mericalsand 10,000hoursofviolence He is making impressions that time Wise readers have to get involved with the victim beforethey’vote. It robs thehomeof will not erase and will bear fruit in oftherobbers.Likethepriaendsthte “meaningful conversation and future generations. Thesearebusytimesformostpeo- liangdshtoptsigsns. Heis a speed Guest opinion... ple. Allocation of time for various readerdeluxeandhasbeenknownto tasksisautoTmheaavteriagecpe.r- coverallthreeSundaySchoollessons » sonhasalloancumabertofehoudrs duraicauntiogn light. to improve his mind and seek Take time to plan buildings ProReadberDashobuldtlakeythe i tion. Pulitzer Prize.Somehowhe Thuswehavetriedtovisualitzhee managesto'read itbetwtheeeponst onthetesta ee _ office box and the trash canby the proffer ight amountofwords front'door.Nevermindthathis - By James L. Harrell thedesignatedreading time. lymightliketoread it.Hehasseenit. Acallcametothechurchbuilding determine growth potential and MississippiBaptistConventionBoard orIntshhiesviissiovneIr’yvesmeeetnhRoedaidcearlA.aHned thHaotw-eivnfeorrmyeodu rBeaaptdisitt,sraermeempbaerr- consultant. “Wehavefosretmfosra ministries neededshould bea must. ides the services of a church awaits the ing of ticipating Baptists. One editor ex- 40' X60’building.Pleasesendus aset propertyinrisetrqieusireimnecnlutdsito building consultant to churches the state Baptist paper. The erak “Youcaninform ofplanstofittheslabthatwillbe without charge. He is available to fireplace is decorated with lovely the unenlisted, but can never pouredtomorOnranoothwer.occ”a- meet with committees and suggest flames, soft music plays in the enlisttheuninformed.” : sion the same consultant received a quate space requirements for procedures and information which backAgssoronoastuhenRecdord.is —— t.“Ourchurchvoted various activities must be known. A should be gathered so that an ar- retrhiesleidvesientdot,he IntheBaptistRecordtheywillread nightto build a60‘ x 170'building. studyofexistingbuildingfloorspace chitectorfoage coulddevelopthe andpullsthelevertonotchfour. of missions — local and worldwide. Pleasecomenextweek andshowus ‘shouldbemadetodetermifimnaxe- preliminary plans and a plot isoffthehookandthedoor Christian education, evangelis howtodivuipadndheow.toidotthe acetates anate plan. He can then request that the bell is unplugged. He moans in walls and ceilings.” fcuornmislhiensgses.Aanldofteequiepmfenetrsmhuoualtioan Church Architecture Department of taenhosur “Absurd!”yousay! Theseareac- the Baptist. eeSore — seresieste es tualexperBiute,bnefocreeyosua.re developpreliminary floor plans toocriwhtataipprcoacahwoulldy,ou et is toget to il6:30 takeifyourchurchweretoelectyou property and to provi or hsandutesteen 10minutes ! asa membofear‘ ing commit- preliminary Senenaps coalthebne beforehisbuscomes.Hehasalready tee?” In the first place, it is best to GoldenLitepancake resthretvitlee,“buildingcommittee,” wheyes dovdlapGutsibolpags sas spa onthewhitechatHis wifeishaving forthegroupthatsupervtihseaecs- i floor fornewspace i and toyelloverthenoisetotellhimabout sodeeply, witsnodearisnglsy, abide = construction. “ i aw shouldbe or this teetne a Theworkdonebythe persistently, and influence so ir- planinsidesncrgip”tive in- that the size and dimensions are building consultant usually resistibly as printedpage.” itialworkacommsihotultdunedeer- deteTrhemminiistrniesetobdeca.r- amountstoabout15%ofanarchitect's take who has been elected by the riedoutwilldictatteo,a time. Thereis no fortheser- church and requested to look into thesizeandshapeofthe building. The viceofthe ck consultant ilding needs. This orother.titles ofthe Miss Convention mightbemore appropriate for the over-allcommittee.Tousethename, During the ;survey phase of the “building committee,” implies that work,thecommitteewoulddetermine the committee is to get a building theestimatedcostoftheprojectand underway — with or without plans avenues available to the church to that meettheneedsofthechurch. secure thefunds. It should be i that a Thethirdand finalphaseofthepro- buildingshouldbedesigned to meet oped, ject is “construction.” Before con- theneedsofthechurch,tohelpcarry tures, proposed C struction is begun, a financial out the ministries of the church. a additions. This plot package should be put togetherthat a church or who will follow Thetrhefierstfstagoeofraceomm,it- plan notonlytheexaspoctftor assuresthechurchofadequatefunds guidelines that are available to tee’s work is to determine the proposed buildings, but parking, for the new structure, renovation of architects. ministries of the church. A written recreation space, landscaping, existingspace (if needed), The construction will usually re- statementofthe ormission drainage, and other land use. preparation, furniture, equipment, quirefromthreeto-12 months. Most of the church be helpful. A theservoifcanears- musical sound equip- survey of the church community to chitectmaybeneeded.However,the ment(ifneeded),architect'sfees,per- Che Baptist Record (ISSN-0005-5778) VOLUME 114 NUMBER 46 of 4-andChristbmytahse Published weekly except weeks Sionioction bes hetleceseeee n, MS 39201. $735a inadvance. class pospaitdaatJagckseon . The Baptist Record is a memberofSoutBahptiestrPrenss ~ = The Second Front Page Open letter to Southern Baptists The Baptist Record Allmy lifeIhavebeentoldthatprayermakesthedifference,butwhen Iactually esanoutpouringofprayerfromthousandsofChris- tians around the world that werepraying ns for me and my situation, it made the differencein surviva AdaydidnotgobyintheUSS. Embassy inKuwaitthatIwasnotaware geben ty imgpidbypaigevePapinonpre Bopikysiengbo Sipe?) ly. There were days I was frightened for my physical well-being and JOURNAL OFTHE MISSISSIPP! BAPTIST CONVENTION uncertainabouthowwellmywifeandchildrenwerecopingbackhome without me. What made the difference is knowing that people were Thursday, January 3, 1991 Published Since 1877 holdingusupinprayerandIknewthatGodwouldrespondtotheirheart- felt petitions. I am grateful to have the opportunity }serve as one of your mis- First, Jackson, is listed in sionaries inGod’sworkinhis dom. Knowingthatprayermakesa difference, Iaskyoutocontinuetoprayforthehundredsofthousands ofAmericansintheMiddleEastwhoareservingtheircountr—ythat they willhavea positive Christianwitness in the most closed country ‘largest churches. in America’ ~ for sharing the Gospel. MyotherprayerconcernisforthefivelayleaderswhoIleftincharge oftheNationalEvangelicalChurchinKuwaittocarryontheministry | - ofJesus Christinahostile, brokencountry. Pray thattheywouldhave thespiritualresourcestomeetthechallengethatGodhasplacedbefore them. ATLANTA (BP) Nineteen ThetwoSouthernBaptistchurches 3,850; Champion Forest Church of Sincerely, SouthernBaptistConventionchurches fallbehindFirstChurchofHammond, Houston, 3,750; = Maurice Graham appearon anewlypublilissthofethde Ind., Willow Creek Community McGregor Church of Fort Myers, largestchurchesinAmerica,while25 Church of South Barrington, IIl., Fla.,3,700;FirstChuofWresctPahlm begin doing SBCchurchesappearonasimilarlist CalvaryChapelofSanta Ana, Calif., Beach, Fia., 3,550; Loveland Mis- Newwriters ofthe100fastest-growingchurchesin Thomas RoadChurchofLynchburg, sionaryChurch of Fontana, Calif., America. Va., and First Assembly of God in 3,400; Roswell Street Church of Sunday School comments Both lists were compiled by John Phoenix. Marietta, Ga., 3,200. Vaughan, a churchgrowthprofessor OtherSouthernBaptistchurcheson at Southwest Baptist University in the 100-largest list and their atten- Vaughan’slistofthefastest-growing Bolivar, Mo. Thelistsareincludedin dance figures are: churches in America is based upon Threenew _— thisweekbegin Jackson; as special worker for the the1991-92editionof“TheAlmanacof FirstChurch ofJacksonville, Fla., netgain in worshipattendance from the Christian World,’ published by 7,000; First Church of Dallas, 6,750; 1989 to 1990 — not upon percentage writing Sunday School lesson com- Mississippi Baptist Sunday School Tyndale House. BellevueChurchofMemhis,Tenn. growth. mentariesandwillcontinuethrough Department; and as conference June. TheyareBennyStill,Woodville, leader at Ridgecrest andGlorieta. Vaughan’s listing of the largest 6,500; First Church ofOrlando, Fla., OnthislistSaddlebackValleyCom- churches inAmerica is based upon .5,300; FirstChurchofHouston,5,035; munity Church of Mission Viejo, LifeandWork; Ruth \Jlen, Jackson, JerryVardaman,from1972untilthe 1989-90worshipattendance, notupon FirstChurchofAtlanta, 5,000; Trini- Calif., ranksfourthwithanetgainof Uniform; and Jerry Vardaman, present,hashadvariousassignments Starkville, Bible Book. asactingdirector,director,anddirec- membership. tyChurchofSanAntonio,Texas,4,500; 1,345. First Chureh of Jacksonville, BennyStillisministerofmusicand tor of special programs, Cobb In- NorthPhoenix ChurchinPhoenix, PrestonwoodChurchofDallas,4,038; Fla., ranks fifth with a net gainof youthatWoodvilleChurchandalsois ‘stitute of Archaeology, Mississippi Ariz., is listed as the sixth la - FirstChurchofEuless,Texas; 4,000; i2;13. church inAmerica, with an avrage First Church of Jackson, Miss., pastoroftheFortAdamsMission. He StateUniversity.Atthesametime,he Thethreefastestgrowingchurches is a graduate of Cleveland High hasbeenprofessorofreligionatMSU. attendanceof9,500.SecondChurchin 4,000; SaddlebackValleyCommunity Houston ranks eighth with 8,500 in ChurchofMissionViejo,Calif.,4,000; ofanyaffiliationareCalvaryChapel School, Clarke College, and William Vardaman was a student in high attendance. First Churth of Gonzales, "Texas, (See FIRST, JACKSON on page 5) Carey College, and has taken exten- school in Dallas, Texas, until his en- sive courses from the University of oetheU.S. MarineCorpsin1943, Tennessee. re he served three years. His Foreign Board appoints three HeismarriedtotheformerEdwina degrees include a bachelor of arts King. They havetwosons, Geoffand fromBaylorUniversityandbachelor Eric, Still sings tenor, baritone, or ofdivinityanddoctoroftheologyfrom bass, and can play the piano and Southwestern Seminary. couples with Mississippi ties organ. Hishobbiesincludesignmak- His earlier jobs included Baptist ing,glassetching,composingmusic, student director and professor of creative writing, and flower religionatTarletonStateUniversity; gardening. instructorinBiblical Introductionat RuthAllen,aFloridanative,receiv- Southwestern Seminary; and edaB.A. degreefromMississippiCol- associate professor of Biblical Ar- Three Mississippi couples were the master of divinity in Christian France, where he will start and lege in Bible and social studies. She chaeology at Southern Seminary. among31 named as missionaries by education degree from Southern developchurchesandtheywillbein- attendedSouthwesternSeminaryand He has studied at Pittsburgh the Foreign Mission Board, SBC, on Seminary, Louisville, Ky. volved in a variety of outreach later did additional studies at Theological Seminary and Dec. 11 at First Church, Charlottes- Born in Moses Lake, Wash., Mrs. ministries. Since 1986 he has been Belhaven College, Mississippi State Pittsburgh-Xenia and at Hebrew ville, Va. Osbrink, the former Gail McDaris, pastor of Jericho Church, Baldwyn, University, and University of Union Arch and Bible School, LawrenceandGailOsbrinkwilllive considers Raleigh, N.C. her Miss. Before that they were mis- Southern Mississippi. Jerusalem. He has been director or inSenegal, where he will start and hometown. Shereceivedthebachelor sionaries in the French West Indies SheismarriedtoJuddAllen,pastor deputy director of various ar- poeos churchesandtheywillbein- of social work degree from the for 16 years. of Ogden Church, Bentonia, who chaeological expeditions. volved in a variety of outreach UniversityofGeorgiaandthemaster BorninShannon, Miss., Frederick before retirement was consultant in ministries. of arts degree from Southern receivedtheassociateofarts— the Sunday School Department, He is married to the former Since 1989 he has been associate Seminary. from Itawamba Community College MississippiBaptistConventionBoard. Alfalene Jolly, who is professor of astor at North Hialeah Church, The Osbrinks have two children: inFulton;thebacohfaertlsdoegrree Theyhavethreechildren,Mrs.Bever- English at Wood College, Mathiston. Fla. Born and reared in LydiaElyse,bornin1989; andJordan from Mississippi College; and the lyLivingston,Huntsville,Ala.; David The Vardamans’ daughters, Carol Miami,Fla.,hereceivedthebachelor Luke, 1990. bachelor of divinity and master of J. Allen, Jackson; and Charles E. TingleandCelesteMoore,aredoctors. ofscienceinbusinessadministration Wayne and Florence Frederick religiouseducation fromNew: Allen, Little Rock, Ark. Tingle practices at University degreefrom MississippiCollegeand were reappointed. They will live in (SeeCOUPoLnpEagSe 5) Mrs. Allen taughtBible and social Hospital, Jackson, and Whitfield: studies at Jackson Preparatory Moore practices at Parkland School,Jackson,from1970to198S8h.e Hospital, Dallas, Texas, and teaches has also served as director of adult pathology at Southwestern Medical education at Calvary Church, School, Dallas. SBC baptisms projected to increase 7.7 percent SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (BP) — Bap- Officialstatistics on baptismswill tisms in Southern Baptist churche-s be reported by the Sunday School for 1990areprojectedtobeupnearly Boardearly in 1991. Price’sestimate 8percentoverthepreviousyea—rthe is based upon preliminary data pro- largest percentage increase in a vided by state evangelism directors. decade. The increase in baptisms appears Clay Price of the Home Mission to be a uniform phenomenon across Board’’s research division presented the nation, Price reported.’ that projection to state evangelism ‘Evangelism leaders cited several directorsduringtheirannualmeeting reasons for this year’s increase. in Scottsdale, Ariz. One contributing factor was a six- Thetotal numberofbaptisms pro- week period of ‘‘Here’s Ho jectedfortheyearis378,000,a7.7per- simultaneous revivals last spring, cent increase over the 351,107 bap- (SeeBAPTIonSpMagSe 5) Bodenheimers Osbrinks tisms recorded in 1989. Sf A REELLOSLEELA SRA PAGE 4 BAPTIST RECORD Thursday, January 3, 1991 Vaughn wraps up 38 years By Tim Nicholas Chester Vaughn has just wrapped MBCBfromtheSundaySchoolBoard The other trend Vaughn sees is up 38 years of active service to after studying other conventions’ relatedtobivocationalworkinChris- SouthernBaptistswiththeknowledge organizational processes. Vaughn tianeducation. “Iwanttobringtothe that “the principles of church work came to managechurch programs surfacetheconceptofa bivocational have not changed,” he says. related to the work of the Sunday educational worker,” he says. There Vaughn, whoretiredlastmonthas School Board, Home Mission Board, are about 500 each of bivocational programdirectorfortheMississippi Brotherhood Commission, and pastors and music directors. Baptist Convention Board, says, Woman’s Missionary Union. “Probably you could count the however, the methods have changed Vaughn says that “how we do number of bivocational education andwillcontinuetochange. “Wehave church in the future probably will workers on both hands.” moved from just one way to do radicallychangeandthegreat need He said, however, “every church something to a multiplicity of ap- istobeguidedbythebasicprinciples needs to strengthen its educational proaches,” he says. into new arenas,” Hesays ifthere is program.’Hesaysthatmanysmaller “Flake’s formula (Arthur Flake, a deviation, itneeds tobedone from a churchescould-giveconsiderationto EddieHamilton, right, president, Mississippi BaptistConvention, presentsaplaque Mississippian who articulated the solid base. employing:someone‘from: their own of appreciation to ChesterVaughn for his 16 years of service as program director, principle for church growth) is as For Mississippi's future, Vaughn membership:who has leadershipgifts Mississippi Baptist Convention Board. The presentation took place at a retirement soundtodayasthedayheenunciated has.someideas. Hesuggeststhatthe ineducationand{‘whocouldbetrain- dinnerDec. 6 given bytheConvention Board forVaughn and Don McGregor,retir- it: ‘Discover your possibilities, mergerofsmallerandweakerchur- edbythestateconventiontoprovide ingeditor,BaptistRecord.AtleftisVaughn'swife, Evelyn,whohaswrittenSouthern enlarge the organization, enlist and ches and associations would make educationalguidancefora multitude Baptist curriculum materials every year since 1968. trainworkers,providethespace,and them more effective. ofsmaller churches.” go after the people’ ” For instance, he believes that Vaughnhimselfwillprobablyoffer He says that over the years, churchprogrammingseemstodobet- himself for helping guide groups of Soul winning encounter announced enlargementand traininghave been terinchurchesaftertheyreachacer- smaller churches in educational his favoritepartofthework. And he tain size. A number of churches in work. workedin.avarietyofsituationssince Mississippi only. have about 25 And, afterenjoyingsometimeoff, he first felt God’s call into Christian members, he says. “You really need he will travel with his wife Evelyn, SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (BP) — phasiswillexpandtoincludepersonal education while a manager for more than that today to have the suchas toRidgecrestwhereshewill Southern Baptists willget a second evangelism leading up_ to Western Union. dynamic church that reaches the leadSundaySchoolconferences. “She chancetotellAmerica, “Here’sHope.” simultaneous revivals. Whileearningcollegeandseminary masses of people.” is a committed children’s worker,” A nationalsoulwinning encounter The national soul winning en- degreesandafterward,Vaughnwork- Vaughn also believes the future saysVaughnofhiswife. “Shehaswrit- slated for 1995 will carry thesame counterwill consistoftwophases — edina countyseatchurch, anurban holds greater opportunities in the ten for Southern Baptist curriculum theme as the denomination’s 1990 60 days of personal evangelism and churchinametropolitanarea, anda blackmissionfield. “Mississippihas materials every year since 1968.” simultaneousrevivals: “Here’sHope. six months of “harvest revivals.” cityFirstBaptist. Andheworkedfor theopportunitytohelpstrengthenNa- - Vaughn enters retirement “with a Jesus cares for you.” TheHMBwillenlist1.5millionpeo- the Baptist Sunday School Board as tional Baptist churches as well as very good feeling, a sense of ac- Internalpublicityfortheyear-long plewhowillcommittowitnesstoone a SundaySchooladministrationcon- establishing black Southern Baptist complishment and fulfillment.” He emphasis will carry a slightly dif- person each day betweenJan. 8 and sultant before coming to the MBCB churches,” says Vaughn, “as the felt sayshe’sbeenhappyeverywherehe’s, ferent theme: “Here’s Hope. Share March 9, 1995. Those60 days of per- nearly 16 years ago. need is experienced and as areas servedandhasneverhadabitterex- Jesus Now.” : sonalevangelism will be followed by Ear!Kelly,retiredexecutivedirec- decidetodosomething inthatdirec- perience along the way “for which I Rather. than emphasizing only a nationwide emphasis on revivals toroftheMBCB,calledVaughntothe tion.” am grateful to the Lord.” simultaneous revivals, the 1995 em- between March 12 and Sept. 30. -“ Panola sponsors “cult blitz”’ Legislative report... Latest bills listed OnNov. 4-5, PanolaAssociation, in First Church, Sardis, was thehost conjunctionwiththeMississippi Bap- church for the Five Awareness Con- tist Monitoryom — infor- ferencesheldonNov. 5from7-9 p.m. mationand provided trainingforthe Confereesattendingtotaled61 i purposeofwitnessingtothemembers atotalof 2,457conffeorrthee“eCuslt By Paul Jones ofsixdifferentcultgroups. Atotalof Blitz.”OneoftheconfereeswasJack The 1991 Mississippi Legislative HB 130 would abolish authority of Recycling Act. The need to be more 17 speakers s in 18 churches on Thorne, a member of the Church of SessionwillbeginonTuesday,Jan.8, StateTaxCommissionasexclusiveli- environmentally responsible could Nov. 4, on subject of Islam, England, whose home is Bedford, 1991. This session of the Legislature quor wholesaler. refocusattentiononwhatitmeansto Jehovah'sWitnesses,Mormonism,the England, the city of John Bunyan. will focus onkey issues thatwill im- HB204wouldallowliquorstoresto be earth stewards. Occult,theNewAge,andtheUnifica- Thorne was visiting J. D. Joslin, a tion Church. Fourchurches used all cousin and pastor ofPharsalia. pact all citizens of the state. The sell party goods. The limited focus - legislators can be reached in their providebythestatealcoholbeverage GAMBLING fourtime ag ( eesmor- Conferenceleaders theex- homedistrictsontheweekendsandat laws would be expanded so liquor HCR 6 would amend the constitu- worship, Disci p , istenceofahighlevelof excitement. the state Capitol during the séssion. stotes could compete with stores “tiontoauthorizea state lottery. This anteveningdrs 2 for the“Cul “Raptattention” was thewayEddie isanotherattempttomakewhathas Blitz.” Princecharacterizedtheresponseof Ptheerisrolnesgiwsilasthorisntmgoacyomdmousnoibcyawtreiwtiitnhg winhgicphasretlylpiatretmysictoeumlsdbuntotstcoroemspseetlle- beenillegalandcriminalfor100years ~ There were 2,396 conf erees who theparticip ants. “Thebestparticipa- them at Box 1018, Jackson, MS 39215 with liquor stores~ é legalsospecialinterestsfrom.out-of- received training on Sunday. The tion by our churches in any event or calling them at 359-3770. Senate Bill (SB) 2023- would statecan profit from the misfortune CouChurrchthostledtahennoonldun- other than a World Mission Con- A number ofsignificant bills have establish theAlcohol BoatingSafety of citizens ‘of the state. cheon for conference leaders and ference,” said Walter Ballard, direc- already been prefiled for early con- Act. HCR 8 would amend the constitu- those who provided transportation. tor of missions. -=déclaréthatbingo’shall notbe sideration by the Legislature. Im- CHILDREN i Sa OW Eh Ovig Nes mediate citizen input is the key to HB 85 would provide criminal ‘74wouldredefine nizations entinga bad bill frombecoming penalties for failure to report awandinassistingwiththepassage neglected or abused children. This authorizéd ‘to conduct bingo and raffles. ofdesirablelegislation. By topics,the could put teeth into the Mandated HB 125 would establish the Video following bills have already been Reporting Act. Card Machine Control Law of 1991. introduced. : HB86wouldprovideforregistration This is part of the mechanism to ABORTION with law enforcement of all sex legalize video poker and to use HouseBill(HB) 112wouldprohibit offenders. ; whatever proceeds to fund public publicemployeesfrom participating HB 89 would increase the penalty education. incertainabortions.Thiswould make for selling tobacco to minors. HB 139 would prescribe license most abortions in public facilities DRUGS taxes and fees for video card unfeasible. HB 84 would not allow for a machines. This is part of the HB 113 would prohibit the use of suspended sentence or parole for a mechanismtosupposedlyraisefunds public funds for abortions. personconvictedofsellingdrugstoa foreducation while infactmakitnhge HB 114 would prohibit the use of minor. Inessence,selltoakid,andgo equipment providersin other states public facilities for abortions. to jail, period. the real winners. ALCOHOL SB2092andSB2104wouldestablish SB2163wouldtaxbingooperations. HB 50 and HB 51 would allow out- the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1991. of-stateDUI convictions tocount for EDUCTION GOVERNMENT enhancedpenalitiesunderstateDUI HB 88 would prohibit weapons on HB 1 would reduce the size of the bas eo - -t* ge : conviction.Thiscouldbeanincentive public school premises. state Legislature in an attempt to Theseweretheleadersofaninterfaithwitnessblitzin PanolaAssociation.From to keep drunk drivers off the SB 2166 would require phonics as reduce state ex tures. left, theyare(front row) IraAlley, Memorie Alley, Tillie Gullett, Eunice Bryant, and — hi é teaching technique in grades K-3. HB22wouldprovidefora referen- AnnHuber;(secondrow)JeraldWelch,WayneGullett, LavonHatten,HollisBryant, fin1 would allow for the sale of ENVIRONMENT and DonSorrels;(backrow) RickeyMcKay,WalterBallard,WadeAllen, and Lamar certain out-of-state wines. HB21wouldcreatetheMississippi (See LATEST BILLS on page 8) Shirley. ~~ Evangelism, Sunday School Thursday, January 3, 1991 BAPTIST RECORD PAGE 5 called basics to growth Part 4 of 6 By Mark Wingfield ATLANTA (BP) — Once a church to nearly 400 in average Sunday In breakout churches, worship is_ and its pastor renew their vision for attendance. moreoftendescribedas “celebration” ministry, theroadtogrowthispaved ‘— Sunday School. Hadaway’s andincludesvariety,spontaneity,and with hard work, church growth research shows that breakout chur- informality. “Growingchurchestend specialists say. chesalso tend tohave betterSunday—to-beflexible,” Hadaway said. “They Research shows churches which Schoolprogramsthanchurcheswhich often change things from week to Church librarians elect officers growofftheplateaudon’t usuallydo‘ remain on a plateau. weekandarenotupsetwhenthewor- anything extraordinary, they just do‘ “We just came back and did nuts shipservicedoesnothappenexactly the basics better and harder. andboltsSundaySchool,” pastorAn- as statedin the order of service.” Thestate’sChurchMediaLibraryOrganizationinitsannualmeetinginNovember The first step to growing off a .thony Jordan says of the growth at This finding is affirmed by Dan elected officersfor 1990-91. Leftto rightareSharon Neff, Arcola, president;Agatha plateauistorenewvisionandpastoral NorthwestChurchinOklahomaCity. Yeary,pastorofUniversityChurchin Sandidge, Brookhaven,vicepresident; NancyHughes, Hattiesburg, programchair- leadership, according to Kirk Ineightyears the church has grown Coral Gables, Fla., which hasgrown man; Joan Beasley, Wesson, historian; Faye Miller, Hattiesburg, TACMO represen- HadawayoftheSundaySchoolBoard from an averageSunday attendance from300to 1,300.“I believe ina:very tative; SandraFitts,Corinth, ex-officio;JuanitaHight, Louisville, publicitychairman; andJere Allen of the Home Mission of690to1,000despiteitslocationina positiveworshipexperience:fbelieve andJoanDavis, Madison,secretary-treasurer(notpictured).Thelibrarianswillmeet transitional neighborhood. intheg ‘ofaffirmation:Youdon’t Nov. 1-2, 1991, at First Church, Hattiesburg. ; Beyondthat, therearea varietyof Thisisakeyelementofajointcom- browbeatpeopleinto-action: ingredients commonly found in mitmentof.theHomeMissionBoard- “T preach abotit'sin,butalways The Baptist Hour celebrates breakout churches: andSundaySchoolBoardinfostering couched in grace. I. never saw- — Evangelism. “Ifbreakout chur- church growth, said Sunday School anybody scared or fought into the broadcasting milestone ches do any one thing better than Board President Lloyd Elder. kingdom of God. They’re loved into eschurches,thatthingwould “We are committed to sound, the kingdom.” e evangelism and outreach,” holistic church growth,” he contend- —Goal-setting. “Stagnantchurches Hadaway said. “Most churches talk ed. “Churchesreach peoplemostef- keepdoingthesamethingsyearafter It was Jan. 5, 1941, before many The RTVC’s Gold Angelwillbeon aboutit,butbreakoutchurchesdoit.” fectivelythroughtheSundaySchool. year because the programs have Americans had heard of television, display at First Church, This renewed concern with They receive personal contacts and always been done,” Hadaway found. that Southern Baptists began their La., onSunday, Jan. 6. On thatdate, evangelism usually includes an em- ministry. TheSundaySchoolprogram Ontheotherhand,breakoutchurches radio ministry. The dominant asix-monthlonganniversarycelebra- phasisonspiritualgrowthandprayer, isourpointofthrustontothemission report an increased emphasis on American entertainment medium tionoftheBaptistHourwillbelaun- he found. “We are not dealing with field of our communities.” strategy-planning and goal-setting. wasradio.Peoplewhocouldnotafford chedatthe church,where quickfixes instituted by fly-by-night InruralFranklin,Ky.,pastorSteve Curtis attributes much of his con- the price of a movie theater ticket the first Baptist Hour sermon was evangelists. Therenewalwhichtakes Curtis has proved that concept true? gregation’s increase to goal setting. could crowd around the radio. =" in January 1941 by MLE. placetendstoproduceawell-rounded By emphasizing Sunday School, the Althoughlocatedona ruralhighway ItwasinthatmilieuthatanAtlan- churchwithararemixofevangelism, churchhasgrownfromanaverageat- seven miles from the nearest town, ta pastor, Sam Lowe, saw his dream Herschel H. Hobbs, whoservedas spirituality and social concern.” tendance of 50 to nearly 450. Providence Church has set a goal of ofmorethanadecadebecomea reali- BaptistHourspeakerfor18years,will JoeFinfrock,pastorofFirstChurch “TtellmyfolksI'drathertheycome averaging 1,000inattendance by the ty. Ithappened onJan. 5, 1941, when deliverthe50thanni in Gentry, Ark., said his church has to Sunday School than come to year 2000. M. E. Dodd, pastor of First Church, whichwillbecarriedlivebysatellite baptized400peopleinfiveyearswith preaching,”Curtissays.“Wenowhave When asked if that goal might be Shreveport, -La., steppedto..the-en the ACTS (American Christian a basic approach to evangelism. “I 30peoplecomingtoSundaySchoolon unrealistic, thepastorquicklyreplies, microphone and broadcast over 17 Television System) network and believethepastorhastobewillingto a regularbasis whoare lost. That is “We'realmosthalfwaytherealready.” stations in 11 states. This launched recordedfor distributiontoradiosta- settheexampleinpersonalsoulwin- our evangelistic base.” — View toward the future rather Southern Baptists into a 50-year in- tions that broadcast the program. ning,” he said. “He must encourage — Positivé worship experience. thanthepast. Churchgrowthauthor volvementinreligious broadcasting. people that they can win others to Worshipservices in breakout chur- Lyle Schaller says he can gauge a The Baptist Hour is aired weekly.on Christ.” r ches have a differentcharacter than church’sgrowthby asking thisques- 450 radio stations nationwide and Using this approach. the rural worship services in plateaued chur- tion: “What is the one event that broadcast on the Armed Forces ForQuaanldLoiwPtricyes Arkansaschurchhasgrownfrom 100 ches, Hadaway discovered. everyone in the church recalls and Network. Oak—Pi—nVeneeer says, ‘Ever since then, we’ve never It is one of the longest-running Wallace been the same’?” denominational radio programs in 171WestovDerr. COUPLES and the master of arts in religious Growingchurcheshavedreameda history. In early years, The Baptist Clarksdale, MS 38614 educationdegreefromSouthwestern newdreamanddon’tconstantlylook Hourwasbroadcastlive.TheBaptist 1-800-898-0551 From page 3 ; > Seminary. to landmarks in the past, he says. Hour,theSouthernBaptistRadioand He has been a Foreign Mission Jordan found that to be true at Television Commission’s flagship Orleans Seminary. BoardjourneymaninPeru; youthin- NorthwestChurchinOklahomaCity, radio program, has received a Gold Aluminum Products for your Church... BorninNewOrleansandrearedin ternatJamesAvenueChurchinFort where fire destroyed the church AngelawardfromReligioninMedia, STEEPLES © COLUMNS Edwards,Mrs.Frederick,theformer Worth; and a Centrifuge staffer in building in 1965. anon-profitLosAngelesorganization ©© BCEUPLOLLTAOSWERS © COARNICES FlorenceBlush,receivedthebachelor Mobile. “When I came here in 1982, foundedwith the purpose ofimprov- Iee . @ BALUSTRADES - of arts degree from Mississippi Born and reared in Tupelo, Mrs. everything was dated by the fire. If ing the media. ©EXTERIORBULLETINBOAROS CAMPBELLSVILLE INDUSTRIES 800-626-0350 College. Bodenheimer, the former Lynda you would talk to our people. th TheGoldAngel awardhonors pro- P.0.BOX278-5 (KY)502-465-8135 The Fredericks, who have four Sneed,isthedaughterofMr.andMrs. would talk about the fire,” he said. ductionsthataredeemedtohave hi CAMPBELLSVILLE,KENTUCKY42718 grownchildren,willleaveforthefield Byron Sneed of that city. “Todaytheywouldn’tbetalkingabout spiritual, moral, orsocial impacton - in February. She received the bachelor of arts the fire. They have redreamed the society. DavidandLyndaBodenheimerwill degree from the University of dream.” OLD BIBLES REBOUND workas representatives in Hungary, Mississippiandthemasterofartsin — Laity deployed in ministry. Too Aprice, bindingandstyletomeetevery whheewirllbeea religiouseducation religious education degree from often churches get caught up in the need. Qualityworkmanshipguaranteed. promoterandthey will beinvolvedin Southwestern Seminary. process of doing church to the point Writefor illustratedpricefolder. a variety ofoutreach ministries. ShehasbeenaCentrifugestafferin of not doing anything at all, noted N“OInRteRrnIatSioBnaOllOyKknBoIwNnDINjGalisCtsO”. Since 1986hehas beenminister of Mobileanda summermissionaryin oa Chaney oftheHomeMission From page 3 Wyoming. education and family activities at saidRichardHarris, HMBdirectorof Box305-C—Greenwood,Miss.38930 » 303 Hugmis Dluow 8 3 Signal Mountain (Tenn.) Church. The Bodenheimers and Osbrinks “Ourpeople,havesomanyhoursa mass evangelism. ; Born in Winston-Salem, N.C., he will go to Rockville, Va., in January week they cangive. Ifwehaye.them Earlier research by the HMB pro- ConfusedAboutLifeInsurance? received the bachelor of science for a seven-week orientation before in committee meetings a,couple of jected that Here’s Hope revivals Whynotbuythemostlifeinsurance degreefromWakeForestUniversity leaying for the field. nightsa week, — ve no;timefor resultedin104,000professionsoffaith for the least amount of money? outreach,” he said. , and 77,700 baptisms. Example: Male, 65, non-smoker Asanexampleofwherethisleads, HMB President Larry Lewis and $100,000 FIRST, JACKSON ta , Tenn., 500; Hoffmantown Chaney told about a church council evangelism section vice president Church ‘of Albuquerque, N.M., 457; meetingheonceattendedwheremore Darrell Robinson agreed that the For only $55.62 per mo. From page 3 irst ChurchofFortLauderdale, Fia., thananhourwasdevotedtodiscuss- Here’s Hoperevivalsplayeda major Call Don Mahaffey in Albuquerque, N.M., Mount 450; ing how to keep one Sunday School osc in the baptism increase. 9:30a.m. to4:30p.m. ETMon.-Fri. Ephraim Church in Atlanta, and FirstChurchofMidland,Texas,438; classfromusing crayonsthatbelong- owever, both mensaid theybelieve Toll Free 1-800-367-5492 Willow Creek Community Church in TrinityChurchofSanAntonio,Texas, ed to another class. theincreaserepresents a movement ALWAYScomparebeforeyoubuy South Barrington, Ill. 400; CasasAdobesChurchofTucson, Perseverance.* “Don’t get larger than the six weeks of OtherSBCchurchesonthe eee Ariz, 400; Hickory Grove Church of discouraged when some things don’t simultaneous revivals. Pews, pulpits,baptistries| growinglistandtheirnetgaininwor- Charlotte, N.C., 400; McGregor work,”’ cautioned pastor Gary “This is morethansomethingpro- Van Winkle *errcieslong ship attendance are: ‘ Church of Fort Myers, Fla., 400; Baldwin of Westport Church in grammatic,” Robinsonsaid. “I think st Brent Church of Pensacola, Rehobeth Church of Atlanta, 350; Denver, N.C. Westport Church grew thisisanindicationofamovementof Church foldingdoors, Fla., 940; Sunnycrest Church of First Church of Moore, Okla., 350; off aplateau of about 100 people to the Spirit in our churches. Furnishings & theaterseats. Marion, Ind., 700; Second Church of LakePointeChurchofRowlett,Texas, average more than 300 currently. Lewis agreed: “There’s a new em- Houston, 635; SanJacinto Church of 346; First ChurchofBrokenArrow,. “Wetry90things,andmaybeoneof phasis in our churches on reaching Pew Upholstery Amarillo, Texas, 600; Hyde Park Okla., 300; Smoke Rise Church of them works,” adds tor Jim Sum- peopleforChristandontraining peo- Church of Austin, Texas, 600; First Atlanta, 300; First Church of mersofNorthwest ChurchinMiami, ple to share their faith. We’ve had a Box 501, Fulton, MS. 38843 ChurchofWoodstock,Ga., 500; First Snellville, Ga., 300; Roswell Street whichhasgrownfromanaverageat- revival ofthe promotion ofsoul win- In MS. Toll Free 1-800-624-9627 Church of Merritt Island, Fla., 500; Church of Marietta, Ga., 300; tendance of260 to 1,100. ning,whenforseveralyearswehadn't Weremo&dpeailnt Woodland Park Church of Chat- MetropolitanChurchofHouston,300. Wingfield writes for HMB. even used the term.” ® Status quo: analysis of °°mess were in” By Herschel H. Hobbs Someone defined status quo as these matters in both the pulpitand developintheentireConvention,our based upon rumors which have no In ourone authorized meeting the Latin for the mess we are in. I want the pew. Ask the average Southern problem would be solved. basis of fact. I use two examples. thirdyearwespentadayanda half toapply it tothecurrentsituation in Baptistwhathe/shebelieves,andthe Every word spoken in all -our Rumor said that if the conser- hearing reports from agency heads theSouthernBaptistConvention. My answermostlikelywillbe, “Ibelieve meetings, includingstalejokes, was vativesgotcontroloftheForeignMis- and the chairmen of their boards. onlyqualificationtodothisisageand what Southern Baptists believe.”’ If recorded on tape. The committee sion Board they would fire Keith Without exception all reports were _experience. Ihopethefactthat Iam askedwhattheybelievetheywillsay, voted unanimously toseal the ta Parks and all missionaries who did positive; allagencieswereabidingby theoldest living formerpresident of “Tdon’tknow. ButIsurebelieveit!”’ for 10 years. This was done so that notadheretotheirbeliefs,andchange the Convention’s action In the one theSouthernBaptistConventionmay We hear cries of creedalism and committee members would speak ourwholeconceptofforeignmissions. agency where there h'u been pro- givemetherighttowritethisarticle. academic freedom. For 27 years I morefreely. Neartheendofourwork Fact: In October 1989 the board ap- blems, the president spoke of the Toborrowfrom‘“‘MammyYokum’’of have warned Southern Baptists that it was evident that they contained pointed a committee to draw up a futureratherthanthepast. Somuch Dogpatch, if I had my druthers I ifweignorethepreambleofTheBap- nothing that was world-shaking. statement.AttheBoard’sDecember so that one leading ‘‘conservative”’ wouldliketositonthesideline, bask tist Faith and Messagewe make ita Threeattemptsweremadetorescind meetingitwasadoptedunanimously said, “Mr.Chairman,wecansaythat in past history, and cheer on a new creed. Thispreambleprotectsthein- ' the votetoseal them. Thechairman —endorsingwithoutreservationboth ourtheological problems are behind generationrunningtheracethatisset dividual conscience and guards rightly ruled that it must be by Parks, all missionaries, and our en- us. Our problem now is politics.’ before them. But I can no longer re- against a creedal faith. But it also unanimous vote. Wealways had two tire foreign mission program. After the Convention’sadoptionof main silent. So I trust that you will statesclearlythatSouthernBaptists or three negative votes. Another rumor: If this group gets ourreportinSt. Louis Ijusthappen- bearwithme,mydearfriendsofour havebeenandarenowidentifiedwith WewereinstructedbytheConven- control--ef the seminaries’ trustee edtorunintoallseminarypresidents beloved Convention. certainbasic beliefssetforth in that tion to determine the sourceof the boards, theywillchangethemintoBi- except RussellDilday. ToeachI put WhenIwasayoungpastorIsatfor document.. controversy,reportourfindings,and ble schools. Fact: Look at Mid- thequestion as towhat they thought hours at a time listening to such Thepreamble isas mucha partof make recommendations. We soon America. It is their school; they of our report. Each said, “There is greatsas LouieD. NewtonandJohn The Baptist Faith and Message as decidedthatthesourcewastheology founded and finance it. It is exactly nothing in it with which we cannot JeterHurt,Sr.,astheyrecitedhistory anyofthe17articlesinit.Withoutthe which producedthepolitics.Wethen whattheywant.Itisaccreditedbythe live.” The agencies are doing just ofwhichIhadreadbutinwhichthey preamble the Convention would not divided into sub-committees to visit same AATS which accredits our six that. But insofar as the contending participated inthemaking. Itlinked have adopted the Statement. the various agencies of the Conven- seminaries.Andtheydonotaccredit partiesareconcerned,inallmyyears me to the past and prepared me for Therefore, no Southern Baptist or tion. Our purpose was to discuss Bible schools! of involvement in Convention life thefuture. I cannot hold a candle to groupofsuchshouldtrytoenforcethe theological problems as reflected in The Peace Committee has been (since 1938) Ihaveneverknownofa them, buthopefullyIcanhelpothers 17 articles while ignoring the provi- ourmail. ReportstothePeaceCom- criticizedforitstiminginpresenting Conventionactionwhichhas beenso as they helped me. sions ofthe preamble. mitteerevealecdd rt gpe inonlytwo its report to the Convention. Of ignored and violated as the Peace Attheoutset, letmesay that Iam Asforacademic freedom, there is seminaries, and they were being course,itistoberegretted.Wr nwe Committee report! notoneithersideinthepresentcon- no such thing as absolute freedom handledthrough properchannelsby firstbeganmeetingwesetourtarget I was asked if I t this Con- troversy. Bothsideshavesomeright -where people live in community. those institutions. date as April 1 so that it could be in vention action would bring peace. I andsomewrong.Through83yearsof Because my freedom is limited by the Book of Reports. We were on. replied, “It will bring peace if they living I have learned a few things. your rights. I am free to do schTheecodmmituteeltowerite.the wantpeace. Ifthecontendingparties Oneisthatextremesarenever right. calisthenics,todoubleupmyfistsand report had been appointed. We said donotwantpeaceGod Himselfcan- The truth lies somewhere between thrust myarms back and forth. But somethingmusthappento givethem not present a - them. Another is that in every dif- Iamnotfreetodothatonacrowded something on which to the peace.”’Indeed, hasgivenusHis ferencetherearethreesides: yours, streetcornerwhereindoingitIpunch report. Infact,wehadalongprayer report in the New Testament, but mine,andtherightone.Therightone you in the nose. My individual session to that end. ee even it is ignored. The contending is God’sside, and we must find it! freedom ends where your nose IthappenedattheGlorietaPrayer partiessaythattheyarechampions FurthwehartImwilolsrayiesn,ot begins.Freedomandresponsiblitygo Retreat when the seminary oftruth. But I fearthattheydonot criticism of the present generation, hand in hand, else the results is preseaets brought the “Glorieta speak the “‘truth in love.” boufmitne.Mostofthemare goneor anarchy. tatement.” In turn, then President. I heardone ‘“‘moderate” whosaid elsearenolongerinthemainstream by’ thepaapawe forwhacktipacheol AdrianRogersissuedhisstatement. that the Peace Committeegave the ofconventionactivities.Buttheroots ry or Ww 5 Ironicallywhenthesewereprintedin “conservatives” everything they ofthepresentcontroversyareinthe exists whetherthé8beenearyor the state pa , Some moderates wanted.Buthedidnotknowwhatthe soil ofour generation. a stateuniversity. Atthesametime saidthe i werepressuredin- “conservatives” wanted — or the Intheseminarmyygenerationma- weshouldrememberthataseminary to “moderates’’ for that matter. Since jored on Hebrew, Greek, theology, isnotauniversity. Whichmeansthat conservative said thatRogers ha = —— involved the “‘conser- saetidints,somaliacoe — itspurposeofbeingisdifferentfrom “‘soldouttothemoderates.” Neither vatives”letmegiveoneexamplteo psychology, ing,and pastora a university. Aspreviouslystated, a was true! But the committee was thecontrary. * ministries.Buttheywereminorsover denominational seminary is limited ready to begin writing its report. Innexttothelast meetingbefore against the majors. In theology, for by its peculiar purpose. Our next meeting was early in thePeaceCommreipotrt,ta‘e‘coen- instance, we were taught Southern In my president’s address in San November. Inthemeantimea story “FinthedstaitemnentgGatsmo”st Baptist—— theology. I fear (animiilih, beawenn6 exechel ond appearedinthestatepapersquoting ae :. . ” tmost that today’s graduates know eenac a oneseminary i asifhewere Southern believedtheBible systematic theology in the broader living faith. I used the figure oftwo Then a sub-committee on politics ‘drawing back ithoutanymixtoufrere- sense.ButIalsofearthattheydonot waystograazcowe. Acreedalfaith wasappointed. Iwaontshatcommit- ment. cot Oe Se : ing the know Southern Baptist systematic issnubthbeciowntoga post, allow- tee. Onascheduledbasiswemetwith report met a day early to i examples. Frankly,Ipreferred theology. One veteran pro- ing limitedgrazing.Alivingfaith everyonewhocouldhavebeeninvolv- writingthereport.But itagreedthi mstcupeteammenetalicaeme. fessoragreedwithmethatmy fears is likebuildingafenceabout apiece edinsuch. Suftosfayithactiteis matter mustberesolvedbeforethey tionyougivetoget.So Ivotedtoin- ’ aretrue.Thesemenknowmoreabout of land. The cow is free to graze quite evident that denominational couldwrite it. WhenthefullPeace clude that statement. After all, that Barth,Bruner,Bultmann,andTillich anywhere within that fence. In our iticsareinvolved—onbothsides. Commmettiheretwastagreeemeent is what we found. And it included . thantheydo aboutMullinsandCon- figurethe fenceistheBibleandthe t beganwith the conservatives but tothateffect. Investigraetveiaolend SouthernBaptistsas awhole. nor. It is not their fault. They were purpose of the institutions. ratherinvolvedmoderatesaswell.As thatthispresihdadebneetn In the final all-night meeting, 30 victimsofdecisionsmadebypeople In recent years a new word has for—-ballotsindiscriminately outofcontext: Not deliberately, but of my generation in the late 1940s. beenintroducedintoSouthernBaptist we no documented evidence. itdelayedustwomonths—theexact lytoadoptourreporti,twas = My generation was thoroughly in- theology — parameters. This refers Let one example suffice. It was time wewerelate accortdoionurg =a “conservative”thatthis doctrinated in what is generally ac- to limits to our faith or the toLeePorterangTedHed- originalschedule moved from ‘‘Findings’’ to ceptedas Southern Baptist heritage teaching/preachi-nogf it. These quistthattwoCriswellBibleInstitute Somecriticized itsbeing ted “Recommendations.” I said, ‘“‘No, and faith. I realize that with some, parametersshouldnot besonarrow studentsweregiving outballotsata at 9:00 oe on Tuesday.That time sir! Ivotedtoputitin .Ifyou academic indoctrination is a dirty astostiflesoundintellectualpursuits. certain entrance: literally itinrecommendations,Iwantto word. But it mmoletenons teaching Buttheyshouldnotbesobroadasto rantothatentrance, hoping thatifit recorded as voting against both in. a certain way. thern Baptists havenolimitsbeyondwhichonecan weretruehewould theminthe motions.” havesixfineseminaries. were go. Itall —— downtoveep ae er act. Arriving, he:found two nicely One “conservative” said, “‘If it is establishedandarefinanced for the responsibility.TheBaptistF and dressed men. They had no truewhere it is, we should have the purpose of training leaders for Message couldwellbetheguidehere. ballots. werenotCriswellBible guts to it in recommendations.” SouthernBaptist churchesandother Nowletus lookatthePeaceCom- Treplied, “Itisnotaymatterof‘guts’ institutions Peopleofotherfaithsare mittee. Itwascarefullychosensoas Stickers given out that day at the butof‘brains.’Whereitisitisafind- welcomed, but these schools do not tobeabalancedgroupinvolving both Southeastern Seminary luncheon. i If we move it to recommenda- exist for them. How can we train extremes with a middle section to Withproperpeoplewewentintothe itbecomes pect aMagmMarten eet balance between the conservatives matter of seminary faculty. purges, teaching our heritaagend faith? and the moderates. (I do not like onlytofindthattheywerebaseless. a: Iknowthatweshouldteachthemto labels, butweseem tobestuckwith One man, who according to rumors thinkforthemselves.Butweoweitto them. Toward theend ofthe second was one ibility for president of them a young minds into the yearofthePeaceCommittee’swork Golden Gate, said, ‘Present pro- t paths. a leading conservative agreed with blems are the responsibility of the sate resultofall-isthatwea me that these terms are not president and trustees. the veageneration,thegreater ical,butpolitical.) Ihaveserv- process of attrition — resignation, which does not know our Baptist ed on more SBC committees than I retirement,death— Iwouldreplace heritage and faith. This applies to canremember. NeverhaveIserved them with le who believe as I . Hence the recom- both sides ofour controversy. ononewhichwasmoreimportantor do.”’ Thatinvolvesa generation, not mendation thatforthatpurpowesbee Furthermore,mygenerationletthe more conscientious in its work. Of an overnight purge! continued for one more year. The old Baptist Training Union die. We coursewehadourdifferences,butwe On thebasis ofmyserviceon this morningafterourreportwas % lostfourmonthsoutoftheyearwhen spokethetruthinlove. Neartheend sub-committee,myhonestconviction a press interview quot a troversy, immediately s 8 ourcmestudiedourSouthernBap- ofthesecondFowgda leadingconser- isthat,withtheexceptionofcommit- “moderate” as calling us a “police tics and use of inflgamma¢ tist tageand faith. The result is vative said t if the spirit that tee appointments, the things that committee.”Nothingcouldhavebeen 5 , that we have a sad lack concerning developed in that committee could havekeptourConventioninastirare farther from the truth! (SeeSTAGUOTonUpageS8) Som BAPTIST RECORD PAGE 7 s Thursd ay, January 3, 1991 STRATEGIC TIMES Surgery delays Christians behind bars Lozuks’ move e again in the Soviet Union DALLAS (BP) — The arrival of George and Veda Rae Lozuk in Moscow as Southern Baptists’ first resident workers assigned to the But now it’s for a different reason Soviet Union has been delayed. Lozuk underwent surgery Nov. 29 forarecurrenceofprostatecancerin- By Dan Wooding itially treated in 1988. ; In his tatestcolumn, Dan Wooding looks attheamazingturnaround in the Mrs. Lozuk reported that the Soviet Union where, after 70yearsofpersecution, Christiansare notonly no surgery at the Baylor University longer imprisonedfor theirfaith, but are now actually being asked by the Medical Center in Dallas went well Soviet authorities to take the gospel message “behind bars.” anddoctorshopedLozukcouldbegin Tearswelled up in theeyesofthewomen prisoners in a Latvian women’s his assignment in Moscow in mid- prisonastheChristiangardenermovedamongthemhandingoutadaffodil January.TheLozuksweretohavear- to each inmate. This moving scene took place as part of a remarkable rived there in November. evangelicaloutreachthathasbeenencouragedbytheMinistryoftheInterior Lozuk will be the Foreign Mission in Latvia. - Board'sliaisonwiththeprimaryBap- . A Soviet journalist described the incident in this way: “Afterwards the tist body in the Soviet Union, the womentoldmethatthisflower,evenmorethanthewordsaccompanyingthe Union of-Evangelical Christians- gesture,hadmovedthem.Manyofthemhadneverintheirlivesreceivedsuch Baptists. He alsowill assist the new a gift. And, theywenton, even thoughtheydid notyetunderstandmanyof seminary in administrative matters thewords whichpassedoverthemyetthefeelingofwarmth and loveremain- and the Baptist union in launching ed.Thislightremaininginthesoulcouldnotbeconfusedwithanythingelse.” radio broadcasting efforts. The “flowerpower”giftwasfollowedbythebeautifulsingingofaBaptist TheLozuks,ofFortWorthandCor- choir. Onasecondvisit, thevisitorshelda serviceofworship, prayers, and pus Christi, Texas, have been mis- a questionandanswer session, whereeveryone observeda great openness sionaries in South America for 34 to the Word of God. years. Itwasn’tlongagowhenChristianswerebeingimpri ed —nowtheyare His father, the late «Sylvester goingbehindbarstopresentthegospel—with fullsuppofoSorvitet Womeninprison—OlgaPetrova,right,amemberoftheMoscowBaptistChurch, Nicholas Lozuk, was a Russian im- authorities. wag saysgoodbyetoNatasha, aprisonerattheMozhaiskWomen’sPrisonoutsideMoscow. migwhroleadanSlatvicBaptistmis- totakethegospel ThefactthatChristiansarenowbeingactively NatashabecameaChristianafterchurchpeoplestartedvisitingtheprison. Petrova, sioninFortWorth,Texas,for30years; into SoviFet ev government authorities is revealed by Michael activein herchurch'scharityministry, hasvisitedtheprisonanumberoftimesand his mother, Jennie, is a Polish im- Bourdeaux, of College,inhisnewbook,Gorbachev,Glasnost, she and Natasha are good friends. (FMB Photo By Don Rutledge) migrantwhostilllivesinFortWorth. And The Gospel (Hodderand Stoughton, England.) ee eee eee Bourdeauxwrote,“Not Faces and places scaoaguentiy ih.Temeepeeinar udenageesend perpers forthom a it. were prayers intheirownlocalchurches.The officalslatertesttiosfuchianeimd- provementintheoutlookandbehavioroftheinmatesthattheywantedto establishtheseservicesas aregularevent.” ; by Anne Washburn McWilliams eee ee eee See a BaptistsinUkraine. Young Baptists Berezanskycorrec- tivelaborcolonyforthefirsttimeonAug.13,andcondasuervcicetofesondgs, reai prayers,andasermonbyamanwhohadhimselfsatbehindbars 66. - - come before winter” more onceforhisreligiousfaith. Suchwasthe ofthisvisiton atleastoneoftheinmatesthathesent aletterofthankstothowhsohead taken in theservice. “In themainProtestantdenominationshavecometogethertoform _January has arrived. It’s winter- a‘LatvianChristian ’the aimsofwhicharesocialinitiatives andevangelism,”writesBourdeaux. listprisonworkasoneoftheob- Oneofthenew ical Christian ications prianremtarkeabledar- ticle three months laterentitled, “Wi a continuing the story of TheLatvianChristiianMission,says ux. . ‘boldness’oftheofficialsoftheMinistryoftheInteriorinLatviahas given — ety a the gospel 7" — to onae If thereis : you to tosome- suled” one,grant it now. “Come ‘belor t it winter.” ‘ Ifanopportunityispassingby,don't let itgetaway.If it’s important,do it aoa ae teensaoe” IfthevoiceofJesusissayingtoyou, “Cometomeforforgiveonfeyosusr sin,andtakemeasyourSavior,”do itnow. “Comebeforewinter.” IfJesiuss saying toyou,“Goand salihedqapeadntneunahentonat’a nowlivinginSouthernCalifor- cereae somoofASSIST (Aid to SpecialSaintsinStrategicTimes),basedin Hewasbornin Nigeria ofBritishmissionary andistheauthorof23books.Heisalsoacom- mentfoarttheoUrPIRadioNetwork. ~ ad : PAGE 8 BAPTIST RECORD Thursday, January 3,1991 BSSB promotes STATUS QUO psluiree,daalsl p“arretcsoomfmtehnedraetpoonrst.a”r’eeTqouable- i ly important in their place. But one Tom Hudson From page 6 segment should not be applied other Third, keep the controversy out of than as its title indicates. CoNnvAeSnHtiVoInLULnEif—orTmoSmerHieusdsedoint,ora,dhualst alorcealsticllhutrhcehseesa.tTofheautlhoocarlitcyhausrcthheesy PrEoigghrtahm,hdoosntoatgehoilndtthheecCoonotpreorvaetrisyv.e bCfBeoooenronvmkenSnSetaerimrioieeensds/BmUicnabuilrn-e-a g| er yjof the’ ad ult ocdChpeorsneiserse.atst.AePucrnctadohyrerdrtoihunatgthgheHtiolsdoemwrmidyloslch,oirnpbaosttoeiforcuvrJasetp,siruboose-n vuIBisattprebtuyildysiGtsbosaedsl.taiereTrevofeotttrrhayeamivtpnegiertrywttoawhisidtnorh.geivStGeoioausdlttehodheiartnnso- riculumsectiona t thecontroversyhas gotteninto local blessed it beyond measure. Despite theBaptistSunda: churches through the pastor. ourdifferencesthereareotherroads Schoo Board, Fourth, exercise Christian love toward their solution. There are no SBC. (agape) toward one another. We do quickfixestoourproblems. It tooka Hudsonhasbeen not need to agree with another’s life generation to get into them. Itwill editorofadultCUS styletoloveinthissense (Rom. 5:8). takeagenerationtosolvethem. Inthe Sunday School Jesus said that it is by our love for meantimewemustfindways tostay materials for five .eachotherthatpeoplewillrecognize together and work together. yjoeianrisngantdh,e bbeofaorrde Hudson u“sunaistyHiinsdidviescrispilteys”.hRaseamlewmabysermatrhka-t - ofNtihnethS,oauctchoerrdninBgapttoitshteCCoonnsvteinttuitoino,n in January 1986, was pastor of Oak ed our relationship as Southern itspurposeisnottoregulatedoctrine buttoharnessthepowerinourchur- Forest Church inJackson, Miss., for Baptists. 21 years. i Fifth, broadenthebaseofcommit- ches for missions and evangelism. Ist, Amory women make He was selected because of his teeandtrusteeappointments. For 12 Tenth, ifwecontinueonourpresent strongbiblicalskills, ofpastoral years the election of presidents has path God may well turn to another experience, and ability to relate to beentooclosetoconstitutea “‘conser- people. He has never changed His “comfort” dolls for elderly — in a‘caring,‘sensitiave way, vative” mandate. The rule ‘‘To the purpose. But He has repeatedly said Max'Caldwelljudirecter of the victorbelongsthespoils’ shouldnot changedHispeopleinaccomplishing Sunday “School” ~ youth-adult apply in Christian relationships. “Hispurpose. ToquoteDr. GeorgeW. department. Sixth, recognize that the terms Truett,ifthathappenstous, overour The Mission Action Group of Bap- making,manyindividualshavespent Hudson is a native of Jackson, “conservative”and‘‘moderate’’are door will be written, “Ichabod!” — tist Women at First Church, Amory, hoursturningandstuffing,as as Miss.,andisagraduateofMississip- political rather than theological “The glory has departed.’’ God hasbeenbusyforweeksonaspecial sewingandpainting. Extrameetings piCollege.Heholdsamasterofdivini- designations. Like myself, many forbid! project ofmaking,mares,pene. have been called for work nights. ty degree from Southwestern strongly conservative people do not Hobbs is pastor emeritus, First and dressing comfort dolls for “Through the time theprojecthas Seminary and a doctor of ministry identify with either’faction. Church, Oklahoma City, and former residentsoftwohomesfortheelder- beenunderwaythewomenhavehad degreefromNewOrleansSeminary. Of late I read reports of group president, SBC. ly in their area. a feelingofloveandcamaraderieas meetings to talkabout possiblesolu- FreidaColeman, thenchairmanof worked togetherinanticipation tions to our present status quo. But thegroup,concetiheviededafroman ofthepleasuretheywillreceivewhen thoseinvitedareallononesideofthe articleinJulyRoyalServiceinwhich theyseetherecipientsoftheirlabors issue. Decisionsreachedinsuchone- Churches create womenfrom Roanoke, Va.,haddone of love receive the gifts,” said one sidedmeetingswillnotsolveourpro- Man’s capacity for justice makes something similar. member. wholeness through blem. Suchtalks should involve peo- democracy possible; but man’s in- Patterns had»to be blown up, Those unable to understand the ple tingallshadesofthought. clination to injustice makes materials sed and donated, natureoftheirgiftswillnotbeforgot- family relationships Seventh, “‘findings’’ in the Peace democracy necessary. — Reinhold dolls and dresses cut out and sewn, ten but will receive useful gifts of Committee report should not be ap- Niebuhr dollsstuffedand painted — oneside handmade footwarmers orotherap- awake, the other asleep — booties propriate items. By Terri Lackey crocheted,hairandribbonsattached, AftonJonesispresentchairmanof NASHVILLE (BP) — Churches andinspectedfordelivery.Duringthe the group. should play integral, active roles in creating a feeling of family among A members, a seminary professorand family ministry leader agree. “All God's children need a family, andsometimesthefamilieswecreate in a church setting are like foster: families,” said Diana Garland, pro- fessor of Christian social work at SouthernSeminary inLouisville, Ky. Bus Supply Company is your Garlandwasguests forthean- CHAMPION DEALERSHIP nualDecemberfamilyministryplan- ning meetings in Nashville. The offering your area a fine selection of models meetingsweresponsoredbytheSun- Sere, a 4 day School Board'sFamily Ministry from 13 to 29 passenger mini buses. oF Department, ck “Churches ought to be about the Bus Supply Company businessofcreating family relation- ships,” agreedDougAnderson,direc- Hwy. 98 East, McComb, MS 39648 LibertyWMUmembersinvolvedinthe“comfort”dollprojectpicturedlefttoright tor of the board’s Family Ministry (601) 684-2900 1-800-748-8681 areSusan Cash, social directorof ConvaRest, RubyJean Kennedy, Vivian Robin- Department. “Itisimportanttohelp ; son,Vicky Williams, Eloise Garvin, Leora Simmons, Brenda Pierce, and Virginia theunmaandtrhenroliongeermadr- : Costilow. ried to create family-type relation-- MRI lomEMIsSIONBoARDSBC ships. Healthy singles have families The Hannah and Hazel Circles of on the faces of 124 patients was a ofchoiceoutsidethechurch, andwe $7,000,000 WMU at Liberty Church, Newton, blessing, indeed.” shouldbeinthebusinessofcreating decidedthatmaking“comfort”dolls Many of the patients gave their thosetypesoffamilynetworksinside CHURCH LOAN COLLATERALIZED BONDS forthepatientsatConvaRestNursing dolls their own names, and became the church.” ao was a worthwhile project to Among. the resoiirces"the Family with other available funds.of attachedinstantlytotheadorable“tit- Proceeds frorn the sale of the Bonds, ai s tle ones.” Home Mission Board, will be usedto make direct loansto Baptistchurches “Wellworthit,youbetterbelieve!” ) 1 ; strengthen affiliatedwith theSouthern BaptistConventionforthe financingofsitesand saidthewomenofNewton.“Justsee- J. B. Costilow is pastor, Liberty families, Anderetide is the néw theconstructionofbuildi inkeewipthithenBogldMissionThrustemphasis ingthelightintheeyesandthesmiles Church, Newton. Parenting Grace course, “Chris- of the SouthernBaptist vention. tian Self-Esteem: Parenting by Interest onthe Bondswill be payablequarterly. The Bonds will be offered withmaturitydatesvaryingfromeighteen monthstofifteenyearsandthein- January 8, 1991. Your card, letter, Grace.” The course, which recehtly terest rate willvaryfrom 8.5% to 11% depending eae maturitydate as LATEST BILLS and/orcallcouldbethekeytorestor- wasfield-testedbyabout1,500ae set forth in the Prospectus. Minimum is 00. ingthehistoricethicalframeworkof —— tobereleasedin r Copies of the Prospectus may be obtained by calling of writing: From pag4e the state. i. : HOME MISSION BOARD, SBC dum calling for a constitutional Jones is executive director- Christian sex education resources ATTENTION: CHURCH LOANS DIVISION amendment. tmriesassiuorne,r ofMCihsrsiisstsiianppAictioBnapCtoims-t cwiolrldibnegfiteoldAtnedsetresdoinn,twhehosprsianigd, tahce- 1350 Spring Street, NW; Atlanta, GA 30367 HB 164 would prohibit smoking at Convention. “much-needed” materials will be 1-800-HMB-BOND (462-2663) puHblBi1c8h3iwgohuslcdhools. bi_tuseoftobac- rbeeluesaesdedbyinp1a9r9e2.ntTshfeoyratreaecdheisniggCnherdist-o Tsehciusriatnineso.unTcheemeofnfteirsinngeiitshmeradaneofofnelrytobysePlrlonsopreacstoulsi.citationofofferstobuyany ofthese co mai ; The tests of life are to make, not tian values in sex education. . OSBBS2C0E50wouldrevisecertaindefini- break us. Trouble may diidemoulipshhias aduElvtas,ngseinlgilsemadurletsso,uarcnedsfafmoirliseesnairoer BPloeaarsd eCsheunrdcahcLoopaynoCfotlhleatperroaslpizeecdtuBsonfodrst.heS~eriesFissueofHomeMission tions in the obscenity law. This is tlyavailable,hesaid. “Seniors necessary to conform the present aching Seniors,” “Families Name statute torecentcourt rulings. Reaching Families’ and “Every Your attention is needed im- SingleWon”arethe1990-91 emphasis Address mediately. Your representative and availableasevangelism tools, senneaedttooherarfromyoubefore he said. City State the Legislature meets on Tuesday, Lackey writes for BSSB. me oe Just for the Record Feergiey. January 3, 1991 BAPTIST RECORD PAGE 9 Old principles, new techniques needed for ’90s, leaders say >: By Jim Newton and Mark Wingfield enka ceace Ariz. (BP) — In an earlier address, Lewis cited need to make evangelism and per- lewiththegospelinthe six principles Baptists must not for- sonalsoulwinningtheresponsibility ao will require mixing time- sakeindevelopingnewandinnovative ofeverymember, notjustthepastor , honored principles with innovative methods for reaching people in the and staff. methods before the time is too late, 90s. Fourth, Baptists need to focus on = Chapman and Larry Lewis First, Baptists must proclaim the “Christ-centered, Bible-based sai gospelwithcelebrativeworship that redemptive ministries” which meet Chapman,presidentoftheSouthern includesexcitingmusicanddynamic the needsofpeoplein the communi- BaptistConvention,andLewis, presi- preaching “from a red-hot pulpit ty. “I believe the best wayto reach dentoftheSBCHomeMissionBoard, where God’s word is expounded,” peopleistoministertotheirneedsby spoke to state evangelism directors Lewis said. asking, ‘Where do you hurt and how and state mission directors during Hecalledforpastorstobeprophets, can we help?’” adannualmeetings inScottsdale, confrontingimmorality, sinandcor- Fifth, Baptists need to emphasize ruptioninsociety. “Toomany times, byextensionaswellas wnbelievetheharvestiispassingin thepulpitissilentbecausethepastor nsion. “The best way for a _ America;’,Chaptmoaldnthegroup. “I does not want to offend anyone.” ch togrowis startingmissions believeGodiswritingacrossthesky Second, Baptists must emphasize whereverthe eare,”Lewissaid. in boxcar letters: Get right.” quayprogrammingthatincludesin- Hewarnedagainstinnercitychur- DeliveringthismessagetoAmerica epthBiblestudy, discipleshiptrain- ches in transitional communities of Acts, Too, is adrama ministryteam sponsored by the Mississippi State Baptist will require new techniques, Chap- ing,andmissionseducation,hesaid. movingtothesuburbsandleavingthe Student Union. They perform a wide variety of skits for use in church services, man declared, because of rapid Pointingtothetremendousgrowth innercorewithoutaBaptistwitness. fellowships, banquets,revivals,andretreats.Acts,Too,canperformforallagegroups, changes in society. of such mega-churches as the Full besean churches must focus on buttheirmainobjectiveisyouthministry.FormoreinformationwriteBaptistStudent “The profile of America is chang- Gospel Central Church in Seoul, newmissionstoreachracial- Union, P. O. Box BU, Mississippi State, MS 39762 or call (601) 323-5761. Pictured ing,”hesaid. “TheBibleBeltisdisap- Korea, Lewis said Baptists needto ly and ethnically changing com- counterclockwisebeginningatupperleftareMichaelBowers, NewOrleans, La.; Matt pearing. seriously consider the house-church munities, he suggested. Haines,Columbus;JennyCrigler,Columbus; LeighHenry,Vancleave;BethGaydon, To meet the challenge, “the cry of and cell-group approach. ; Newton and Wingfield write for Starkville; Carol Moore, Hixson, Tenn.; Kim Ethridge, Hattiesburg; LauraDanis, ourhearts needstobetohave apas- Third,LewissaidBaptistchurches HMB. le Starkvile; Jon Cooper, Eupora; Dean Johnson, Hunstville, Ala. sion for souls,” he said. “We need to be personal soul winners.” Neshoba calls FORALLTYPESOF School &ChurchFurniture Barker as DOM * Complete stock of chairs, tables, desks and furnishings for Classroom, Library, Sunday LeoV.Barkerhasbegunworkasthe School, Auditorium, Cafeteria and every newdirectorofmissionsforNeshoba School and Church use. County Assoc iation. His office is in EVERYTHINGFOR RSE Ed oe dHeadircraitsevdililtsenCehuwracdhd,itSihoni.ipTahoenRndeswobculialldtienng,irneccleundtelsyacefleelblorwastheidphhoalml,ecaocmhoiinrgroanodm 9P0h3ilaVdaelllpehyiaV,ieawt ATNHDEC SHCUHROCOHL School pr a y¢ Co with a music library, twoclassrooms, and restrooms. The buildingcommittee was Drive. ACKSON MI! presentedplaquesforajobwelldone. LefttorightarepastorDennisE.Allen;chair- Barkermovedto man of deacons, J. P. Dear; committee members, Wayne Leming, Gene Erwin, this position from Hi = if ¥ Charles Lewis, and James Harris, chairman; not pictured, Doug Grantham. the pastorate of BRT First Church,®@ College, Living- AchesandPains ston University, (WhiteWillow) and New Orleans Barker Seminary. East- viewChurch, Meridian, ordainedhim instl storates have included pease urch,EastPhiladelphia Church, andineot Church, plus 4 MaintainHealth~y student pastorates in Kemper and Neshoba counties. aseeemeeservedasamemberof ippi Baptist Convention TuscumbiaChurch,PrentissAssociation, had a note burning on Sept. 9. The I Soundaeae its Executive Commit- churchhas 23acresoflandinthecitylimitsofBooneville.Thepastoriumalongwith tee. Also he has been on the New a newly established cemetery is located on the grounds. Pictured,lefttorightareBenGriffin,pastor; deaconsRonnieHatfield, HoraceHud- CBhuudrgcehtECxopmamnistiitoeneC,oMBmCmBi.taAnttdeptrheee- dieston, Jimmy Bonds, Jimmy Henderson, RonnieChase, David Jones, Lex Cain, 7 (ValerianRoot) 8 (BlueCohoshRoot) 9posterdeewrny-sowrl sent,heis a memberoftheBoardof - Wallace Johnson. Village of thé’Baptist Children’s anneAssociation churches CartervilleChurch,Petal,willhave neBlitz Day on dedicationforitsnewsanctuaryand ‘Heahiswife, theformerBonnie Dee89.FFiifteen participated administrativeandmusicsuite,Jan. Barker, have two sons, Jackie, of in inviting a missionary speaker to 6,at4p.m.EddieL. Hamilton,pastor Philadelphia, and Gary, of Ripley. share abouttheworkontheforeign of Oak Forest Church, Jackson, and 10 pempecse Alpectencsre 1 2 crammbecthor mission fields. The emphasis was president, MBCB, will be the guest ousbytheassociationalWMU speaker. Open house will follow. 12 Healthy Reasons to Send for FREE partment, Mrs. Johnnie Traxler, Leland M. Hogan is pastor. director. Each church was given a 1991 Herbalist Catalog! challengetopromoteand givetothe Herbs!The1991 HerbalistCatalogfeatures Jointhemillionsofpeoplewhohavediscov- Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. H. Some 400 guests and performers over500differentherbsforhelpingyou lead eredthehealthbenefitsofnaturalanddelicious GlenSchillingisdirectorofmissions. gathered at Clarke College for ahealthier,drugfreelife!Theseancientheal- herbteas...withouttheside-efafndeccosttlsy “Christmas On The Circle,” = ershavebeenused forover4000years in doctorbills! Choose fromover500different Aspecial prayer service was held ThiswasanendeavorofChristmas FORSALE: Nineteen15'9"pad- Chinaforhealingandbalancingyourbody’s herbremedies, allbacked byThe Herbalist’s on Monday, Dec. 3 at the National celebrationinwhich10cityandrural ded PEWS — $2,000. Call (601) energy.Heworrksbafelsy&gensotthleyydo famousguarantee-- back are GuardArmory inMendenhfoarlthle churches in Newton County par- nothavedangerousside-effectsonyourbody completely sati 534-2108; (601) 988-2141. asmanydrugsdo. MageeandMendenhall guards who ticipated. Each church prepared a 'T—]VES!SendmemyFREE1901HerbslistCatalogue were called to active d H. Glen Christmasscene,withli around CHURCH PEW CUSHIONS: | "HERBALIST,P.0.Box5DeptEHA1,HammoINn46d32,5 direcotfomrissions,led in thecircularcampus-at Guests ‘Manufactured in our plant. For oo end Se eereae wereservedrefreshimntehnectams- freeestimatecontact—Emmons | Mr/Mre/Me Thetestimonisecsr,i dinpugslisbra,ryandwereusheredaround 4 Brothers,P.0. Box 186,Meridian, special music, and oeprayer thecircleto vieweachscenein- ,Miss. 39301. Since 1899. Phone w ereaninspirationtotheentirecoun- dividually. Lottie.Moon were '(601) 693-4451. we ty, accortoSdchiillningg. acoepied utponcompletionofthe tour. UteAGREEUU How do you lmar the Word? By Ruth N. Allen UNIFORM Jesususestheanalogyoffoursoilstodepict pees 0aeeyOo he eesceedoeee Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 fourtyopfheearesrs.Healsoindictahteceons- causing themtowitheranddie. Thisactionin Jesu s’ use of blesincreaseddramatical- dition of the soil will determine productivity. the blesymbolizes whoallowcares ly in the twelth chapter of Matthew’s gospel. while the recipient (soil) is compelled to In Jesus’day, a sowerusedthebroadcast oftheworldand pursuit ofpleasure and gain ', -&Becauseofthelargenumberandlengthof respond. method. Lacking sophisticated farming im- to dominate. sos parables spoken by Jesus sowerusesonly“good”seed,whichisthe plements,hecarriedseedina pouchorbasket However, some seed fell on good soil! What and his many other ac- Word of God, for good seed guarantees suc- which he broadcast by hand. The seed lay acombination,goodseedplantedongoodsoil! tivities, thedayJesusspoke cessfulresults.Thesower’sobligationistosow where it was cast. It was accidental sowing. Theseedsprangupandborefruitbecausethey theparableofthesowerhas withthe“good”seed;thesoilswillthenrespond Fertileandreadyoll ee othersdidnot, hadrootsandnourishment.Somebroughtforth oftenbeencalled the “busy accordingtocapabilities. Thisconceptisbest and the seed suffered the co: uence. thirty,sixty,andahundredfold.Readerswould | day.”Thisparableisfounda- illustratedinanarticlewhichappearedsome Someseedfellons ground. Birdsdevour- do well to note Jesus was not talking about _ tionaltoChristianlivingand years ago in the Billy Graham Decision ingtheseedimmediatelyenjoyedafreemeal. percentages. Jesus has never allowed for - witnessing. Misunderstan- magazine. The writer’s four steps are as Jesus compared this soil to a cold and indif- anything less than one hundred percent. dingand failuretoheedthe follows: 1. know it in your heart, 2. stow it in ferent person who allows Satan to come and Whetherthesoilproduced thirty, sixtyorone teachingofJesusislesslike- ourmind, 3.showitinyourlife, and4. sow it snatch the Word away before it has a chance hundredfold, production was according to . Ie lyavanveenereneetointer- intheworld.Thiscriteria,whenpracticed,can to grow. capabilities. -. parable,Incompar- ‘become an effective method for sharingthe Otherseed fell upon layers of thin soil. Im- ApartofthestudyofMississippi history is Allen ine soils’productivithye, gospel oftruth inourlives. Therearehomes, mediately plants sprang up but could not en- devoted to the different types of soils. Four issues a call tous to respondaffirmatively to communities and nations which await the dure because there were no roots. Often on areas in Mississippi which exemplify this become productive and useful. witness ofChristians whowill sow the merel televisiondocumentariesonecanseeexamples teachingofJesusare;richDeltasoil,northeast YearsagoIlearnedwhathasbecomeabasic seed. Jesussetthe example as sower, and hi ofrainfallingon parcheddesertland.Through BlackBelt,red hills,andthesandycoastal tenetofmy Christianexperience: Withoutan wordprovidedthe“good”seed. Thosewholove time exposure filming, one can see plants loam. Allsoils buttheyieldvariesim- understanding oftheWordofGodthereis no and follow him assume their roles as sower pes upalmostovernightandthendiejustas mensely. Each luces according toability. salvation, withoutanunderstandingofthe when they diligently present God’s truth in quickly. Such is the person who receives the AmI givingtheWordof God my fair share .WordofGodthereisnoconsecration.Jesusem- everyfacetoflife.The“good”seediseasilyob- Wordwithjoybut, becausetherearenoroots of study and proclamation? phasizesthesameteachingwiththe parableof tainedthrough-prayerandBiblestudyprepared of faith, does not endure. Allen,ofJackson,isthewifeofthepastorof thesower. Thusthesower iscompelled tosow for broadcasting in Christian lives.— ; Stillotherseedfellamongthorns.Thesealso Ogden Church, Bentonia. Count the cost of commitment to Christ By Jerry Vardaman BIBLE BOOK your life. invitationtoenjoythedelightofGod’sbanquet Luke 13:22-14:35 Jesuslivedinadayoflegalism—notfardif- ‘offellowshipwith thosewholovehim andare InthissectionofLuke'sdealingwiththelast ferent from our own age in reality. There are committed to him (Luke 14:15-24). _. ~>monthsofJesus’daysintheflesh, Christsets g ratitude and love. thosewhobelievethatiftheyrestoreallofthe Luke 14:25-35—Commitmentcould crucify fobyrwortdahnd €y lehowwearetolive. Luke13:31-35—Commitmentwillfortifyyour OldTestamentlegalrequirements,itwillplease (and glorify!) your life. ' “It isnottoolateinthisnew life. God (amovementcalled“BiblicalReconstruc- When Jesus saw great numbers following year to resolve again that Herod theTetrarch desired tokillJesus ac- tionism”). This is just misdirected over- him, he gave a warning. Followinghim could Jesus shall come first in cording to the warning of the Pharisees. This simplification. JustasJesusrejectedthenar- bedangerous! Itcouldleadtothedeathofhis your life all the warning did not frighten Jesus or divert him rowinterpretationsofthescribesandPharisees true disciples. days ahead. Jonathan Ed- fromhis missionorschedule. Itis not certain ofhisday,hewouldrejecttoday’splansandpro- Someyearsago, (justafterservingaspresi- wards was right to resolve just where this warning was spoken toJesus. positionsoftheReconstructionists (orNewAge dentoftheBaptistWorldAlliance) GeorgeW. thatGodwouldcomefirstin HerodAntipascontrolledIthetempleafterthe movement). ' si Truett wassent aroundtheworldona tourof vty? hislife,whetherornotany- removalofArchelausinA.D.6/7,andtherefore Look how Jesus instructed us that the Sab- thefar-flungmissionpostsofourForeignMis- one else resolved to do so! frequently came to Jerusalem to oversee the - bath was to be kept — it is permissible and sionBoard.Whenhereturned,hetoldthe story Luke 13:24-30—Commit- functioning of this institution (Luke 23:7), demandedthatwedogoodontheSabbathday! of standing on the very spot where a young é Ye mentsaesatisfy=life. especially at times of festivals like the TheEssenes (extremePharise¢s)ofJesus’day ChineseboygavehislifeforJesus. Itwasdur- Many Jews in time Passover. eventaughtthatifa manfellintoa-wellorpit ingtheBoxerRebellion¢justbefore1900) when Vergennes of Jesus believed that Therearethosewhoareeasilydivertedfrom on the Sabbath, one was not to help him out. zealousChinesenationalistssoughttoexpelall God made theGentiles toserveas cord- somehighcallingorpurpose. Theyareready Jesus’ teachingsoutshine theteachingsofthe foreignersandtheirinfluence.Boxerextremists wood for the flames of hell! The old refrain tochangetheirplansfortheslightestreasons Essenes as the sun outshines a rock of black broke intooneofthe Baptist mission stations wouldHaveexpressedtheiropinionperfectly: ‘insteadofstayingwithatask.Jesusknewthat basalt.Ashislifewastrulybeautifulandlove- and killed every Christian except this 9-year- “Oh, we are among the saved, and you are when he went to Jerusalem he would die ly, whenwefollowhis teachings, ourliveswill oldboy.TheyhadtakenapictureofJesusdown amtohednamegd;There'sroominhellforyou, (13:33),buthewentanyway.Nowontdhaettrhe reflect the same beauty. ; fromthewallandthreetimesaskedtheboyto we can’t have heaven crammed!” threatsofHerodAntipas didnotfazehim.Sad- Note some. “beauty marks’ of true stepon thefaceofJesus. Each time herefus- Jesuspuncturedthisfalseballoonofanidea ly, we live in a day of “Charlie McCarthy” Christians: ¢ ed, and they finally killed him. by saying that no one could be saved on the Christians.Whatsomepowercliquetellsuswe TrueChristianswillbefriendstotheneedy, What would you do? May God grant us the basisofrace, pride,ortradition.TheJewshad should believe, do, or say, we say, we believe, poor, and physically disabled, inviting them will to live up to Jesus’ challenge, abeliefthatA statotheogatdesofhell andwedo! Jesuswasguidedbythewillofhis throughthefrontdoor(Luke14:13).TrueChris- “... Whosoever doth not bear his cross and andwouldnot suffaenrIsraetloeinttere.Jesus heavenly Father, not thrown off track by tianswilbecharacterizedbyhumility,aspirit comeafterme, cannotbemydisciple,” (Luke assertedthatnoonewouldgotoheaven simp- hypocriticalPhariseesnorby Antipas, a pup- of service, and an esteem for others a 14:27)... lyonthebasisofbeinganIsraelite—onemust pet ruler whose reign was soon to end. themselves (Luke14:7-9).TrueChristianswill Vardaman isprofessorofarchaeology,Miss. accept Jesus as Lord and serve him out of Luke 14:1-14 — Commitment will beautify readilyacceptopportunitiesforserviceandthe State University. Repentance provides rele ase fromsin’s enslavement By Benny Still eventhe “devilsbelieveandtremble.” Forthe weconvtoeChrristt.LetushelpournewChris- New Year’sJroeshonlu8t:i2o1-n2s7h,a3v1e-3a6lways baffled LIFE AND WORK...Christian, “believe”meanstotrustinGodcom- tianfriendsknowwhattheirresponsibilitiaerse ly; it’smorethan just theknowleidnoguer aschildrenoftheoe Bydiscipling me.Whymakethemifyoucannotkeepthem? ds. We.Christians havetheassurancethat themwewillbetruetothewoorfJedsussas tied Uematbieakns geee _wearéfree from the penalty of sin: death in we “hold to his teachings” and “really be his a i twe ‘us from recognizing whoJesus is and accep- “hell.Butwe have a terrible timetryingtobe disciples” (vs. 31). havelittleornointentionof tingthetruthofhiswords. >» freefromthelittlesinsforwhichwefailtotruly Jesussaid, “Anyonewhosinsisaslavetosin” _ When the lost man repents of his sin of. ‘repent.Youknowthe ones I mean,thosethat (vs. 34). Slavesbelongtotheirownersandare famousforourhymn, “IAm unbeliefand trusts Jesus for the salvation of we don’twant God to know we're involved in. oo with doing oon work taskson Resolved” which we sing hissoul,alliswell—orisit? Hehasjustbeen Surprise! Healreadyknows aboutthemandhe irmasters. Theyhavenopermanent place withgustoonthefirstSun- absolvedforthatwhichhaskepthimfromhis deswpantseustrocoanfeststheemtolhimyso in the family forwhom they work. They have dyofeachnewyear.Wesay God.Istherenowanotherhurdletocross? we can havea right relationship with him veryfew, ifany, privileges, andarenotallow- Armedwith hisnewfoundfaith,thisnewcon- again.Perhapstheadage“God blamedfor ed to take any initiative to do anything other vertnowhastofacethedaily tionsthat lotsofthings asnoting 0 with”applies thanwhattheyaretold. Assuch, theirspirits Satan throws his way. It is this sin that here.Turningourbacksonour “littlesins”may are dead. 4 createsabarrierbetweenthehea’ Father beasdangeroauss prettheanttdhiernatg- Theson, on theotherhand, belongs forever ty, “No siree!Iw andhisearthlychildThrisesinni.nthelifeof tlesnake coiledup behind you won’t strike! tohis family. He is givenall the hte of luped the sin of this theChristian ourrelationshipwiththe Whiatajoytobe free! Jesussaid, “Ifyouhold hisinheritance.Heisalltooewxerecidse his in- worlda ore!”Then,beforewekniot,wwe Father, muchlikethatwhichoccurs when a to my teachings, you are really my disciples. have succtouthemtembptaetiodns “that child isdisobedietnota parWeenneetdt.o Thenyouwillknowthetruth,andthetruthwill i2t.iative anhdis riedaeacshannedwdrheeaimgsht.sHiass shpieritimi-s so easily beset us” (Heb. 12:1). recognizethatoursincanbe forgivenandour setyoufree” (vss.31aBei-ngs3etf2ree)mea.ns alive! willtellusthatsinseparmaantferosm relationshipwith the Father can be restored. . turnedloose. Haveyoueverwonderedwhatit Whata contrast!Whatajoytoknow thatwe iGtosdi.nTihnagtenmeernalstihnaitscafroregetohneeacgoanpctolrusoeinoens.siIns uItltiism,atheolwyevdeert,e-rtmhienesitnheofunubnebleileiveefr’sthdaetstwiinlyl Jweosuulsd?”meTahinnkfoorfyiot!uWtiollbethe“tLuorrndedevleoros“etufronr aarsesufrraenecefrthoamt tfhoergpiveennaelstsy forfosmindaailnydshinavies inparticularthatkeepsusfromourGod?Jesus in hell (vs. 24). us loose” for him if we are not really his ourswhenweconfessittotheFather.Godreal- utnolledstshe Phabreilsieeevsediinnthhiims w“teheeky’swoluelsdsoinndteheadt daCgheriosftsiian,nsbuhtavneowbheeernesienttfhreeeWofrrodmofthGeodbodno- diTsociopmleasnyinotfhuesfhirasvtepbleaecen?jeIrdkoeudbitnitth!e fro«nt ly dmo.esAnwdanhtetwoilmledeotjuosutrtnheaetdass,weveersyheosnheiomf r die in their sins” (vss. 21, 24). It is then that wefindthatas aresultofourfreedomwehave doorofourchurches andbeenbaptized outthe to set us free from the enslavement of sin. es ublsocfksroomurGspotidhr.eitSIuatvailiosuurnt,hdJateessurassmChetriausantnnb,dedslpeiripeeafrvreatinthteagsst Goarveleiarctte!hneWsehdeatvotilsasidnvo.afnWthaeeglel?saJydaowmeeesstbh2ea:lt1i9ebevtleeilelifsn-guJisevsteuhusa.st bssiaincn’oksfaettnrtasdlhiaetviseoamnmeaensttiw,emltehl.eaInnfdwwseeeewmkouutslotddbriesepcfieprnleteeotffhrotoshmee vBialSpltteiilCslhtiusMrmicishns,iisoWtnoe.ordvoiflmlues,iacnadnpdaysotuotrhofatAWdoaomds- . *

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